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Trust [The Angel Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 1

by Maggie Walsh

  The Angel Pack 4


  When Raith Angel, beta for the Angel Pack, returns home to find his mate standing in his kitchen he can’t believe his luck. But then the ocelot shifter, Dr. Aaron Collins, opens his mouth and all he ends up doing is insulting his mate. Aaron is a genius and he knows it. The arrogant doctor angers Raith and the two clash from the start. As they get to know each other they realize they do have one thing in common.

  One night they go to a BDSM club to explore their common interest when they stumble upon a human submissive who is being treated poorly be his Dom. They realize that the cute human is their third mate, Rory Franklin. But Rory’s Dom won’t let him go that easily. When Raith returns home, close to death after confronting the Dom, Rory runs away to keep his mates safe. It is up to Aaron to save Raith, so Raith can save Rory in time. Or will Aaron lose them both?

  Note: This book contains double anal penetration.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 66,728 words


  The Angel Pack 4

  Maggie Walsh



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove


  Copyright © 2014 by Maggie Walsh

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-723-7

  First E-book Publication: December 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To my children, for their ever present love and support. You are truly in every breath I take. I live for you.

  To my sisters for always being there for me. Your encouragement, love, and support mean more to me than I can ever say.

  To my readers, thank you so much for reading my books and for all your encouraging words. You have made my dream a success and for that I am eternally grateful.

  To Ryan, your humor and bright smile always pick me up when I am down. No matter what life throws at me, I know I can count on you to cheer me up.

  And of course a special thank you to Richie. You helped make all this possible. Without all your love and support, as well as all the technical help you give me, I wouldn’t be doing this. You inspire me.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  About the Author


  The Angel Pack 4


  Copyright © 2014


  “Thanks for meeting with me, Raith. Close the door behind you,” Micah said to Raith as he stepped into his office. His Alpha looked worried about something and that made Raith very nervous. He closed the door and stepped further into the room. “Have a seat,” Micah said from behind his desk.

  Raith sat in the chair in front of Micah’s desk. He was getting a strange feeling from this. “What’s up, Alpha?”

  “That problem we took care of in New York is still a problem,” Micah sighed and ran his hands down his face.

  “What? How? We killed all those fuckers,” Raith said as he sat up straighter.

  “Apparently we didn’t get them all. Remember Blaze stayed behind to keep an eye on things for a while?” Micah said and waited for Raith to nod his agreement. “Well, one scumbag was out sick that day and he’s making a lot of noise about a secret meeting that Boone had with a Mr. Calebrese. Blaze tried to get to him to shut him up, but the bastard disappeared. I need you to go up to New York and hunt around. Dante needed Blaze for another assignment so I need you to go take care of this.”

  “Of course, Micah. When do you need me to leave?” Raith asked.

  “Right away. I don’t want this guy left out there for too long. We need to get rid of him,” Micah said.

  “But what about going out west for the doctor? I thought you wanted me to fly out there to get him for Taylor?” Raith asked.

  “I’m gonna send Bass. He can handle getting Nicco, Alex, and Sky there and returning with the doc. I’m sending them tonight, so hopefully we’ll be able to get some help for Taylor quickly.”

  “Okay, Bass is a good choice. He can keep his head about him if any problems come up. I’ll go check flights for New York and start packing,” Raith said as he stood up.

  “Oh and, Raith?” Micah’s words stopped him. “When you find him…” Micah gave Raith a pointed look. Raith nodded his understanding and left the room.

  I need to get this over with quick so I can be back to see what the doc can do for Taylor. If things go to shit, Micah will need to be there for his mate and Gabriel wil
l need everyone. This sick bastard needs to die for the things he did to Jesse and Taylor, along with those other boys they found being held there.

  * * * *

  “Where are you, Raith?” Micah’s voice came through the line.

  “Virginia. This prick is moving. I’m a few hours behind him. He’s heading to Richmond. I should be able to catch him there,” Raith said into his headset as he put his blinker on and then turned.

  “Good. Then you can get your ass back here,” Micah sighed.

  “What’s the update on Taylor? What does the doc think?”

  “He’s going to start Taylor off with some of Gabriel’s blood tomorrow. Then operate the next day. I was able to get everything he needed. Including an MRI machine.”

  “How did you pull that off?” Raith chuckled.

  “I have my ways,” Micah said and Raith could hear the smile in his voice.

  “So does this doc think he can save Taylor?” Raith asked then cursed when traffic snarled to a standstill. “Shit.”

  “What?” Micah asked.

  “Traffic. So what’s the word from the doc?”

  “He’s confident he can pull this off. Cocky little fucker.” Micah laughed.

  “What do you mean?” Raith asked and rolled his window down, sticking his head out to try to see what the holdup was.

  “He’s very…confident,” Micah hedged.

  “Well that’s good isn’t it? Although from the way you said confident, I guess there’s something else,” Raith said, then sighed at the traffic.

  “He’s a pain in the ass. He’s conceited, egotistical, self-righteous, and a know-it-all. But, he’s good at what he does. So we’ll just have to bite our tongues while he’s here.” Micah sighed.

  “Well he is an actual doctor. Most of them have that ‘I’m God’ attitude. If he can save Taylor then it’s all good,” Raith said as he rubbed his hand across his chin.

  “Yeah, you can say that. You’re not here dealing with him. Both Cass and Crew are ready to string him up by his toes,” Micah said as he chuckled.

  “Well, hopefully I’ll be there in time for Taylor’s surgery.”

  “I hope so, too, brother, because if something goes wrong, Gabe is going to need all of us. He claimed Taylor today,” Micah said with a smile in his voice.

  “That’s great. It’s about time. Tell them both I said mazal tov.”

  Micah laughed at Raith’s words. “Since when are you Jewish?”

  “Shut up, you know what I mean, ya ass.” Raith laughed.

  “Yeah, I do. Just get your ass back here as soon as possible,” Micah said.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m working on it. Give that sexy mate of yours a kiss for me,” Raith said with a mischievous grin. He knew it would set his best friend off.

  “Get your own. Leave my mate alone.” Micah growled and Raith laughed.

  “Maybe someday, but until then I can tease on you and your mate.” Raith laughed.

  “Bite me.”

  “That’s what he said.” Raith continued to laugh at his friend.

  “Just get home.” Micah sighed.

  “I’ll be there. Goodnight, Micah,” Raith promised.

  “Goodnight, brother, and be careful.”

  “Always,” Raith said and disconnected the call. He needed to get this over with. Not only did he want to be there for Taylor and Gabe, but he had a feeling that Micah would need him too if anything happened to Taylor. He sighed. “Okay, you sick fucker, where are you?” Raith spoke to the empty car.

  Chapter 1

  The gates swung open and Raith let out a long sigh. He was home. But it wouldn’t be for long. That sick bastard was gone by the time Raith got there. But he had a lead that the guy was headed to Georgia. He took his foot off the brake and gave the car some gas. The car rolled through the gates, down the driveway. He glanced in the rearview to make sure the gates closed behind him. He didn’t make it in time. He was so pissed. Taylor was having his surgery right now. He had hoped to make it back by last night, but he got delayed in Richmond. The fucker spotted him and took off. Damn traffic got in the way and he lost him. He spent most of the night driving around searching for the bastard, but he couldn’t find him. He couldn’t fail. He needed to find this man…huh, this animal…no that was an insult to his kind. This fucker was evil. He didn’t want to put him in the same category as human or animal. What this sick fuck did to Jesse and Taylor, along with those other boys, made Raith’s blood boil and his stomach retch. He needed to be stopped.

  Raith was crazy about Jesse and Taylor. He and Jesse were becoming the best of friends since the sexy human came to live at the pack house. He was amazed at Jesse’s strength and fierceness. To have gone through all the horrors that he had to endure and still come out with a heart of gold in the end was inspiring to Raith. Jesse basically raised himself, his parents were never around, and then they threw him out with nothing to his name when he told them he was gay. He traveled around with Taylor, living in his car, taking any crap job they could get, starving most of the time. Then they were held captive and raped, forced to prostitute themselves in the hopes that someday it would free them. They escaped and ran, begging for money from strangers and landing in Atlanta, just to find a boyfriend who thought he owned Jesse and beat him. Then they escaped again.

  Damn, these two small humans, his new brothers, were two of the strongest people Raith had ever had the pleasure of knowing. And fierce. Even though Jesse was only human and a lot smaller than the members of the inner pack, he didn’t let that stop him. Micah was one of the biggest men Raith had ever known, in human and wolf form, but he didn’t intimidate Jesse. How they made it work with their height difference Raith didn’t know, but they did. He didn’t even want to think about the logistics of when they were in bed together. It really wasn’t that bad, Jesse was about five foot seven, five foot eight, and Micah was six foot ten. A foot and a few inches was nothing. They were so completely in love that they made it work. Gods he hoped he had that, too, someday.

  Raith sighed as he parked the car out front. He wouldn’t be home too long so putting the car away was a waste. He would stay long enough for Taylor to get out of surgery and make sure he was okay, and then he had to get going again. Micah was counting on him to take out the trash and he wouldn’t let his Alpha down. He wouldn’t let Taylor or Jesse down. Gods, he loved these two humans. They came into all their lives and made it better. Taylor with his enthusiasm, quick wit, snarky comments, and fun personality, and Jesse with his beautiful soul, calming nature, and fierce personality. If he considered you one of his friends or his family then he would stop at nothing to defend and protect you. It didn’t matter to him that he was a human living in the paranormal world now, if someone said or did anything against any of them, Jesse took off after that person without a thought to his personal safety. Raith chuckled at the memory of Jesse taking off over the breakfast table to rip Thomas apart. The little human was pissed that Thomas insulted Taylor and he was going to physically rip him a new one. Luckily for Thomas, Micah grabbed Jesse and held him back. Jesse never would have been able to really hurt Thomas, but he would have tried, and if Thomas fought back in any way, Micah would have ripped his limbs off.

  Raith climbed the steps to the front door. Thomas. He sighed. He really hated that he had to kill his pack brother, but the wolf was a threat to their Alpha mate. He tried to kill Jesse and almost killed Micah. He needed to be put down. Raith opened the front door and entered the house. All was quiet, but he heard soft mumbles coming from the kitchen. He closed the door behind him. Please, Gods, please heal Taylor. Don’t let us lose him. He walked down the hall and stepped into the kitchen.

  Everyone was there. Jesse was sitting on Micah’s lap as Micah held him and caressed up and down Jesse’s back in comfort. His pack brothers were spread out around the room, all looking nervous. His attention turned to Gabriel, who was pacing the floor. He looked so tired and scared. His hair stuck up at all angles as if he had
been running his hands through it for hours. Everyone turned to look at him as he entered and he saw a lot of his brothers sigh in relief and relax a little at his return. He shifted his gaze to his Alpha. “I got back as soon as I could. Any news yet?” Raith asked as he moved closer to Gabriel.

  “No, nothing yet,” Micah answered.

  Raith stepped in front of Gabriel and Gabe stopped and looked at him. Raith pulled Gabriel into a hug and pulled back, looking at him but keeping his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. “How are you holding up, buddy?”

  “I’m fine. I’m just worried about my mate,” Gabriel said in a strained voice.

  “From what Micah told me, this doc is the best. I’m sure everything is going as planned,” Raith said confidently.

  “I wish I had that same confidence, Raith,” Gabriel said and ran his hands down his face.

  A door opened from down the back hall where Taylor was being operated on. Everyone looked toward the hall holding their breaths. Jesse froze, his eyes looking at the hall in anticipation. Micah wrapped his arms tighter around Jesse, kissing the nape of his neck in comfort. A little guy walked out of the hall still in his green scrubs. He looked tired. His eyes searched out Gabriel and he walked to him. Raith could see Jesse holding his breath. Who is this, the doctor? Because damn the man is gorgeous. He was so small. He was about five foot five, maybe a hundred and twenty pounds, and he had the prettiest red and golden hair that Raith had ever seen. It was short, but spiked on top. And his eyes, oh holy mother of fate, his eyes were golden.


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