Trust [The Angel Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Trust [The Angel Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 4

by Maggie Walsh

  Aaron stopped again and shot daggers at Raith. “I should have known! I’m a doctor for god’s sake. A genius. Now I’ve changed Taylor into a wolf that gets cat shifter heat. And Gabriel gets the heat, too. I did that. I did that to them.” Aaron turned and started pacing again.

  Raith moved away from the counter and stepped toward Aaron. He stood in front of him, stopping him from continuing. He placed his hands on Aaron’s arms and looked at him. “You didn’t know that that would happen, Aaron. You are not to blame. Taylor and Gabriel don’t blame you. Taylor looks thrilled as hell to be able to shift into a wolf like his mate. And he’s definitely thrilled about the mating heat.” Raith chuckled. Aaron smacked Raith’s hands off him and stepped away. Raith’s face turned to one of hurt and anger.

  “I fucked up. I made that poor man spend three weeks in a coma, only to come out of it changed. What the hell is wrong with me? I just had to play god, didn’t I? Gods everyone is right, I am a fucking lunatic. I am a loser,” Aaron said softly as he dropped into a chair at the counter.

  Raith cautiously stepped up behind him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “I don’t know who told you that bullshit about yourself, but they’re wrong. You are not a loser, Aaron, and you most certainly are not a lunatic.” He pulled on Aaron until he turned to face him. He looked into his little mate’s eyes and cupped his cheek gently. “You saved Taylor’s life. You cured him of cancer, sweetheart. Don’t you see how incredible that is? There is no known cure for cancer. You saved him. You made him cancer free. Because of you, Gabriel didn’t have to watch his mate die. Because of you, Taylor will live. Because of you, Taylor will live a very long life with his mate. Yes, things didn’t go as planned, but it wasn’t because you did it on purpose. And Taylor and Gabriel couldn’t be happier.” Raith finished and kissed Aaron’s head.

  “You’re right. I should look at this as a good thing. Taylor is alive, healthy, and happy, and Gabriel is ecstatic. I should just take this as another win. As another level of my genius,” Aaron said with a smile.

  Raith’s eyebrows shot up and he shook his head as he laughed softly. “Conceited much, sweetheart?”

  “What? You said it yourself. I didn’t know any of that was going to happen. I didn’t do it on purpose. But I did it. I changed a human into a shifter. Think about the possibilities. I could cure cancer for the humans,” Aaron said excitedly. He jumped down off the stool and headed out of the kitchen.

  “Where are you going, sweetheart?” Raith asked as he followed his little mate.

  “I need to speak with the Alpha. Seeing as I’m staying here in the Angel Pack, I need my things from back home, as well as a lab so I can start doing research.”

  “You do realise you’re mated to the Beta right? I can help you with all of that,” Raith said as he caught up to Aaron and took his hand.

  “That’s right. I forgot you were Micah’s second. So what do you think? Do you think there is someplace I can set up a lab?”

  “Micah and I have been discussing asking you to be a doctor for the town. We have Doc Evans, but we also have some humans in this town that he has been unable to really help. We were wondering if we could actually open like a clinic and you would run it. Hire whatever staff you needed. Micah wants you to design it and order whatever supplies you think you will need to run it.”

  Aaron stopped short as Raith spoke. He stared at his mate in shock. Raith stood there starting to feel like he said something wrong, when suddenly Aaron threw himself into Raith’s arms and climbed him. He wrapped his legs around Raith’s waist and his arms around his neck and started showering Raith with kisses all over his face and neck.

  Raith laughed at his mate’s reaction. He held onto him tight so he wouldn’t fall as he carried Aaron up the stairs to their room.

  * * * *

  He was exhausted as he walked into his and Raith’s bedroom. He spent the day talking to contractors and designers. He had an early meeting with the contractor over at the site of the new clinic and then a lunch meeting with the designer to discuss not only the clinic but the medical ward that Micah insisted he wanted built into the pack house. Then he had to run into the city to meet with a dealer on what medical equipment he wanted to order for each. A hundred phone calls to Micah and he was told to order all the same equipment for the ward here at the house. Micah wanted everything available right here, in case his mate needed medical assistance. And with the way Taylor and Gabriel were changed now, he didn’t want them going to a public clinic, just in case.

  He stripped off his clothes and tossed them in the hamper as he walked into the bathroom. He started the shower and adjusted the temperature. He stepped into the shower and stood under the spray, letting the hot water relax his muscles. He was missing his mate. Raith went away on an assignment for Micah four days ago and he didn’t know how long he would be. Raith was very secretive about where he was going and what he was doing for his Alpha. All he said was that he needed to take care of the assignment he left when he came home last time and found his mate.

  Aaron grabbed the shampoo and started washing his hair. He felt a cold breeze come into the shower and he spun around to find his mate standing there in all his naked glory.

  Raith smiled at him and reached for him. “Hi, sweetheart.”

  Aaron went right into his arms. “Hi to you, too, mate. I didn’t know you were home. I was just thinking how I was missing you,” Aaron said as he wrapped his arms around Raith’s neck.

  “Mmmm, music to my ears. I missed you, too, sweetheart.” Raith leaned down and kissed Aaron. He pulled back and reached for the soap. “I just got home and Cass said you just got in too and came right up here. You look tired,” Raith said as he started to run his soapy hands down Aaron’s chest.

  “I am. I had meetings all day for the clinic and the medical wing here. I’m exhausted,” he explained and then moaned at the feel of his mate washing his shaft and balls.

  “As much as I would love to take you to bed and make love to you right now, I’m exhausted, too, sweetheart. Maybe we both need a good night’s sleep,” Raith said as he knelt down and washed his mate’s legs.

  “I agree. I’m so tired I just want to crawl into bed and sleep for a week,” Aaron said as he ran his soapy hands through Raith’s hair, massaging his scalp. “Did you take care of what you needed to?”

  Raith’s hands stilled for a moment, and then he continued up Aaron’s body with the soap. “Yes, I did. It’s all been taken care of.”

  They washed each other in silence and then rinsed off. Raith stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel off the heating rack and held it open for Aaron. Aaron stepped out of the shower and right into the offered towel. Raith wrapped the warm towel around Aaron and kissed his forehead. Suddenly a loud shrieking alarm sounded. Raith’s head snapped up and Aaron’s eyes snapped open in fear. Raith grabbed Aaron’s hand and dragged him into the bedroom. He grabbed his robe and threw Aaron’s at him. They quickly covered up and tied the robes closed and exited their bedroom in search of the warning alarm.

  * * * *

  It was eight in the morning before Raith carried his sleeping mate back into their room and laid him down in their bed. Aaron was exhausted. On top of having a busy day, he spent most of the night administering medical aid to his fellow enforcers and checking Taylor out. Raith stripped out of his robe and laid down next to his mate. He pulled the covers over them and then wrapped himself around his sleeping mate. He was exhausted but couldn’t sleep.

  Rogue vamps, thirty of them, were trying to attack their home. He had to send Aaron into the safe room with Jesse and Taylor as he ran out into the battle with his pack brothers. He knew he was dead when he had three rogues on him at once. Those fuckers were strong, and fast. If not for Taylor and his new superpowers, they all would have been dead and what would have happened to Aaron and Jesse then? He shuddered at the thought.

  Aaron told him he loved him right before he went into the safe room. It was the firs
t time his mate told him he loved him. He held onto his mate and whispered in his ear that he loved him, too. It was his first time telling Aaron that he was in love with him. It felt good and he wanted to make love to his mate and show him how much he loved him and missed him, but they were both exhausted. They needed sleep, but the moment they woke up he was making love to his mate and gods save anyone who interrupted them.

  * * * *

  It had been a month since the rogue attack on their pack house. No other attacks came and they were no closer to figuring out how there were so many rogues and why they were attacking the pack. They also still didn’t know how Taylor was so powerful. He was some kind of super omega or something. Raith stopped in front of Micah’s open office door and heard his Alpha on the phone. Micah looked up and spotted him, waving him in. Raith sat down and waited.

  “Okay, Nicco. Right…Thanks…We’ll talk to you soon.” He hung up and looked at Raith.

  “What’s wrong, Micah?” Raith asked in concern.

  “I don’t know. I had a dream last night that one of you was in danger. Something told me to check on Bass. Or someone actually,” Micah said and leaned his head back on his chair, running his hands through his hair.

  Raith raised his brow in question. “Who?”

  “I don’t know who. There was a voice. A female voice. And she told me that Bass was in trouble and I needed to go to him. She also told me that it was very important for me to go and to take Jesse, Gabe, and Taylor with me.”

  Raith looked at his Alpha in shock. “A voice told you all of this?”

  Micah looked at Raith. “Yes. When I tried to ignore it and brush it off as a dream, she got very angry at me. She told me to get the hell up and call Bass. She said the time was coming and we had to prepare ourselves for battle.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Raith asked in concern.

  “I don’t know. But I do know that I can’t just ignore it. Something is telling me to listen. To take this very seriously. With everything going on lately, I don’t want to ignore anything.”

  “No, you’re right. So when are you leaving?” Raith asked.

  “I called for a private plane. It’s being fueled up now. I want to try to get out there as fast as I can. I have Jesse, Gabe, and Taylor packing now. I know the timing sucks, but will you be able to handle everything while we’re gone?” Micah asked him.

  “Of course, Micah. Go, see what the hell is going on. Don’t worry about anything here. I got it covered,” Raith answered.

  “Thanks, Raith. I knew I could count on you,” Micah said as he stood up.

  * * * *

  Raith stepped into the new clinic. It was still under construction and wouldn’t be ready for a while yet. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and they needed to get this finished soon or it would have to wait until spring. Winters in Pennsylvania could be brutal. Raith stepped through one of the doorways and spotted his mate down the other end of the large room. He was standing by a table looking over some papers. Raith smiled at seeing his mate. Then his face fell when a large man stepped up next to Aaron and their shoulders brushed together. Aaron’s head turned and he looked up at the big guy smiling. He didn’t move away. He stayed right where he was, pressed up against the big guy. Raith started to see red. The big guy reached out and wiped something off Aaron’s cheek and Aaron blushed and giggled. He bumped shoulders with the big guy and looked back down at the papers. He was flirting. His mate was flirting with another man. His wolf started to beat against his insides. He wanted to get out and rip this guy apart for touching what was theirs and to claim their mate for all to see.

  Raith started to slowly cross the room, never taking his eyes off the two. He was about eight feet from them when one of the men on the construction crew stepped in front of Raith, stopping him.

  “Hi, Beta. What can I do for you today?” Raith looked at the guy and noticed it was Mick. He ran the construction company for Micah. Raith looked back at his mate and the other man in time to see them turn around to look at him. Aaron’s eyes went wide and guilt shown on his face as if he were caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing. Which he was. The big guy next to him just smiled at Raith. Raith wanted to rip him apart and bury the pieces.

  “Beta? Is everything okay?” Mick asked.

  Without taking his eyes off his mate he answered Mick in a tight voice. “I wanted to check on the progress of the clinic. Winters just around the corner. They say the first snow is coming this weekend.”

  “We’re ahead of schedule. The exterior should be done by tomorrow and then we can concentrate on the interior. It looks like we should be done about two weeks early,” Mick answered.

  “Good. Let me know if there is anything you need,” Raith said and then turned away before Mick could answer.

  “Wait.” Raith heard a deep voice call out. He stopped and slowly turned. The big guy was standing there with his arm around Aaron’s shoulder, looking at Raith. Aaron was trying to push away from the big guy, but he wouldn’t release his hold. Raith’s jaw clenched and his fist balled up at his side. Aaron noticed and tried harder to push the big guy away.

  “Are you talking to me?” Raith growled.

  “Yeah. You’re one of the Betas here right?” the big guy asked.

  Raith nodded his head. He was curious where this was going.

  “Cool. I’m Buck. I’m new here in town and this is my friend, Aaron. He’s new, too. I heard that this pack had a hitman Beta. Is that true?” Buck asked with a look of excitement in his eyes.

  Raith gave him a very evil smile. “Yes.” Buck swallowed hard.

  “Where is he? Does he come by here too?” Buck asked. His voice was shaking.

  “Yes he does. But this pack only has one Beta as of right now,” Raith said with a smirk.

  Bucks eyes got wide as he realized what Raith was saying. “You’re him?” Buck asked in a scared whisper.

  “Yes, I am,” Raith answered and took a step closer. “Why do you want to know all this…Buck?”

  “I…I heard that the Angel Pack was the best pack in the states and it had the meanest, deadliest hitman Beta in the country. I was trained as an enforcer with my old pack, and as a kill soldier. I came here to see if Alpha Angel could use another enforcer, or kill soldier. I was hoping I could train with you,” Buck said and swallowed again.

  “Tell me…Buck,” Raith said as he stepped closer. “How do you feel about mates?”

  “I know they’re supposed to be sacred. Hands off and all. Keep them protected. But I personally hope I never find mine. Too much work. I want to be the best wolf hitman in the country, like you, Beta Angel. I mean, look at you. You don’t have a mate and you’re doing just fine.”

  Raith got a very cold look in his eyes as he spoke. “You’re right, Buck. They are too much work. But you’re also wrong. I do have a mate. And I have been watching you grope him since I walked in.”

  Aaron let out a sound of distress and Buck looked at him in confusion. Raith sighed and looked in Aaron’s eyes. “And you thought I was dumb as a stone?” He looked back to Buck just as realization dawned on him. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. He looked like he was about to shit his pants. He looked down at Aaron, and then looked back to Raith, terror in his eyes.

  “Now that the lightbulb has gone on, would you mind removing your arm from my mate’s body before I show you how I got my reputation?” Raith said in a voice dripping with icicles.

  Buck jerked his arm away from Aaron like someone stuck him with a hot poker. He stepped away and mumbled. “I’m so sorry, Beta. I didn’t know. Why does this keep happening to me?”

  “Maybe you should learn more about the pack as a whole instead of coming into town and acting like you own the place. Like you’re a big shot,” Mick said mischievously.

  Buck looked at Mick and got a pissed off look in his eyes. “You knew and you let me shoot my mouth off?”

  “Yes,” Mick answered with a wide smile. He t
urned to Raith. “Thanks for coming, Beta. I’ll get those reports over to you by the morning,” Mick said and walked away whistling.

  “He set me up. That little fuck set me up.” Buck growled out.

  Raith growled at him and Buck flinched back at the power behind that growl. He lifted his head and bared his throat at Raith.

  “Go. Now. Before I do something that you will regret.”

  Buck took off out of the building like the hounds of hell were chasing him. Raith looked at Aaron, who continued to stand there frozen and quiet. “I’ll see you at home later, mate. I have a meeting in the city.” He turned and left, not giving Aaron a chance to speak.

  What’s wrong with me? Why do I always have to flirt with every guy that says hi to me? I have a mate now. I can’t do that anymore. Aaron sighed. He looked so heartbroken, so angry when he saw Buck with his arm around me. I did that. I put that look on my mate’s face. I need to fix this. I need to make it right. Aaron left the clinic and headed back to the pack house.

  * * * *

  Aaron arrived back at the pack house a half hour later and ran up to his and Raith’s room. He needed to get ready for when his mate came home. He needed to make it up to him. As he turned the corner to go down the next hall leading to their room he ran right into Castiel.

  Cass grabbed onto his arms to stop him from falling. “Sorry, Doc. I didn’t know you were there,” Cass said as he helped Aaron steady himself.

  “Thanks. That’s okay, Cass. I didn’t realize you were there either. Sorry,” Aaron answered and stepped around Cass. He started to walk toward his room.

  “Is everything okay, Doc? You seem very distracted,” Cass asked after him. Aaron stopped and turned around. “You okay?”


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