Slave World

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Slave World Page 29

by Johnny Stone

  I looked down meekly, pursing my lips. “Yes, Cirus,” I whispered completely broken.

  He left me stunned and shaken as I drifted beneath the hot water of the shower again. I tried to convince myself that I’d been seduced, coerced into not only having sex with him again, but into accepting his offer of become his mate. I had been seduced, hadn’t I?

  I sank to my knees limp and abandoned, letting the water beat against my convulsing, tear racked body. What have I become? Why couldn’t I stop myself! Because as much as I wanted to fight against my unnatural desires, to be good for the man that I loved I couldn’t, I knew that now.

  I cried into the tile floor, a blubbering mess of confusion, disgust and nameless arousal that I was powerless to control. I was a whore again; I was the Master’s whore, Cirus’ mate and a helpless slave to my own selfish and untamed whims. I always had been, and always would be.


  The perimeter fence and outlying sensor grid was finally up to an acceptable standard as far as civilian standards were concerned. Burke, or any one of the men under his command years ago, could have easily infiltrated it in a matter of minutes, if need be. The ranch was still a hell of a lot more secure now than it had been two weeks ago. Unfortunately, that also meant he would have to find a new place to take Margo from now on. Margo… Burke had a perpetual hard-on thinking about her throughout the day now that the arduous task of revamping the ranch security was finally completed. He wanted to see her for numerous reasons, and only one was of a physical concern.

  Burke leaned back in his desk chair, taking another long pull from his vegetable-fruit smoothie. His small dark office glowed with the erratic light given off by the computer generated display hanging in the air before him as he continued to flip through various screens of frustrating medical information via the remote graphic user interface of his CPU. It was all a bunch of mumbo-jumbo and half-understood terms for the most part. I’m in way over my head, he scowled, setting his drink down, rubbing at his aching eyes with methodical repetition. He’d always suspected the medical profession, along with the layers, invented their own form of confusing terms and jargon, for no other reason than as a method of job security. Now he knew for certain.

  He took a deep breath, shaking his head. “So much for that idea.” Burke was a man that knew his limitation, and sadly the in-depth mysteries of the medical profession outside of treating battlefield trauma was one of them. There was no way in hell he was going to figure out a quick fix for Margo’s slew of perplexing psychiatric issues as he’d once hoped, at least not without Thomas’ help. This medication implant had side effects when combined with that one; that one could kill a person, if they had allergies to something-or-other, and all of the above required compatibility testing and dosage evaluation after the initial implantation. Burke didn’t even know where to start if left on his own, and getting help from Thomas for anything now, was out of the picture after his latest finding in regards to Margo’s pony augmentation.

  How the hell am I going to break the news to her? How the fuck do you tell someone that Equine DNA has been spliced into their existing genome sequencing to create the perfect, pony hybrid, a human horse, or whatever the hell Margo is supposed to be once the process is finally complete?

  That cocksucker, Michael, and his sick fucking doctor had crossed the line of moral decency long ago in his opinion with just physically altering of the slaves, but genetic manipulation itself on a human host? It wasn’t good enough to just engineer and breed a slave from birth to be more animal like, more sexually based in nature, now they were planning on taking it to the next step, Phase III. Margo would only be the first of many if it were allowed to continue. From what little Burke was able to gather from Thomas’ files, before all the passwords for the entire ranch network had been changed locking him out, was that her condition was irreversible.

  Like she doesn’t have enough problems all ready…She’s going to flip her lid, when she finds out what they’ve done to her.

  “Jesus, what a mess.”

  Things had grown out of control behind closed doors, and Burke brutally chastised himself for his complacency, for not only taking a more active role in the day to day business of the stables, but the ranch as a whole. Thanks to Margo’s little tip-off about Cirus’ behavior during the last breeding day, he’d also found out some very interesting and very disturbing things about his bi-weekly injections. Besides that, there was something going on with the surveillance network as a whole: a proxy server, missing data and insanely dense security, was only the tip of the iceberg as far as he could tell.

  Burke downed the rest of his drink, closing out the various screens of information. Trying to fit together the pieces of an unraveling mystery was just too difficult in his current state of mind, and he had somewhere to be in a few minutes. He smiled inwardly; an Overseer’s job is never done.


  I don’t know how long I tossed and turned in bed before finally falling into a fitful sleep. I’d even skipped dinner tonight, hiding within myself, too ashamed to face Cirus and all the others after what had happened between us in the shower. I was a woman, a pony at war with her emotions, her body, and her feral sexual desires that seemed to be growing more out of control, and I just didn’t know how to cope with them any longer. The last thing that I was prepared to deal with tonight was to being woken from my sorrow by a loving voice.

  “Margo, wake up.” My eyes cracked open to see Nathan standing in the doorway to my stall. “The Mistress wants to see you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I breathed, rolling stiffly out of bed.

  Nathan remained silent while he led me out of the stables into the relatively cool night air. It surprised me how alive the jungle sounded at night as I was bombarded with a multitude of sounds ranging from countless insects and other small animals in the treetops, to the distant roar of some creature from outside of the perimeter fence. I instinctively drew closer to Nathan, seeking the perception of safety he offered.

  We were approaching a small metal building and I tensed when the slight vibration of a jammer activated. Nathan pulled his hand out of his pocket, turning to face me with an innocently cute smile.

  “Sorry it can’t be a bit more romantic than a maintenance shed.” He shrugged. “But I have to work with the cards I’m dealt.”

  I panicked; the Mistress didn’t want to see me, Nathan was taking me some place to… Oh no, please, I can’t! Not so soon after… I’d been dreaming of this moment for weeks, and all I wanted to do now was run back to my stall and hide in shame. What do I do? Should I tell him about Cirus? No, I can’t, he’d hate me forever and I’d never get to see him again. His smile began to fade; the worried look in his eyes sensed my fear and deliberation.

  “Is something wrong? I might be able to find someplace-”

  “No,” I blurted quickly with a forced smile. “It’s okay, Nathan, it’s perfect. I’m just not awake yet and you caught me a bit off guard is all.” He slid his card key through the door slot, and it opened noiselessly to reveal a dark interior.

  “Your chariot awaits, my lady.” Nathan stepped aside with a slight bow, motioning me to enter.

  I took a resigned breath, hesitantly stepping past him into the gloom. I just couldn’t bring myself to confess the truth of my betrayal; he looked so happy, so eager to be with me after nearly two weeks. If he only knew what kind of a woman I really was… I would suffer through it tonight as best I could while putting on a happy face to hide my guilt, for him. I’d do anything for you, Nathan, anything.

  The door closed behind me, and I was engulfed in total darkness. I could sense Nathan’s nearness, and I blindly reached for him. I was surprised when the faint glow of the overhead lights came on outlining him several feet away. He’d already cleaned up the shed, and there was an old bedroll with a sleeping pad beneath laid out on the floor. He took the jammer from his pocket setting it on a nearby workbench. I grinned evilly, moving closer
, and my arms began to encircle his neck.

  “It’s been awhile, I bet you have a bit of build up, huh?” I teased, trying desperately to hide my mournful mood.

  “You could say that.” His hands went around my wrists, stopping me. “But first I wanted to apologize for not being around the last couple of weeks.”

  “It’s okay, I know you’ve been busy.”

  “Close your eyes, I have something for you. My way of saying sorry.” He released me, and I stepped back puzzled. “Close your eyes and no peeking.”

  I stood in darkness again, impatient to just rip his clothes and lose myself in a world of sex again, forgetting about my pain, but I was just as eager to see what his surprise was. I heard the rustle of paper, then a soft metallic clink. A strange scent began to fill the shed, and I sniffed at it inquisitively.

  “Open your eyes, hon,” he whispered softly in my ear making me tremble.

  I gasped, placing my hand over my mouth. There was a full sized holographic image of a vase filled with a large bouquet of red roses on the bench in front of me. It even had the aroma option included with it. My heart skipped a beat, and my vision glazed with tears; I couldn’t remember the last time someone had given me flowers of any kind.

  “I know they’re not real, but at least this way you can keep them with you. I’m sure you can find someplace to hide it in your stall. Do you like them? I wasn’t sure what your favorite kind was.” He sounded slightly nervous, and I still found it sweet how he was just a little shy and unsure of himself when we were alone together. He was so different in so many ways than all the other men in my past had been. Maybe that’s why I was in love with him.

  I leaned over the flowers a few scant inches away and closed my eyes, breathing in deeply. They were so pretty. Nathan, you big silly, of course I like them. I turned and just about threw myself at him. This time he didn’t stop me.

  “Guess that means you do then?” He chuckled

  “Yes, Nathan, I love them, I love you.” I kissed him, thankful and desperate after keeping my emotions bottled up for so long. He would never know how deeply this one, small gift had affected me, reminding me that I was still a woman after all.

  “I’ve always heard the surest way to get into a girl’s pants was by bringing her flowers.”

  “But I’m not wearing pants so that theory is flawed, isn’t it?” I ripped at his shirt in my haste to feel his skin against mine. His hands aided me in my quest, yanking it the remainder of the way off.

  “No, the theory isn’t flawed in the least, and by the looks of it, you’re a sucker for roses.” His voice was a raspy breath, deep and hungry. He moved from one breast to the other and my nipples ached, budding to miniature peaks between his lips. I moaned while frantically working at his belt.

  “No, I’m just a sucker for you.” His shorts came free with a whispering blur, and I slid them down the rest of the way, going to my knees. I just about ripped his briefs in my haste to get them down around his ankles.

  “I’ve missed you, Margo.” Nathan’s hand touched my head, stroking my hair. His want was transparent and matched my own greedy desires.

  I took his warm balls in one hand and the stock of his dick in the other. I kept my eyes locked on his, brushing the head against my pouting lips, passing it between them. Nathan shivered from the tip of his toes, upwards.

  I wasn’t disappointed with my first taste of him; it was wonderful, a distant buttery flavor hinted with the warm sensation of salty flesh, and manly desire. Nathan was anxious; the slippery sensation of pre-cum was already bathing my tongue with its distinctive flavor. I wanted to tease him for a while, but I couldn’t. An animal, especially a starved one, is rarely able to control its basic instincts.

  I closed my eyes with a firm grip on his shaft, working it in and out of my mouth, with saliva drenched ease. Nathan’s hand hesitantly guided me, groaning helplessly under his breath. It was like music to my ears. I wanted him to cum in my mouth so bad, to feel him explode in a forceful gush of dominant release. I wanted to make him happy, to please Nathan with my mouth, my pussy, and my body more than anything else tonight, as a way of atonement for my sins.

  I greedily sucked his delicious cockflesh, reveling in my desires, especially when Nathan pushed forward, seeking me; fucking my mouth. Yes, Nathan, yes. I sought the firmness of ass cheek, pulling him into my mouth harder, faster. The rich aroma of his pubic hair tickled my nose, and I gagged slightly, mouth flooding with gooey saliva, while the muscles of my throat clenched at the engorged tip. I was trying to give him the desperate release that we both sought, as quickly as possible and nothing more.

  It didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would, five minutes at most, but the signs were all there: the contractions in his rock-hard abs, the rapid intake of breath, and the slightly harder grip on my hair. His balls clenched and his cock swelled. Oh yeah, I was about to get a mouthful all right, and then some.

  He came with a shuddering gasp, no different than the splattering warmth that trickled down my throat. It was a big one all right, and I moaned around him as I milked his pulsating shaft between my lips. His hand continued to stroke my hair while I gazed up at him with bedroom eyes, lovingly submissive with my lavishing. I think I’ve finally found my place with Nathan; it felt natural in so many ways kneeling before him like this, serving him, a slave to his desire. It was so unlike how I felt about the Master, that is, until the remote took hold of me.

  His cock slipped from my mouth, and I ran the slick, oh so soft tip across my lips, playfully nibbling it. He was still leaking, and I worked the last bits of it into a white glob, smearing it across my glazed tongue, licking it off.

  “Damn, Margo,” he openly panted, “where did you learn to do that? It was… that was amazing.” I’m sure he didn’t want to hear the truth of how I’d perfected the art on my knees just as I was now.

  I leaned back with a happy smile, still massaging his hot flesh that gradually started to grow soft in my hand.

  “A little birdie told me, that’s how.”

  “A little bird, huh? That’s one bird I need to have a talk with.” A gleam came to his eyes, so mischievous and naughty if you knew what to look for. “Lay down, it’s your turn now; I’ve talked with a few little birds myself, over the years.” I bit my lip, flushed of heat, gliding back on the sleeping bag, rolling over to one side. I was already dripping; my pussy was running at full bore again, anxious and diligently waiting.

  Nathan took his place between my legs with that naughty grin still on his face, kissing my inner thigh, teasing it with his tongue, as he worked inward toward the source of his quest. I shivered with chills, drifting further away on a cloud of expectancy. There was no need for what his obvious intent was other than to buy himself some time to get hard again. But in Nathan’s case, I honestly think he wanted to make me happy, to please me just as much as I’d done for him tonight. Mutual pleasure was such an alien concept for me to grasp, but a rare treat I couldn’t wait to experience.


  Note to self; be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. I’ve been with my fair share of women in the past, and in my opinion, they were the true masters of pleasuring a woman orally, that is, until now. I have no idea where Nathan learned his skills from, but I had my own little bird to find at some point, and thank a thousand times over for what she’d taught him. I know it sounds silly, but I actually saw exploding stars while wallowing in a delirium of orgasms that ranged from shuddering dribbles that made me tingle for head to toe, to the explosive release that momentarily took my breath away with euphoric screaming. And to think, that was only the appetizer for me.

  We’d been going at it for over two unbelievable hours, non-stop, immersed in a self-made sauna of our lovemaking, while the small environmental unit of the shed hummed loudly in protest to keep up. The whole room reeked of heavenly musk and sweat; Nathan was a machine when he was in the zone, and I oiled his finely tun
ed gears more times tonight than I could remember. My sexually overloaded mind had gone numb at some point, floating on the breeze, that is, until he coaxed another release from the tight, aching ball in the pit of my stomach. I’d lost control of my body and desires long ago.

  I’m not exactly sure when it happened tonight, but I felt myself gradually surrendering to Nathan in ways I’d never imagined possible. I may have had a brief taste of it in the past without realizing it, but now it was a gnawing passion, dark and twisting, until it culminated into a desire to be utterly dominated. Maybe this was another lasting effect of the controller, who knows? One thing I do know is that ever since I had arrived on this world, I’ve been changing: first my body, then my mind and now my desires. Nathan was my Master now, despite what Michael made me call him, and the hell with Cirus; it would be a forced show with both of them and nothing else, but with Nathan it would be real.

  He held my hips in his strong hands, taking me from behind on my knees again. I whimpered with each racking convolution, breasts bouncing rapidly below me. I loved the sensation of how they jiggled and shook when I was being fucked, but they were actually getting sore now. This may be the first time in my life, other than breeding day, when I can honestly say I was worn out. Sex with Nathan was going to be a double-edged sword, not that I’m complaining in the least, because I’d never known a man that could read my body so openly. Everything he did from the teasing caress of his hands or fingers to his warm lips that taunted my flesh at various points, played my desires perfectly. All these sensations blurred into a hazy fog, ebbing and flowing chaotically inside me, tormenting me with insane arousal before emerging stronger than before. I just can’t take any more, I can’t! Oh god, here it comes again.


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