Slave World

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Slave World Page 30

by Johnny Stone

  I buried my face in the sleeping bag screaming, whinnying in pleasure, moving my body to match my untamed mood and thoughts. My aching cunt rippled with contractions, sucking greedily at his relentless thrusting. The powerful release hissed with the sound of sloppy flesh, spraying everywhere. My tail had become completely waterlogged long ago, even though I’d been trying to keep it out of the way.

  I looked back over my shoulder panting, lost within myself.

  “Pull my hair, Master, pull it hard.”


  “Pull my fuck handle and call me names. Slap my ass and tell me what a pony slut I am.”

  “Are you serious?” His pace began to slow, unsure, frowning back at me.

  “Please, Master. My eyes pleaded desperately, but Nathan looked on the verge of shock. Uh oh, he wasn’t buying into this at all. If anything he looked disgusted by the prospect. Dammit, I should have known this wasn’t his sort of thing.

  “I’m sorry, Nathan. It’s okay if you don’t want to, I-”

  “I just don’t think I can, Margo.” The grip on my damp ponytail grew tighter when Nathan wrapped it around his palm, drawing my head back, hyperextending my neck. Yes, Nathan, just like that. He slowly began to pick up the pace again and despite his silence, I noticed a distinct difference in his thrusting: heavy and powerful, selfish in a way that turned me on all the more.

  “Yes, Master, I’m your pony whore. Fuck me harder, use me,” I whinnied.

  Oh yes, Nathan, yes, just like that. I loved being on my hands and knees before him, in a position of complete and utter surrender. I tightened my aching muscles around his shaft. I wanted him to cum inside me like this, calling me his slut. He pulled harder on my hair, causing me to moan louder. Breed me, Master, breed me. I arched my back into a deep bow, opening wider to him. My ravaged cunt was completely bared to receive his glorious seed now. He was getting close.

  “Cum inside your pony, Master. I’m a cum whore, your cum whore.”

  Nathan groaned, burying his cock to the hilt, holding it in place. The sputtering sensation of molten heat pummeled my pussy, and I pushed back against it, tightening around him, swimming blindly in the moment. I loved hearing my Master moan in ecstasy, and see the smile on his face, from the pleasure he found in using me. I started to whinny, and I couldn’t help it.

  The Master had finished using me at last, and I lay snuggled against his chest now, cuddled in the comforting strength of his protective embrace amid the cooling wetness of the sleeping bag. I felt so tired and drained that I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep right here, content with the world and my place in it. Nathan had been eerily quiet the entire time, while watching me with an unsettled expression; I could feel it, and I took a labored breath. Well, let’s get this over with. It was pretty obvious Nathan wasn’t going to take the first step.

  “Did that bother you, love, treating me like that?”

  “Yes,” he answered hesitantly. “It’s just you were acting so different at the end.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t want you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with. You don’t have to do it again, if you don’t want to.”

  “Why were you calling me Master? You don’t have to do that with me, Margo.” I rolled over to face him, tenderly brushing his cheek with my hand, putting it all on the line.

  “I know, but I wanted to. I…you’re my Master now, Nathan. At least if you want to be. I like making you happy and, I don’t know, I like being your pony slave.”

  I’ve never fallen for a man like this before; Nathan was so real, so strong, yet boyishly innocent and gentle in so many contrasting ways. He actually cared for me, and loved me equally in return, where in my mind, I didn’t really deserve it. He made me feel special and needed again after so many years. He made me feel complete.

  “This is just so different for me; I’ve fought against something like this my entire life, but I can try. If it makes you happy, I’ll do it for you.” He didn’t sound very convincing.

  “Nathan, I want you to be happy, don’t you understand that? It’s not about me it’s about you. Why don’t we just sleep on it, huh?” He nodded slowly, face suddenly brightening.

  “Damn, I almost forgot. I found a few interesting things out this last week.”

  Nice move, Nathan, changing the subject, are we? Most people would call it a retreat, but to a Marine it was a tactical withdrawal to a more favorable position. I propped my head up with my hand waiting; I was curious as to what information he had come across.

  “Well, I did some digging into the computer log for all the pony injections. It seems that Cirus’ has been tampered with.” I sat up a little straighter, listening intently now. “All the stallions receive the counter part of what you and the other mares get; testosterone and steroid 1M. This is of course for the riding and chariot teams primarily. The show ponies get an opposite mix to enhance sexual femininity, and all of you get vitamin and immunity supplements.” Okay, it’s nice to know what I’m getting shot into my body all the time, I think.

  “Cirus has been getting his dose at almost three times the normal amount of the other stallions. On top of that, his injection also contains Cedozine.”

  “I’ve never heard of it before.” I frowned.

  “It’s a sexual enhancement drug. Apparently it’s used on a regular basis by prostitutes, or in the porn industry. I have no idea why he’d be receiving it though.”

  That’s odd, but it did explain his crazy behavior. A high level of steroids and testosterone, in addition to a sexual enhancement drug? Damn, he was a raging, drug-filled mess that lived for nothing but sex.

  “Only a few people have access to the auto dispenser and the programming to change it: Doc Thomas, Rupert and Michael. It had to be one of them. I just don’t understand the point behind it?

  “I also found a few other things during my revamp of the ranch security protocol. Someone has been accessing it and the video security logs. I’m not good enough with computers to figure out much more than that. I had one of the tech people set up most of it for me, and she ran into a wall whenever she tried getting into it deeper; it’s a very sophisticated program, I was told. I did have her put a tracking virus in place so I would get piggyback transmissions of the ranch communication system, and alerts whenever the video log was accessed. Maybe I can figure out what’s going on, and who’s been accessing the video recordings based off of what I’m sent.”

  “Has anyone ever done this before, messed around with the pony injections?”

  “Not that I know of, but I don’t spend anywhere near as much time as I should watching this sort of thing. I’ve never had a reason to before. Something’s going on and I need to find out what it is, especially if Cirus is involved. He is entirely too close to Donna for something like this to be happening.”

  Nathan looked nervous for several heartbeats, as if he had something else of importance to say. In the end he just smiled, with a shrug.

  “Guess that’s about it for now. I’ll let you know if anything else interesting pops up. Maybe we can figure this out together?

  “I’m going to be in and out of town the next few days on business, so I won’t be around much. Sorry.” I leaned back, snuggling up to the sweaty warmth of his chest again, and his arm went around me.

  “That’s okay, love, I’ll be anxiously awaiting your return,” I said lightly, wiggling my rump deeper into his humid groin, with my tail between my legs.

  “You’re not the only one,” he chuckled. “Maybe next time I can find a more suitable place for us, other than a dusty, old shed.” His sullen tone was clear as a bell; he wanted to give me so much more than what he was capable of at the moment. Nathan was such a sweetheart.

  “I don’t mind,” I said coyly, almost anxiously. “But I do like surprises.” In truth I couldn’t wait to find out what he had planned next.

  “It’s about time for you to get back; wake up is in six hours.” />
  “I know,” I replied softly, remorsefully, stiffly disentangling myself from him. Since I didn’t need to worry about dressing, I decided to help Nathan. It was a bit awkward at first as he stood there watching me, giving assistance every so often.

  “You’re serious about this whole Master thing, aren’t you, Margo?” I looked down pretending to make an adjustment to his shirt that really wasn’t needed.

  “Yeah, I am, Nathan, at least during times like this when we’re alone.”

  “I’ve been around slaves most of my life, and even when I was younger, I didn’t feel comfortable with it.”

  “The difference now is that I want to do things like this for you. It makes…it makes me feel good that I can show my love to you in another way. We don’t have to, though.” He lifted my chin, locking me in place with those deep powerful eyes of his. As usual, my body turned into a lump of warm, tingly goo.

  “We’ll see, okay? I just need to think things through is all.” I smiled and nodded, and he leaned in kissing me softly.

  “Don’t forget this?” He touched a small button on the side of my holographic flower projector, deactivating it, before placing it in my waiting palm. I smiled and pulled his hand to my lips, kissing it tenderly.

  “Thank you, I really do like the flowers. It was…well thank you. I’ll think of you whenever I can turn it on.” Nathan was about to open the door, and on an afterthought I stopped him. I just couldn’t contain my curiosity about Donna any longer, or how the story with the slave girl turned out, and this seemed about the safest time as any to ask.

  “What did Donna used to do, before her accident?”

  His brow rose with a thoughtfully, surprised expression. “She worked corporate security for Burke Industries; I think she did some freelance consulting for a few other big firms, why?”

  “Just wondering is all,” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Has she ever, you know, kind of freaked out on you from time to time?”

  “What do you mean by ‘freaked out?” he asked bitterly. “She does it all the time, every time she can’t have what she wants, or she has a nightmare in the middle of the night and I get a call because she can’t sleep. Donna’s basically a child now, so of course she does.”

  “Well, she took me for a ride a few weeks ago and I don’t know, she started acting really weird. It was almost like she was having flashbacks. Has she ever done that around you before?”

  “Really,” Nathan grew ecstatic. “No, I’ve never seen her do that before. That’s good then, right? Maybe she’s getting her memory back; maybe she’s getting better?”

  “I don’t know, maybe. She told me a story about you and a slave girl when you were younger; the one you kept getting into fights over all the time. She never finished it, and well, I was just wondering…”

  Nathan blanched like he’d seen a ghost, taking a step back. “She told you about that,” he whispered. “I can’t believe she remembered her after all this time. Goddamn, I haven’t thought about that in years,” he snorted lightly, with a sad smile.

  Something told me I should just shut my mouth while I was ahead: the dark look in his eyes, the defensive posturing, I don’t know. Apparently this story didn’t have a happy ending, and all I’d done was drag up painful memories of the past, by the looks of it.

  “I’m sorry, Nathan, I was just curious is all.”

  He gave me a weak smile, taking my hand. “Come on, it’s about time I got you back for the night, it’s getting late.”

  Nathan was subdued on the walk back, and my mood began to mirror his. He reluctantly let go of my hand, switching the jammer off, as we approached the stables. From there I was placed in the care of the night handlers.

  “Goodnight, Margo, I’ll see you at the morning briefing.”

  “Goodnight, Sir,” I sighed as Nathan turned his back to me disappearing into the night. If I could have one wish, it would be to spend tonight with him, waking in his arms in the morning. Maybe someday that dream would come true for the both of us, maybe.

  Back to reality for me, I guess. I made my way inside for the night, alone and with only the memories of Nathan downcast demeanor, and his lingering smell to accompany me.


  Nathan stopped outside his quarters, leaning up against a tree, staring up at the night sky. Margo had acted so different tonight, almost reluctant to be with him at first and then suddenly out of control, wild and what? More complacent, more slave-like, more animal-like? Her behavior had worsened since their last time together; the whinnying, the horse-like tendencies of shaking her head and snorting, everything. Michael’s sick plan for her was succeeding by the looks of it.

  And now she insisted on calling him Master; of subjecting herself to a slew of demeaning titles, of being willingly degraded and used, pawing at him like any other slave anxious to please without question. Why did she have to drag up memories of the past like that? Burke scowled, lighting up a cigarette. He didn’t want a slave again, especially in Margo, because it was a lie and nothing more.

  Burke had been enamored with teenage infatuation and hormone driven obsession from the moment he’d first laid eyes on Celine; she was so beautiful and he’d never forget her eyes. He couldn’t believe the things those boys were doing to her, the things they called her while he stood captivated and helpless to stop it by the edge of the road. The way she’d looked at him, silently pleading, begging for his help, for an end to her degrading abuse. The boys had thought it funny how he’d threatened them with inept posturing, meaningless threats of implied violence, and shallow bravery, if they didn’t let her go. The beating followed soon after.

  His father had bought her at some ridiculous price after he found out the truth of the matter. His little Nathan had finally found a woman he liked, and that was one thing that money could buy on Slave World. Nathan secretly swore to himself that one day he would marry Celine, in his adolescent delirium of course, and they’d live happily ever after just like a normal couple in love.

  It had taken nearly a year of nervous fondling and hesitation for him to work up the courage to have sex with her. The day he’d lost his virginity to a captivating slave girl had been nothing short of magical. He’d been in a dream world after that, lulled into the wonderful state of unimaginable love and happiness for the first time in his young life. He walked hand in hand about the ranch with Celine, and she slept in his bed every night, loving him, professing it with the sincerity of an open heart. It was all a lie, an elaborate illusion of his own making, it always had been.

  Burke fumed at his stupidity all those years ago, his foolish misperceptions and blind emotions for a professional con artist. He’d learned the truth about her, and exactly what a slave was the hard way; they’re parasites that will say and do anything to survive, to make you happy so their life is better because of it. She lied to Burke for over two years, and he’d believed every word of it.

  Celine had been a true master of her art. Burke had been nothing more than a sideshow attraction to her, until she got what she wanted from his father, lavishly serving him in secret behind his back, a groveling slut that lied through her teeth until she fucked her way to freedom. The same woman, who had professed her endless love for him while basking in the afterglow of heated passion had left without saying a word. Now Margo was starting to act the exact same way, worse even because she actually meant it, or at least she thought she did.

  Burke had learned his lesson well with Celine, what slaves and women in general were like: they were gold-digger’s, materialistic, money hungry, blood-sucking leeches, more often than not. During most of his adult life it had been the coveted prize of being called ‘a Burke’ they’d been after, not mention the money and honorific status that came along with it. It had happened to his brother, resulting in three ugly divorces, until he opened his eyes to the truth. Burke refused to make the same mistake, even once, but he was more afraid of what would happen if he turned his back on the woman
he loved; she needed him now more than ever.


  Cirus was yanked from bed late that night and immediately cuffed, gagged and hobbled by Torri and several of the larger guards. He already suspected the reason, but when Torri jabbed her stunner into his groin, activating it in a shower of white-hot, crippling pain, he knew for certain.

  “You really fucked up this time, didn’t you, Cirus? Just couldn’t keep your hands off that little slut, could you?” She grabbed his convulsing chin, forcing his torture-racked gaze to meet hers. “She is a tempting morsel, but she’s spoken for, and now your pony ass is mine.”

  Cirus stumbled down the corridor, dragged for the most part, with Torri grinning diabolically behind him. “It’s been a long time since you and the punishment harness have had a little heart to heart,” she sneered. “But you’re on Savota’s shit list now, and it’s time for you to get reacquainted with it in some very intimate ways that I’m sure you never even knew existed.”


  A subdued, yet inwardly raging Cirus had only seen the interior of this ominous office once before during the five years since his birth, and accelerated growth sequence as a slave of Michael Savota’s. It was like stepping into the belly of the beast to stand before an imposing and merciless father, or perhaps a pitiless god. His body still tingled with the ghost pain of prolonged electrocution, by far worse than anything he’d experienced in the past. Torri had been exceptionally cruel tonight in her child-like glee, paying particular attention to his now inflamed testicles and burning anus.

  Michael was seated behind his desk, glaring at Cirus over steepled fingers. He was not happy in the least.

  “You’ve put me in quite a predicament, haven’t you? Did you honestly think that I don’t know what’s going on, on my own ranch? That there’s any place beyond my control?”


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