The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition

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The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition Page 4

by Quinn Dallas

  "That sounds like Arkosh!," the taller girl spoke again. "That's where I lived, before this." She cast her eyes downward and I couldn't help but sense her sadness.

  "It sounds lovely, where it is it?" I asked her.

  "The mountains where the desert ends." her voice raised in pitch. "My people live there. We are hunters and trappers. When I was a girl my village was raided and I was brought here to Lady Marcella."

  "Do you ever wish to go back home?" I placed a gentle hand on the girl's' shoulder. While I knew this was a simulation, the girl's emotion seemed so real. I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her.

  "Such thoughts are best never spoken aloud," she said "It only spurs the heart to long for what it cannot have."

  The young girl's sadness struck me as profound. "Where I come from we abolished slavery ages ago!"

  "It sounds like a fairy tale," the other purple servant stood. "But it is not for the likes of us! We will die servants here. Now we must attend to you or Lady Marcella will lash us!"

  "Deena is correct," she motioned to the other girl. "We must prepare you for the auction. I do hope a kind master chooses you. But first we must bathe you." The young woman took my hand and lead me towards an elaborate ceramic tub. It reminded of the photos of old fashioned bathing tubs I'd seen in history books. It had elaborately carved feet and gold trimmings. I stepped into the warm water. Despite myself, I enjoyed the sensation. Warm baths having been a favorite way to relax back home. The taller, more inquisitive girl grabbed a sponge and washed my shoulders. "You are lovely," she whispered. " a kind and gentle lord will choose you. Your hair is like spun gold and your skin as milk. I'd never seen anyone like you."

  "Back home, I'm considered quite common," I answered.

  'I wish I could visit this place," she massaged the soap into my hair.

  "Me too," I sighed. "What is your name?"

  "I'm a Kaitlin and you already know Deena," she gestured to the other servant.

  "You are sure to fetch a high price at auction," Deena poured a sweet smelling oil into the bath. "Even your privates are gold trimmed!"

  "Deena!" Kaitlin's voice went high as my face reddened. "Though it is true, your hair is golden all over!" She covered her mouth to stifle a giggle.

  "Is there no way to escape this fate?" I mumbled as Deena poured water over my hair.

  "I'm afraid your path is set," she focused on her task of washing my hair. "You are to be a warriors concubine, but it's not so bad as all that."

  "True," Kaitlin spoke up. "If a wealthy lover takes you for his own. You may end up a pampered lady like Marcella!"

  "Was she a slave?" I asked.

  "Never!" The two women's eyes widened. "She's a daughter of High Lord Kimmel. She was born into her station."

  "And she trades in slaves?" I responded.

  "She has earned her own fortune," Deena sighed. "A free woman can rise to great heights."

  "Stand up!" Kaitlin commanded. Doing as told I stood. The two servants poured warm scented water over my body, washing away the suds. "Now step out," Deena held up a thick white towel. When I stepped from the tub the purple woman dried me off with towel, finishing by wrapping it around me.

  "Now time to get dressed!" Deena left the room. Kaitlin motioned for me to sit down at an elegantly appointed vanity There were strange bottles and canisters arranged before us. She picked up a hair brush, "Let's comb your hair first." She sang a haunting tune while brushing my hair. I did my best to sit still. Despite the impending auction the kind pampering and care these two women showed me was appreciated. While I didn't relish being sold to the highest bidder, at least there was this little reprieve.

  "Look!" Deena held out a flimsy white bra and a loin cloth.

  "I'm not wearing that!" I blushed. There was barely enough fabric in the outfit to clothe a toddler. The looming reality of what was about to happen overcame me. There was no doubt, I was being auctioned off as a sex-slave. Panic overtook me and I scanned the room desperate to escape.

  "I know what you're thinking," Deena placed the revealing outfit on the bed. "Forget it, we thought the same at one point. There's no escaping this. The sooner you accept your fate the better."

  Kaitlin didn't say a word, she continued with her hairdressing task. As much as it pained me, Deena was right. If I tried to escape Marcella's burly guards would capture me. I was trapped.

  Chapter 5

  "Welcome to the Nadir City Slave auction!", Marcella's voice boomed over the gathered audience. I waited in the slave pen behind the stage with the day's chattel. I sat on a hard wooden bench between two other scantily dressed women. Our only real difference being my paleness and golden hair color. My two companions were exotic beauties, purple skin and all.

  I scanned my surroundings and noticed there were few men here as well. A tall, burly wall of muscle who looked both fierce and aggressive. Next to him a blue skinned youth with the face of a Botticelli angel. To the far right a wizened older woman whose hair had gone completely white. All awaited an uncertain fate.

  Without warning, Marcella's body guards came into the pen. They grabbed the youngish looking man and dragged him towards the door. He put up a valiant fight, but he was no match for the big Orcs. The larger slave glowered at the guards. I sensed his anger and realized he'd rip them apart if his hands were unbound.

  The guards pushed the boy through the curtains. I could hear the crowd raise up their voices. Lewd whoops and hollers echoed off the chamber walls.

  "I present to you this docile slave boy," Marcella announced. "Perfect for all sorts of domestic service. Both off and on his back!"

  Gruff voices responded with appreciation. My heart dropped. Despite my own predicament I felt empathy for the boy. His fate would soon be my own.

  "Sold to D'volar of the outer provinces!" Marcella pounded her gavel on the podium so loud it made a loud cracking sound. "Bring out the next offering!"

  The guards reappeared and snatched up the old woman. She offered no resistance, her head held downward. She walked with a limp and her back stooped. The guards had some compassion and were gentle with her. I wondered how much of that was kindness or a desire to not damage merchandise.

  Marcella's voice boomed, "Next we have a most excellent cook! While she is old she will prove adept at all sorts of cleaning and domestic tasks."

  "I'll take her," a high pitched woman's voice rose out over the gathered mob.

  "Are there no counter bids?" Marcella responded. There was silence, "Sold to the Lady Kelvina!"

  As it dawned on me our numbers were dwindling I knew my own uncertain fate was drawing its conclusion. Soon that would be me out there on the auction block. I shivered. This couldn't be happening. Trapped in a fantasy realm conceived by a crazy alien AI! Even had I managed to escape, where would I run? My fair skin and blond hair made me easy to identify. It's not like I could blend in with the local population.

  "Your turn!" the guards booming voice brought me back to reality. The two men approached the massive shackled prisoner, each one grabbing an arm. He struggled with them, but it was clear he'd been beaten and starved. In his prime there was no doubt he was more than a match for his captors. The Orcs dragged the big purple warrior through the curtain.

  "Gentle people of capitol city!" Marcella announced. "I give you a warrior captured in battle. He will prove an excellent guard or gladiator. It will take a special master to tame this wild beast of a man!"

  The crowd went wild with so many voices calling out bids I couldn't distinguish them. A cold chill went through me and I wrapped my hands around my body. The two women next to me drew close to each other. All in fear of the impending doom that awaited us.

  "SOLD!" Marcella's boomed. The now familiar crack of her gavel vibrating off the walls. The warrior's chains rattled and the sounds of a scuffle rang out. Then a sickening pop followed by awed silence.

  "No worries gentlefolk!" Marcella spoke. "That wild beast of a man is subdued and is safely on route to h
is new master. I told you he had spirit!" A rumble of uncomfortable laughter echoed through the closed curtain. I couldn't see the assembled crowd, but could most hear them. On cue the guards appeared and grabbed the two women seated next to me. They offered no resistance each one walked behind their captor with heads down.

  "How much are you willing to spend on this beautiful pair?" Marcella beckoned. "Gentle twins from the mountains. Eager to please their new master in every way!" The raucous cries were almost too much to bear. As I realized I was now alone in the slave pen. Soon it would be my turn on the auction block. I placed my hands over my ears and bowed over. There must be a way to escape! But I knew better. Soon I'd belong to a vicious savage. Who would do with me whatever he wished. Virtual or not, the prospect still frightened me. This was a far cry from my pleasant erotic dreams.

  "Your turn!" the guards had entered my cage and gestured to me. I'd love to say that I offered resistance. But I put up no fight. The best plan was to go along with them Perhaps an opportunity to escape would present itself later. The brutish Orcs took me by the shoulders and escorted me towards the auction area. Then they pushed me unceremoniously onto the stage. I wore a thin bra with loincloth. Which was just enough fabric to cover my body. Naked and exposed, the greedy eyes of the lustful slavers were on me. I scanned the room, hoping to find some escape. There were none.

  "We found this exotic beauty in the old desert ruins." Marcella's voice reverberated off the walls. "See her pale skin and golden hair! A prize like this hasn't graced our market since the era of the Game Masters!" The audience went silent. Not a sound emerged from them. Instead, they were sizing me up like an animal for the slaughter.

  "No bids for this rare find?" Marcella questioned the crowd.

  "I'll take her!" A voice boomed out. I dared not look into the crowd. That first enthusiastic bid started a frenzy. Soon voice after voice declared an intent to buy. Marcella was ecstatic! The look in the Daystar woman's eyes was one of pure greed. Then one strong voice shouted out all others. "Six Fire Jewels for the Daystar!"

  The crowd grew silent. Marcella slammed her gavel down on the podium with a loud crack, "Sold!"

  ROUGH HANDS GRABBED my exposed flesh and pulled me off the stage. Dragged to a small holding pen I pondered my fate. The entire experience had been a whirlwind. Who was the mysterious stranger who purchased me? Even more importantly, how would I escape now? My holo-screen display appeared and the following message faded into view:



  The cage door swung open and Marcella entered with a hooded stranger.

  "Here is your prize Lord Bashir!" she gestured towards me.

  The Orc warrior peeled back his hood and revealed himself. He had exotic good looks that would put any normal man to shame. His dark hair hung to his shoulders in neat manicured dreadlocks. His eyebrows, also dark, were crescent shaped. His angular cheekbones gave him a strong masculine cast. He didn't have the large tusks of of other Orcs. Instead, two smallish lower fangs protruded from his mouth. If not for the green skin and amber eyes- he could've almost passed for human. His tunic was open to the waist. So I couldn't' help but admire the smooth ripple of muscle beneath his skin as strode towards me. His bearing was strong and masculine. A long scar decorated his abdomen with another on his cheek. This was a warrior with a battle hardened body. Despite his bulk he moved with a catlike grace. Curious, I narrowed my eyes and summoned my HUD. I wanted to know who now owned me:







  His haunting eyes bored into me. I shivered. Then the corners of his mouth turned upwards. He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled. Unable to resist I followed. It was clear that I now belonged to him. My heart quickened in panic. What was he going to do with me? All sense of hope fell away. While my new master was handsome, I would never be anyone's concubine. A full life waited for me back in the real world. Yet part of me wondered if it would be so bad to play along? This was my chance to experience all the guilty pleasures I fantasized about. At this moment it wasn't like I had many options. The smartest play would be to play along, until I could discover how to free myself. The AI that created this reality was playing by some kind of rulebook. It was up to me to figure it out.

  "Wait," I pleaded as he pulled my wrist chains.

  “Why?" his eyes widened at my impertinence.

  "You're walking to fast," I yanked back on my chain. "I can't keep up."

  "Fine, " he replied as he slowed his pace. He led me by the chain to a large stable. Inside were more massive pig-like beasts like I'd seen at the oasis. My captor slung a saddle over one of the animals. Then he lifted me up and sat me on the creatures back.

  "We will travel by War Boar to my home." He busied himself securing various buckles and straps.

  "Is it far?" I asked, trying my best not acknowledge this his exotic beauty.

  He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. I swallowed hard as perspiration drizzled down his perfect chest. I'd never seen a man so exotically delicious. I bit my lower lip and squirmed. What in the world this Half-Orc have planned for me? Would I enjoy it?

  "Don't ask so many questions!" he locked his eyes onto me. "It's a few hours ride through the desert."

  I slumped into my saddle. Bashir, my captor, bent over to pick up a wrapped bundle. He wore tight black leather pants, which hugged his muscled ass to perfection. My heart beat faster and my breath shallowed. Could it be I felt attraction to this savage Half-Orc?

  With a swift athleticism he hopped onto his mount and pulled the reins. The animal trudged towards the stable exit. Soon we were in the unforgiving desert. Wearing little more than my flimsy bikini the angry sun beat down on my skin. I grabbed a blanket draped over my saddle and pulled it over my head. While it was hot I was now protected from the red sun's harsh rays. My handsome green-skinned companion didn't seem to mind the sun. He barely spoke as we traveled.

  "May I have some water?" I pleaded with him.

  "Here," he handed a canteen to me. I took it and gulped down a refreshing drink of water.

  "How much longer?" I returned his water vessel.

  "Do all Elves ask so many questions?"

  "We are an inquisitive species."

  "I find it annoying, you talk too much for a servant!" he snapped the beats reins. In response our mount quickened its pace. Soon I could make out a series of rooftops in the distance. Colorful flags waved from a tall tower that peeked out in the distance. Not wanting to further annoy my new master I kept silent. We should arrive at his compound and then he would do with me as he willed.

  Before long the War Boar reached tall wooden doors. Which swung open to greet us. An older man approached us, his purple skin glistening in the sun.

  "Master Bashir," he beamed. "You've returned from capitol city?"

  "Yes Munir," he replied. "With goods and a new servant," he gestured toward me. Without thinking I dropped the cloth I'd been using like a cloak revealing myself. Munir and the others gasped at the sight of me.

  "A Daystar!" the aged Hidari didn't bother to hide his shock.

  "Take her to Nadine" Bashir commanded. Munir helped down from the strange mount and took me into the compound. Bashir's home reminded me of something from Aladdin. With large Arabian arches, and whitewashed sandstone walls. Painted blue designs decorated the walls. Munir led me through a large courtyard. A pool of crisp water was the centerpiece with all manner of exotic plants surrounding it.

  "Nadine!" the servant called out.

  "What you old geezer!" a stout old woman emerged. She had the standard purp
le complexion I'd become used to. The Hidari woman's white hair piled high on her head. "Well, what have we here!" her eyes scanned me.

  "A Daystar servant!" Munir pointed at me. "I've never seen one before."

  "Can you understand me girl?" the stern old woman spoke to me.

  I nodded, "Yes."

  "Are you hungry?" she asked. My stomach grumbled and I nodded. Nadine put her arm around my shoulder and led me into the kitchen. She placed a plate of bread and a strange meat before me. "Eat!" she commanded. Needing no further encouragement I gobbled up the modest meal.

  "Master Bashir will come for you soon," she said. "I suppose you are here to ease his loneliness."

  "I'm not a whore!" I replied without thinking.

  "Nor did I call you one," she tilted her head to the side. "Follow me, I'll take you his room where you will wait for him." I followed the old woman across the courtyard. We entered a blue painted hallway. She reached an arched oaken door which she pushed open. I hesitated, but followed her inside. The truth was there was nowhere to run but the unforgiving desert, which held unknown dangers. Like it or not I was safer here than outside.

  "What happens next?" I asked the servant woman.

  "Master Bashir will come to you," Nadine shrugged. "At that point your fate is up to you."

  "It doesn't feel like it!" I shook my head.

  "There are all sorts of ways to control one's fate," she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Even when it doesn't seem like it." With that the old woman left and I sat alone. The oil lamp cast strange shadows on the wall. Soon my new master would come for me. More than likely he would want my body. But I'd never had sex before, having decided to save myself for someone special. Yet despite my best efforts that choice was being denied me. Perhaps I should've given in to Brock? But this wasn't reality, was it? A part of me held on to hope of escape

  The door creaked open and Bashir stepped into the room. He was an impressive sight at his full seven foot height. Even among Orcs he towered. The lamplight glistened off his sparkling amber eyes. His green skin and dark hair, making him the most exotic man I'd ever seen. My body betrayed me as my nipples hardened. A familiar moisture built up between my legs. Despite my own reservations my body craved this tall warrior. Would I give in to these primal desires or would I resist?


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