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The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition

Page 9

by Quinn Dallas

  "Lady Arwyn," a tall Tiefling bowed ceremoniously. Then he turned to my mate, "Bashir you look well."

  "Chieftain Kimmel!" Bashir looked startled, then he bowed his head. "It's an honor."

  The Council Head and Marcella's father? What was he doing here? My heart sank at the thought of whatever treachery my opponent had planned.

  "A duel between members of the most noble families, requires a referee!" He folded his hands across his chest.

  "Of course," Bashir spoke. "But I didn't think they'd send you."

  "Marcella is my daughter." He continued. "And an official presence will offset doubt about this duel's outcome. We can't have any unpleasantness or uncertainty taint the peace between the great tribes."

  "I'd hope you'd come to persuade Marcella to end this nonsense." Bashir shook his head.

  "Trust me old friend," the older man put a hand on Bashir's shoulder. "I would rather this duel not come to pass. But Marcella is a leader in her own stand and of the noblest blood. This is her right."

  "Excuse me, sirs," I spoke. "But I must prepare."

  "Of course, my dear," Kimmel tilted his head. "You are a beautiful young Daystar. I pray that you and my daughter both live to greet the next sun."

  Not entirely trusting his sincerity, I left him alone with Bashir. I was ready for this battle to begin. The stakes were high, but come hell or high water, I was going to win.

  I STOOD NEAR THE EDGE of the circle and waited for the battle to begin. A small crowd had gathered. I recognized some of the faces - many were our own people. Mostly Hidari and Orc's loyal to Bashir. Kimmel's contingent was noticeable by the golden insignia they wore on the jackets. It depicted a ram and a lion in mortal combat - the heraldic symbol of his clan. Most of them were high-born Tieflings. The kept to themselves, their Orc bodyguards vigilant and watchful. I scanned the crowd looking for Nadine, but she was nowhere to be found. I realized that she was construct of the ALien intelligence that had trapped me here. But I still had developed deep feelings for the woman. Her guidance and wisdom had seem me through some dark times.

  I began to wonder just how long I'd been here? Did time inside this VR-reality keep pace with the outside world. If I were to escape what would I kind of world would I find. I couldn't help but think if the story of Rip Van Winkle. A man who was whisked away to the land of faerie. When he returned he'd found so much time had passed everyone he knew had died. As much as I hated to admit it the longer I stayed here, the more I identified with Arwyn's perona. The pride I felt for my adopted clan. The intense love for my Chieftain Bashir. Even the anger I felt when Marcella insulted the honor of my house. What if I grew to love my life here so much, that I gave up all attempts at escape?

  "Marcella has arrived!" an excited voice from the crowd brought me out of my thoughts. The Duchessin had indeed entered the courtyard. She strode in alone, wearing a long black hooded cloak. Then she dramatically pulled the hood back. Her dark hair was pulled into a single ebony braid. Her red-tinted Tiefling skin glistening under the heat of the desert sun. Even in this glaring heat she was gorgeous. I decided it was now or never so I summoned up my HUD display to get a look at what I faced:








  Jesus, her fighting score was high. While we were matched in strength her agility was much higher. If this were a pen and paper game she'd probably gain the initiative roll. I clenched my jaw in determination. No matter what I wouldn't let her see me intimidated. There were a few things I needed to remember. My seduction skill functioned as a placate, which could be powerful if used strategically. My ranged dagger throws could shave off a significant number of her hit points. But most important- I had the will to beat her. Too much relied on this outcome of this duel. I wasn't going to lose.

  "Welcome men and women of the United Tribes!" Lord Kimmel's voice boomed. "Since the time of our coming together, we have honored the sacred ritual of trial by combat!"

  The was a loud cheer from the gathered crowd. I figured there were at least one-hundred people gathered in Bashir's courtyard. All had come to see to ladies of noble houses fight for their families honor. I inhaled and then bit my bottom lip.

  "Will the brave women representing their houses enter the arena?" Kimmel commanded.

  I stepped forward and walked into the circle. Marcella dropped her cloak with a flourish. She was dressed head to toe in black leather. A dangerous looking short sword hanging at her side. With a look of grim satisfaction she joined me in the chalk circle. My opponent then regarded me with a sly grin. My cheeks reddened with anger. She didn't think I was a threat! True courtesans were no frontline brawlers- but I'd learned we had strengths. A lesson I was too eager to teach Marcella.

  "Once the battle begins, you may not leave the circle."Kimmel cautioned. "The sacred symbols which surround the perimeter form a magic barrier!" He raised his hands dramatically. "Once that barrier is raised it will remain until one of you has been defeated."

  "I understand father" Marcella placed emphasis on the last word.

  I simply nodded. I scanned the crowd until my eyes fell on Bashir. The half-orc's face was stoic and unreadable. If I had not been so intimate with his moods I would have mistaken his demeanor for disinterest. Yet, I knew the truth. He was quite worried. But as an Orc Chieftain he couldn't show any weakness. The honor of our family was stake. No matter what I couldn't let him down . Virtual reality or not, there was too much at stake.

  "From the beginning of time, " Kimmel continued. "We have honored this sacred ritual to settle disputes. The right to trial by combat maintains the peace between the various tribes of the Blighted Lands."

  I watched as Hidari, Orcs, and Tieflings nodded in agreement. The various fantastic races of this place had come together under a common rule. With a council of representatives governing them all to maintain order. A dispute like the one Marcella held, could easily lead to war. It was best to settle matters this way. I saw the wisdom of this.

  Kimmel exited the circle and then held his hands high above his head. The he shouted "Lass die circle gebunden werden und der Kampf zwischen echten Kriegerinnen beginnt!"

  The runes on the ground began to glow and shimmer. Then an almost invisible wall of energy surrounded the drawn circle. It glistened like a glass wall surrounding Marcella and I. Keeping us both bound within its confines. Marcella shouted and pulled her sword from it's scabbard. The wild look in the woman's eyes didn't faze me. She'd made the mistake of looking me in the eye. My seduction skill kicked in and I noted the confused look on her face. She wanted to rush me but she couldn't. The power of seduction’s placate held her in place.

  I yanked a dagger free from my garter and threw it with full force. The small blade sailed through the air and struck Marcella in the shoulder. I'd drawn first blood. She grimaced and pulled the throwing dagger from her shoulder. Then she charged swinging her sword in wide dangerous arcs. This is where I needed to rely on my sword dancing skill. Which granted me the ability to dodge. I avoided blow after devastating blow. If any one of those sword attacks had hit me, it could have been fatal. As my stat sheet informed me I didn't have very many hit points.

  Marcella changed up her attacks. As I dodged another sword swipe, she spun and landed a hard kick to my chest. The impact sent me flying backwards. I struck the translucent barrier. The impact had stunned me. VR or not this all felt very real. I knew I couldn't waste time. I sprung back to me feet. In one motion, I yanked another blade from garter and threw it. Marcella dodged the flying blade with unearthly grace. I cursed as it whizzed past her face and struck the barrier. Marcella grinned wide.

  "I'll gut you from head to toe whore!" she spat. Then she charged again, her blade raised high overhead.

  As she approached, I rolle
d to the side. Then I pulled the poison dagger from my belt. It was almost as long as Marcella's short sword. I prayed my sword dancing skills would be enough to keep the determined woman at bay. I parried an incoming attack from her blade. I now wielded two weapons. The longer Courtesan's sword, with it's poison tip. And the short dagger. I was amazed at how well I seemed to be doing. The sword dancing practices with Musir had definitely paid off. Before I could enjoy my sense of accomplishment, Marcella pressed her attack. Using the hilt of her blade as a blunt weapon she struck me in the face. The blow knocked me once again backwards. Dizzy I shook my head and tried to regain my stability. I could feel the warm blood trickle from nose and drip down my chin.

  My HUD display hovered and I noticed the hit point loss. Before I could make a dodge attempt, Marcella pressed her attack. Her blade sliced my abdomen! A searing pain brought me to my knees. I couldn't barely think or react. All I knew as that I'd been severely injured.

  Marcella stood over me to gloat , "I'm surprised you lasted this long harlot!" She grinned wide. "You were more worthy than I anticipated.. but his battle ends now. May the gods accept your misbegotten soul"

  Then Marcella raised her blade high above her head. She intended to deliver the coup de grace. It was as if everything was in slow motion. As the blade descended, I knew I had to take my chance. Marcella had left her midsection exposed. With a swift motion, I slashed my poison tipped blade across her belly. Then I made an agile roll to my left avoiding the deadly sword strike. Her blade hit the sand with a thud. Then she placed her right hand on her stomach. Shock registered on her face when she realized she was bleeding.

  But I was in no shape to gloat. Marcella's blade had cut me deeply. My HUD display revealed that I'd Iost a great deal of blood already. My hit points were rapidly declining. But I still had a chance. The hovering poison icon over Marcella head let me know that she suffering the effects of my attack. She'd be much slower now.

  "You witch!" she grimaced. "You poisoned me!

  Chapter 12

  Marcella staggered and took steps towards me. The blood from her wound oozing between her fingers. With determination she gripped her blade. The hatred in her eyes bored into my soul. I watched my rapid hit point loss scroll past the the holographic display floating before me. It was clear that I didn't have much time time left. Marcella drew closer and I readied myself for her finishing blow. I held my hand over my own wound and knelt in the sand, The Tiefling woman took step after agonizing step towards me. My final moments being played out in slow motion. Then she stopped. The Duchessin tottered and swayed. Her eye's widened and she fell forward in the sand. The shimmering walls of magic that surrounded us faded away.

  Kimmel strolled into the circle and knelt by his fallen daughter. He placed a hand on her neck and then shouted 'She still lives!"

  A group of Tieflings and Orc's rushed in and removed Marcella. Then Kimmel stood and walked towards me. My heart sank, did he mean to finish me off? His clan was known for their swift vengeance and ruthlessness. Kimmel grabbed my hand and held it above my head. "Hail to the victor! Lady Arwyn Daystar of the House of Bashir!"

  The surrounding crowd erupted into a loud cheer. I struggled to get to my feet. Bashir had rushed to my side and I leaned on his shoulder. The world around me was spinning. It dawned on me that I'd lost too much blood. Victor or not, I was dying.

  "Hold on my love," Bashir whispered into my ear. "Please hold on."

  I placed a finger on his lips. "Remember I died victorious." I whispered. "I'm not some useless harlot. I'm the beloved of House Bashir."

  "You can't die!"The normally stoic Half-Orc pleaded. "Nadine, summon a healer!" he shouted.

  A whirlwind of activity surrounded me. I was being carried away from the makeshift arena and into the kitchen area. Someone lay me on the table. Nadine's face hovered before me.

  "Hold on Little Daystar!" she whispered. "The healer is here, he will be able to help you!"

  My HUD display informed me that I'd lost ninety-percent of my hit points. I read the scrolling message with despair. I had only moments. I struggled to breathe, I wanted to say my goodbyes. But I couldn't form the words. The word around me seemed to grow darker. So this is what death is like? I thought. I felt a strong hand grip my own and a deep voice spoke.

  "Please don't die!"

  I knew it was Bashir, I fought and brought the world back into focus. My beloved half-orc stood over me tears welling in his eyes. He leaned forward and kissed me. Finding strength, I reached upwards and stroked his face.

  "Don't worry my love," I spoke in a whisper. "I'm still here!"

  "You have to hold on!" he said. "You beat Marcella. Everyone is talking about it!"

  "She fought well," I continued. "Is she-"

  "She lives!" he answered. "The healer gave her an antidote and she is recovering."

  "And the feud is settled?" I asked.

  Bashir's gripped my hand even more tightly, "Yes, her claim has been answered. She cannot cause anymore trouble for us."

  "That's good," I coughed. My thoughts again turned to what would happen to everyone in this VR world were I to die. Would the simulation continue on without me? Or would the alien AI wipe it from existence? They had all become so real to me. I couldn't imagine a world without them. Then my thoughts turned to the outside world. My parents! What would they do after I died? This simulation was so real that there was no other conclusion that death here, meant death in the real world? Or perhaps the game would cause me to respawn. I held on to that hope as I watched my hit points decline to two percent.

  "I love you Bashir," I muttered with the last of my strength. '

  "No, you can't ' go!'" his voice trembled. "You can't leave me! I love you Arwyn!"

  I reached a feeble hand to his face and stroked his cheek, "Promise me you will continue after I'm gone!"

  "No!" he shouted. "You can't die Arwyn!"

  "Promise Me!" I shouted.

  Bashir lowered his head and sobbed. "I promise you Arwyn. I will continue for your sake."

  "That's good!" I whispered. "I want you to live forever!"

  The world around me darkened. A strange electric sensation traveled through me. I struggled to breathe but failed. My body shook with a violent tremble and then there was nothing. I found myself floating in a sea of stars, drifting in a vast emptiness. "Am I dead?" I asked aloud. However, there was no answer. Before long a shimmering holographic screen appeared and glowing text scrolled along its screen.





  Then a bright glowing light surrounded me. I tried to turn away but it drew it me towards it. I felt myself being pulled into the glowing doorway. I struggle to scream but was paralyzed. Before long the light had engulfed me. It's warmth spreading all over me. What in the hell was happening to me?

  "SHE'S AWAKE!" AN EXCITED voice stammered.

  "Quick, " another person responded.

  "We need to take get that crystal off her!"

  "Done, Doctor, " someone else responded.

  "Amy," a gray haired man in his middle years leaned over me. "Can you hear me?"

  "Where am I?" my throat was both tender and dry.

  "Wright Patterson Air Force base," the man replied.

  "I'm Doctor Lewis."

  "What happened to me?"

  "You were subjected to some sort of alien device," he continued. "We weren't certain if you'd ever come out of that coma".

  A torrent of memories came to the surface. The Blighted Lands, Orcs, a beautiful but haunting desert sky. And of course Bashir, my beloved. It had all been virtual but the memory felt so genuine.

  "How long," I coughed. "Was I out for?"

  "Over a month," the doctor shone a penlight in my eyes. I winced at the pain.

  "Professor Martin!" I cried. "What happed to him?"

  "He pulled you to
safety!" Doctor Lewis continued.

  "If not for him you would've been captured in that cave-in."

  I attempted to sit up and the room started to spin. "I feel awful!"

  "I don't doubt it," the doctor placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You've been in a coma."

  "No," I blurted out. "That alien crystal, it did something to me. I put me in a virtual simulation of some kind-"

  "We know," the doctor's voice lowered.

  "What do you mean you know?" I answered.

  "You weren't the sole victim of the aliens technology Amy."

  "I don't understand," I struggled to sit up once more.

  "But take it easy," the doctor placed a hand on my shoulder.

  "You'll need your rest."

  For the following few days, I struggled with the simple things. Like walking, my legs had weakened during my time under the crystals influence. I'd never felt so frail. Over the next few days I attempted to piece together what took place. Apparently alien crystals, like the one I found had appeared simultaneously at various spots around the world. It was theorized they were thousands of years old. No one knew why they chose to activate now. Yet, hundreds of people were now under their influence. Of those affected, I was the only one who had wakened. The rest still remained comatose.

  "Comatose is really the wrong word," Professor Martin took a sip from his coffee cup. “There is brain activity.”

  "Of course," I responded. "The alien tech is some form of Virtual Reality Game". I shook my head. "Everything in there felt so real."

  "Well, it was real in its own manner," the professor leaned back in his chair. "What we need to know is why you’ve been the only one to wake up!"

  “I told you, " I stated. "I dropped dead in the VR-world. Next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed."

  "From what we can gather," the Professor went on.

  "The crystal computers have produced some sort of shared world.


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