The Ascent of Gravity

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The Ascent of Gravity Page 30

by Marcus Chown

  mutual 10, 20

  Ford, Kenneth 244

  Fourier, Joseph 249

  Franklin, Benjamin 224

  Fraunhofer telescope 69

  Freundlich, Erwin 147

  Friedmann, Aleksandr 162–3

  fusion, nuclear 233

  Galilean moons 16, 60

  Galilei, Galileo 9, 13–14, 16, 18, 41, 59, 74, 96, 105, 108, 120–2, 228

  galaxy xvi, 64, 131, 159, 162–3, 167, 192, 197, 208, 210, 214, 216, 220–2, 226, 236

  spiral 78–81, 236, 255

  central bulge of 78

  Galle, Johann 68–70, 74

  gamma ray 248, 251

  gamma ray burster 188

  Gamow, George 25, 163–4, 167, 228

  Ganymede 16, 61, 63, 83

  gas, poison 137

  Gauss, Carl Friedrich 135

  Geograpbika 45

  general theory of relativity (see relativity) geometry

  Euclidean 135

  non-Euclidean 135, 138

  Geneva 46, 192–3, 231, 234

  geon 244

  George III, King 72

  George’s star 72

  geysers on Io 59–60

  Germer, Lester 181

  Gilbert, William 9–10, 41

  Gladstone, William 240

  Gleick, James 26, 34–5, 229

  Global Positioning Satellites 127

  gluon 190, 198, 253

  Goldreich, Peter 133

  God 7, 21, 25–26, 33–1, 152, 154

  as a mathematician 13

  Gödel, Kurt 189

  Goodstein, David 26, 31, 229

  Goodstein, Judith 26, 229

  Göttingen 138

  Gould, Benjamin Apthorp 224

  Grantham 5–6, 24, 34

  gravitational waves

  direct detection of xvi, 131–4, 242

  from the big bang 192, 209, 251

  indirect detection of 134

  nature of xvi, 130

  prediction of xvi, 130

  graviton 190, 197, 205, 207–8, 251

  gravity viii

  acceleration due to 241

  as acceleration 121

  as an illusion 117, 201

  as warped space-time 117–72

  Einstein’s theory of (see relativity, general theory)

  force of xvi, 4, 12, 14–19, 24, 117, 121, 150, 161, 189, 197, 202, 226, 253

  inverse-square law of 16, 18, 22, 28–31, 57, 66, 71, 108, 141–2, 153, 197, 229–30, 253, 255

  irresistibleness of xv

  Newton’s theory 3–27

  repulsion of 81, 221, 255

  universal law of 3–4, 7, 21–2, 24, 41–2, 70

  weakness of 19, 207

  Grayling, A. C. 20, 228

  Great Collider 189

  Great Fire of London 28

  Greeks, ancient 6, 8–9, 21, 223

  Green, J. 233

  Green, Lucie 237

  Green, Mike 206

  Greene, Brian 202

  Greene, Graham 104

  Greenwich 148

  Grossman, Marcel 135, 238

  Haber, Fritz 137, 242

  Haber-Bosch process 242

  Habicht, Conrad 115, 140, 240, 243

  Habitable Zone 64

  Hadhazy, Adam 232

  Haldane, J. B. S. 149–150

  Halley, Edmond 26, 28–34, 108

  Halley’s Comet 33

  Haller, Friedrich 99, 118, 238

  Hamilton, Andy 20

  Hamlet 221

  Hanford, Washington xvi, 131

  Hawking radiation 210–11, 213, 253

  Hawking, Stephen 109, 132, 152, 168, 209–12, 254

  Heisenberg, Werner 180–1, 218, 248, 250

  Heisenberg uncertainty principle 155–6, 187, 210, 244

  helium 87, 233, 246–7

  Here’s Looking at Euclid 135, 242

  Herman, Robert 165

  Herschel, Caroline 72, 234

  Herschel, William 72

  Hertz, Heinrich 96–7, 108, 174

  hieroglyphics 95

  Higgs field 46, 234

  Higgs particle 46–7, 194, 196, 198, 234

  Higgsino 252

  Higgs, Peter 234

  Hilbert, David 138–40, 143

  Hipparchus 65–6, 227

  Hiroshima 112

  Hitler, Adolf 135

  Holmdel, New Jersey 165

  Homo erectus 38

  Hooke, Robert 10, 15, 28–9, 108

  Hooker Telescope 163

  Hoyle, Fred 159, 246

  Hubble, Edwin 162–3, 166

  Hubble Space Telescope 64, 160

  Huber, Matthew 58, 233

  Hull, Chris 204

  Hulse, Russell 134

  Humason, Milton 163

  hydraulic jump 38

  hydrogen 19, 54, 77, 159, 164, 188, 190, 196, 203–4, 207, 221, 233–4, 242, 246–7, 255

  hydrothermal vents 63

  hyperbola 30

  ice age 54

  inertia 20, 47, 120, 129, 196, 240

  infrared 76

  International Astronomical Union 61

  International Space Station 18

  gravity at altitude of 18

  interstellar space 234

  Io 16, 59–61, 63–4

  volcanoes of 59–60

  iron 9, 114, 247

  Jobs, Steve 4

  Jordan, Pascual 181

  Journal of the Plague Year 4, 225

  Julius Caesar 39

  Julius Caesar 230

  Jupiter 7, 9, 16, 57, 59–63, 71, 73, 76–7, 81, 84–5, 88, 190, 227, 232, 235, 237

  Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) 64

  Kaku, Michio 117, 129, 241–2

  Kaluza, Theodor 202

  Kaluza-Klein theory 202

  Keck Observatory 76

  Kepler, Johannes 10–16, 28, 30–1, 41, 68, 71

  Kepler space observatory 235

  Kepler’s 1st law 10, 30

  Kepler’s 2nd law 11–12, 15, 31

  Kepler’s 3rd law 12, 16, 28, 31

  Kerr, Roy 244

  Keynes, John Maynard 35, 226, 229

  Kidwai, Azim 229

  Klein, Oskar 202

  Knox, Elizabeth 3, 225

  Kuiper Belt 61–2, 75–6

  Kuiper Belt Object 62, 75

  Lagrange, Joseph Louis 28

  Lagrange point 57, 233

  Lai, C. H 229

  Lamb shift 188

  Lamb, Willis 188

  Landau, Lev 160

  Large Electron-Positron Collider (also see LEP) 47

  Large Hadron Collider (also see LHC) 46–7, 189, 192–4, 196, 198, 201, 203, 206, 223, 231, 234

  Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 80, 236

  Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (see LIGO)

  last scattering, epoch of 167

  Late Heavy Bombardment 232

  Law of Cat Inertia 14

  laws of physics 98, 105, 113, 152, 213, 219, 252

  as consequences of symmetries 206

  invariance of 138–9, 144

  mathematical nature of 22

  simplicity of 21

  Leavitt, Henrietta 246

  Lego 164, 233, 245

  Leibniz, Gottfried 175, 198, 228, 252

  Leiden 145

  Leighton, Robert 26, 238

  Lemaître, Georges Abbé 162–3

  LEP (also see Large Electron-Positron Collider)

  lepton 196, 198, 201, 220

  Lescarbault, Edmond Modeste 85–6

  Levenson, Thomas 89, 150, 170, 243

  Levin, Janna 131, 133, 150, 242

  Le Verrier, Urbain 68–9, 72–4, 79, 82–7, 89, 141, 222, 234

  LHC (also see Large Hadron Collider)

  libration 232

  light bulb 111, 175, 177–8

  LIGO xvi, 131–1, 242

  Ling, Steve 37


  as electromagnetic wave 96

  interference of 237, 248

ement of speed of 227

  polarisation of 238

  speed of xvi, 47, 55

  riding alongside a beam of 97–8

  uncatchability of 93–116

  wavelength of 95, 237

  wave-like nature of 95, 237

  Livingston, Louisiana xvi, 131,

  Lockyer, Norman 87

  lodestone 9–10

  London 4, 6–7, 28–30, 32, 34, 52, 87, 149–50, 173, 204, 206, 237

  loop quantum gravity 252

  Lorentz factor 231, 239

  Lorentz, Hendrik 142, 149, 239

  Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction 104, 239

  Luna 3 space probe 51

  lunar eclipse 227–8

  lunar laser ranging 233

  Lunokhod 1 55, 233

  Lunar Prospector probe 49

  Lunar Reconnaissance Observer 233

  Lusitania 144

  lymph glands 7

  M-theory 204, 206–7

  Madras 86

  magnetism, force of 10, 20–2, 95–6, 113, 200, 215, 223, 237–8

  magnetite 9

  Maldacena, Juan 214–17, 254

  Mallorca 53

  Manin, Yuri Ivanovitch 112

  Many Worlds interpretation of quantum theory 249

  mare basins 49, 232

  Marić, Mileva 98–100, 118, 136–7

  Mars 7–8, 57, 73, 82–3, 85, 234


  as a form of energy 46, 81, 111, 129, 143, 200, 208, 221, 231, 243

  gravitational 121

  inertial 121

  rest 112, 243

  mass-energy 46, 81, 111, 129, 143, 200, 208, 221, 231, 243

  mathematics, unreasonable effectiveness of 226

  matrix mechanics 181

  Mauna Kea, Hawail 76

  Maxwell, James Clerk 21, 95–6, 98, 101, 108, 173–7, 215, 223–1

  Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism 95, 97–8, 101, 110, 169–70, 173–6, 183, 193, 204, 215, 223^1, 238

  Mediterranean sea 39–40, 43, 65, 232

  Melbourne 86

  Mercury 7, 61, 73, 82–9, 234

  precession of the perihelion of xvii, 84–5, 138–42, 169, 222

  meson 252–3

  Michelangelo 31

  Michelson, Albert 116, 239

  Michelson-Morley experiment 239

  microorganisms 58, 64

  migration, planetary 38–9, 88

  migrations, prehistoric 230

  Milgrom, Mordehai 236, 255

  Milky Way 78–81, 88, 160, 163, 189, 192, 226, 235

  rotation period of 226

  Minkowski, Hermann 109, 125–6

  Minsterworth, Gloucester hire 36

  Misner, Charles 240

  Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) 236, 255

  molecule 100, 103, 112, 247


  linear 14, 155, 202, 217, 240, 243, 250, 254

  angular 54, 55, 184–7, 226, 232–3

  MOND (see Modified Newtonian Dynamics)


  acceleration of 19

  birth of 57

  braking of rotation of 51

  distance of 18–19

  falling of 16–19

  full 39–40, 44, 94, 231

  mountains of 9

  new 40, 44, 47

  orbital period of 18, 43

  tilt of orbital plane of 230

  recession of 55, 58

  tidal locking of rotation of 51

  moonquakes 48–51

  Monroe, Marilyn 224

  Morley, Edward 239

  Mount Everest 23, 134, 159, 223

  Mount Olympus 86

  Mount Wilson 163

  Morabito, Linda 59

  Muir, Hazel 229

  multiverse 204

  Munich, lighting of city centre of 118

  muon 102–3, 199, 252

  Nagasaki 112

  NASA 50, 57, 59, 62–4, 160, 236

  Nature 165

  Neptune 62, 75–6, 81, 86

  discovery of 70, 74, 79, 83, 89, 225

  prediction of xvii, 69, 72, 74, 82, 222

  Nernst, Walther 136

  neutralino 252


  electron- 199



  neutron 159, 196, 199–200, 252

  discovery of 158–9

  neutron star 134, 158–60

  Newcomb, Simon 87, 142–3, 243

  Newton, Isaac

  birth of 5

  bullying of 24

  power of concentration of 11–12

  death of 25

  grandparents of 5

  fury of 5

  half-siblings of 5

  loneliness of 5

  feuding of 25

  mother of 5

  possible autism of 28, 229

  uncle of 6

  Newton’s apple

  connection with moon 17–18

  falling 17–18, 241

  story of fall of 3–4

  Newton’s laws of motion 13, 31, 97–8, 211

  New Horizons space probe 62

  New York City 49, 131–3, 165–6, 173, 202

  New York Post 228

  New York Times 242

  nitrogen 24

  nitrogen glaciers 62

  Nobel prize 32, 81, 99, 134, 154, 166, 178, 181, 188, 212, 242, 245, 252

  Nöether, Emmy 206

  non-locality (see also entanglement) 184–5, 215–17

  Norris, Woody ix

  North Pole 66, 135

  Novikov, Igor 102, 239

  nucleosynthesis 163, 246

  stellar 164, 247

  nuclear explosion 164

  nuclear force, strong 159, 190, 196, 198, 200, 202

  nuclear force, weak 161, 189–90, 196, 198, 202

  nuclear reactor 173, 223

  nucleus (see atomic nucleus)

  Oberg, B. 256

  Olympia Academy 240

  Orgères-en-Beauce 85–6

  On the Origin of Species 237

  On the Revolutions of the Heavenly

  Spheres 8

  Oort, Jan 79–80

  Opticks 229

  optics, law of 7, 113, 229

  orbital velocity 79, 233

  oxygen 63, 182–3, 247, 249

  Overbye, Dennis 116, 143, 151, 242–3

  Pacific Ocean 58

  Padua 16, 74

  Pais, Abraham 99, 116, 151, 238, 243

  parabola 30–1

  parallax 232

  Pasadena 31, 75, 79, 133, 206, 212, 228

  Patch, Blanche 229

  Pauli Exclusion Principle 156, 196, 245

  Pauli, Wolfgang 248

  Paris observatory 69, 74, 82, 86

  Philosophic Naturalis Principia Mathematical 27, 31–33, 35, 41, 129, 229, 233, 242

  Pekeris, Chaim Leib 45–6, 231

  Pemphigus vulgaris 153

  Penzias, Arno 165–7

  Penrose, Roger 109, 152, 167–8, 249

  perihelion 82

  precession of 83–4

  phone, mobile xvii

  photoelectric effect 178, 248

  photon 164, 167, 177–80, 190, 198, 233, 240, 243, 248–9, 252

  photino 252

  photosphere 237

  pigeon droppings 165

  Piaf, Edith 149, 243

  Pisa, Leaning Tower of 120–1

  Pisces, constellation of 65


  bacterium 7

  bubonic xviii, 4, 6, 7, 10, 225

  buboes of 6

  pits 7

  year xviii, 4, 10, 225

  Planck, Max 136, 175–7, 180, 189, 219, 222, 240, 251

  Planck energy 192, 194

  Plank’s constant 177

  Planck length 189, 192, 194, 197, 203, 212, 251

  Planck satellite 81

  planet 223

  dwarf 61–2, 75–6, 237

  extrasolar 76

  gas giant 57, 59–61, 64, 76, 84, 88, 235

  Planet Nine 75�


  elliptical orbits of 10, 11, 15, 30–1, 67, 71–3, 128–9, 141, 229

  perihelion precession rates of 84

  retrograde motion of 8

  plate tectonics 58

  Plato 6, 97

  Plato crater 49

  Plesch, Janos 137

  Pluto 54, 56, 61–2, 75–6

  Podolsky, Boris 216, 254

  Pope, Alexander 33

  Polaris 66

  Poseidonios 45–6

  positron 47, 187, 198, 231

  post-glacial rebound 54

  posthumous child 5

  potassium 62

  Potsdam 152

  Pound, Robert 127

  Pratchett, Terry 161, 245

  Principia, The (see Philosophic Naturalis Principia Mathematica)

  Princip, Gavrilo 147–8

  Principe 147–9

  prism 235

  proton 19, 47, 158–9, 190, 196, 199–200, 207, 231, 233–4, 252

  Prussian academy 137, 139–41, 143

  pulsar 134, 244

  binary 134

  discovery of 159, 245

  Pytheas 39–40, 42, 44

  quantum computer 249


  foam 188

  gravity 197, 197, 224, 251–2

  interference 183–7

  scattering 183

  spin 184–5, 195–8, 201, 205, 231, 245, 251–2

  superposition 182–6, 249, 252

  theory xvii, 21, 155, 157, 169, 173–95, 197–9, 203–5, 207, 212–16, 218–23, 247–9, 252, 255

  unpredictability 179, 184–6, 234

  vacuum 250–1

  weirdness 183

  quark 200, 252

  anti- 200, 252

  bottom- 199

  charmed- 199


  impossibility of isolated 200 strange- 199



  quark-gluon plasma 253

  quasar 188

  Raby, 1.1.199

  radioactivity 62, 89, 115

  radio waves 134, 164–5, 238

  discovery of 96, 174

  prediction of 223

  radio horn 165

  radio station 213

  radio transmitter 244

  Randall, Lisa 207–8, 253

  Rawlings, Wyoming 87

  Rebka, Glen 127

  reductionism 201

  red giant star 54, 59

  regolith 49, 232

  relativistic aberration 239

  relativistic beaming 239


  Galilean 105

  general theory of xvii, 113, 115, 116–73, 189–91, 193, 209, 197–8, 203, 205, 212–2, 239, 243–4, 252, 254–5

  principle of 105–6, 239

  special theory of 93–116, 120, 122, 125, 138–85, 194–5, 197–9, 203–4 206–7, 214, 219, 223, 231, 237, 239, 247,


  Riemann, Bernhard 135

  Riess, Adam 221

  Roddenberry, Gene 82

  Römer, Ole Christensen 227

  Röntgen, Wilhelm 174

  Rosen, Nathan 216, 254

  Rosenthal-Schneider, Use 243

  Rothenberg, Jess 241

  Rothman, Tony 251

  Royal Astronomical Society 149

  Royal Mint 34


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