The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition

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The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition Page 3

by Quinn Dallas

  Regardless, the entire experience felt so real. There was pain here and hunger, even thirst.

  It dawned on me how hot and dirty my trek through the desert had left me. I peeled off my sticky and torn clothing and waded into the spring. The fresh water washed away the grit and sand. Dipping my hands into the water I splashed some on my face.

  The pond was deep enough to swim in and I indulged in the luxury. Diving in and back up again and again. The water was cool and refreshing which lifted my dampened spirits. I swam until my grumbling tummy made my need of food apparent.

  Swimming to shore, I went through the leather pouch I'd been wearing. Inside I discovered a round of moldy cheese and a chunk of hard bread. Shoveling the foodstuffs into my mouth, I mentally called up my HUD display.






  Well, there wasn't much in the way of defensive tools. Not even a knife, this left me pretty darned helpless. If this were an RPG of my own design, there was no way I'd choose to be so freaking helpless. Perhaps my best option would be to stay in this relatively safe Oasis. There was water and perhaps food here. Surely the chirping birds were eating something? Pulling on my tattered shirt and pants, I made my way towards a grove of trees, where the birds were singing loudest. Upon reaching my destination I found the stubby green trees were laden with a large red fruit. I plucked one and examined it. It looked familiar. Following my instinct I broke it open- a pomegranate. At least it looked like one. I tasted one of the pulpy seeds in. It really was a pomegranate! I ate the seeds until my hunger was satiated.


  With a full belly I explored the strange oasis a bit more. The entire thing reminded me of a terrarium. My grandmother was fond of making them when she was still alive. They were miniature worlds set up in a glass fishbowl. With tiny plants nestled in with rocks, complete with water and sand. This place was extremely similar as if the Alien AI had somehow managed to pull it from my mind and create a larger scale duplication of it. Perhaps my own personal idea of heaven?

  The most alien thing here were the birds. They were more reptilian than their earthly counterparts. Feathered serpents with long, colorfully plumed tails. I couldn't help but think of Mesoamerican stories about feathered serpents. Then my heart quickened might this strange place hold the secret to returning home? Exhausted, I made my way back towards the small pond. The red sun hung low in the streaked sky, casting twilight shadows. A deep heaviness settled over my body. I used my wool blanket as a pillow and fell asleep.

  THE SOUND OF RUSTLING in the bush woke me. Suddenly alert I bolted up. Deep and gruff voices drifted through the night. I wasn't alone! Someone was approaching. Not sure if I would find friend or foe I picked up a stone and hid behind a tree. A group of people emerged from the trees. Even in the light of the twin moons I knew they weren't human.

  For one thing there were tall, at least seven feet. Each of the men had shoulder length black braided hair. Various beads and feathers decorated their dreadlocks. Their skin also had a distinct greenish cast. They also had noticeable tusks protruding from the corners of their mouths. My heart sank - These were Orcs! I focused my attention on the nearest one and willed my HUD display to appear:







  Orcs! The alien AI really had tailor made this world based on my memories. It was the only thing that made sense. Perhaps it was trying to learn about human beings by creating an environment familiar to them. But it didn't seem to know fantasy for reality. If this world I now found myself in, was following RPG conventions, I needed to be very careful. While I was too far way to see their eyes closely, but their clothing appeared to be made of leather. The man who seemed to be the leader wore a sword strapped to his belt. His clothing was much more elaborate than his companions. Red and gold bead work adorned his tunic. A large gold earring adorned his right-ear. There were even gold beads in his hair. He was slightly overweight, which hinted he ate better than the others.

  The other Orcs carried large swords and axes. From this I deduced they must be a reasonably advanced species. Advanced to enough to work metal at least. At first glance I'd place them as an Iron age culture. Their social structure seemed well formed. The leader barked out orders and his men followed them without hesitation. They began to set up an encampment on the edge of the pond. I deduced their need for water brought them here. They seemed familiar with the surroundings. One of the Orcs dug a pit and filled it with firewood. Another two worked on assembling a large tent. They worked in a well-organized fashion each man knowing his task.

  Two other purple warriors led large Boar-like creatures to the water's edge. These appeared to a be riding mounts. Each of the boar's was many times larger than their earthly counterparts. Pointed pig-like ears wriggled as the animals lowered their heads into the water to drink. There were embroidered saddles on their backs. One of the younger Orcs removed the saddles and splashed water on the mounts. The animals were covered in a thick hide that probably made them impervious to the desert heat.

  When the camping men had settled down a few went off in the direction of the pomegranate grove. I assumed to find food for themselves and their strange pack animals.

  "Šef!" grunted one of the men as he knelt. The others gathered around to see what he'd found- my footprints. If these creatures were experienced hunters and trackers I was doomed. While I hated to consider the idea, my best bet was to escape back into the desert. There wasn't enough room in this Oasis to hide from a group of armed marauders. There was no telling what these barbarians would do with me. While they could be friendly, they could also consider me a tasty dinner, or worse.

  Without making a sound I edged back into the grove. The crevice I that led me here wasn't far away. I only needed to make it there. Clutching my jacket I made a beeline towards escape.

  "Van itt valaki! Meg kell találnunk!!" A gruff voice called out behind me. I was being pursued! Yet I couldn't risk being caught. My plan was simple- Escape. I had no idea what new perils waited me, but being captured by barbarians didn't seem a very good idea. The bush rustled behind me as my alien pursuers searched for me. If I didn't get out soon, they would find. I ran as fast as I could manage. Freedom was few short steps ahead.

  "Megfogtam őt!" a huge Orc-warrior blocked my escape. He held his ax in his hand, and his mouth curved into a cruel smile.

  I'd been caught! Pure animal instinct overtook me. My chances of escape were next to none, but I didn't care. The giant brute attempted to grab me, but I dodged his grasp. He seemed surprised by my quickness. These folk were large, but I was much more agile.


  I dove into the pomegranate grove. The strange reptilian-birds must've been alarmed by the commotion as they flew up into the night screeching. Perhaps I could elude them enough to backtrack back to the narrow entrance.

  As I rounded a corner another Orc-Slaver blocked my path. This was their sword bearing leader. He grabbed me before I could escape. His powerful grasp, holding me tight. I struggled in vain.

  "Megfogtam őt!!" he shouted.

  Kicking and biting I tried my best to be free of him. The other warriors arrived surrounded me. Trapped, a primal instinct overtook me. I became a wild animal snarling and scratching. Even though I knew it was all in vain. The leader ran his hands through my hair. Seeming to marvel at its golden color. The others stared at me blinking, as if they'd encountered some strange new being.

  "ELF!" the brute holding me blurted out in astonishment. "ELF!!!!"

  The rest of the Orc's nodded in agreement. Without hesitation, I made the
only move I could think of. I struck my captor in the face with a vicious head butt. He staggered at the impact. As green tinged blood dripped from his nose, his cruel amber eyes narrowed. Then he reared his own head back and slammed his thick forehead into my own. The blow was enough to send me rocketing into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 4

  "Hyvä nainen," a gruff voice woke me. My head spun as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. It was cold and dark. My hands scraped against a stone floor covered with straw. I steadied myself.

  "Hyvä nainen juo!" the voice spoke again. Two hands held a tin cup filled with water to my lips.

  "Thank you." my throat was dry.

  "Vesi tämä on!” The purple-skinned man nodded as if he understood me. There was a kindness in his face that put me at ease. I lifted my arms and realized that I'd was in chains.

  I brought my vision into focus. Someone had chained me up and placed me in a cell. I wasn't alone, there were other captives here as well. The man who'd offered me water wore shackles. A wooden bucket filled with water stood center of the room.

  The aged man returned the tin cup to the water bucket and sat down with back against the wall. The group seemed mixed in both sex and age. Yet they all had that incredible purple tinged skin. The women didn't vary too much in appearance from the men. They all were quite tall.

  Some could put human supermodels to shame. Soft leather bras barely covered their breasts. Tattered loincloths hung between their legs. One of the captive women glanced my way and then back at the ground. A few young males wore chains as well. Bare chested, ragged cloths covered their groins.

  Everyone appeared worn and tired. This place must be some sort of prison! Had I been cast here for attacking the raid leader in the wilderness? My mind whirled as I contemplated my fate. If these creatures meant to put me on trial, how would I even defend myself? Did they even have trials? What if they executed me for my impertinence? If I died here would I awake?

  "Sinä koirat seisovat ja!," a rough male voice called out. A few of my fellow captives stood.

  "Sinä koirat seisovat!" A large green-skinned Orc entered our pen brandishing a large sword. He poked the old man sitting next to me.

  "Sinä koirat seisovat!" he shouted again. The old man and the remaining captors stood. The guard gestured towards me and motioned for me to stand. Not sure of what else to do I obeyed. I was quite certain the punishment for not following orders was stiff.

  "Duchessin Marcella!" The large guard announced. An elegant woman entered our dreary cell. Her skin scented with some flowery perfume that reminded me of roses. She wasn't an Orc. She looked more like a RPG succubus from a fanboy’s wet dream. Incredibly tall and thin with dark red skin, her long dark hair pulled into a severe bun. Twin curved horns sprouted from her brow.

  Despite her demonic appearance this woman had an elegant beauty that was awe inspiring. Draped in a spotless white robe, with a deep V-neckline she entered the room. I couldn't help but stare at her rather generous cleavage. She also wore thick gold bracelets and a shimmering tiara. The entire look reminiscent of an elegant lady from ancient Rome.

  Her eyes locked on me and I was unable to avoid her gaze. She glided towards me and held my chin in her hands. The high-born lady moved my head side-to-side. Then she stood back. The noble woman had appraised me, but to what purpose? I summoned my HUD and it hovered above her head. As I guessed, I was the only one who could see it. I read the description:





  "Dahin!" she ordered. I didn't understand her command. Without hesitating she gestured to a guard. The large man approached and ripped my shirt. The worn fabric fell away, revealing my naked breasts. The elegant lady cupped them and I flinched. Too frightened to pull away, I endured her touch.

  Then she grinned. Her predatory smile sent shivers through me. Whatever was going on here, wasn't going to be to my liking. She grabbed my chin and tilted my face towards hers. As she pulled me close my terror increased. Soon our mouths were inches apart. The exotic diva brought her lips to mine and kissed me. I tried to pull away, but her grip was much too strong.

  Her tongue darted into my mouth, which sent shivers all through me. A strange shock passed from her to me. The sensation, leaving me dizzy. She withdrew her tongue and pulled away. I'd never been kissed like that before. Suddenly a flashing message appeared and then faded:




  "Can you understand me now?" The crimson-skinned woman kept me in her powerful gaze

  "What just happened?" I shook my head in disbelief.

  "It's called the Babel kiss," her cultured voice dripped honey. "Now we can speak to one another."

  Normally being kissed by a woman would have left me disturbed. But I'd been through so much it seemed the least of my worries. I took in my surroundings. The chains, the prisoners, the guards, the bars on the wall.

  I spoke, " Have I been imprisoned?"

  "Oh my dear, you are far more precious than that!" she held her head high. "You are in my slave quarters!"

  "Excuse me," I shook my head in disbelief.

  "I am the Lady Marcella," she beamed. "The finest slaver in the Blighted Lands and you are my prize offering!"

  "What I'm what?"

  "Men from a hundred realms have traveled here for the rarest of finds!" The proud lady crossed her arms. "An actual Daystar Elf. There hasn't been anything like you in over a thousand years!"

  "No way!" I held up my hand in protest. "I'm not anyone's slave

  "Oh, you most certainly are," Marcella clasped her hands together. "You are worth quite a pretty penny. Your auction alone will have me swimming in fire jewels! Daystar females are considered the most sensuous of luxuries"


  "I must admit I thought the tales of your kind a myth," she continued to appraise me with her eyes. "Legends of how the Game Masters brought back slaves from other worlds have been around for centuries."

  "What's a Game Master?" I asked.

  "My you don't really know much at all do you?" she shook her head in disapproval. "Well, luckily I won't be selling you for your intellect. Tell me have you known a man?"

  "What do you mean?" I replied. "There are plenty of men in my world and I have quite a few friends-"

  "Have you been fucked before my dear?" Her sweet tone made sick with rage. Despite her kind demeanor, I knew her to be a predator.

  "No," my eyes widened. "Never."

  "Oh, that simply increases your value!" The elegant lady grew more elated. "Guards, bring her with me. We will have her bathed, perfumed, and dressed. Such a prize at this is worth the finest preparation!"

  One of the guards unlocked my shackles. The other lifted me to my feet. My feeble attempt to resist the massive Orc completely ignored by him. He picked me up like a small child and threw me over his shoulder. Soon I was carried out the holding pen and taken up a narrow staircase. Whatever fate awaited me, I was helpless. There was simply no other choice than to accept it.

  "HER HAIR IS LIKE GOLD!" The young servant girl helped remove my tattered clothing. I marveled at her purple-skin and dark ebony hair. Curious, I pulled up my HUD to discover what fantastic race she was:






  "They say Daystar women can capture a man's soul, with a glance," Another purple-skinned girl assisted her. Soon the two exotic
women had me undressed. You would think being naked in front of strangers would have me in shock. , the last few day's events had hardened me.

  "I can understand you!" My voice sounded strange and high-pitched to my own ears. Whatever enchantment Lady Marcella had placed upon me was much more than surface level. The words I formed were alien, but I still thought in English. The least I could figure is that her exotic kiss has rewired my brain. In effect, hard coding the local languages into my head. There were some things that I seemed to just know now.

  The place where I now resided was called The Blighted Lands. Its language was referred to as Common Speech. To my ears, it sounded like a smooth blend of Arabic and French. There was a strange beauty to it. Or it could be that my re-wired brain only thought so. What if I were to break free from this virtual world? Would I ever be able to speak in English again? Despite my impossible circumstances, I still held onto the belief that I would find a way out. While this virtual reality world seemed so very real, I must never forget it was an illusion. A mental prison cooked up by a very clever Alien AI.

  "So tell us," the taller servant girl spoke. "What is your homeland like?"

  "Yes," her companion perked up. "Please tell us!”

  Despite my best efforts I liked these two women. They after all, were slaves like me. Neither one of them had anything to do with the auction where I was to be sold as chattel. Besides a little story telling might take my mind away from my own troubles.

  "Well, first of all, my land is lush and green with clear blue skies!" I sat on the edge of the bed. "In the winter it snows and can become very cold. But the summers are sweltering.”


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