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Slave World

Page 28

by Johnny Stone

  They weren’t of me being the half creature like I was now, but a full-blown, four-legged horse. They were simple dreams, animal dreams - dreams of running across open fields with the sun warming on my glistening coat. Of serving my Master while he rode upon my back. Of breeding, not sex but of being a brood mare. I dreamt a lot about this. I wanted to bear young, to be taken by the Alpha of the herd, and much to my horror and delight, it was Cirus doing it. It was only right that the strongest mare would bear the young of our leader, wasn’t it? It was my duty in life now.

  I would wake shaken and sweating, disoriented and ashamed. I came in my sleep on a regular basis it seemed. I took little comfort in the fact that I’d finally been able to master my waking mind in this area. All I wanted or needed was Nathan, yet it seemed like he was agonizingly gone from my life more often than not.

  I continued to slip further and further into a seemingly endless spiral, much faster than even I would have thought possible. The name Margo Winters had little meaning any longer; it was nothing but the title of a stranger, of my past when I was someone or something else entirely. There was a new creature rearing its head inside me, clouding my every waking moment. I was afraid that if things didn’t change soon, the person I once was would disappear forever.


  I whinnied in annoyance, shaking my head from side to side. “Stupid flies,” I growled under my breath, or whatever these flying nuisances were. My tail hadn’t stopped its random swishing to keep the damn things away from my ass and legs since I’d stepped foot outside.

  It seemed incredibly hot today, more so than usual as I waited under the morning sun for Mistress Donna. With nothing else better to do than keep the buzzing of insects away, I curiously started to inspect random portions of my body. It still amazed me that I hadn’t developed at least a token tan after being openly exposed in such a harsh, tropical environment. They must have altered the pigments in my skin making me resistant to UV rays because I was still uniformly white as a sheet. Too bad, I’d always thought tan lines were kind of sexy, in the right places.

  Donna finally came bounding across the field in my direction as enthusiastically wild as the first time she had taken me for a ride. She was dressed pretty much as before, but she wasn’t armed this time. I thought I saw a slight, misshapen bulge on her back near her waistline that may have been a concealed pistol, but I couldn’t tell for sure.

  “Morning, Margo pony,” she cried out throwing her arms around me. I whinnied and nuzzled her neck, tail swishing happily back and forth now. I was honestly happy to see her, for just the chance to be around a normal person again. Well, somewhat normal at least.

  Our ride was a relaxed and lazy canter this time, while she talked my ear off about one thing or another. Most of it didn’t really make sense, just random gibberish and absent minded thoughts. At least Donna didn’t freak out on me or start shooting at things again.

  Not far from the stables she stopped me, dismounted, running over to a billowing ground shrub. She picked two of the large, multi-colored, red and yellow flowers from its branches. One went in her hair and she placed the other in mine. It smelled lovely and made the tranquil morning seem all the more peaceful to me.

  Donna led me on foot for some time, kicking random rocks every so often, or humming some unrecognizable tune to herself in between her random thoughts of conversation. The further away from the ranch proper we went, the more I began talking openly with her. In a way, I was kind of hoping she would have another one of her flashbacks; I really wanted to hear the rest of her story about Nathan and the slave girl from when he was younger. Sadly, she didn’t. The only odd thing I noticed about her behavior thus far was that she seemed to fidget with her hands a lot. Some of her actions reminded me of Nathan when he smoked, and I wondered if she used to at one time?

  “Oh look, a Vox,” she blurted suddenly, releasing my reins. “I want to catch it, help me, pony!” Donna ran off in the direction of a small, brown furry creature that reminded me of a cross between a spindly little teddy bear and some sort of reptile. The startled creature quickly scampered up a nearby tree, stopping on a branch well out of reach above us. Donna stood at the base of the tree, looking up with clenched fists, stomping her foot. I smiled, shaking my head. Just like a little kid…

  “Darn, I wanted it. Come back down here you naughty Vox!” I stopped beside Donna, looking at the Vox with its large, wet eyes; it was kind of cute. I’d seen them around in the past, but they were skittish and always bolted for the safety and concealment of high up tree limbs whenever anyone came near them.

  Donna stomped her foot again, walking back to the path we’d been following. “Naughty Vox, I just wanted to take you home with me, that’s all,” she pouted.

  “Would you like me to catch her for you, Mistress?” How the hell did I know it was a female? Donna whirled about with a hopeful smile.

  “Really, you’d do that for me, Margo pony?”

  “Sure.” I looked ruefully up at the Vox high above, wondering what kind of a mess I was about to get myself into. “It shouldn’t be too difficult.” I hope…

  “Oh thank you, pony, thank you!” Donna threw her arms around me, hugging me for all she was worth. “I’ve always wanted a Vox, but Michael won’t let me have one. He says they’re dirty little beasts, but I think they’re cute.” I couldn’t help but smile, stroking her hair in a soothing, adult sort of way. Fuck that prick Michael.

  “I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try.”

  I finally broke the death grip she had on me, looking for a suitable place to jump up. I wish I didn’t have all this gear on, I scowled, taking a ready stance. That’s all I need, is to get myself hung up in a tree, or fall and bust my ass because I was playing tag with a teddy bear.

  I leapt the ten feet vertical distance with a muted grunt, grasping my target branch with a steel grip. Pulling myself up with the saddle getting snagged on everything along the way was as big of a pain in the ass as I thought it would be. The Vox scampered further out of reach, with a flurry of scuttling claws. Oh, you little shit, I glowered up at her; you’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?

  Things got a bit more challenging the higher I went; some of my footing was less than desirable at this point. Most of the branches I was forced to use groaned under my weight, flexing at a dangerous angle. A fifty-foot fall wouldn’t kill me, but it sure as hell wouldn’t be a pleasurable experience. I scowled up at the terrified Vox gazing down at me.

  “Hey, that’s high enough, I’m not a friggin monkey!” She cocked her slightly oval head at me, taking a hesitant step forward. “That’s it, precious,” I whispered, afraid that the action of breathing alone would make her bolt even higher into the tree’s canopy. “I’m not going to hurt you, c’mon, it’s okay.”

  The Vox sat back on its haunches just out of arms reach. The way it kept turning its head from side to side when it looked at me reminded me of an inquisitive dog. Then it made the most annoying chattering noise I think I’ve ever heard.

  “What? I’m not lying! I said I wasn’t going to hurt you.” It chattered angrily again, crawling closer on all fours.

  “Hey, I didn’t have anything to do with that! I don’t even know what tree you’re talking about.” Jeez, these little things are touchy. “All I want to do is take you down to see-” It spun about, squatting, and sprayed an oily mist of liquid from under its tail, hitting me square in the chest. “Oh god, what the hell…” I started to retch, eyes watering. That’s when I lost my balance.

  The branch I’d been standing on slipped out from under the hard soles of my boots and I dropped like a rock. It wasn’t easy hitting every branch on the way down, but I managed it with dizzying precision. The ground rose up to greet me with a numbing thump, knocking the wind out of me.

  The Vox had followed my descent with nimble grace, and was now perched on its initial branch again. It squeaked and chattered away at me almost non-stop unt
il I managed to regain my feet. I brushed myself off, checking the bill to my body; thankfully only my pride had been bruised.

  “Yeah, well the same to you! I hope you get the mange, you little hairy bitch,” I cursed up at the Vox, as it scampered off to where ever those mean-spirited, little bastards spend their time hiding out. Oh man, do I stink. Thankfully my nasal filters activated right after I’d been sprayed, and blocked the noxious odor of a dead man’s ass splattered across my boobs.

  “Ewe… you smell bad pony.” Donna was holding her nose, sticking her tongue out at me. “I think it pooped on you or something? I don’t want a pet Vox anymore.”

  “I don’t think you do either, Mistress; goddamn they’re rude! Do you know what it called me?” Wait a minute… How the hell could I understand it in the first place? Whoa, what’s going on here!

  “Are you okay, pony? You don’t look too good.”

  “No, I don’t think so. Mistress, could you understand what it was saying?” Donna gave me that weird, vacant look again, that meant she didn’t have a clue as to what I was talking about.

  “You’re so funny, pony. Come on, let’s go home, I’m getting tired.” How in the hell… maybe they’re telepath’s?

  We were almost back to the stables and I’d done my best to stay downwind of Donna the whole time. She took a deep breath, running up to me after we arrived.

  “I’m glad you’re not mad at me, pony.” She distanced herself from me again, taking another exaggerated, gasping breath. “I had fun on our ride today, let’s do it again tomorrow, but without any stinky Vox’s this time, okay?”

  I whinnied happily, falling back into my role being around other people again. She gave my hair a quick fondling stroke, before skipping off in the direction of the main house. Donna was a strange woman, but I liked her, it was hard not to. It still pissed me off to think of what Michael had done, or was still doing to her for all I knew.

  The handler on duty at the corral stopped several feet away from me with a grimace. He coughed, covering his mouth while he spoke. “What the hell did you get into out there? You’re going to stink up the whole stables.” He paused with a scowl, silently deliberating for a few moments. “Go in through the loading dock and straight to the old showers. I’ll have someone meet you there with a respirator to get you out of your gear.” I whinnied in acknowledgment.

  Despite my confrontation with a PMSing Vox, I was in a pretty good mood thanks to Donna’s infectious personality, while scrubbing the Vox’s oily residue down the drain. I was almost finished with my lengthy shower of ample hot water and loads of soap, when my nose twitched in recognition, and I sensed the presence of someone standing close behind me.

  I spun about in a panic, wiping the water from my eyes, taking a step back from the blurry image of imposing bulk. It was Cirus and he was naked, semi-erect, silently watching me shower.

  “Cirus, what the hell? You scared the crap out of me!”

  He swallowed thickly, taking a hesitant step forward. His expression was calm for a change, yet intent with a trace of nervousness behind it. His strange behavior put me on guard and I took another step back, growing suspicious, while trying to keep my wandering eyes locked on his face. He might be an asshole, but he was a sexy asshole in addition to being my unofficial leader.

  “What do you want,” my voice quivered, chest pounding from the dump of instinctive arousal that forced its way throughout my jittery body. I knew exactly what he wanted; I could smell it on him, see it in his every move. “I told you-”

  “I just wanted to talk with you is all, in private. I know the cameras don’t work in the showers any longer; that’s why Miss Torri and some of the other guards bring us here for sex.”

  I was cautious, if not somewhat curious now. “Okay, Cirus, I’m listening.”

  He continued his slow advance, watching me intently, trying to read my expression and whether he was about to get one of his balls yanked off like I’d nearly done to pony 10. Surprisingly, I retreated before him, flushed and intimidated before the thick wave of stallion dominance billowing out before him.

  I bumped into the cold tile wall stopping my retreat and I pressed up against it, cowed into silent apprehensiveness. The drumbeat sound of the forgotten shower in the background barely overshadowed my panting breath. Cirus stopped less than a foot away from me with his cock brushing my inner thigh. I started to tremble within his deep, mesmeric eyes. Hit him or something girl, what the hell are you waiting for!

  “I’ve thought a lot about what you said in the common area that morning, and you’re right, we have no one but each other here. We’re slaves and always will be except with each other; you, me, all of us. It’s pointless to deny what we are.” Cirus reached for my hand, and I didn’t try to stop him. He placed it upon his densely packed chest, smothering it beneath his massive hand. “Or how we feel about one another. Do you feel that, Margo,” he asked gently, so different that it was almost shocking. “Do you feel my need for you?”

  “Cirus, please…” I couldn’t stop him, I didn’t want to stop him, as my meager defenses crumbled before a power just as strong as the remote. My nipples flared, my cheeks grew warm, and my pussy spasmed in remembrance of him.

  “I’m the Alpha, and you’re the beta mare now, it’s only natural that you’re drawn to me as deeply as I am to you.” His hand came to rest on my shoulder, slowly caressing it. I shivered under his touch with a soft whinny. “I don’t know what it is about you; you’re so different than the other mares, strong and defiant.” He lifted my arms above my head, holding them firmly in place. My chest heaved open and defenseless, lips parted sensually in explosive arousal. “Yet soft and so eager to assume you’re rightful place as my mate.

  “I’ve been smelling you for days now, you’re willingness,” he leaned down kissing my neck, and I went limp under his authority. Nathan, help me! Someone stop me, please! “Your scent to be bred by me fills the stables; none of the others would dare touch you now, even if the Master hadn’t of forbade it.”

  My mouth moved wordlessly, eyes wide in fright, due of my inability to stop what was happening. “What… what about the Mistress,” I moaned under his hunting lips. “You love her… you’ll hurt her if you… please Cirus, no.” Oh god, Nathan, why can’t I stop myself? I raised my leg invitingly, rubbing my inner thigh along the banded steel of his leg. He inched forward until the firmness of his cock was pressed snuggly between them.

  “I do love her,” he whispered in my ear, “but she’s the Mistress and we’ll never be together in any other way, not like how you and I can be in secret. It’s no different than with you and the Master; you’re his, and I’m breaking his rule right now, and I don’t care. I want you, Margo.” His free hand was on my breast, firmly kneading it. “I see your face in every other mare, wishing it was you, knowing that it should be.” My leg wrapped around the back of Cirus’ leg pulling him closer. Yes, Cirus… I’d grown light-headed under his enthralling words, an obedient mare at this point, and nothing else. “I’ll take whatever punishment he administers to have you in secret like this, the way it was meant to be between us.” Cirus began fumbling for his cock, and I spread my legs ready to accept it.

  “Say it, Margo, say that you’re mine, say that you’ll be my mate,” he huffed into my ear with an animalistic snort. “Mine alone, now and forever.”

  He let my hands fall, cupping my ass, effortlessly lifting me from my feet, propping me up against the wall. I gasped, wrapping my arms around his broad neck, burying my face in his chest, while he steadily forced himself inside me with agonizing resistance. I gritted my teeth, clawing at his back. He was just as big and wonderful feeling as I remembered, and my aching cunt consumed its meal in short, greedy gulps. I pulled his thick stallion scent inside me no different, basking in it, clouding my mind in a warm blanket that I was only now starting to comprehend.

  “I’m you’re mare, Cirus,” I snorted with a half whinny of pleas
ure, thrusting my hips forward against the growing sense of fullness inside me. “Your mare to breed, your mate, and only yours.”

  He neighed, deep and guttural, in a way that sent bolts of shivering electricity straight to my pussy. I moaned, biting his shoulder in an effort to keep from crying out, when I unexpectedly came with a ferocity that paralyzed me with helpless bliss. I was lost within my bestial delight, drowning in my new and welcomed pony desires, teetering somewhere between the fading human world and something else. I was slipping further into the unknown, but at this point, I really didn’t care.

  Cirus’ heavy grunting grew to regularity, hips beating against mine much quicker than expected as my soggy cunt suckled him like a starving child. He gave a muted whinny, shivering with delight as his cock leapt inside me, bathing my insides in a massive torrent of hot, sticky pony cum. I shuddered under the sensation, spreading myself wider, trying desperately to keep silent. If I didn’t, everyone in the stables would know what had happened. I was undeniably Cirus’ mare now, just as he said.

  I stood mutely, still pressed up against the wall, mind reeling in a chaotic mess of emotion, even after Cirus released me. What have I done? What am I becoming? Why am I aching to feel Cirus’ hands on me again? He kissed me, almost tenderly, and I accepted it with a giddy chill.

  I’d started leaking in a steady, warm flow that slithered down the inside of my legs, dripping to the tile floor. So much cum, so much stallion power deposited within my humble body; I felt privileged to be the recipient of our Alpha’s seed, in a way that human words could never describe. Oh god, he’s my mate! The electric chill of elation was underscored by my mind numbing horror. What have I done!

  “You will wait here for me every night after the Overseer leaves. There’s nothing to fear; I’ll deal with the guards. I expect you to be sitting by my side during meals as well.”


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