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Crazy For You

Page 5

by Tory Baker

  One Month Later

  “Are you sure you’re okay with working on your weekend off?” I question Devon for the millionth time this week.

  “I’m positive. I wouldn’t have offered if not. Plus, a few of the workers could do with the extra hours.” He brings my hand that he’s holding to his mouth and kisses it. We’ve spent every waking hour together; well, besides while we’re working. Even then, he’s sneaking his way to the shop for lunch, and I brought him food one night when he had to stay at the office late to work on the plans for my mother’s pergola. I rolled my eyes at that. She’s never asked for this before, so I’m wondering if my Aunt Mira got it into her head that she should do it.

  He even picked up everything my parents would need, supply-wise, leaving them with nothing to buy. Something I’m sure they’d bitch about.

  “Okay, Mom and I will probably make everyone lunch, so no complaining,” I tell him. He doesn’t complain if I make him food, but he likes to be the one to pull his wallet out for everything.

  “I won’t say anything.” He holds his hands up in mock defeat.

  Dad has the back gate open, so we make our way around to the back where we see all of the lumber that’s been dropped off.

  “Oh my goodness, do they know you paid for this yet?”

  “No, and you can keep your pretty lips sealed about it, too,” he says with a smile. He knows my parents; they don’t like handouts of any kind.

  “You are in so much trouble.” Devon wraps me up in his arms, stealing not only the breath out of me, but also taking me off my feet and spinning me in a circle.

  “Ahem.” My dad clearing his throat has us stepping away from each other like we were caught sneaking in.

  “Hey, Daddy.” I step away from Devon to give him a hug.

  “Hello, Mr. Delaney.” Devon shakes his hand, but my dad pulls him in for one of those manly hugs.

  “Hell, I think you can call me Tony by now.”

  Mom comes bustling out. She doesn’t look her age, not a day over thirty, yet she’s in her mid-forties. I hope I can age as gracefully as she has. “Hi, baby. Hi, Devon, and like Tony said, it’s past time you call us by our names, not this formal nonsense.” She kisses my cheek and gives Devon a hug. “Call my Sydney. I can’t thank you enough for helping Tony build the pergola.”

  I roll my eyes. She’s laying it on thick; my father can’t say no to her about anything.

  “No problem. Are you ready?” he asks my dad.

  “Yep, you girls stand watch and look pretty.” That’s something Daddy has said on more than one occasion. I roll my eyes, go to Devon and give him a quick kiss, and step back.

  “Mom, let’s set up some lawn chairs and watch,” I offer. Today, I’m in a pair of shorts, a tank top, and my signature trucker hat with my hair pulled through.

  “Sunblock,” Devon counters over his shoulder.

  I watch him put on a tool belt, his arm muscles flexing as he does, and I lick my lips in appreciation before smarting off, “Yes, sir.” He turns around, and when I see the smirk playing on his lips, I store that away for a later date.

  We sit in the lawn chairs, under an umbrella, me with sunscreen on, a cold glass of lemonade in my hand, while I watch Devon the entire time. Even when he’s on the roof, securing the beams to the rafters, my heart pounds in my chest, worried out of my mind that he’ll fall.

  “What time is your appointment next week?” I’m knocked out of my gaze when Mom asks me that.

  “Mom, could you be any louder? It’s next Monday at nine o’clock in the morning,” I murmur quietly. I wanted to let Devon know about it tomorrow, when it was just the two of us, but knowing how my mom’s voice carries, all of Las Vegas has heard her now.

  “Who’s going with you?”

  “I’m hoping Devon will,” I reply.

  “Devon will what?” His shadow hovers over us.

  “Thanks, Mom,” I grumble. “I’m hoping you’ll go with me to my cardiologist appointment.” I swallow as I wait for his response. My mother scurries off to my dad. He’s looking at her with a look of misunderstanding, but I don’t hate her, not at all. It just makes things harder on Devon.

  His knees visibly buckle, and he falls to his knees in front of me. I take his hands in mine. “Why do you need to see the cardiologist?”

  “I was hoping to have this conversation tomorrow, with just the two of us, but since that can’t happen…” I look at my parents, and my dad nods. “A couple of years ago, I was stressed to the max, chugging caffeine left and right. Well, my heart didn’t like it. So, after months of testing, they confirmed I have heart palpitations. To calm down, I need to be as stress-free as possible and to limit caffeine. Which is what I’ve been doing. I’ve been great for well over a year now; this is just my yearly visit. I’d like for you to go with me.”

  “I wish like hell you would have told me earlier. I stressed you out before.” He wiggles his eyebrows, and I know the moment he’s talking about is when I went on my rant that was forever and a day long.

  “That didn’t stress me out. It was back when I was surviving on caffeine while opening the shop.” I blow out a breath of air.

  “Promise me right now, you’re okay, and you’ll let me know right away if you’re not okay? I need that from you, please.” My big strong man is brought to his knees in worry. If this is what he needs, then I’ll give it to him.

  “Of course. I love you, Devon.”

  “I love you, baby,” he murmurs before kissing me softly.

  “You’re awfully hot while you work. I’m getting flick the bean material,” I make a joke to lighten up the situation as he goes to stand, but it does the opposite. He falls on his ass in a fit of laughter, bringing me with him.

  “Okay, you two, Devon needs to get back to work.” I hear my dad chuckle.

  Devon gets up first, then helps me. “Don’t be upset with your mom, baby. She meant well.” he kisses my forehead.

  “I’m not, but goodness. I wish she’d use an inside voice more often,” I respond. He laughs, slaps my ass, and then marches off.

  I sit back in my chair, grab my glass of lemonade, and fix my hat. My mom comes back shortly. “I really am sorry. I thought you would have told him by now.”

  “It’s okay, no apology necessary. I should have, but we’ve been in our own bubble, and I know Devon will be on me like white on rice now, which is okay. I just wanted normalcy for a little bit longer, you know?” She nods, and we read our magazines she brought out earlier until our stomachs start growling. Then we head inside to make sub sandwiches, grab some chips, and fix vegetable and fruit trays. I look at all the food and shake my head, but take it out to the table she set up before everyone came over. She’s always feeding the world, I swear.



  Today is the day Michelle has her cardiologist appointment, the one we’ll be late to if she doesn’t get her ass in gear.

  “Babe, we need to leave in fifteen minutes,” I remind her.

  “Devon, come here,” she calls out.

  I head right into the master bathroom. The counters are spotless, so I can’t see what she’s looking at. “What’s wrong?” My hands find her hips, my chin resting on her shoulder when I see the test in front of her.

  “That’s two lines, right?” she responds. “Oh my gosh, Devon. We’re going to be parents,” she squeals out.

  Then I’m turning her in my arms, needing to see her eyes, letting her see the love reflected in my eyes. “Hell yes, we are, and we’re going to be the best parents ever.” Tears are shimmering in both of our eyes.

  “Thank you so much, Devon.” I’m not really sure why she’s thanking me, when it should be the other way around.

  I get down on my knees before her, lift up her shirt, and kiss the skin that will soon be stretched with our growing child.

  “Baby, we’re in this together. Now and forever, but we really need to get to your doctor, now more than ever,” I reply, hatin
g like hell to leave our nest of cozy celebration.

  “I know. This sucks. I want to stay home instead of going to Dr. Marlow’s.” Her attitude shines when she doesn’t want to do something.

  “It won’t be that bad, and I’ll take you for a drive and tacos after. Sound like a plan?” I suggest, getting us moving.

  “I guess so.” She’s still grumbling. Little does she know that, after this appointment, I’m going to make all of our hopes and wishes come true.

  We make it to the Cardiologist with minutes to spare. When they take Michelle back, I pace the entire time. In my heart, I know there’s nothing wrong with her; telling that to my brain is another thing entirely.

  Thirty minutes later, Michelle is grabbing my hand, leading me to a room. I have so many questions to ask, but the doctor is already waiting for us when we get in there.

  “Everything looks and sounds normal, Michelle. I don’t see any new issues, but I’m sending you for bloodwork just the same. May as well check it all out. You know the rules. If you get dizzy, lightheaded, or if you feel your heart rate beat irregularly, go straight to the hospital. Also, get to an obstetrician. They’ll be monitoring you as well, so don’t be alarmed if they ask you to come in more than usual. They may even put you at high risk. I don’t think you’ll have any complications, though.”

  “Thank you, Doc,” Michelle says.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Dr. Marlow shakes Michelle’s hand and then mine before walking out of the room.

  “Thank fuck,” I groan when he gives her a clean bill of health. Ever since she told me about this appointment, sleep has been nonexistent. I held her tighter, and my next breath was held longer than before. For someone who said she tossed and turned, fought off imaginary beings in her sleep, she sure doesn’t have that problem now—as long as I’m in bed with her, or Duke, the chocolate lab we got together last week. Michelle wanted to adopt from the local animal shelter, but when I let one of my co-workers know we were looking, he said he had one last puppy in his litter if we wanted to take a look. We fell in love with the little stinker at first sight, though he still likes to eat our shoes entirely too much. On the days I have to stay late at work and Michelle is alone, it gives me comfort that he’s with her. He’s usually curled up beside her, passed out.

  “I told you there was nothing wrong.” She jumps off the exam table, sits in my lap, and I hold her. I know tonight will be the night I ask her to be mine, forever.

  “I know, but it’s still nice to be reassured. What do you say we get that food you were asking for?” Her eyes light up, and I know just where I’m taking her. After that, I’ll take her home and show her just how happy I am with her.

  “As long as it includes tacos, I am there for it. If not, sorry. I’ll walk home.” She laughs. She knows better than that, though.

  “Yeah, fucking right, good try. We’ll get some tacos and go for a drive.” I help her off of my lap.

  “I had a feeling you’d see it my way.” She smiles, her eyelashes fluttering, and she has me.

  “That sweet smile will get you everywhere, beautiful.” My hand goes to her hip as we walk out of the doctor’s office. I can’t wait to see my ring on her finger tonight.



  True to Devon’s words, we got tacos. We’re back where we first started all those months ago. I can’t wait ‘til our little one can come with us, and I really hope he or she likes tacos as much as I do.

  His hand, that’s usually on my hip has found its way to my stomach, like there’s an imaginary bump there.

  “What do you think your parents will say?” he asks.

  “I’m pretty sure my mom will have the baby shower planned out in five-point-two seconds, and my dad will be getting his guns ready regardless if it’s a boy or a girl. He had no problem cleaning his gun when I was a teenager, and if we bless him with a boy, he’ll show him how to protect any younger siblings we give him.”

  “I can see that; how many do you want?” he responds, his chin on my shoulder. The taco stand is busy for it being a Monday.

  “I’d like at least three, but we’ll have to see what the doctor says. But if only one is in our plans, we could adopt?” I test the water.

  “I like that idea, regardless if we can have more or not. There are plenty of children that need love. I think we have plenty to give, too,” he responds. The line moves slowly, and I swear my stomach rumbles with every step we get closer to the counter.

  “Man, I ate breakfast this morning, but tell that to my stomach.” I chuckle.

  “Presley was like that when she was pregnant with Noah. Lincoln said she’d have to eat several small meals a day.”

  “Poor Presley. Shit, what am I saying? Poor me. These Andersons are hard to grow. This may put things on hold for us to go visit them in Florida,” I tell him.

  “That’s okay. We can Zoom, Skype, or whatever. They’ll understand, and if anything, they can come out this way. Presley loves it in Vegas, but she’d never move here. She’s firmly entrenched in Florida, and so is Lincoln’s bar.”

  “I can’t say that I blame her. Home is where the heart is. I couldn’t imagine leaving Vegas either.” We finally make it to the counter, and Devon orders our food, this time more food than we did before and extra waters.

  I look over my shoulder at him with a bewildered look on my face. “I need to keep you and our baby hydrated.” He shrugs his shoulders, making me remember he watched Lincoln do this with Presley.

  I grab the waters while Devon grabs our food, then we walk to the truck. He helps me up onto the tailgate before situating himself beside me. The weather isn’t as nice as it is in the evening, so I know we won’t be here for too long.

  “Oh, God,” I moan, biting into my first taco.

  “Oh yeah, better than my tongue?” Devon asks. I almost spit out my food.

  Once I compose myself, I say, “Nothing is as good as your tongue. Well, maybe your cock.” My hormones are ramping up just talking about his cock and mouth.

  “That’s good to know, or I’d have to take your taco privileges away.”

  “That’s what she said,” I come back with, causing us both to snort.

  I lie back in the bed of his truck after eating my tacos and chugging my water, and Devon does the same. His right hand finds mine, and he lazily glides his fingers up and down mine. My eyes close, loving the sensation of us lying here, basking in the heat.

  “Michelle.” I snap my eyes open; Devon is leaning on his elbow, his body propped up.

  “Hey,” I breathe out, seeing the desire blazing in his eyes, but also a nervousness about him. I really hope his past isn’t making an appearance. We’ve talked about his past with that obnoxious snot. I swear, if she followed a friend that told her to jump off a cliff, I’d be cheering them on to do it. I know that seems harsh, but when someone hurts the person you love more than anything in this world, you hurt for them.

  “Can I have your hand?” I place my hand in his. What he does next is so unexpected, my breath hitches. He slides on the most beautiful ring I’ve ever laid eyes on. The gold band with the princess cut solitaire steals my breath, and when he slides it on my ring finger, I know I’ll never take it off.

  “Is this what I think it is?”

  “I’m screwing this all up. I need you, Michelle, now and forever. I want you to have my last name, be my soulmate, the mother to my children, to grow old with me, and never leave my side. Will you marry me?”

  By the time he gets the last word out, I’m launching myself into his arms, peppering his face with kisses. “Yes, Devon. I’ll be yours now until eternity.”

  He lies back, bringing me with him, and our lips meet. We’re a tangled mess of tongues, both wanting so much more than what we can do out here in the desert sun. That doesn’t stop me from grinding down on his erection, though it’s only for a moment. Devon stops me before I can get started. Instead, he does an ab curl, sliding off of the back of t
he truck with my body still wrapped around his, and then he deposits me in the passenger seat of the truck.

  “Hmph,” I protest.

  “Baby, I’m not letting you come until you’re naked with just my ring on your finger.

  “Well, when you put it that way, what are you waiting for?” I move my legs, and he shuts the door, then takes care of our trash and raises the tailgate before sliding into his seat, and that’s when the fun really begins. I flip up the center console, slide over, put my seatbelt on, and my fingers tease him the entire time he’s driving. When we pull onto the road that turns into his neighborhood, I unbuckle his pants, needing his length in my hand. Devon helps me, somehow while still driving, albeit slowly. My hand encompasses his dick, and I slowly jerk him, even when I want him in my mouth.

  The moment he pulls into his driveway, I yank off my seatbelt, settling on my stomach, and bring his length into my mouth. Devon’s fingers twist in my hair, guiding me like he does every time I suck him.

  “Fuck, you have me on the edge already.” My mouth loses him.

  “Again? I remember another time you pulled me off when I was sucking your cock,” I grumble.

  “Michelle, you’re coming with me.” He gets out before dragging me with him, my legs wrapped around him like always.

  “I guess that will work.” I smile while saying it because we’re both winners that way.

  “Oh, you have no idea what I’m going to do to your hot little body,” he grumbles before I land flat on my back on the couch, and let me tell you, Devon makes good on his promise. I come twice before he finds his release, leaving me in a state of fuck-drunk that I would really love to stay in forever.



  Eight Months Later

  My heart is nearly beating out of my chest. Michelle woke up this morning, dizzy, with swollen ankles, and dazed. She didn’t even realize it. I saw the way she wasn’t as coherent, and my first thought was her heart; my second thought was our child. She’s been so careful the entirety of her pregnancy, so much so that she went down to three days a week at the salon.


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