The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition

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The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition Page 11

by Quinn Dallas

  "Don't worry!" The doctor continued. "It's not what you think."

  "We've set up a special room for our little experiment." The professor said.

  "What kind of experiment exactly? I countered.

  "If you were to-" he paused. " Stimulate yourself- In private of course. Perhaps you could regain access to the crystal network." The professor answered.

  It dawned on me what they wanted to try. While I wasn't adverse to the idea it seemed a little weird.

  "So you want me to," I paused. "Masturbate in the presence of the crystal?"

  "Yes, he replied. "But don't worry, you'll have total privacy. We're not interested in anything other then access to the network and freeing those trapped."

  While the entire scenario made me uncomfortable, there were people who needed my help. Plus, I would do anything to see Bashir one more time.

  Chapter 14

  "You should be comfortable in here, " Dr. Lewis said as we entered the small white room.

  "This is genuinely weird" I sat on the hospital bed and then sighed.

  "You'll have complete privacy," he pushed his eyeglasses back. "Now just let me attach these sensors".

  Doctor Lewis placed two small white plastic discs onto each of my temples. And then he typed some commands into the black tablet in his hands.

  "The biofeedback sensors will monitor your vital signs remotely." He stroked his whiskers. "Now we only need one more thing."

  As if on cue, two white coated lab assistants rolled a metal cart into the room. On it sat a small black box. Doctor Lewis unceremoniously opened the lid, revealing the crystal inside. It was smaller than I recalled it to be. Nevertheless, I could sense the power inside.

  "Remember Amy," the doctor cautioned. "You have the unique ability to control your interaction with the crystalline network." He put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "That means you should be able to free yourself at any time."

  I nodded and shrugged. "I'm still not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do once I'm back inside the network."

  "We're hoping that your presence will stabilize and restore equilibrium within the system," he continued. "Right now the network appears to be looking for a new mind on which to centralize itself at random. Hopefully once you reenter that process will stop."

  "And after that?" I interrupted. "What am I supposed do then?"

  "I think I have the answer to that problem," Professor Martin entered the room.

  "Of course you do!" I perked up. "What did you find out?"

  "My research into crystal lore has turned up some interesting findings." He sat on the edge of the bed. "It turns out the ancient people considered the network as the realm of the gods and spirits." He took off his glasses and cleaned them with a handkerchief. "Chosen priestess were not only guardians of the crystals, but also guides."

  "Of course!" Doctor Lewis nodded. "Their ability to lucid dream also granted them control over the alien networks VR"

  "Which is why the newly reawakened network chose to shape a reality based on Amy's memories." He smiled, "But there is more to the story. The guardians not only helped create the shared VR world, they could also guide others in and out of it!"

  "So I just have to find the off switch?" I replied.

  Plainly speaking, yes" Professor Martin said.

  "I'm ready, let's do this!" I said with grim purpose.

  "Then we'll leave you alone to get started" Doctor Lewis adjusted his lab coat. "If you need anything we will be monitoring your vitals not best room. There is also a panic button in case of emergency."

  "Good luck Amy!" Professor Martin put his glasses back on and smiled. "I know you can do this"

  The two men exited the room hastily. Leaving me alone with the mysterious crystal. It sat on its pedestal inert and lifeless. It was tough to believe something so tiny could contain so much power. I dimmed the lights and crawled into the infirmary bed, wearing nothing but a flimsy patient's gown.

  Getting started was awkward. I began by pinching and pulling on my nipples. Running my hands over my swollen tits and reveling in pleasure of It. All the same, my sexual arousal was slight. The artificial setting much too cold and uninspired.

  My thoughts drifted towards Bashir. I could picture him in my mind so vividly. His close cropped hair and piercing eyes. The exotic strangeness of his green tinted skin. The sexy way he growled and showed his lower fangs when he was turned on. All of these images bubbled to the crown of my consciousness.

  My right hand drifted beneath my robe. I hadn't quite grown wet down there still. But my pussy ached and tingled. I recalled how Bashir practically worshipped me with his rasping tongue. A shiver went through my entire core. In response the crystal glimmered. It was working! I just needed to build up more erotically charged emotional energy!

  I focused more intensely on my memories of Bashir. How the brutish Half-Orc had taken my virtual virginity so gently. No real world man could ever compare to him. I grew wetter between my legs at the thought of his muscled body pressing close to me. I spread my legs wider to get better access to my throbbing cunt. I circled my index finger round the edge of my moist pussy. Brushing the lips and remembering how Bashir loved to tease me with his tongue.

  My desire grew hotter and the alien crystal glowed brighter. Suddenly tentacles of light emerged and snaked towards me. I shuddered in pleasure as tendrils of energy wrapped around my arms and legs. Electric shocks of erotic feeling shot through me. I not my lower lip and spread my pussy apart with my fingers.

  A fifth energy tentacle flowed emerged. Slithering its way towards my hungry opening. I could sense the alien AI probing the edge of my thoughts. I focused and broadcasted images of Bashir into the matrix. In response the appendage of alien energy squirmed between my legs. I let out a gasp. The strange force didn't penetrate me completely. But it had made a connection to my nervous system. Waves of pleasure shot through my entire being. The crystal now glowed with frightening intensity. Filling the little room with light.

  As I rode the orgasmic wave I felt my consciousness leave my body. I was pulled towards a pulsating fissure of light. A familiar holo-screen materialized before me.







  LOADING SAVED SCENARIO 00011 1200 0432

  A rapid series of ones and zeroes scrolled through the air. Soon I was pulled towards a pulsating sliver of brightness. Within the luminous aura floated a hologram of my character Arwyn. A large red X hovered over her picture. Next an unexpected screen appeared in front of me. I read the text carefully:


  [YES] [NO]

  I mentally selected the yes option and waited.


  There was a sudden flash of light and I found myself being pulled into a long black tunnel. I moved at lightning quick speed. Multicolored lights rushed furiously past me as I hurtled forward. There was next a sensation of falling. I braced myself against the vertigo that threatened to knock me unconscious.

  Before long I was in utter darkness. Followed by that a piercing sensation of pain travelled through me. I was aware that I was resting on a cold hard slab, I winced and forced my eyes open. Steadying myself, I shifted into a seating position.

  I scanned the room and took in my surroundings. Somehow I'd materialized in a stone chamber. Torches decorated the rock walls. The flickering light cast strange shadows. Someone had dressed me in a white gown and placed a wreath of flowers on my head. It dawned on me that this was a burial chamber of some sort.

  But who had placed me in the tomb? I took notice of an enorm
ous oak door. Standing on wobbly feet I asked aloud where am I? A bright translucent Holo screen popped up.


  TIME: 2200

  So back in the oasis? That was a strange spot for a respawn point indeed. This location certainly seemed to be important to the Alien AI. I just needed to figure out why that was. My footsteps echoed in the emptiness. The door swung open to reveal a figure standing in shock.

  "Arwyn?" Bashir's mouth hung open in disbelief.

  "It's me," I answered.

  "But how?" He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me.

  "There's so much I have to tell you." I shook my head. "But I don't know where to even start."

  "This is a miracle." He held me close.

  "No," I responded. "It's science."

  "I don't understand what you mean." Bashir pulled away.

  "None of this is real," I answered. "We're trapped in an illusion, created by an Alien super computer."

  "You're not making any sense." He interrupted.

  "Think Bashir," I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Doesn't something about this seem strange? Don't you feel like you belong somewhere else?"

  Bashir shook his head. "Stop! This is all too confusing."

  Realizing how crazy I sounded, I paused. All of this must have been horribly shocking. In Bashir's shoes I'd be reeling.

  "Do you trust me?" I asked.

  "All I know is that you're here with me now." He replied. "As impossible as that is I'm happier than I've ever been."

  "We're in the catacombs beneath the Oasis?" I asked.

  "It seemed like the most appropriate place to bring your body." He answered.

  "The Orcs were able to dig a way back inside?" I replied.

  "We couldn't get into the main chamber, but the side tunnels remained unblocked." He paused. "I chose this room as your final resting place."

  I thought about what he had just told me. Something didn't seem quite right.

  "Can you get me to the caved in chambers?" I asked.

  "Of course. But why would you want to travel there?" Bashir was puzzled.

  "Please believe me." I continued. "I have a hunch this will make everything clear."

  Bashir took a few seconds to think about what I said. Then he nodded once. "Come with me."

  We exited the tomb chamber and entered a long rock walled corridor. Bashir took a torch from the wall and led the way. We worked our way through the warren of tunnels before arriving at our destination.

  A mound of rubble blocked the entrance into the main hall. It just seemed impossible to get through it.

  "I had teams of orcs try for days to tunnel through this. We only uncovered more debris. The entire cavern has caved in I fear."

  "I'm not so certain about that." I replied.

  Something about the situation was peculiar. If the chamber had been destroyed, why did the Alien AI respawn me at this location. It appeared to almost enjoy presenting me with puzzles to resolve.

  "I want to try something," I stated as I grasped my Half-Orc's hand.

  He gripped my hand firmly and looked into my eyes. "I believe you, " he whispered.

  Nodding, I stepped ahead. The pile of rubble was a deterrent. To someone not able to influence the VR environment, it would be impossible to go around. But I should be able to go through.

  I shut my eyes and stepped through the pile of stones as if they were naught but air. I pulled Bashir along with me. The two of us miraculously stepped into a torchlit antechamber.

  "By the beard of Orcus!" He shouted. "What sorcery is this!"

  "It's not magic Bashir," I responded. "None of this is real. We're trapped in some kind of gaming environment. And I'm bringing us out of here!"

  The subterranean hall looked the same as earlier. It was wholly untouched by any cave in. The AI had simply made up that instance to prevent me from shutting it down.

  "That swirling mass of energy must be the heart of the network." I uttered as I approached it.

  "No!" Bashir grabbed my sleeve. "It's too dangerous. I can't lose you again."

  "This is something only I can do." I covered his hand with my own "You said you believed me."

  "I think I've gone mad," he let go of my arm. "But I trust you. Do what you must."

  I neared the glowing aura of energy. It swirled and changed colors as it hovered in the gentle wind. Before I didn't have time to try and connect with it. I also hadn't been armed with the information I now had.

  I spoke out loud, "Display menu."

  A hologram screen popped into being in front of me. The translucent display was clear as ice. I read through the selections.




  I mentally selected [CONNECTION OPTIONS]. The screen flickered and displayed a new message.


  As I skimmed over the display I realized I was looking at a map of the earth. Tiny points of light flickered at various points along the map. I blinked in disbelief when the truth dawned on me. Each one of those tiny lights represented a real person. I was looking at a real time map of all the people currently under the networks influence.

  The AI was actively monitoring each person's vitals as well as their actions within its VR environment. There must be a way to to free them.

  "You have to let to these people go." I spoke out loud. In hopes the alien AI would react.

  The light screen flickered and displayed a new message.



  "If you continue these people may die." I hesitated. "Certainly that's not what you want."

  The message updated itself again.



  "That's right." I proceeded. "I'm no longer bonded to the system. I can come and go when I please."

  For a few moments there was no reaction. It was as if the alien computer was recapturing it's options. Then a new message appeared.





  The world around me shimmered and pixilated. The VR simulation was ending. I turned and my eye's fell on Bashir. His image fading both in and out of being.

  "I remember Arwyn!" He shouted out. "I know who I truly am."

  Scared, I rushed towards him. He kept both arms outstretched. I tried to embrace him, but my hands ran through him like air.

  "No!" I screamed.

  "I won't forget you." He said as he faded from view.

  "I'll find you." I cried out. "No matter what."

  As the world surrounding me faded into oblivion a searing pain swept over me. The psychic backlash of the ending simulation tore through my core. After all, this world was based on my memories. It was my mind the AI had used to stabilize and hold this simulation together.

  I struggled to stay conscious. But the pain was too much to bear. I fell to my knees as the darkness overwhelmed me. Wondering if this moment was my last as I lost consciousness.

  I DRIFTED INTO DARKNESS for what seemed like an eternity. The mumbled voices of doctors band nurses waking me momentarily. I struggled to stay sane, let alone conscious. But only fell back into the haze time after time.

  This lasted on for quite some time until I finally managed to rouse myself. I first became aware of numbing pain on my hands and feet. Then a dull ache in my brain. I moaned and felt a warm hand grasp my own. As I opened my eyes, I recognized my mother at my bedside. She held my hands firmly and looked down at me with tear reddened eyes.

  "Amy?" Sh
e inquired. "Can you hear me, dear?"

  "Mommy", I questioned. "Am I dreaming?"

  "No baby," she fought back more tears. "You're not. We're in the infirmary. You did it honey." She faltered. "You saved everyone."

  I sat up in bed, struggling against the vertigo. "Where's Doctor Lewis?"

  "He stepped out." She continued. "But he said you're going to be OK."

  "This all seems so unreal," I rubbed my temples.

  "Dearest," mom placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "There's someone waiting to see you."

  "Who?" I demanded.

  Momma got up and opened the door. Standing there was a tall, dark haired man in full military uniform. He stepped into the room hesitatingly.

  "Ma'am," he spoke with a distinctive southern drawl.

  "Do I know you?" I searched my memory. But he didn't look familiar at all.

  "I'm Major Tom Nelson," he stated. "But you might remember me by another name."

  It was then that my eyes met his. The passion and gentleness in them were more than familiar.

  "Bashir'" I whispered.

  "I told you I'd never forget." He took my hand softly into his own.


  Over the next few days Tom came to visit me in the hospital. I always looked forward to seeing him. The handsome Air Force pilot brought little gifts with him each time. We would sit and talk for hours on end.

  He would tell me about growing up in Georgia. His voice was so soothing that I could listen to him for hours. True, things were awkward at first. The fantasy man I fell for in VR space no longer was green-skinned with fangs. He was a flesh and blood mortal. A real human being with a family, friends, and a history all his own. Like me, he was a bit of a Sci-fi and Fantasy nerd. We talked about our favorite books and films

  The rest of the world had caught crystalline network fever. Both Doctor Lewis and Professor Martin were knee deep in interviews and scientific inquiry. The alien AI gladly gave up its secrets advancing mankind's technology by at least a few hundred years.

  Finally, my feelings for my handsome pilot grew to a fever pitch. While he'd been persistent he'd also been very patient. We slowly progressed from hand holding to kissing. But I always stopped short of going all the way with him.


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