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Slave World

Page 10

by Johnny Stone


  Rupert Todd paused at the door to Mr. Savota’s inner sanctum, inspecting his habitually immaculate attire one last time. He smoothed a stray wrinkle from the right breast of his indigo Armani suit with a frown of annoyance, plucking a small gray hair from the same shoulder. Rupert had always been meticulous when it came to his appearance in front of an employer, over the course of his fifty-year professional career as a personal assistant. For the last twelve of those, he’d been employed by one Michael A. Savota, a self-made businessmen of some distinction now. After a rocky start as the owner of a small trading firm that always kept him just below the exquisite lifestyle he desired, his fortune had finally turned for the better. This was mainly due in part to his marriage to Donna, the brain-damaged sister of a former business associate, nearly fifteen years ago.

  Donna came from an extremely wealthy family, a family with the kind of fortune that knew no bounds when the itch of fanciful want expressed itself. It was because of her that Michael’s dreams had finally come true; he was now the undisputed ruler of his own stretch of land, with ultimate power over everyone that inhabited it, that is except one man, Nathan Burke.

  Burke was the one thing that still threatened his empire of avarice, and Mr. Savota’s current plans for expanding the flourishing business that had blossomed under his recent direction. Rupert knew in the darkest recesses of his mind, that Mr. Savota had come to fear this incessant thorn of a man. Burke couldn’t be bought off or intimidated into complacency; those things had already been tried on numerous occasions in the past. The promise of money and slaves were an empty token, and any threat was nothing more than a joke that fell on deaf ears. Burke was a rare breed, especially on Slave World. He was a man with staunch values and a sense of morality regardless of the repercussions. With some good luck in the way of a recent slave purchase, the status quo of the Savota ranch was about to be altered forever.

  Rupert announced his presence with the push of a button beside the door. All the data necessary was already called up and waiting on his hand computer.

  “Please come in, Rupert,” Michael’s voice squawked through the intercom as the small light beside it changed from red to green.

  Michael’s office matched his taste of perversion and overindulgence to a tee. The walls were decorated with an assortment of fine art masterpieces ranging from ancient hand painted oils, to laser and holographic displays that swirled with breathtaking beauty. A majestically stocked liquor cabinet and wet bar lined a portion of one wall, while opposite it, two ancient sets of armor dating back to Earth’s medieval Japan stood in silent guard behind the monstrous visage of their faceplates. Dark plush carpeting gave way under Rupert’s shoes as he strode ramrod stiff across it, stopping before his employer.

  Michael sat behind the expanse of a painstakingly hand carved, Brazilian Chestnut wood desk, with the light streaming in from behind through the large windows and door that led to his private veranda. As usual he was dressed only in a loose silk kimono, with one of his pets in attendance. There were several luxurious chairs spaced evenly in front of the desk, but Rupert stood, as was his norm.

  “Tell me, Rupert, what do you think of my latest purchase? Quite a catch, isn’t she?” Michael beamed in self-righteous glory, stroking the top of Molly’s strawberry blonde head that bobbed up and down in his lap. Rupert had grown long used to the sight of his employer’s open display of sexuality, and his use of altered pets over the years. It wasn’t uncommon to have one of them bent over his desk while he discussed business in private.

  Rupert cleared his throat softly in disagreement. “I think you’re taking a huge risk, sir, not to mention an expensive one.” He looked down at the display of his hand-com. “The cost alone for her far exceeds the entire slave budget for the next two quarters. I spoke with Brenda this morning, and Donavan isn’t going to release any more of your wife’s money until the next fiscal year. In addition to that, you still haven’t finalized the contract with-”

  Michael pushed his pet’s face deeper in his lap holding it in place. “Yes, I know, Rupert,” he groaned softly, shivering. “Just redistribute funds as necessary until I finalize the deal with Olympia Distribution.” Molly began to squirm, huffing through her nose in an effort to breathe around him. “Quiet kitten. You be a good girl while I’m talking,” he growled, and she whined ever so softly, trembling in response.

  “Sir, are you aware of how much it is going to cost for her conversion? You’ve seen what she looks like. Thomas doesn’t have much to work with.”

  Michael growled, grasping a handful of silky hair, using his pet’s mouth as an improvised cunt for the final leg of his up and coming release. “There are some things you just can’t put a price on Rupert, you should know that.” He grunted, slamming her face harder into his lap. “I think she’ll be perfect for me in more ways than one, not to mention to deal with Burke.”

  “I still think you should call in outside help, sir. Despite her cybernetic augmentation, I’m not convinced she can handle him. Nathan has a lifetime of combat experience at his disposal.”

  “You’re such a worrywart, Rupert…oh yes, kitten, just like that.” Molly continued to gag around him, twisting and turning in an effort to free herself from the cock that slammed against the back of her throat like a hammer. “Burke may catch wind of it if I did something like that, and it could cause problems with Donna, not to mention he knows far too many people that embellish themselves in the business of death. This is going to have to look like an accident and nothing more; a rebellious and dangerous slave that snaps under the control of her Overseer.”

  Rupert sniffed lightly as the choking distress of saliva drenched moans grew louder.

  “That brings up another point, sir; I still don’t think it’s wise you letting Nathan and Donna spend so much time together. In her state of mind she may become too talkative and let something inadvertently slip. If Burke had the slightest suspicion of what you’ve been using her for… Sir, I think we would be hard pressed to control him given our current security measures.”

  “Burke isn’t going to find out, and besides, it keeps that idiot wife of mine out of my hair so I can enjoy life the way it was meant to be.” The lines of Michael’s face grew taut, his breath quickening. “Yes…that’s a good girl, just a bit more kitten and you’ll get your well earned reward from me.”

  “I know that but-”

  “Ow! You clumsy little slut!”

  Michael jerked his kitten’s face up and away from his cock, pushing her to the floor in a disorganized flurry of limbs. She coughed haphazardly, staring back at him with fear in her surgically altered, cat-like eyes. The fur around her modified mouth was matted with saliva, dripping from her chin in long sticky trails, and her cat ears twitched, set upon a human head, while her bushy tail curled submissively beneath her tiny rump, and tabby markings.

  “Are you alright, Sir?” Rupert took a hesitant step forward.

  Michael stood, imposing over his slave’s cowering form. “The stupid little slut scraped me with her tooth, and just as I was about to finish! Get out, get back to your kennel you worthless piece of shit!” Molly lowered her eyes sadly, meowing softly, shuffling out of his office on hands and knees.

  Michael plopped back in his chair, stabbing the intercom with rage fueled vigor.

  “Yes, Mr. Savota?” Chandler, the house slave Overseer and kennel Master, responded promptly.

  “That new kitten you sent me, Molly, is totally inadequate for my needs, and besides that she hurt me. I want her disciplined severely, do you understand?”

  “Yes. sir, I’m terribly sorry. Should I send another kitten up to you?”

  “Yes, I’m not finished yet. Chandler, I don’t hold this against you, it’s not your fault she’s an inept piece of trash. The quality of slavestock is a difficult thing to anticipate at times.”

  “Yes, sir, thank you,” a relieved sounding voice answered.

nbsp; “Oh, and Chandler? Have her sent to the recreation center after she’s been punished. Maybe being a staff whore for a few weeks will help her realize how good she has it under my roof. If she hasn’t learned what’s expected of her by then, dispose of her in the jungle.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you sure you’re all right, sir?” Rupert asked, habitually smoothing another invisible wrinkle from his suit.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Michael huffed, reclining in his chair. “I’m just growing tired of spending money on useless rabble like that is all. Now you see why I need a slave like the one I just purchased. She’ll be perfect, I know it.”

  “Yes, sir.” Rupert knew there was no sense in arguing the matter any longer, not after what had just happened. “I’ll begin making the necessary preparations for her arrival next week.”

  “Thank you, that will be all.” Rupert bowed his head with a nod of dismissal, turning to leave. “Oh, Rupert, one more thing?”


  “Get word to Cirus that I’m pleased with his recent performances.” Michael waved his hand nonchalantly. “Let him loose the next few nights as a reward; he can have any of the ponies of his choosing as usual, just make sure Burke isn’t around.”

  “Yes, sir, I don’t think that will be an issue. He’s with Donna more often than not, since Torri’s transfer.” Michael grinned with a self-satisfied smirk.

  “Of course he is, that’s why I reassigned her to the stables in the first place. All the pieces are finally starting to fall into place, Rupert, and after the last one arrives, the real fun can begin.” Michael leaned back, happily drumming his fingers on his bloated stomach. “I have a feeling that my new slave is going to be everything I’ve ever dreamt of.”

  Chapter Four

  My eyes ached, sticky and dry, lids fluttering. What’s happening? My chest ballooned involuntarily, taking a gulp of oxygen rich air. Where am I? I dimly heard noises, beeping and a soft click. The door to my tube slid open with a muted hiss. The light hurt, burning into the depths of my brain, releasing me in a fog of cool mist. I’m dying! I can’t breathe! I took another breath, staggering, falling into the arms of a man dressed in white. My mind reeled in terror, disoriented. Get away from me!

  “Get away from her!” A voice yelled through my fear.

  I lashed out blindly, hitting the blurry image in front of me with an open fisted palm. I sensed more than heard the bones and cartilage of his ribcage crack and give way before he disappeared from view. I dropped to my knees amid a clatter of confusion, coughing loudly, trying to suck in the air my lungs demanded. The biting pain of my restraint collar made me scream in a raspy croak, as I collapsed in a heap of agony.

  “Everyone stay away from her, didn’t you read the shipping instructions? Get a leash on her, hurry!”

  I felt the pull on my collar from the electronic leash holding me pinned in place, before the pain mercifully subsided. I was pulled back to my feet shaking, trying to adjust to the return of normal bodily functions, while the man holding my control baton kept me at a safe distance. I looked around incoherently as the scene was repeated with the other’s emerging from their cryo-tubes.

  Disoriented and groggy, we were led into a medical bay and stripped of our stasis suits. I was naked and shivering in the vertical auto-doc, while strangers with the compassion of animal handlers examined me. I briefly caught sight of the man I’d hit being hurriedly rushed into another bay, while his companions fought to save his life. Killing someone was not a good first impression on my part.

  I was released from the slab with a clean bill of health, and my restraint cuffs were locked behind my back then tethered to my ankle cuffs. I was hobbled, barely able to shuffle along. They weren’t taking any chances with me now. One thing I noticed after my mind started to clear was the date on my internal clock. If it was correct, which it always was, almost two weeks had passed since the day I was enclosed within my stasis tube.

  Two weeks…Where in the hell am I? You could make it across the universe in that amount of time with jump drive. I couldn’t believe we would have stayed in standard flight the entire way? One of two things came to mind; I’d either sat on a loading dock somewhere for much longer than necessary, or I was far outside of the normally traveled space lanes now.

  “When you’re finished, doctor, have the new arrivals placed in briefing room 2 so I may address them,” a tall, gaunt man with a receding hairline said.

  He had a hawk-like nose and piercing eyes set above an expensive looking, one-piece business suit. He spoke with an arrogant tone, and his mannerisms gave me the impression of long-standing aristocracy. I didn’t like him, but that changed just as quickly; Hawk Nose had my remote. I could feel its alluring and unquestionable pull already as the desire to diligently please and obey his every fanciful whim flooded my subconscious. Oh well, here we go again.

  One by one we were led into a modestly adorned room. Hawk Nose sat behind a desk now with a small lap top computer in front of him, no doubt reviewing our files received from the Holloway Company. Once we were all present, the guards made us kneel so he didn’t have to look up at us while speaking.

  “My name is Rupert Todd, and I am the personal assistant and confidant of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Savota. They are your new Master and Mistress, your owners from this day forth. Although I have told you their names, you will never speak them; only freemen are allowed to address them as such. All employees of your new Master will be addressed as Mr., Mrs., Sir or Ma’am at all times, do I make myself clear?”

  I jumped along with a few others from a mild disciplining. Our hesitancy at a prompt response had earned us a zap from the collar. A disappointed look crossed Mr. Todd’s face. I wonder if he likes having his dick sucked. I could do that for you, Sir, if you like? Please?

  “Let me remind you that you are now property, and nothing more. You have no life other than to serve in whatever manner the Master decides fitting for you. Disrespect and failure to follow orders are subject to harsh punishment. On the other hand, your new Master is not a cruel man and may reward you if deemed appropriate. The choice is yours, one of the few that you have concerning your lives any longer. In the end you will be broken and obey; the only question that remains is how much pain are you willing to endure before accepting the fact? I will ask once again, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” we echoed as one.

  “Very good. Now, some of you may still harbor thoughts of escape. This is impossible and will only result in your inevitable capture and severe punishment, if not death. The Master has been known to put down unruly slaves in the past. I can tell you that he loathes doing this though; he’s spent far too much money on some of you, much more than you deserve in my opinion.” Mr. Todd looked directly at me and I lowered my eyes. “But he will do what is necessary to maintain order on his ranch. In time you will learn what is expected of you and the rules that are to be followed.” He paused to switch screens on his computer, eyes darting intently, nodding occasionally. “I will now assign you to your duties as per Mr. Savota’s wishes.” He lifted his wrist to his mouth, speaking into a beautiful, gem encrusted platinum wrist-com. “Send in the Overseers, please.”

  A door to my right slid open admitting three men and two women. I kept my head lowered, trying to take in as much about them as I could without looking directly at them. Their attire varied as widely as their expressions, ranging from indifferent boredom to the stern look of commanding dominance that had eluded me my entire life. None of them were armed in a traditional sense, but they all wore wrist controllers for our restraints and leash batons on their hips.

  “Slave 2412 and 2456, you have been assigned to the reproduction program. Stand and follow Miss Jeager at this time.”

  The frazzle haired teen and another woman were promoted to their feet. Their leash control was handed off to a different guard, and they were led from the room followed by a stone-faced, haughty bitch dressed in
a lab coat. Reproduction program? That doesn’t sound good. My head began to swim with possibilities, and I didn’t like any of them. Either way, I silently wished the young girl luck in her new state of nebulous servitude.

  “Slave 4657, you are assigned to grounds maintenance. Stand and follow Mr. Whittiker at this time.”

  Chuck, the Trusk, stood with a lumbering gait. He was transferred to the baton of a burly, gruff looking Overseer that reminded me of a foul tempered, redheaded Irish wrestler. I gave him a faint smile, deftly signing a good-bye-friend hand gesture that he promptly returned. I liked the big guy, and wished him well.

  “Slave 2451, you have been assigned to the stables. Stand and follow Mr. Burke at this time.”

  Shit, that’s me! Stables? Great, I’m going to be shoveling horse crap, or cleaning up after some other nasty critters for the rest of my life. I couldn’t wait to get started. Stupid remote…

  A brisk tug on my collar brought me unsteadily to my feet, and I was stopped before a grim-faced, middle aged man wearing a pair of tinted aviator sunglasses. He had a tall, lean build with a rippling hint of delicious muscle that bulged perfectly from under his deeply tanned skin. Short brown hair laced with a distinguished touch of gray around the temples, would have given him a stately look if not for his forearms and biceps decorated in a cacophony of tattoos. Snarling jungle cats and intertwining dragons, most of them faded and long overdue for recoloring, stood in defiance to his neatly trimmed, clean-shaven, and precision-like appearance.

  He eyed me like a tiger stalking its prey: inspecting… evaluating… judging. My stomach did a little flip-flopping twitter, and I actually felt naked for the first time since my capture. Oh, my God, he is sooo hot! I hadn’t met a panty dropper like him in years. The scary thing was that there was something vaguely familiar about him.

  “Nathan, have you reviewed her file and all the safety procedures that need to be adhered to with her?”


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