When Lightning Strikes (Alien Academy Book 1)

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When Lightning Strikes (Alien Academy Book 1) Page 20

by Pixie James

  “What? I was just making sure. You never know with this place.”

  “Beloved Xebulin…” Huey releases Professor Te’Vrah’s other wrist and his regala settle on his head.

  “Just go. Tia and I will stick together. I’ll be fine.”

  I don’t have to see his tail to know it’s swinging back and forth in annoyance. “Every time you say that, something explodes, and I must leave. It is my obligation.

  “Oh, shut it. There isn’t even anything to blow up in here. Plus, I’m exhausted. If the Professor leaves, Tia and I will go back to our room and wait for you. Now, tell me what’s going on.”

  Huey takes off at a steady pace and then he’s just…gone. What is he, a ninja? How freaking fast is he? “Fast. And there is no time for that. Te’Vrah will inform you when he has concluded his conversation with the Te’Bec. Go back to you room. Do not linger. I do not trust Ki’Lin.”

  The exhausted, carefree attitude of the room from just moments before has shifted, and the professor’s continued silence has brought everyone, even Tia, to their feet. Something’s wrong. And I get the feeling no one’s going to be happy about it.

  Te’Bec bows slightly, disconnecting her hand, then scurries back out of the room. She’s frazzled, a dark purple flush staining her cheeks and the tightly wound bun atop her head is lopsided and losing shape.

  Professor Te’Vrah, on the other hand, is giving nothing away. “You will spar amongst yourselves for the next few moments until the dismissal bell rings. Then, remain inside this building. Do not venture outside. As we speak, a mature Xebulin has been positioned at every available exit. If you attempt to leave, you will be punished and forfeit your chance at the touch games.

  “Without divulging too much, there has been an incident on our home planet, an uprising of sorts, and I am not at liberty to discuss anything further. You will all receive a full briefing by the day’s end, but for now, I must report to Headmaster Ha’Jahn’s office to consult on security measures that will need to be put in place to keep each and every one of you safe. Remember, inside these walls, nothing can touch you. It is the uncertainty of the sky above that causes us concern.”

  His eyes linger on mine a moment longer than I’d like before he continues. “If I hear any of you have chosen to leave and make light of your academic responsibilities, you will fail this class. I will not allow students who put their own lives at risk by refusing to learn to defend themselves out in this violent world if I can prevent it. Consider yourselves warned.”

  Crap. We can’t leave the gym, and I promised Huey we would. It’s not exactly the end of the world but I feel really bad.

  Tia sighs, swaying from exhaustion. “Does he seriously think we can take any more? I feel like I’ve been flattened by a steamroller then dunked in a bucket of dirty gym socks.”

  “Well, we can’t exactly leave either. Maybe we can just lie here until the bell rings.” Tia looks over her shoulder at Ki’Lin who’s already starting in on the practice dummy to ensure the Professor sees her before he leaves. Everything that girl does has a motive and it makes me sick.

  “Fat chance. Golden girl over there already has everyone starting back up and the Professor hasn’t even left yet. Some days I wish she’d get shipped off to Xebulis Five and marry a Ty so we don’t have to deal with her anymore.”

  When I bend over to grab my sparring sword, I catch sight of Ki’Lin glaring at us again, so naturally, I give her one right back. Today is just not the day. I’m tired and anxious and I give no craps. “No way. Don’t put stuff like that out there in the Universe. I’m pretty sure she’d devote her reign entirely to making me miserable if she ever got on the throne.”

  “True. But at least you wouldn’t have to see her staring daggers at you every day. And she wouldn’t follow Nix around.”

  “Ugh. Don’t get me started.”

  Already sore, my muscles scream at me as I swing my arms trying to warm them back up. We should have never stopped, because now everything feels ten times harder. Plus, the will to try is just gone. The professor left, and all anyone wants to know is what the heck is going on.

  Content with just going through the motions, Tia and I decide to shadow box. Keeping my fists near my face, I circle her, dodging the few jabs she throws my way. When I counter her uppercut with a body shot, she takes advantage of the opening and throws a hard one at my chin. It doesn’t connect of course, but I duck dramatically, trying to have a little fun, and lose my balance.

  The laugher that bubbles up my throat dies as soon as I see who I collided with.

  “Eww, God. Get the hell away from me, Mufasa, you smell like a dead cow.” Ki’Lin shoves me off of her and I face plant onto the floor.

  “What the hell? It was an accident, you freaking psycho.” My hip aches and I rub it while trying to get to my feet.

  “Sure it was. It’s bad enough you’re all over my boyfriend, now you’re all over me too? Pretty sure you’re just obsessed with me.”

  All the irritation and frustration from the past few weeks swirl together and, like a volcano, I explode.

  “Are you kidding me? He’s not your boyfriend. And in case you haven’t noticed, the only person obsessed with you is you, Ki’Lin. We get it.” I gesture to the crowd, “We all get it. You’re pretty, and rich, and whatever other narcissistic bullcrap you want us all to believe. Happy now? Do you feel good enough about yourself to leave me the hell alone? Or do you need more?”

  Ki’Lin stands tall, sticking out her chest. “You’re going to regret every word you say when I’m—”

  “Royal, we get it already! Stop tooting your own freaking horn. You’re impressive, you’re wonderful, you’re built to rule. Seriously, it’s getting old. You can stop now.”

  “Cherise…” Tia grabs my shoulder. “Let’s just go. The bell’s going to ring any second now.”

  “No, I’m so sick and tired of her—”

  She gets in front of me, blocking Ki’Lin from sight. “Come on, she’s not worth it.”

  “Let her dig herself in deeper, So,” Ki’Lin snarls. “The gloves are off now. The more she talks, the further I go…” She lifts her chin and smiles, the malice in her eyes promising pain.

  Whatever. Bring it, ho.

  “The gloves are off? Who even says crap like that? Get a life, Ki’Lin. Leave me alone.”

  My heart is beating out of my chest as Tia drags me from the room. I jerk my arm out of her grip, still fuming. “I’m fine, I can walk by myself.”

  “Easy there, killer. I’m just trying to help. What you did back there was…”

  “Long freaking overdue?” I nearly rip the Velcro off my sparring gloves before Tia slips hers off and stops to help with mine.

  “Simmer, okay? You still look like you’re about to implode.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just so sick of her crap. Sick of all the people like her thinking they can walk around saying and doing whatever they want no matter how it affects everyone else.” The rush of anger that fueled me earlier fizzles out, leaving a heavy sense of regret. Exhaustion presses down on me and I just want to go back to my room and hide under my covers. “She’s never going to stop trying to make me miserable, is she?”

  Tia leans her head on my shoulder. “Nope. But after that you might go down in the history books a hero when she kills you.”

  The vibrations of her laughter lighten my sense of dread and I crack a smile. “Stop it.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Making me less miserable. I just want to bask in it for a while.”

  We turn the corner just as the bell rings and are swallowed by the crowd of people leaving their classes. “Sorry, chick. No time for that. We’ve got a crisis to investigate and a mean girl to avoid. No time for feeling sorry for ourselves.”

  “So’Tia, Cherise? Please come with me.” Professor Te’Vrah’s severe tone freezes us in place as he appears unmoving in the throng. How is he back so quickly? Oh, crap. Did he see us leave? There’s no

  The deep scars gouged into the back of his neck peek out every time his hair swings, and it’s intimidating. He means business, and with him, there’s no room for excuses or emotion.

  There’s no way if he wants to fail us, we’re going to talk our way out of it, and with every step, I chastise myself even harder for the way I reacted to Ki’Lin.

  If I get kicked out, she wins, and there’s no way I can stomach that. She doesn’t deserve the satisfaction. The only thing she’s due is a good punch to the throat, and maybe an angry case of herpes.

  Tia’s chewing on her lip, but we’re both too scared to speak. The look on her face says it all. We’re screwed.

  The suspense builds the farther we go, and my heart starts to pound. I’m nervous and my mind’s racing to come up with something—anything—to explain the Ki’Lin situation and spin it in such a way that doesn’t warrant me getting expelled.

  I’ve got nothing.

  A familiar set of oak doors comes into view and my stomach sinks even further. Crap, he’s taking us into the headmaster’s office. My hands are shaking, anxiety threatening to swallow me whole. I hate this feeling. Plus, the sweatier I get, the more my mark starts to itch until it throbs and I’m ready to cut it off with a pair of scissors.

  Not really, but damn, it’s annoying and the last thing I need.

  The dull brass knob of the headmaster’s office turns before Professor Te’Vrah even touches it and the two of them usher us in.

  Te’Lara’s there, perched on the side of the headmaster’s desk, worry etched on beautiful face. She jumps up and scurries over to us. “Thank goodness. Could you girls have taken any longer?”

  Tia and I exchange a look. “We only found out five minutes ago.”

  “Do not argue with me. Get over here and take a seat. You are going to need to digest this sitting down.” After gliding around the table to pour both of us some water, Te’Lara reclaims her seat on his desk and ushers Ha’Jahn over. Professor Te’Vrah stands sentry at the door, his imposing frame threatening any who’d dare pass.

  I jerk my chin toward him. “Is this really necessary? It’s not like we’re going to take off running to avoid whatever this is about.”

  “It is unfortunate, but for now, yes.”

  Like usual, Huey’s voice pops in my head out of nowhere. “Beloved Xebulin, his presence is not to deter you from leaving, but others from entering.”

  “Nice of you to show up. Where are you anyway?”

  Professor Te’Vrah moves to the side, allowing Huey to saunter through. “I am here, and after this briefing, I fully expect you to tell me why you failed to return to our room.”

  “It’s my room. And we tried. What’s this all about?”

  Still refusing to tell me what’s going on, Huey sidles up next to me and increases his size three-fold, nearly taking up a fourth of the room. The scarred warrior turned teacher nods in some sort of unspoken understanding, and after the headmaster has checked all the windows in his office to ensure they’re closed, Huey lumbers over to take Te’Vrah’s place.

  “Don’t rush or anything. It’s not like they’re waiting on you to tell us what’s going on…”

  Huey grunts and swings his tail, and it makes a heavy clank as it hits the floor. Ha! He only brings the blades out on the end when he’s really annoyed. “I am elite, Beloved Xebulin. It is I who sets the pace, not the other way around. It would do you well to remember this.”

  Tia huffs and crosses her arms. “I liked it better when you talked to him out loud. At least then I’d have some clue what the hell is going on.”

  “So’Tia. Watch your language,” Te’Lara scolds as the headmaster finally takes his seat.

  “Sorry, but this is getting a bit ridiculous, isn’t it? Making us sweat it out all this time. Just tell us our punishment and get it over with already.”

  “You were not summoned to discuss your early departure from Defense classes, So’Tia. You were invited here to act in a student alliance capacity. The information I reveal to you here will be your responsibility to distribute to the proper channels. You and Ty’Nix are to make a formal announcement over the intercoms at the conclusion of our meeting.”

  “Oh… Well then, why is Cherise here? She’s not even part of the council. And for that matter, why, me? Ty’Nix is president-elect. Shouldn’t he be the one you talk to?”

  The air conditioner cuts off, creating a deafening silence in the room. “He will be here momentarily. And Cherise is included because it directly concerns her wellbeing.”

  Huey lets out a bone chilling growl, and Tia jumps in the seat beside me.

  Te’Lara swats at the air and glares at him. “Oh, Huey settle down. No one will harm her.”

  “Of course, no one will harm you, Beloved Xebulin. You are mine to protect, and any who seek to damage you will decorate the walls before even stepping in your presence.”

  I grimace, the image of guts hanging from the rafters turning my stomach. Tia quirks a brow. “Do I even want to know what he said?”

  “Apparently, Huey wants to be a painter.”

  Huey snorts as Tia takes a sip of her drink. “With what? Like watercolors?”

  I shake my head. “No, with people’s insides.”

  The sound of Te’Lara clapping loudly startles me, and I turn back around to face her. “You girls need to focus; this is serious.”

  “It would be easier to focus if we knew what everyone was so worried about.”

  “We will begin as soon as Ty’Nix arrives, unless of course, you want to be solely responsible for communicating the event to the entire school?”

  “Nope, all good. We can wait.”

  As if I could be even more unsettled, the thought of facing Ty’Nix after I embarrassed myself in his dorm makes me want to climb out the window and take my chances. The tape I used to cover my mark is peeling off. It’s burned all day long, and sitting here in sweat-soaked clothes only makes it worse.

  Picture a wall, my ass. Sure, it bothered me before, but after waking up this morning, the dull ache from before has turned into a full-blown throb. My bra rubs it, the underwire feels like it’s working its way into my soul, and even worse, the raised mark is swollen and can be seen through my tighter shirts.

  Huey stirs at the door, his two-inch-long claws scraping against the hardwood as he shifts out of the way to let someone enter. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who it is, but my nerves have me sitting here, staring at the pencil on the headmaster’s desk like it’s made of gold and used to scribe ancient hieroglyphics.

  “I apologize for the delay. I was sparring outside when the order to report to you was issued. Is everyone else, here?” Crap, the last thing I need is him sweaty and half-naked, veins bulging and—

  “Beloved Xebulin, do not forget to breathe. I do not want you to suffocate on your attraction for the Ty’.”

  “Shut it, Huey. Out of my head.”

  “Not a chance. I find your thoughts far too entertaining.”

  Te’Lara glances at the clock on the wall. “Ha’Jahn, we need to hurry. The other students are worried. I do not want them to alarm their parents with misconceptions and gossip. It is important the explanation comes from us.”

  “Are all of you ready?”

  Ty’Nix moves into my periphery, slinking onto the couch at the opposite end of the room. He’s fully dressed in sweats, thank the stars, but his hair is so wet it’s slicked back and dear heavens, he looks like something out of a Calvin Klein ad. Well…if aliens modeled underwear.

  Stare at the pencil, Cherise. At the peni—pencil.

  The familiar squeak of the headmaster’s chair draws my attention away from my thoughts of Nix, and I find him staring at me. “Cherise, let me begin by saying I do not want you to be alarmed. Your safety is of the utmost importance. Rest assured that nothing and no one gets into this campus without my knowledge. We have the full strength of the US Government and several highly trained Xebulani Enforc
ers protecting these grounds.”

  Nix goes rigid. “Why would she be concerned? Has someone threatened her?”

  “Not exactly.” The headmaster hesitates for a moment before Te’Lara speaks up.

  She always gives it to me straight, and apparently the finesse Ha’Jahn is attempting is too much for her.

  “Ty’Nix. What I am about to say does not leave this room, do you understand?” I chance a peek and get a good look at him for the first time. He’s sweating, but from the looks of it, not in a comfortable way. It’s less hot boy model and more I’m going to crap my pants in standstill traffic uncomfortable than I was expecting.

  I mean don’t get me wrong, he still looks amazing. But something’s clearly bothering him. Wordlessly, he nods, and Te’Lara continues.

  “After the incident in the gym, we were informed that Cherise and her unknown accomplice not only activated her home light but that it breached Earth’s atmosphere and was seen on the horizon of Xebulis Five itself.”

  He stares at her, mouth agape. “Impossible.”

  “I’m afraid not. Shortly after we stabilized both Cherise and Huey, we got word there was a social disturbance in which a well-known group of Xebulin dissenters who identify as the Orsu demanded an audience with Queen Ri’Tiri and King Ri’Kahn. Prior to this, no one on Xebulis Five, save for the Queen and King themselves, knew of Cherise’s circumstances and unconventional arrival. But after the gym incident, they could hide it no longer.”

  “So they just told the whole planet?” Nix spits. “Knowing it could put her life—our lives—in jeopardy?”

  Tia’s squeezing her cup so hard, her knuckles are white. I lean over and take the cup so it doesn’t shatter in her hand. This is the first time I’ve seen her this quiet. Something else is wrong.

  “Our law requires full disclosure, a building block of truth we have always relied on to separate us from our enemies and their foul deceptions. The strength of whatever released from you is unheard of, and after an impassioned speech by Orsu leader So’Gor in front of the Xebulin Elders, several of them agreed with the demand you be brought home for inspection.”


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