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Madam Vosges' Finishing School

Page 1

by Victor Bruno

  Title Page


  Volume 2

  By Victor Bruno

  Kinks Books is an imprint

  of W&H Publishing LLP.

  Publisher Information

  This ebook edition published by Kink Books is an imprint of W&H Publishing LLP, Foresters Hall, 25-27 Westow Street, London, SE19 3RY.

  Digital edition converted and published by

  Andrews UK Limited 2011

  Previously published by The Olympia Press PO Box 148, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 9BE.

  Copyright © Victor Bruno

  The right of Victor Bruno to be identified as the Author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead and is purely coincidental.

  This ebook is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by the way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, electronically copied, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent.

  Chapter One

  “It’s my birthday,” said Virginia to her dearest friend Melanie. They were naked under the freezing shower, jumping up and down, young breasts bouncing.

  “Oh darling ...” said the dark-haired, sloe-eyed Melanie, putting her arms around Virginia. “If only I could wish you a happy one.” She kissed Virginia full on the lips with belly close to belly.

  “I... I’m twenty,” said Virginia... and the tears suddenly began to flow. “Yet I’m still a schoolgirl... oh God... oh God... and treated far worse than any ordinary schoolgirl.”

  “There... there ...” said Melanie kindly, stroking Virginia’s wet, straw-coloured hair. “You mustn’t give way. You know that never does any good.”

  “I know... I know ...” wailed Virginia, “but sometimes I c-can’t help it ...” At that moment she hated her stepmother, Helen Cartier, more than she could possibly imagine she could hate anyone. It was she who had consigned her to this frightful place... and caused her to suffer all the hideous torments of the last nine months.

  Melanie kissed her again. “We’ll have our own little personal party tonight,” she said. “In bed.”

  “Yes... oh yes ...” agreed Virginia eagerly. Oh how she loved this girl, who was just eighteen. She made life just about endurable. “We’ll get Lucy to watch out.”

  “Mmmm... yes,” said Melanie. “She’s so good about that. So unselfish.” Lesbianism was adjudged a most serious offence at Madame Vosges’ Finishing School... and most severely punished. Thus those who practised it, like Virginia and Melanie, had to take every precaution possible. They had appointed Lucy, a girl in the Junior Class, to act as their watchdog and she seemed happy to oblige.

  At that moment, Lucy put her head into the shower cubicle. “Break it up, you two,” she hissed, “Miss Bernice is on her way.” Miss Bernice was Junior Form Mistress and often patrolled the Dorms and showers. The two girls sprang apart and Virginia ran out of the shower. She passed the daunting figure of Miss Bernice a few moments later, dressed as ever in white blouse, black skirt and black calf-length boots.

  This was the woman who had introduced Virginia to humiliation and pain.

  Making her lower her knickers in front of the class.

  Laying a strap across her bottom.

  Sending her to Madame Vosges to get the cane.

  All that was long ago now, though still most vivid in Virginia’s memory. Now she had graduated to the Senior Class and now she was under the tutelage of Miss Magda... a sour-faced woman even more powerfully built than Miss Bernice. Gone were the days of the single-thonged and double-thonged straps used in the Junior Class. Senior girls got a triple-thonged or four-thonged strap. It also meant that, if she were sent to the Headmistress, she would get a Number Two cane. When she moved into the top half of the Senior Class, she would make herself eligible for the Number One cane... the thickest one of all.

  Having dried herself, Virginia pulled on her small red briefs. They were a symbol of her place in the school. Those in the lower half of the Junior Form wore white briefs; those in the upper half wore pink. She, in the lower half of the Senior Form, wore red briefs; those in the upper half black. Virginia shivered. I shall be in the upper half in less than a month’s time. The four-thonged strap and the Number Four cane awaited her.

  She put on a half-cup white bra, then pulled on the tight, semi-transparent white blouse. Everything was made too small. Deliberately, Virginia had realised long ago. To humiliate. Her apple-round breasts thrust prominently through the thin material, nipples jutting. Finally, Virginia pulled on her short black pleated skirt and having put on white ankle socks, stepped into a pair of black patent leather shoes with three inch heels. She was garbed as a girl of Madame Vosges’ School must be. Though she had been wearing it for months, Virginia could never quite forget the humiliation of that so-called uniform. I’m glad I haven’t got bigger breasts, she thought. Like Roberta, for example. It always looked as if her thrusting half melons were about to burst the buttons of her blouse.

  After a miserable breakfast eaten in silence - under the watchful eye of Miss Bernice - the girls of the Senior Form trooped along the corridor to their Classroom. It was always a tense moment. What lay ahead that morning? That day? It made one feel slightly sick with anxiety.

  Miss Magda had not arrived. Still in silence, the twelve girls took their places, forcing themselves into the small desk provided. Straight ahead, to one side of the blackboard, hung the straps. Triple-thonged and four-thonged. To the left hand side of Miss Magda’s desk stood the Punishment Frame, over which a girl had to bend ‘to feel leather’, as Miss Magda put it. The Frame consisted of a step on which to kneel, a tubular holster of red leather over which to bend and a sloping wooden front which had two grips about halfway down. Adjacent to the grips were cuffs, for use if necessary. They were rarely used, for Miss Magda preferred her pupils to take their punishments ‘voluntarily’, thus possibly earning themselves ‘extras’ if they did not get back into position quickly enough.

  Further to the left of the desk was the Demerits Board. On this each girl’s name was chalked and below it the number of Demerits she had earned was ticked. Maria was the only girl who had no Demerits... but that was on account of the fact that, the previous day, having reached the dreaded number of Ten, she had been sent for a caning. As usual, when she came back weeping and shuddering, she had to stand in the corner with her skirt up and her knickers down, displaying the fresh-raised, twin-tracked weals to the whole class.

  Virginia’s eyes flickered to the Board. She saw that she had Seven Demerits. That was bad enough but poor Melanie, she noted had Nine. Her terrifying walk to the Head’s Study could surely not be long delayed.

  Abruptly, Miss Magda strode in and slammed the door behind her. She did not appear to be in a very good mood. Everyone stood, hearts beginning to pitter-patter.

  “Be seated,” said Miss Magda.

  They all forced themselves down into the hard, narrow wooden seats. Miss Magda placed a hand on a pile of exercise books on her desk.

  “The last lesson yesterday afternoon,” she said, “was Algebra. I have marked your efforts.” She patted the pile of books. “As usual, I permit up to five errors, as you know. There were two failures.” There was a tense silence in the room. The morning was starting badly. “Maria with seven errors, Roberta with eight.” Virginia experienced a sense of relief but was sorry for Maria who
had been having a hard time of it recently. “Maria, come out.”

  Maria, a tall dark-haired young woman with hair plaited in a single pony-tail, stood up and moved out to stand in front of Miss Magda’s desk. She had very long, beautifully proportioned legs.

  “Up you go,” said Miss Magda in a matter-of-fact tone.

  Without any hesitation, Maria knelt up on the step and pulled her skirt up high to display a pair of red briefs. Miss Magda unhooked the triple-thonged strap and came round her desk.

  “Knickers down,” she ordered.

  Again, Maria did not delay. She pushed the briefs down to the lowest part of her thighs. Though she had been caned the previous day, her weals were no longer vivid red-purple but now simply pale pink. This was because, the previous evening, she had undergone full Healing Treatment... an almost miraculous process which rapidly eradicated evidence of earlier punishment. Miss Magda pulled up Maria’s skirt even higher and put the button on Maria’s blouse collar through the button hole in the hem of her skirt. Thus the girl was naked from the top of her back down to her white ankle socks.

  “Two,” said Miss Magda, rather mechanically. Maria’s oval nates gave a little twitch of apprehension. As well they might!

  Up swung the strap... three inches wide, over a quarter of an inch thick, with its three tails. Down it came.


  “A-Ahh... aaahhh... aaahhh ...” gasped Maria juddering back and forth, but managing to hang on to the two grips. A bright red swathe covered both buttock cheeks and the imprint of the tails was around the girl’s right flank.

  Miss Magda changed sides... and down came the strap again.


  This time the left flank got the bite of the tails and Maria gasped loudly, head jerking back as she squirmed with pain. She remained kneeling while Miss Magda replaced the strap on its hook. Virginia looked sympathetically at the two red swathes and the imprint of the tails on each flank. She knew just how much that strap hurt, especially when it bit into the flanks.

  “Knickers up,” said Miss Magda. Maria pulled up the small briefs. “Back to your place.” Maria, dry-eyed, biting her lips walked, long-limbed back to her desk. With those legs of hers, it was more difficult for her to get into than most. She is considerably older than I am, thought Virginia. Probably twenty four or twenty five. How terrible for a woman of that age to be treated so! Indeed, how terrible for any woman!

  “Roberta... out here!”

  Roberta rose in her desk. She was a complete contrast to Maria... big-breasted, big-buttocked. She was, Virginia knew, her own age of twenty. Also, Virginia suddenly realised, Roberta had only been in the upper part of the Senior Class for about a week. This would be the first time that she would have felt the four-thonged strap.

  “Up with you,” ordered Miss Magda, taking down the heaviest strap.

  Roberta knelt on the step and lifted her skirt. She seemed to have twice the buttock area of Maria... two large half-moons of flesh on which her black briefs settled like a wisp.

  “Knickers down.” The hideous, inevitable command before pain.

  Roberta pushed down her briefs, her big bottom wobbling. Miss Magda fastened up her skirt. All was ready.

  “Three,” said Miss Magda.

  The four inch wide strap went up and hurtled down. But Miss Magda did not deal with Roberta as she had done with Maria. The strap fell entirely over the large right buttock cheek, the four thongs curling round into the flank. Bottom juddering uncontrollably, Roberta uttered a cry of pain and clasped her right buttock cheek.

  “Aghh... aaahhh... AAGHHHHH!”

  “Hand away,” barked Miss Magda. With a sob, Roberta removed her hand and took hold of the grips again. She had just learnt that the four-thonged strap was considerably more painful than the triple-thonged one. Miss Magda changed sides.


  The cruel strap cracked down over the left buttock cheek and, with a shriek, Roberta twisted off the step and went squirming down to the floor, clasping at herself. Miss Magda looked on impassively. Suddenly, with a flurry of effort, Roberta put herself back over the red bolster.

  “Too late, Roberta,” said Miss Magda coldly. “You get that one again.”

  And get it she did, square in the same place, over the left buttock cheek. Another shriek of torment but, amazingly, though she momentarily lost her grip, Roberta remained bent over.

  Once more Miss Magda changed sides.


  Again the right hand cheek was assaulted. Another shriek and Roberta squirmed to the floor once more. Clasping... clamping... gasping out. But quickly she was back again, certainly wanting to feel no more leather.

  “Uurrff... uurrff... uurrff ...” she sobbed.

  Miss Magda replaced the strap. “Knickers up... back to your place,” she commanded. Virginia saw tears running down the plump girl’s face as she went to her desk. That strap, she thought, must be truly terrible... and she knew it would not be long before she herself would be feeling it. She trembled inwardly.

  “Geography,” said Miss Magda, seating herself behind her desk. “I am going to write a list of nations on the blackboard. You will name the Capital of each. As this is an easy lesson, I will permit only two errors.”

  She stood up and began to write on the blackboard.




  ... and on and on and on.

  Virginia trembled more, deep down. She just didn’t know the answers to so many. Yet, she supposed, she should have done. She looked at Melanie for help and that darling girl pushed her answers sideways so that Virginia could have a glimpse of them. Virginia managed to get down fifteen answers out of twenty, though whether they were right or wrong she knew not. She was prickling with dread. No doubt she was going to get a strapping. And this was her Birthday!

  It turned out that Virginia had done worse than anyone in the Class. Five answers short and two of her answers wrong. Everyone else had made the pass mark.

  “Out here, Virginia.”

  Oh those hideous, so familiar words. Weak-kneed, Virginia rose from her desk and was soon standing before the cold-eyed, suet-faced Miss Magda.

  “A disgraceful performance, Virginia,” she said.

  “I... I’m sorry... M-Miss ...”

  “You certainly will be. I am awarding you two Demerits and five of the strap.”

  Virginia groaned. It was the two Demerits which, at that moment, worried her most. She was up to nine, alongside Melanie.

  “Up you go... and take your knickers down.”

  Feeling tears pricking her eyes, Virginia mounted the Frame and bent over. Down went her red briefs. It was an act she had found impossible to do in her earliest days. Now it came quite naturally. Five... she thought... oh God... I don’t think I’ve ever had so many. She felt her nates clenching uncontrollably as Miss Magda marched round the desk and approached her. She tensed, whinnying between clenched teeth.


  Blazing... blazing across her bottom. Thongs biting into her flanks. Agony... sheer agony!

  Virginia shrieked and clamped her hand to the fire in her flank. But only for a moment. That hand went, as quickly as it could, back to the grip and her bottom was kept thrusting up over the red bolster.


  From the same direction... and in precisely the same place.

  Virginia shrieked even more loudly and, squirming uncontrollably, threshed down to the floor. Clamping... clamping.

  “Hurry it up, Virginia,” said Miss Magda. “I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

  Groaning with the effort of will, Virginia flung herself back over the Frame. It was experience which mad
e her do so. And knowledge of the consequences of not doing so.


  Miss Magda had changed the direction of her attack. Now from right to left.

  “Aaghhhhh!” Virginia, clamping again, turned her eyes despairingly at Miss Magda. “Miss... ohhhhh... M-Miss... p-please... nooooo ...”

  “Is there something the matter with you, Virginia?” enquired Miss Magda sourly. “Are you protesting at your punishment?”

  “No... no... Miss... it’s only... that... it hurts s-so ...”

  “It’s intended to,” said Miss Magda.

  The strap came down for the fourth time.


  Virginia writhed down to the floor again. She simply couldn’t help it. That strap was like a band of fire across her buttocks. The three biting thongs in the flank were an extra agony. She sobbed with self-pity as she clasped her nates, still on the floor. Then, by a tremendous effort of will she bent back over the bolster.


  She got her fifth stroke over just where the fourth had fallen. Only just in time had she managed to get back. Otherwise she would have received a sixth. She lay there, sobbing, while Miss Magda replaced the strap. The whole class saw her bottom quivering and clenching as she absorbed the flaming pain of the swathes of torment laid over her.

  “All right, Virginia,” said Miss Magda, “knickers up and back to your desk.” It was said as if nothing had happened in the last minute or so. Just run-of-the-mill stuff. Virginia pulled up her tiny red briefs and stumbled back to her desk. Her cheeks were wet with tears. She saw Melanie looking at her with understanding compassion.

  The darling... the darling ...


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