The Ascent of Gravity

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The Ascent of Gravity Page 29

by Marcus Chown

  19 Roy H. Williams, ‘String Theology’, 31 July 2006 (http://www.

  20 ‘The mind-blowing concepts of one of the world’s most brilliant theoretical physicists’, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 25 February 2016.

  21 Arthur C. Clarke, ‘The Wall of Darkness’, The Other Side of the Sky, Gollancz, London, 2003.

  22 Lisa Randall and Raman Sundrum, ‘Large mass hierarchy from a small extra dimension’, Physical Review Letters, vol. 83 (17), 1999, p. 3,370 (; Lisa Randall, Warped Passages: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions, HarperCollins, New York, 2006.

  23 The radius of the horizon of black holes goes up in step with their mass. So a black hole with twice the mass of another has a horizon of twice the radius. But, because the force of gravity weakens according to the square of distance, this means a black hole with twice the mass of another actually has a gravity only half as strong. Not only this but the rate at which the gravity of such a hole changes – the ‘tidal force’ – is only one-quarter as strong. Since it is the tidal force that ultimately tears apart particle—antiparticle pairs, creating Hawking radiation, Hawking radiation is comparatively weak for big black holes and strong for small black holes.

  24 Steve Connor, ‘Stephen Hawking admits the biggest blunder of his scientific career — early belief that everything swallowed up by a black hole must be lost for ever’, Independent, 11 April 2013 (http://www. html).

  25 A black body absorbs all the heat that falls on it. The heat is distributed between all the atoms by countless collisions in which fast-moving atoms transfer energy to slower-moving atoms. The result is that the black body emits heat that depends in no way on the kind of atoms the body is made of. Instead, ‘black body radiation’ has a universal spectrum that depends only on one number: the body’s temperature.

  26 Jacob Bekenstein, ‘Black holes and the second law’, Nuovo Cimento Letters, vol. 4, 1972, p. 737; Jacob Bekenstein, ‘Black holes and entropy’, Physical Review D, vol. 7, 1973, p. 2,333.

  27 Andrew Strominger and Cumrun Vafa, ‘Microscopic origin of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy’, 1996 ( 9601029v2.pdf).

  28 Although the Universe is 13.82 billion years old, the distance to the cosmic light horizon — the edge of the observable Universe – is about 42 billion light years. This is because the Universe, during its first split-second of existence, ‘inflated’ far faster than the speed of light. This does not violate relativity because space – the backdrop to cosmic events — can expand at any rate whatsoever.

  29 Juan Maldacena, ‘The Large N Limit of Superconformai field theories and supergravity’, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol. 2, 1998, p. 231 (

  30 See Chapter 8.

  31 Van Raamsdonk, quoted in Ron Cowen, ‘The quantum source of space-time’, Nature, vol. 527, 19 November 2015, p. 290.

  32 Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, ‘Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?’, Physical Review, vol. 47 (10), May 1935, p. 777 ( pr/pdf/10.1103/PhysRev.47.777).

  33 Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, ‘The particle problem in the general theory of relativity’, Physical Review, vol. 48 (1), July 1935, p. 73.

  34 Light is given out when an electron in an atom drops from a high-energy to a low-energy orbit. No light is given out by atoms such as hydrogen – which each possess a single electron – if either the atoms are so cold that every electron is in its lowest-energy orbit or the atoms are so hot that they have been stripped of their lone electrons.

  35 Repulsive gravity can come about because in the general theory of relativity the ‘source’ of gravity is in fact energy density (u) + 3 x pressure (P). The pressure exerted by the atoms of normal matter is negligible compared with the energy density of matter. But there is the possibility of novel ‘stuff’ where this is not true. The dark energy is such stuff. In fact, for the dark energy, the pressure is not only negative — it sucks rather than blows – but less than -1/3u. This reverses the ‘sign’ of the source of gravity, turning it from attractive to repulsive. It is this repulsive gravity that is speeding up the expansion of the Universe. The irony is that the dark energy is everywhere trying to shrink. Only through general relativity does this manifest itself as repulsive gravity.

  36 In the general theory of relativity, empty space can have intrinsic curvature, or energy. This is known as the ‘cosmological constant’. Zero is a very special number and cosmologists have not been surprised to find that the cosmological constant is non-zero. The surprise is its smallness. Quantum theory predicts that, because of ‘quantum fluctuations’, the vacuum should contain energy. But quantum theory predicts an energy-density for the vacuum – that is, a value for the dark energy — which is 10120 (1 followed by 120 zeroes) bigger than what is observed. This is the biggest discrepancy between a prediction and an observation in the history of science! This number could be brought down to the energy density actually observed if there is another contribution to the vacuum energy which is negative and differs only in the 119th decimal place. This is a tall order. But it is conceivable that supersymmetry could do this since the energy of the fluctuations in the boson fields is positive while the energy in the fermion fields is negative.

  37 Mordehai Milgrom of the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel, believes that, below an acceleration of about one-billionth of a g, gravity changes to a stronger form that does not weaken as quickly with distance as an inverse-square-law force. This Modified Newtonian Dynamics, or MOND, can describe the motions of stars orbiting in all spiral galaxies with a single formula. By comparison, a different amount of dark matter with a different distribution is required to explain the motion of stars in each spiral galaxy. A form of MOND which is compatible with Einstein’s theory of relativity was found by Jacob Bekenstein of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2000. See Jacob Bekenstein, ‘Relativistic gravitation theory for the MOND paradigm’ (

  38 Rory Carroll, ‘Kip Thorne: physicist studying time travel tapped for Hollywood film’, Guardian, 21 June 2013 (https://www.theguardian. com/science/2013/jun/21/kip-thorne-time-travel-scientist-film).

  39 B. Oberg (ed.), The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 31, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1995, p. 455.

  40 ‘Clarke’s Third Law’, Profiles of the Future, Gateway, London, 2013.


  My thanks to the following people who helped me directly, inspired me or simply encouraged me during the writing of this book: Karen, Bea Hemming, Felicity Bryan, Paul Murphy, Michele Topham, Manjit Kumar, Thomas Levenson, David Tong, Andy Hamilton, Lee Smolin, Nima Arkani-Hamed, John English, Tash Aw, Brian Clegg, Graham Farmelo, David Berman, Gennady Gorelik, Neil Turok, Neil Belton, Brian May, Julia Bateson, Nick Booth, Jonathon Tullett, Daniel Tullett, Jose Tate, Barbara Brighton-Pell, Patrick O’Halloran, Sue Noyce, Graham Noyce, Brian Chilver, Pat Chilver, Jean Dyke, Amanda Capewell, Sam Capewell, Grace Capewell, Rob Capewell.


  Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

  Aare, river 94

  Aargau Cantonal School 94

  acceleration 14

  Ackroyd, Peter 26, 35, 228–9

  Adam’s apple 4

  Adams, Douglas 17, 101, 193, 227, 238, 246, 251

  Adams, John Couch 73–4, 79, 234

  AEG 118, 241

  al-Qazwini, Zakanya 40

  alchemy 34

  Alexandria 228

  Library of 227

  Alice in Wonderland 173

  Alpha Centauri 81

  Alpher, Ralph 1

  Alvin, submersible 63

  ammonia 242

  Andromeda, Great Nebula in 163

  angular momentum 54, 184–5, 226, 232–3

  Conservation of 55, 184, 226

  antiparticle 47, 187, 198, 210, 231, 253

  antimatter 231, 252

  Apollo 11 50, 55

  Apollo 15 49, 120

  Apollo 16 49

  Apollo 18 50


  Age of 65

  constellation of 65, 69

  Arago, Françoise 74

  Aries, constellation of 65

  Aristarchus crater 49–50

  Aristotle 6, 97

  Arkam-Hamed, Nima, 188–9, 192, 194, 198–9, 204–5, 207, 215, 218–24

  Arnaudon, L. 231

  arrow of time 166–8

  asteroid 57, 61, 85, 225, 232, 236

  asteroid belt 61

  asteroid impact 49

  Atlantic ocean 39–40, 43, 45, 58, 232

  Aswan 228

  AT&T 165

  atom 159

  impossibility of 244

  atomic clock 102, 126

  atomic nucleus 159, 183, 187, 190, 196, 199, 202, 229, 244–5, 248, 251

  Aurau 93

  autumn 38, 40, 44, 59, 65

  Babylon 52–3

  Babylonians 52–3, 65–6

  Babylonian clay tablets 52

  bacterium xvi, 7, 131

  Bailey, Nathan 230

  Ballard, Bob 63

  Baruch, Bernard 20

  baryon 252–3

  Bath 72

  Baton Rouge, Louisiana 133

  Batygin, Konstantin 75, 235

  Beatles, the 149

  Beck, Anna 241

  Bede 40

  Beethoven, Ludwig van 31

  Bekenstein, Jacob 211–13, 236, 254–5

  Bell, Jocelyn 159, 245

  Bellos, Alex 242

  Benford, Gregory 244

  Berlin 68–9, 74, 117, 135–8, 144, 147, 150, 152, 154, 170, 243, 247, 251

  Berkeley, California 189

  Berman, David xiii, 204–6, 215, 218, 220, 222, 241

  Bern 98–9, 108, 115, 117–18, 135, 238, 240, 243

  bear pits of 118

  Berry, Dave 103

  Bertault, Simone 243

  Besso, Michele 100, 105, 108, 110

  Bible, the 34

  BICEP2 192, 251

  big bang XV, xvii, 80–1, 109, 150, 160–9, 192, 199, 208, 236, 246–8, 253

  forging of elements in 164, 246–7

  hot 164

  origin of term 246

  big bang universes 162

  big crunch 168

  Big Splash, theory 57

  binomial theorem 7

  black body 165, 211, 247, 254

  black body radiation 247, 254

  black hole

  binary xvi-xvii, 131–2

  entropy of a 212–13, 254

  evaporation of 211

  event horizon of 132, 154

  fridge-sized 81

  information paradox 211

  merger 132

  origin of term 244

  primordial 81

  spinning (Kerr) 244

  supermassive 160, 210, 236

  stellar-mass 160, 210–11, 236

  Black Hole Blues 133, 150, 242

  Boeing 747 102

  Bohr, Niels 10, 173, 179, 185, 222, 248

  Bondi, Hermann 117


  meaning of 230

  Severn 37–8, 44, 67, 231

  Born, Max 181

  boson 156, 197, 255

  vector 190, 198

  Boughn, Stephen 251

  Boyle, Robert 248

  Bragg, William 173, 248

  Brahe, Tycho 10–11

  Brewster, David 229

  British Museum 52

  Bronstein, Matvei 195, 251

  Brown, Mike 75–6, 235

  Brown, Robert 100

  Brownian motion 100

  Brumfiel, Geoff 250

  brute force, method 234

  Cadiz 45

  Cairngorm mountains 234

  calcium 247

  calcium carbonate 52

  calculus 7, 24, 31, 41, 228

  Callisto 16


  University of 6, 26, 145, 156, 159, 191, 204, 229, 239, 252

  village of 4, 29

  Cancer, constellation of 87

  Canterbury Cathedral 48


  constellation of 69

  Caprotti, Selina 100

  Carroll, Rory 256

  Castelvecchi, Davide 242

  CERN 46, 231

  carbon 246

  cataract 228–9

  Cepheid variable 163, 246

  Ceres 236–7

  Chadwick, James 158–9

  Chaplin, Charlie 149, 243

  Challis, George 73

  charge (see electric charge)

  Chaucer, Geoffrey 230

  Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 154, 156–60

  Chandrasekhar limit 156, 159–60

  Charon 54, 61–2

  Chen, L. 232

  Ch’ient’ang’kian River 37

  Chou, James Chin-Wen 241

  Christchurch earthquake 50

  Churchill, Winston xvii

  Clarke, Arthur C. 204, 224, 253, 256

  Clarke’s third law 256

  comet 72, 225, 234

  Halley’s 33

  comet impact 49

  Commissariat, Tushna 251

  Constantine I 26

  Copernicus, Nicolaus 8

  corner-cube reflector 55, 233

  cosmic background radiation 166, 192

  cosmic ray 102–3

  Creator, the 7, 34

  Crimea 147

  Crotts, Arlin 49–50, 232

  Cygnus X-l 160

  day, length of in past 51–4

  d’Arrest, Heinrich 68–70

  dark energy 81, 221, 255

  discovery of 81

  dark matter 79–82, 197, 220–2, 236, 252, 255

  Darwin, Charles 21, 96, 237

  Davisson, Clinton 181

  Dawn, space probe 236

  de Broglie, Louis 181

  decoherence 249

  DeMoivre, Abraham 229

  de Sitter, Willem 145, 162

  Descartes, René 15

  Defoe, Daniel 4, 225

  density fluctuations, cosmic 80

  Dickey, J. O. 233

  diffraction grating 235


  familiar 109

  compact 202

  Dirac, Paul 68, 234

  Dix, Justin 230

  Doctor Who 143

  Doppler shift 77, 235, 246

  double-slit experiment 237


  constellation of 66

  Drever, Ronald 132–3, 242


  between quantum and gravitational description 214–15

  string theory 217

  wave-particle 155–6, 180–1, 184, 218

  DVD 212

  dwarf planet 61–2, 75–6, 237

  dynamics 14

  dynamo, AC 94, 99

  Dyson, Freeman 248


  distance from Moon 38

  distance from Sun 83

  gravitational acceleration of 241

  estimate of diameter of 227–8

  age of 76, 225

  mantle of 57

  mass of 19

  radioactive heating of 62

  radius of 19

  speed of equator 13, 66

  tidal bulges of 43, 53, 55, 58, 230

  tilt of spin axis 64–5

  Echo 1, satellite 165

  ecliptic 65, 225

  Eddington, Arthur Stanley 145, 147–9, 161, 246

  Edgeworth, Kenneth 62

  Edison, Thomas 87

  Egyptians, ancient 66

  Ehrenfest, Paul 243

  Ekman, Martin 67

  element 7
7, 87, 133, 159, 163–4, 233, 235, 245–7

  according to Greeks 9, 21

  Enceladus, moon 64

  energy, law of conservation of 206, 231

  entanglement (see also non-locality) 185–6, 215–17

  Eocene 233

  equator, speed of 13, 66

  ET civilisation 192

  ellipse 10

  focus of 10

  shape of 10–11

  Einstein, Albert xvi-xvii, 6, 21, 33, 89, 91–170, 174, 176–80, 184–5, 189–93, 199, 201–2, 205–6, 209, 212–17, 219, 222–4, 228–29, 231, 236–44, 247–8, 251–2, 254–5

  Einstein, Hans Albert 98

  Einstein, Lieserl 98–9

  electric charge (see also charge) 110, 159, 161, 175, 177, 198, 202, 231

  quantisation of 202

  electrical era xvii

  electromagnetic force 22, 81, 159, 196, 198, 205

  range of 161, 190

  strength compared with force of gravity 19, 190, 207–8

  electron 19, 47, 110, 155–9, 165–7, 169, 175, 178–9, 181, 183, 188, 190, 193, 196–9, 201, 205, 207, 231, 234, 244–5, 248, 252, 255

  degeneracy pressure 156–9 interference of 181, 248

  shell 245

  electronvolt 251

  Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie 118

  Encke, Joseph Franz 69

  entropy 166

  of a black hole 212–13, 254

  epicycle 8

  equinoxes, precession of 64–7

  Equivalence, Principle of 123, 146

  Eratosthenes, 227–8

  Euclid 135

  Elements 135

  5th postulate 135

  Europa 16, 61

  ocean of 63–4

  event horizon 132, 154, 191, 209–10, 212–13

  Everett, Hugh, III 12

  exoplanet 77, 88, 235–6


  and not feeling gravity 117–20

  In a circle 17

  Faraday, Michael 114, 224

  Ferdinand, Archduke Franz 147

  fermion 156, 159, 197, 255

  fertiliser 24

  Feynman ’s Lost Lecture 26, 229

  Feynman, Richard 23, 26, 96, 139, 196, 228–9, 238, 244, 252

  field 114, 241, 252

  First Council of Nicaea 26

  FitzGerald, George 142, 239

  First World War 147, 242

  Flamsteed, John 73

  Florian 233, 242

  Fluckiger, Max 240

  Folsing, Albrecht 116, 150, 170, 238

  Ford, Kent 78, 80

  Friedmann-Lemaître universes (see big bang universes)

  fluxions 24


  centripetal 15–16, 66, 226, 231, 233

  fundamental 22, 161, 189–91, 196, 201, 203–5, 207, 209, 220


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