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Trust [The Angel Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 6

by Maggie Walsh

  Raith stopped and closed his eyes as tears started to form. Aaron moved closer and wrapped his arms around his mate in comfort. They stayed that way for a few minutes until Raith felt like he could go on. He pulled away from Aaron slightly so that he could look in his eyes but not break their hold on each other. He needed his mate’s touch at that moment. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  Aaron gave him a small smile. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. Even big strong Betas need comfort, too.”

  Raith smiled back at him and kissed him chastely on the lips. “I guess we do.” He rubbed a hand over his chin and continued. “I don’t want to talk bad about the woman because she is my mother, but she was a whore. She said she wanted to find her true mate, but she slept with everyone. She tried to trap these men into a relationship by getting pregnant. And then when they wouldn’t commit to her, she took off with someone else. She slept with pretty much every male member of my birth pack. Even the Alpha.

  “That’s why we left that pack right after I was born and moved to the Montana pack. That’s why I never knew my father. I found out when I was about thirty, that my father had died in a territory war. I met Micah when we were one. His mother and my mother were friends.

  “Anyway, as I grew up, I got my ass kicked all the time by my big brothers, my mom was never around, and when she was, she was with yet another guy. I got bullied and beat a lot by other members of the pack, too, because we were poor and they just followed what my brothers did. I got into a lot of fights because people would say shit about my mom. It was all true, but she was my mom.” He shrugged his shoulder and sighed.

  “Micah’s mom died and we just stuck together. Micah and I got in a lot of fights together. He always had my back. Then one day I ended up in the infirmary when another one of my mom’s boyfriends used me as a punching bag. My Alpha, Micah’s father, came to me and told me he was going to teach me how to fight properly. We were about fourteen at the time, and he started training us to fight. We did this for years and suddenly no one could hit me. My brothers, other members of the pack and my mom’s boyfriends didn’t stand a chance. I could take every one of them down.

  “The Alpha came to me one day and told me he had been watching me and he thought I was a good candidate for a pack enforcer, but not just any enforcer, but a kill enforcer. All enforcers are trained to kill, but special ones were sent out on special assignments to take care of threats to the pack. I was so excited. The Alpha thought I would be a good fit for something and he praised me. I never had that before.“So I started my training. I became one of the best enforcers our pack had. Then when Micah came out of the closet and our Alpha got scared for his safety, he told him he should leave. I told the Alpha I was gay, too, and you know what?” Raith asked with a big smile. Aaron shook his head.

  “He was happy about it. He didn’t care if Micah and I were gay. He said, ‘So both my boys are gay, so what? They are both the biggest badasses in the pack.’ But he was afraid of the bigoted minds of the pack. So he told us to go together and to take care of each other. He was happy I was gay, too, because he wanted me to go with Micah to begin with, to watch over him and keep him safe.

  “When we told him Gabriel and Castiel were coming, too. He liked that even more. He was the only father I ever had and I would do anything for that man. We ended up finding Dante and the vamps and opening our business and through the years I just kept training, kept learning how to be the person that took care of protection. I like it. I love it.

  “I don’t kill just for the sake of killing. I kill to protect us. But I am the best at what I do.” He took in a deep breath and continued. “I think I like the idea of having my own boy because growing up I never had any control over anything in my life. And I really like taking care of people, keeping them safe. And I think the reason it appeals to you is the opposite. You had to keep a lot of control throughout your life and you want to let go and let someone else deal with everything once in a while.”

  Aaron stared at him for a minute and then gave him a hug. He pulled back and looked into Raith’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what, baby?” Raith asked in confusion.

  “When we first met I didn’t think you were that bright. As I have gotten to know you, I know that’s not true. You are pretty smart. But now…I think you might just be a genius.” Aaron finished and smiled. Raith threw his head back and laughed. A big hearty laugh right from his gut. When he regained his senses, Raith tightened his hold around Aaron’s waist and pressed their lips together. Aaron opened for his mate and Raith swept his tongue into Aaron’s mouth, taking over the kiss. He grabbed onto the back of Aaron’s head, pulling him closer. Aaron whimpered against his lips and the sound went right to Raith’s cock. He deepened the kiss and Aaron relaxed against him, submitting to him. His wolf went wild. He wanted to claim his mate again.

  “I want to be your boy, Raith. I want to be your boy right now. Please, mate.” Aaron breathed out heavily as he pulled back from the kiss to gasp for much-needed air. Raith growled at his mate’s words, but he needed to make sure that Aaron understood what it meant.

  “I want you to be my boy…boy. But you do realize that this is not all the time? I love you just the way you are and I don’t want you to change. And there will be times when I just want to make love to my mate. That this is just when we need it. When I need to have control or when you need to give your control away.”

  Aaron nodded. “Yes, I understand. And that’s what I want, too. But what do I call you? You will call me boy, but I don’t know how to address you.”

  “How do you want to address me, boy?” Raith said in a commanding voice. It sent shivers down Aaron’s back and right into his groin. He loved when Raith called him boy with that rough, controlled, commanding, yet loving voice.

  “That man…Eric. He called his Dom Sir. I think I like that,” Aaron said breathlessly.

  Raith smiled at him. “Sir it is then. I like it, too.” Raith leaned back in and took Aaron’s lips in a hard kiss, then pulled back. He sat up and climbed off the bed. He stood looking at his dazed mate. Aaron lay there looking up at Raith, trying to catch his breath. He was so turned on he thought he was going to come just from the anticipation.

  “Stand up and take off your clothes, boy.”

  Chapter 4

  Aaron jumped from the bed, and stripped off his clothes as fast as he could. Raith fought back the smile that threatened to come out. He wanted to laugh at Aaron’s enthusiasm, and he wanted to laugh and smile at finally having a boy of his own.

  Once Aaron was naked, Raith walked over to the high back chair that was in the room and sat down. He looked into Aaron’s eyes and saw all the want, lust, and desire he had. “Come here, boy,” he commanded. Aaron slowly, shyly walked over to stand in front of him. His hands were in front of him, blocking Raith’s view of his beautiful cock. “Never hide yourself from me, boy. Hands at your sides.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Aaron managed to get out breathlessly. He immediately moved his hands away from his groin and left them hanging at his sides. He stood holding his breath, waiting for his Sir’s next command.

  “Kneel there between my legs.” Raith pointed to a spot in front of him. Aaron stepped forward and dropped to his knees as sensually as he could as he bit his bottom lip. “Mmmm, I love when you bite that plump lip of yours. You look so sexy when you do it and I just want to bite it, too,” Raith said in a husky voice. Aaron blushed and shivered at Raith’s words. He dropped his eyes and they landed on Raith’s bulging cock that was straining behind his zipper. He absentmindedly licked his lips. “See something you like, boy?” Raith asked.

  “Yes, Sir,” Aaron answered breathlessly. His eyes never left Raith’s bulge. Raith reached out and ran his fingers down the side of Aaron’s cheek tenderly. “Lay your head on my thigh, boy.” Aaron immediately did as Raith said. He lowered himself back onto his feet and leaned his head onto Raith’s thigh. Raith placed his hand on Aaron’s head and began to st
roke his hair. “Good boy.” Aaron closed his eyes and released a contented sigh. He loved the praise his Sir gave him. He loved the feel of Raith’s clothed leg against his skin as he sat naked at his feet. The feel of Raith’s fingers playing with his hair, caressing his head. A certain calm came over him. He felt totally at peace for the first time in his life. He loved this. He needed more of this.

  Raith couldn’t believe it. After all this time of wanting and dreaming of having this, it was finally here. His boy. His boy was here and he was content. Raith and his wolf could feel it. Aaron was calm and at peace. It thrilled Raith to know he was doing this for his mate. That only he could give his mate the peace his busy mind craved. The feel of Aaron’s silky hair beneath his fingers was making his cock harder than he ever could have imagined it could get. He could feel the tip of his engorged shaft leaking and soaking into his jeans. He needed release and his boy needed to release his control. He stopped petting Aaron’s head and he heard the whimper of protest leave his boys lips. He smiled at the sound. His boy needed a lot of training. That was okay. He would love every minute of training him. He would have to set up a time for them to come back to the club and meet with Grant and Eric. Eric was the perfect boy and Aaron could learn a lot from him.

  Raith opened his pants and shifted so he could lower them slightly to make room for what he wanted. He pulled his rock hard cock from his pants and stroked it a few times. “Suck me, boy,” he commanded gently. He didn’t want to dominate Aaron and he knew Aaron didn’t want that either, so there was no point in him making his commands rough. He commanded his boy gently. It was what he needed. He could feel Aaron shiver at the command. His mate raised his head from his thigh and reached a hand up to grasp his leaking cock. “Hands behind your back, boy. Use only your mouth to please me.” Raith saw the way his mate was watching Grant and Eric earlier. He could see what had turned him on the most during their scene. Aaron placed his hands behind his back and linked his fingers together. He leaned forward and rose up on his knees so his mouth was at a perfect height to take Raith’s cock into his mouth. He licked his lips and opened his mouth.

  Taking the tip of his Sir’s cock into his mouth, with his hands behind his back, as Raith’s jean-clad thigh rubbed against his naked skin was the most delicious feeling Aaron had ever experienced. He was not in control. His Sir was. He would tell him what to do and when to do it. He wouldn’t have to think or make any decisions. His Sir would do it for him. The more he thought about it, the more he released his control. He was safe. Raith would keep him safe. But something was stopping him from completely going over, from completely letting go of his control. He licked the leaking head of Raith’s monster cock. He loved the taste of his man. He was salty but sweet. Like potato chips dipped in chocolate. The smell of Raith’s arousal, mixed in with his taste had Aaron’s head spinning. He slowly took more of Raith’s cock into his mouth and gently sucked as he swirled his tongue around the head. Raith placed his hands on the back of Aaron’s head and Aaron stopped sucking and stiffened up.

  Raith gently pulled him off his cock and held his face so he couldn’t look away. “What is it, boy? What’s holding you back?”

  Tears sprang to Aaron’s eyes. “I don’t know. I can feel all my control leaving, but just as it’s about to go, something is stopping me.”

  Raith looked into Aaron’s eyes and saw the truth to his words. He knew what Aaron needed. He saw his mate the moment he walked into the club and he watched his every move. Only two things really caught Aaron’s eye. When he watched Grant and Eric and when he saw those subs kneeling between their Dom’s legs sucking them off. But only the ones who had their hands chained or tied behind their backs. He had Aaron put his hands behind him for that very reason, but he wasn’t sure if he would be ready to be bound yet. He was. “Stand up and go over to that cabinet, boy. Inside you will see a silk scarf. Bring it to me.”

  On shaky legs Aaron rose to his feet. He slowly walked to the cabinet that his Sir commanded. He opened the doors and froze. Inside the cabinet was every BDSM implement you could think of. There were whips and paddles, floggers of all designs, dildos in every shape and size. There were masks and red balls like he saw the one sub wearing. There were things in there that Aaron had no idea what they were. He suddenly felt a warm familiar heat at his back. “Find something that interests you, boy?” Raith’s warm breath caressed his neck as he wrapped his arms around Aaron’s waist from behind.

  “I don’t even know what most of this is for. It’s kind of scary and intriguing at the same time,” Aaron said in a soft whisper, never taking his eyes off all the items in front of him.

  “Some of these toys can be fun to use. Even when not in a scene. Just in our normal lovemaking,” Raith said with a smile. He reached out past Aaron and picked up a beautiful, delicate gold chain that had what looked like two clamps on the ends of the chain. “Like these nipple clamps. They’re not for everyone but they can heighten your orgasm,” Raith said and then put the item back. “And all these different dildos and butt plugs can definitely be fun at any time.” Raith’s arms tightened around Aaron’s waist and he kissed his temple softly. Aaron melted against his mate’s chest. He felt so loved and cared for. “But this is our first scene together and I know you are not ready for any of this. As I said, I’m not into this whole BDSM thing. So most of this stuff we probably will never use. But if there is something that peaks your interest and you want to try, just let me know and together we can explore it and see if we like it.” Aaron swallowed nervously. He wanted to ask Raith if he ever used anything in here but he was afraid to ask. “Whatever it is, baby, just ask. That’s part of this whole relationship. We have to trust each other.”

  Raith was right. If they were going to have any relationship, then they needed to trust each other. He swallowed again. “Have you ever used any of these? I mean ever?”

  Raith ran a hand up Aaron’s stomach in a comforting caress. “Yes, I have. I have used some of these things on past lovers and I have had some things used on me. I know the feel of the nipple clamps. I know how exquisite some of these dildos and butt plugs can be.” Aaron turned his head at Raith’s confession. His eyes wide in shock. Raith laughed softly at his reaction and tightened his hold on his mate. He kissed the tip of his nose and pulled back, smiling at him. “Yes, I, a big bad enforcer, a Beta, and I like to play with sex toys. I am basically a top, but I have bottomed on occasion. I know some guys just like to top and others just like to bottom, but I think to be a good partner to my lover, I need to know what they experience. In my opinion, I think everyone should try both sides at least once so they know exactly what they like. And also so that they have an understanding of what their partner experiences. So if anything in here interests you, just let me know and we can try it together.” Raith kissed his forehead.

  Aaron turned back to face the cabinet. He reached out and grabbed the red silk scarf he saw. He pulled it out and turned to face his Sir. “This. I want this,” he said with conviction and handed the item to his Sir. Raith smiled at him and nodded as his took the offered scarf. Raith kissed his forehead again and turned. He strolled back to the chair and sat down. His eyes met Aaron’s. “Come here, boy,” he said in his gentle commanding voice that Aaron loved. Aaron started walking toward him. He placed his hands in front of his groin and Raith raised a brow at him. He pulled his hands from in front of him and dropped them to his sides, as he approached his Sir. “Good boy.” A pulse of pleasure raced through Aaron’s body at his Sir’s words of praise. Gods, what was wrong with him? Why did this turn him on so much? He stopped in front of his Sir and waited for his next command. Raith looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. “There’s nothing wrong with you for wanting this, boy.” Aaron’s breath hitched and his eyes widened. Was his mate a mind reader? Did he have powers like Sebastian? “How?” he started to ask, but Raith cut him off. “It’s written all over your face, sweetheart. And you’re broadcasting your thoughts through the mating link. It�
��s okay to like this. It’s okay to want it, to need it.” Aaron relaxed at Raith’s words. Knowing that Raith wasn’t judging him, wasn’t looking at him like he was a disappointment or a freak, made Aaron relax.

  “Turn around, boy.” Aaron turned at his Sir’s gentle command. “Hands behind your back.” Aaron brought his hands together behind him. Raith gentle grasped his wrist with one hand and wrapped the silk scarf around it and then tied it to the other. Raith released his hands and Aaron gave a slight tug on the restraint. He couldn’t free his hands. Raith tied his wrists together enough to hold him and stop him from escaping, but not too tight where it hurt. It actually felt really good. He could feel his control start to slip and he loved the sensation. “Turn around and face me, boy.” Aaron turned to face not only his mate, his Sir, but to face his inner desire, his need, his future. And he loved it. He had no fears. “Kneel.” Aaron knelt down at his Sir’s feet. He shifted until he was in the same position he was in before. His Sir’s hard leaking shaft was out once again. The spongy head looked almost angry, it was a dark purple and was leaking his clear honey. He licked his lips. He wanted that delicious shaft in his mouth again. His Sir didn’t make him wait long. “Suck me, boy.” He leaned forward and licked across the tip, gathering the honey that beaded there. His eyes closed at the incredible taste of his Sir and Aaron felt every ounce of his control leave him. Finally.

  * * * *

  Raith was happier than he could ever remember. For his first time, Aaron did an amazing job of being his boy. Sure he was nervous at times and slightly shaky, but he was a natural. The way he released his control and gave that gift to Raith, with hardly a hesitation was beautiful. Raith was proud of his boy.

  He stepped into Micah’s office as the memories of their first scene together came back to him. It had been two days since their time at the club and Raith could still feel Aaron’s beautiful mouth wrapped around him. He sucked Raith deep and slow, until he commanded his boy to quicken his pace, and Aaron followed his commands perfectly.


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