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The Rancher

Page 16

by Lily Graison

  Laurel thanked her and waited until Abigail had put all her sewing notions away before turning to face Alexandra. She was still by the door looking at anything but her. "Could I have a word with Alexandra," Laurel said, never taking her eyes off the girl. "Alone, please."

  Abigail and Emmaline said nothing. Just grabbed their things and left the room, pulling the door shut behind them.

  "Would you like to sit down?"

  Alexandra sighed again and shook her head.

  Laurel crossed the room and stooped down to be eye level with her. "What is it?"

  It took Alexandra a few moments but she finally raised her head and met her gaze. Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. "I changed my mind," she said. "I don't want you to marry my pa."

  She'd been expecting something, but this wasn't it. Laurel took a moment to collect her thoughts before nodding her head. "All right." She tried to smile, failed at the attempt. "Will you at least tell me why?"

  The tears shimmering in Alexandra's eyes slipped past her lashes and Laurel reached up to brush them away. The girl sucked in a breath and let it out before sniffling. "If my pa marries you, he may not love me as much anymore."

  "Oh, Alexandra." Laurel's heart went out to the girl, despite their rocky relationship. She smiled and held her arms out, hoping Alexandra would accept her offer. It took a few moments but she reluctantly accepted and stepped into Laurel's embrace.

  "Your daddy loves you more than anything in this world," she said. "Even me. Nothing will ever change that. The love he has for you is different from everyone else. What we feel for a friend or a parent is different than a child or a wife or husband. You'll always be first in his heart. Always."

  Alexandra sniffled again and raised her head. "You're not just saying that?"

  Laurel smiled, her own eyes burning. "No, I'm not just saying that." She pushed Alexandra's hair across her shoulder. "If you feel this strongly about it though, maybe you should talk to your pa and tell him. I'm sure he'll understand."

  The look on Alexandra's face said she'd rather do anything else in the world than say any such thing to Holden. She sighed, scrubbed a hand across her nose and met her gaze. "No. He wants you to marry him and I already said it was okay. He'll not be happy if I tell him I've changed my mind. Not today." She shook her head. "He was smiling this morning bigger than I've seen in a while. It wouldn't be fair to make him call off the wedding."

  Laurel's breath whooshed out in relief. She smiled and stood, stretching out her back when she straightened. "Everything will work out fine, Alex. Just wait and see."

  Alex's eyes widened as she looked up at Laurel. "You called me Alex."

  "That I did." Laurel smiled down at her again. "My wedding gift to you. I'll not force anyone to call you Alexandra if you prefer to be called Alex."

  The girl's face lit up. "Does that mean you're not going to make me wear dresses after you and pa get married?"

  Laurel laughed. "Not on your life. You'll grow to be a proper young lady if it kills me."

  They stood staring at each other before Laurel smiled. "I do have a favor to ask of you though. And I'd be honored if you'd accept."

  Alex looked up, a curious look in her eyes. "What kind of favor?"

  Laurel smiled and held out one hand. "Something that will please your pa, I'm sure."

  * * * *

  They entered the school from the front. Inside the building, nearly everyone from town waited. There were faces looking back at Laurel that she'd never seen before and she knew she was all but glowing when she looked across the room to where Holden stood. He looked handsome in his black suit jacket. He'd even had his hair trimmed and much to her shock, he'd shaved. She wasn't sure the last time she'd seen him clean shaven.

  His gaze drank her in before it shifted to Alex. The girl was beaming at her father, the smile causing her eyes to sparkle. Alex looked up at Laurel, held out her hand and said, "Let's go get you married to my pa."

  Alexandra walked Laurel down the make-shift isle to the front of the room, stopping once they reached Holden and the preacher. She smiled at her father, raised Laurel's hand before grabbing Holden's and laid their hands palm to palm. "I give this woman to you to wife."

  A light chorus of laughter filled the small school room. Laurel winked at the girl as she turned and took a seat with Abigail and Morgan. Turning to face Holden, the butterflies in her stomach quivered before coming to a complete stop.

  The preacher was a burly man with a shock of white hair and a full beard streaked with red. The end of his bulbous nose was red and his voice, deep and booming, filled the room as he said, "We are gathered here today...

  Laurel couldn't take her eyes off Holden. He still held her hand, his handsome face the only thing she saw, and her heart pounded so hard in her chest she wondered if everyone gathered could hear it.

  She'd slept little the night before, the sense of impending doom following her through the night and Alexandra showing up and confessing she didn't want the marriage to take place caused the feelings to grow. The preacher asked if anyone had just cause for them not to be lawfully joined, to speak now or forever hold their peace, and a hush rushed over the waiting crowd.

  Holden smiled at her, his hand tightening in hers and Laurel didn't take a breath until the preacher started talking again. Holden said, "I do," at the appropriate time and as Laurel was asked, she inhaled a breath to ensure her voice didn't squeak. When she said, "I do," in return, the front door slammed open, hitting the wall and causing several shrieks of fright.

  Ethan stood framed in the sunlight, the sneer on his face condescending. "I object," he said, catching her gaze. "This wedding is a farce."

  Laurel felt dizzy and if the room hadn't been filled with people, she was sure to have fainted. She gaped at Ethan a full minute before raged filled her.

  Holden's hand tightened in hers, his voice a harsh whisper when he said, "Can I kill him?"

  It took her longer than it should have to answer. "N-n-no. I've already watched you run into a burning building. I know my heart couldn't take seeing you hang."

  Ethan, proud of himself, if the smile on his face was any indication, waited by the door, looking smug and satisfied. He tilted his head to one side, the sneer growing. "I do believe your father would object to this wedding as well."

  Laurel turned to face Ethan, felt the gaze of almost everyone in the room and she wasn't sure what was more embarrassing. Having her wedding interrupted or the scene that caused it. "My father's not here," she said. "Besides, I'm a grown woman. I don't need his permission."

  Movement behind Ethan's back caused Laurel to still, a shadowy form filling the doorway. A man stepped into the room, his cane hitting the wooden floor in crisp, hard taps. Her eyes widened. "Father?"

  Her father looked none too pleased, the scowl on his face showing his displeasure. Laurel felt her eyes burn with tears. She knew that impending doom she'd felt for days wasn't just a case of nerves now. She should have left town the minute Ethan showed up, running and not stopping until she was clean across the ocean.

  She blew out a breath, cast a sad glance to Alexandra and turned to face Holden. "I'm sorry, Holden."

  "For what?" he asked.

  "My father always gets his way. He'll never allow this."

  A muscle ticked in Holden's jaw, his eyes narrowing. "Do you want to marry me?" The question was asked in a soft whisper.

  She nodded. "Yes."

  "Then you will." He let go of her hand and started for the door, a few gasps filling the silence. Morgan and Colt stepped out into the isle, following Holden, and Laurel thought for sure her weak knees would give out.

  Holden spoke with her father, throwing a scornful look at Ethan and when all five men left the school, Laurel let go of the breath she'd been holding.

  Abigail took her by one elbow, ushered her to the bench she'd vacated and told her to sit.

  "The whole day is ruined," Laurel said. "I should have left when I had a chance."
  "You don't mean that." Abigail squatted down in front of her. "Everything will be fine. You'll see."

  Laurel wasn't so sure about that. She'd been truthful when she said her father always got his way. Walter Montgomery was a man used to having everything he wanted and if he wanted her to marry Ethan, she'd marry him. Assuming they caught her first. It's why she'd ran in the first place.

  Murmurs and soft whispers filled the room and long minutes of waiting caused those butterflies Laurel had finally gotten rid of to return. She chewed her bottom lip, stared at the flowers in her hand, the petals wilting along with her spirits and half an hour later, a hushed silence filled the air. Laurel turned her head to the door, saw Holden walk back in, her father at his side, and rose to her feet.

  Her father smiled when he stepped in front of her, reaching out to take her hand. "This the man you want?" he asked, his voice gruff.

  Laurel blinked and nodded her head. "Yes, sir."

  He nodded his head once and turned to look at Holden. "Well, get on with it then. I'm not getting any younger."

  Walter Montgomery shouldered his way onto a bench on the front row, sat ram-rod straight and placed both hands on the top of his cane. The look in his eye was challenging and Laurel wasn't sure why he'd changed his mind, nor did she care.

  They took their places in front of the preacher again and Laurel glanced back at the door. All three of Holden's brothers stood framed in sunlight, their arms crossed over their chest. She wasn't sure where Ethan had gone but one thing was for sure. He wasn't getting back in that schoolhouse.

  "What happened?" she whispered.

  Holden grinned at her. "Your father is a business man. I presented him with an offer he couldn’t refuse. Apparently the government is in need of good, sturdy horses and your father has agreed to help me negotiate a contract. This marriage is going to make us all quite wealthy and a man like your father isn't a fool."

  The preacher started the ceremony again. Laurel barely heard a word he said but managed to say her vows without losing her breath. When the preacher asked for the ring, her hand shook as she held it out, her gaze riveted to the gold band Holden placed on her finger. Her pulse leaped as the light caught the small jewels inlaid with the gold. Small diamonds and ruby's winked in the sunlight coming from the window.

  When the preacher presented them as man and wife, the noise inside that small building nearly lifted the rafters. Laurel laughed, waited for a kiss from her husband, and wasn't sure she could have been any happier.


  One Year Later

  Holden signed for the transfer, tipped his hat at the men waiting and waved them off as they started herding the horses toward the main road. He turned back toward the house, nearly running to reach the porch and took the steps two at a time.

  Everyone was still in the parlor, expectant looks on their faces. A small shake of Morgan's head, and Holden heaved a sighed. He hadn't missed it.

  He stood in the doorway, the urge to pace the room strong as shadows started creeping into the room. He heard Alex, her voice pitched low as she entertained Elizabeth, Morgan and Abigail's daughter. He glanced to Sarah, a smile on her face as she played with her infant daughter, Catherine, Colt watching on as he held Emma.

  The tension drained from his shoulders as he turned his gaze to Tristan and Emmaline. His brother was lifting his pregnant wife's feet, forcing them onto a stool, and the scowl Emmaline shot him never reached her eyes.

  His entire family had gathered, all of them clustered together in the parlor and his father lifted his head when a shrill cry filled the house. James stood, and looked toward Holden. "Better get on up there, boy. They don't scream like that for nothing."

  Holden turned, fairly raced up the stairs, and met Abigail as she walked out into the hall. She was smiling, tears clinging to her lashes and she laid one hand to his arm before motioning inside the room with a tilt of her head. "Go on in."

  He waited until she left the hall before looking into the room. Laurel was pale, dark shadows lay under her eyes like bruises, but the smile on her face couldn't be missed. She glanced up at him, her smile widening before she looked at the squirming bundle in her arms.

  "Come meet your son, Holden."

  He entered the room, his heart slamming against his ribcage as he approached the bed. His knees gave out when he reached it and he sank into the mattress, his gaze riveted to the pink, wriggling baby. His son. He laughed, reached over to run his hand lightly atop his head, mussing the dark tufts of downy curls. "He's perfect." He cleared his throat, dislodging the lump forming, and looked up. "You're okay?"

  Laurel nodded her head. "I've never felt more alive."

  Alex burst into the room, her eyes wide. "You're not gonna die?"

  Laurel laughed. "Not for a very long time." She held her arm out, motioning Alex closer. "Come say hello to your brother."

  Holden stood, allowing Alex to join Laurel on the bed and watched his family, huddled in the blankets of his bed. His brother's and sister-in-laws crowded outside the door, all their faces lit with smiles.

  He caught Laurel's gaze, felt his heart soar when she whispered, "I love you," and the fear he'd been secretly holding onto for the last nine months evaporated in an instant. She was strong, his wife. She wouldn't leave him. She wouldn’t die. He wouldn't let her even if she tried.

  The End

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  Coming Soon

  His Brother's Wife

  A Willow Creek Novel

  When Grace Kingston accepts a wedding proposal through a mail-order bride agency and travels across country to be married, she has no idea her bridegroom is a fourteen-year-old boy. There’s no way she can accept his offer but with depleted funds, and winter coming on, Grace has little choice but to stay. Things go from bad to worse when she meets Jesse’s older brother, Rafe. The attraction is immediate. He’s surly, rude and downright pig-headed but he makes her pulse race with a single glance.

  Rafe Samuels thought to teach his brother a lesson by making him take responsibility for his rash behavior but one look at Grace and his plans go up in smoke. She isn’t the dowdy spinster he imagined and having her live in his house and not be able to have her is the worst kind of torment. But putting her out of his mind is impossible.

  As winter drags on, Grace finds that living with the two brothers is more burden than pleasure. Jesse still thinks marriage is in the cards, and Rafe is a devilishly handsome distraction she doesn’t need. She can’t decide if he hates her or wants to kiss her. How can she avoid breaking Jess’s heart when it becomes clear that the attraction between her and Rafe is mutual?

  His Brother's Wife is a full-length, stand-alone novel that takes place in Willow Creek.

  About the Author

  LILY GRAISON resides in North Carolina, a stones throw away from the Blue Ridge Mountains and a few hours from the Outer Banks. First published in 2005, her debut novel won a Reviewers Choice Award.

  Writing in the Western, Contemporary and Paranormal Romance genres, she has penned over a dozen novels and novellas.

  When not writing, Lily can be found at her sewing machine creating 1800’s Period Dresses or curled up in a chair with a book in her hand.


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