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Slave World

Page 31

by Johnny Stone

  “No, Master,” Cirus whispered, chest heaving like a statue of living granite.

  “Pony 18 is mine now; I thought I made that quite clear to you and everyone else.” Michael stood, clasping his hands behind his back, pacing away from Cirus, Torri and the two accompanying guards.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “So what do you do? You betray my trust by willingly disobeying my orders, and after everything I’ve done for you. I made you the king of the stables, spoiling you with extravagant quarters and privileges over the years, and this is how you repay my generosity.”

  “I couldn’t help it, Master; she smells… Margo’s different; she’s not like the others.”

  Michael whirled about in a rage. “You’re right, she’s not like the others, because she’s mine!” Michael spit the words across the room. “She’s my pony, my toy, my bitch of a mare, not yours or anyone else’s, especially not Burke’s!”

  Cirus took a step back, trying to mask his shock at his Master’s vehemence, and the unexpected mention of the Overseer Burke.

  “Do you realize how much money I have invested in your worthless ass? How much money I have riding on that monster prick of yours, at the moment?” Michael stepped closer, snarling in Cirus’ face. “Of course you don’t, because you’re nothing but an ignorant tool that’s finally outlived its usefulness. All you had to do was follow my orders, fuck the pony girls when I told you to, and make Donna squeal like the slut she is, nothing more, and you can’t even do that much for me.” Cirus growled softly, nostrils flaring in a rare show of open anger before his god.

  “What,” Michael snorted contemptuously. “You don’t like hearing the truth about your dimwitted girlfriend?” He took a dramatic pause, going to the wet bar to pour himself a drink. He knew full well the extent of Donna and Cirus’ love affair over the last three years; Michael had encouraged it, fostered it for his own designs for some time now. “I hope you enjoyed your time with pony 18, or any other woman for that matter, because it’s the last time you ever will. I told you, no one touches my property without suffering the consequences. Torri,” Michael proclaimed gleefully. “Cirus is no longer on the protected list. Play with him at your leisure tonight.”

  Torri sneered back with a dark twinkle in her eyes, jabbing her stunner into Cirus’ lower back. He collapsed in a broken heap, convulsing in agony. “And after Burke is dealt with tomorrow, set up an appointment with Thomas; I want Cirus publicly castrated in front of the other slaves and staff as an example. Oh, and don’t forget about Donna, I want her to see it so she knows exactly why she’ll be getting a new playmate from now on, whether she wants one or not. “

  “Gladly, Sir.” Torri beamed evilly, and a torrent of warm dew began to seep between her thighs in anticipation of a night of torture. She leaned close to Cirus’ ear, purring almost seductively, as she squeezed one of his aching balls with the tenderness of a vice. “You’re going to be glad to get rid of these melons by the time I’m through with them.”

  Cirus was hauled roughly to his feet, trembling in horror at his impending future, trembling in helpless rage, trembling in fear of losing Donna forever. It was all because of his unexplained weakness, and inexplicable desire for a simple pony girl that he couldn’t resist.

  Michael stopped them on the way out the door, sneering in fiendish delight “Torri, I have a better idea.”


  “After Cirus has been castrated, tell Thomas to perform a complete, sexual reassignment surgery on him.” Cirus blanched with a dump of numbing fear that froze him to the core. Michael beamed back at him with a deep breath of cruel satisfaction. “Then assign my new mare to the ranch brothel; I’m sure there are more than enough staff members just aching to fuck one of my ponies for a change.”

  “Yes there is, sir, I’d bet on it. Come on, bitch,” she prodded a bewildered Cirus through the door. “I sure hope you like dick because it looks like you’re going to be getting your fill of it from here on out?”

  The guards openly laughed at her obvious innuendo, and even Michael was hard pressed to hide a genuine grin as the office door slid shut behind them. Oh yes, everyone was going to get exactly what they deserve from here on out, especially Burke.

  Chapter Eleven

  My somber mood from the night before followed me to breakfast, and in my distracted state, I habitually took a seat at my normal table. It took me a moment to realize my error, looking quickly over at Cirus’ table. Strangely enough he wasn’t at breakfast, and the other members of his team looked nervous, if not worried, while they whispered quietly amongst themselves. I started to get the weird, uneasy feeling again whenever bad things were looming on the horizon of my life. It didn’t help my unease that Nathan wasn’t at the morning assembly like he said he would be; Torri, his pointy nosed sidekick handled it this time. His unexpected absence only reignited my dismal attitude after our dreary parting last night.

  The day seemed to drag on and on with no sign of Nathan, and with nothing better to do except to sit around with my nagging worries while occasionally trying to pass the time by chatting with Crystal and some of the other girls. Our boredom and inactivity made a meager turn around, courtesy of a relaxing spa bath, followed by a massage later in the afternoon. Unfortunately, my carefree pampering didn’t last long, unexpectedly replaced by a guard at my side.

  “Get that cute little ass of yours down to the fitter and gear up to level one. Mr. Savota wants you.” Level one was just enough gear to remind me that I wasn’t completely naked, but I might as well have been, for what it covered.

  Crystal gave me a thin smile of regret, and I closed my eyes with a resigned sigh. “Yes, Sir.” Great, the Master wants to fuck me; that was the only reason he ever sent for me. Could my day get any worse?

  I knew something was amiss when Rupert met me on the porch and my restraint cuffs were locked behind my back. He engaged my electronic leash and briskly led me through the house to a part I had never seen before. Like a lingering dream my mind started to change until only a joyfully obedient slave desiring to serve her Master in any way possible remained. The power of the controller was an incorrigible force in my life, and I openly welcomed it now.

  We entered a spacious and extravagantly decorated office that looked and smelled of rich power. The Master sat at his desk dressed in his usual silk Kimono and nothing else, hard at work behind a computer counsel as numbers and reports danced in the air before him. He looked up, smiling when he saw me enter. I couldn’t wait to get on my knees and please him; he was such a good Master. Maybe he would take the time to spank me with his favorite wooden paddle, or just slap me around with his bare hands until my cheeks burned for him with open lust. I ached to feel his loving hand abuse my worthless body like that, and I began to drip as usual, just thinking about it.

  “Thank you, Rupert, I was starting to wonder what was taking so long.” The Master wound his way out from behind his desk, pulling me into his arms. He kissed me greedily, while several of his rough, demanding fingers forced their way into my steaming pussy in a singularly hard motion. They met with little resistance, instantly covered in a glaze of carnality.

  “That’s what I like about you, 18, you’re always anxious for me, aren’t you?” I whinnied loudly, turning around and bending over for him as best I could. “Amazing, isn’t it, Rupert, and all without so much as a drop of neural inhibitors, psychotropics or Provozine? That reminds me, tell Thomas he needs to do another reevaluation on Donna’s dosage; she has been coming out of it lately, and some of the side effects are less than desirable. She’s started carrying those damn guns again, and I don’t like it. She may need to be put back on Trovin again, despite the side effects.”

  “Yes sir, but are you sure? The last time it nearly put her into a comatose state?”

  Michael snorted with a nonchalant wave of his hand. “As if it matters any longer. The rules of the game are changing from here on out. By the way, have you see
n the latest report on the next phase of pony 18’s augmentation?”

  “No, sir.”

  I slipped from the Masters arms with a neglected frown when he went back to his desk, removing a six-inch oval holo-disk from his top drawer, activating it. A twelve-inch tall scale image of a blonde pony girl with white skin shimmered to life. Several obvious differences glared back with horrifying reality. It was barely recognizable as once human at this point.

  “So tell me, what do you think?”

  “Very interesting sir; I take it she’s responding to the genetic alteration process at a satisfactory level then.”

  “Oh yes, better than expected in fact. She’ll be the first of many, if all goes well after her next surgery.”

  It really didn’t sink in that they were talking about me, or why the image displayed in the air had more muscular, animalistic looking legs that ended in a pair of actual horse hooves instead of feet. The fact that it was topped by some weird, yet strangely attractive combination of an elongated human head with more distinctive horse features, including a snout, didn’t strike me as odd either.

  “She’ll be the perfect little pony girl after this, a dream come true. I may even breed her at some point, but I haven’t decided yet. Can you imagine the money I’d make off her, if I did?”

  “Yes sir,” Rupert commented dryly. “I think there may be a real market for slaves of this nature, especially if naturally borne. Do you require anything else from me, sir?”

  “That’s all for now, Rupert, thank you. Let me know the moment Burke gets back, and have a security team standing by just as we discussed earlier. I can’t wait to see how the new sentry drones perform if they’re even needed. It should be an interesting show tonight, regardless.”

  “I really think you should have purchased the combat variants; Nathan’s dangerous and his training will give him a definite edge.”

  “Don’t worry, Rupert, I have him right where I want him for a change.” Rupert bowed slightly, then turned and left the office.

  Everything I’d just overheard should have frightened me, but instead I just smiled at my Master. Somewhere in the back of my mind I was screaming though.

  The Master looked at me with a knowing expression, stroking my cheek, before slapping it with an authentic ruthlessness I seldom felt from him.

  “You’ve been a bad pony lately, haven’t you? All that sneaking around with Burke, fucking him behind my back.” I looked down at my boots pouting. I nodded quickly, meekly ashamed.

  “You really need to watch that mouth of yours too, and control your temper. You should have been put in the harness that morning after talking to one of my staff like that, even if it was Burke. Don’t ever think you can talk to me in such a manner, as a matter of fact, never talk in my presence again. You’re a pony, and ponies don’t talk, do they?” I shook my head rapidly in agreement.

  “That’s a good girl, because if you do, I’ll discipline you with the pain setting on your controller.” My eyes went wide in fear. I’ll be a good girl, I promise, Master! I’ll never be bad again.

  “Yes, I can see that scares you, my little slut. Don’t worry, I would much rather take a whip to your ass instead, but there’s really no need for that either, is there? You know your place unlike the others; you want to obey me and be a good girl, don’t you?” I nodded quickly, smiling. Yes, Master, I do. Thank you for not disciplining me, you’re such a good Master.

  “I’m so glad I purchased you, 18. I had hopes that you would be the answer to all my problems, and it seems that I was correct.”

  The Master bent me over his desk and I happily spread my feet for him, lifting my sopping cunt for his use. The sytha-plast felt cool against my hot skin as he pushed down hard on my back, mashing my face and breasts into it.

  “Yes, yes, my little fuck toy, I can see you want it just as badly as I do, but first I think an explanation is in order. With your help all my problems will soon disappear permanently. You’re really the one I should be thanking for my good fortune; you drew Burke out, and showed me the extent of his treachery. Maybe a treat for you after this is all over with, how does that sound?” His voice was filled with a rare note of joy and pride, and I smiled back at him over my shoulder, equally happy. I’m such a good pony whore for my Master.

  “I created this ranch for one purpose, to bring out the true nature of human beings. All of us have a little bit of animal inside waiting to break free: some are sheep, some kittens others are cows or even ponies, like yourself. Then there are the ones like me; the lion, the king of his domain and everything in it.”

  He began forcing my bound wrists and arms backward at an unnatural angle. They went higher and higher until I squeaked in shivering pain. I came up off my feet, standing on my tiptoes, straining to relieve the growing agony. My ass was lifted higher, back arched, presented to him completely. My hot breath formed a flowing haze on the smooth, shiny surface of his desk.

  “All I do is put people in their place, and let them live the lives they were meant to, as the pathetic animals they truly are. Just like you are.” I tried to whinny in agreement. It was weak; I couldn’t catch my breath very well.

  “I have some entertainment for you tonight, slut, something you’ll enjoy, I’m sure.” He activated a holographic projector from his wrist controller. I grimaced in pain again, clenching my teeth; it felt like my shoulders were about to dislocate.

  He yanked my head back by my hair, lifting it upward, until my head was resting on my chin. I exhaled in short, choppy, pain-filled gasps, starting to drool. A half scale, full effect holographic display appeared in the middle of his office, complete with sound and 3D-depth. The Master entered me with a deep thrust, releasing the pressure on my arms, letting them drop, and I sighed in a combination of relief and pleasure, when he began using me for the single purpose of my continued existence. I love you, Master.

  The displayed footage was of Nathan and I walking along a dirt path on the first day I’d arrived, talking. I barely recognized myself because I wasn’t a pony yet. It switched to several other scenes in rapid succession, most of them of my initial training on those first few days. It changed to the morning after Mistress Donna’s party, and Nathan was treating my wounds in the bath area. The image grew fuzzy, and then static filled. It was immediately replaced by nighttime footage of Nathan and I approaching a small shed, with the same end result.

  “Here is where Burke’s own cleverness got him into trouble. If one of my people hadn’t of spotted the discrepancies in the surveillance footage and compiled audio data, your little affair may not have come to my attention for some time.” The Master fucked me with a slow, easy rhythm for a change, and I moaned in delight, tightening around him with loving devotion in my desire to please.

  “And this,” The next image was of Cirus and I in his room on breeding day. I felt ashamed that the Master saw me like that; I looked like I was enjoying it. “This was excellent footage until you ruined it. The lab analysis of the jammer Torri found in your room was interesting. In your ass? I should have figured that would be a good hiding place for contraband items. I’ll have to tell her to start checking the ponies better; who knows what else might turn up, and I know she’ll enjoy doing it. I have something better to stick in your ass than a jammer though, don’t I, you fucking whore?”

  His cock began to angrily push against my tight, puckered hole, forcing itself painstakingly into my unlubricated ass. I whimpered trying to pull away, but the Master held my shoulders, keeping me in place. He slid deeper into me with a racking sob; it hurt and I didn’t care because he’d activated the pleasure setting on my remote. He quickly built into a piston pounding rhythm, and I came in a whinnying cry of delight.

  “You do like it like this, don’t you, slut?” I whinnied loudly in agreement, as my aching sphincter clutched at him with spasmodic regularity. “That was one of Donna’s problems; she never cared for it much. I think every woman should be fucked i
n the ass on a regular basis; it puts a bitch in her place and teaches her some humility with a man.” I whinnied enthusiastically, pushing back against his cock in open agreement.

  The footage changed again becoming a dizzying array of kittens and puppies having sex with one another, or with the hooded figure of a man or woman. In the back of my mind, I thought there was something perversely taboo about watching near animals having sex with people, but then again, I guess if someone saw me right now they may think the exact same thing.

  “Oh yes, here is some of my favorite footage, courtesy of my lovely wife.”

  My final display of forced perversion actually took my breath away in shock, and ignited a trace of jealousy deep in my pony core. It was of Donna reclining in bed, naked. She spread her legs with a seductive grin, beckoning to Cirus when he entered the picture. There were numerous clips of them together; going at it with such zeal that surprised even me. The Master was getting close to cumming now, I could tell. I think he liked watching the Mistress’ tight pussy brutalized by ponycock.

  “You wouldn’t believe what people are willing to pay for porn like this off world. Did you know that Slave World is the only planet where you can alter a slave with full genetic augmentation? What others only pretend to do by role-playing or dressing up in costumes, I turn into reality. After tonight Donna will have a full time job of it, and I’ll be even richer. Soon enough she’ll be a whore to all my animals, and I’ll make millions off her, the stupid cunt.”

  Yes, she is a stupid cunt, just like he said. She deserves to be treated like that, and I swished my tail back and forth contently with the knowledge she was making herself useful to the Master, in some fashion of his choosing.

  “I even have some of her daughters and friends floating around somewhere. Now those are entertaining, and should sell amazingly well if I were to guess; everyone likes to watch young university girls taking ponycock. I just wish she would visit more often is all,” he sighed regretfully. The Master had said ‘her daughter’. If not his, than whose was she?


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