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Don’t Tell: The Series

Page 10

by Paige, Violet

  “And I need to talk to you about why I had to meet with Amber at Peabody’s.” He paused for a few seconds. I thought he might have left. “Let me in. How am I supposed to fix any of this if I can’t see you? Come on, Kaitlyn.”

  I pushed myself up from the floor and released the chain from the latch. I opened the door.

  “Thank God. I thought you weren’t going to let me in.” Cole forced the door open all the way, until he was standing in front of me. His shirt was wet and he reeked of tequila.

  I looked out into the corridor. It was empty.

  “Are you expecting someone else?” Cole asked.

  “Where did Amber go?” My eyes dropped to the floor. I didn’t want to be jealous.

  “Home. To pick up Grayson. We had a lot to discuss.” He watched me. “She called when I was out.”

  Now that Cole was standing in front of me, in my room, all my emotions were stronger, and being so near to him heightened everything.

  I walked toward the dresser. “Maybe I should go. I could make this easier.” I started opening drawers and stuffing my new purchases back in their bags. The drawers slammed shut in my wake.

  “What are you doing?” Cole followed me as I collected everything I had in the room.

  “Am I in the way? Am I keeping you from Grayson?” I tossed a handful of shirts on the bed.

  “Stop. Just stop.” Cole spun me around until his hands clutched my wrists. “You’re not leaving. And not like this.”

  It was happening again—the air was charged and even though there were only inches between us, all I wanted was to erase them.

  “Let me go, Cole.” I didn’t want to look at him. I knew he could melt any resistance I had, and the way he was holding me, he knew it too.

  “I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but you’re not interfering with Grayson. Amber has made a huge decision and she wanted to talk to me about it.”

  I let me eyes travel from the floor to his face.

  “What did she say?”

  He rubbed the scruff on his chin. “She wants to take a residency in London and write poetry.”

  My mouth dropped. “What?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Yeah. She’s unpredictable that one. As far as I know, she’s never written more than a text.”

  “And Grayson?” I was almost afraid to ask.

  He looked at me. “I’m going to have full legal custody.”

  “You are? Oh my God, Cole. That’s amazing. That’s what you wanted.”

  He nodded, hiding a smile. “Yeah. It’s exactly what I wanted. And I have to get the documents drawn up before she leaves. Her classes start in the fall. That gives me about two months to get the Dunes set up and a real place for Grayson to live. It’s one thing for him to spend some time at the motel, but I need to find something permanent.”

  “And it was Amber’s idea? The custody arrangement?”

  He nodded. “It was her idea. I couldn’t be more shocked.”

  “That’s not at all what I thought I saw.” I felt embarrassed and ashamed.

  Cole crossed the distance, drawing me toward him. “I know it looked bad. I can only imagine, but Amber is only around because she has to be. And as much as it’s going to be hard as hell on Grayson, her taking a break is going to be a good thing.”

  I nodded. “I know you’re an amazing father.”

  His thumb grazed over my bottom lip.

  “I don’t know. He’s two. It’s pretty simple right now.”


  “Yeah, baby?”

  I searched his blue eyes. “Can I meet him some time?”

  “How about tomorrow?”


  He nodded. “Really.”

  His lips crashed into mine as he gathered me in his arms. I inhaled the nearness of him as my body softened in his hands.

  “Darlin’, don’t ever do that again,” he whispered in my ear. “Don’t walk out on me.”

  I nodded. “I’m sorry I spilled my drink on you and ran out of Peabody’s.”

  Cole let his hand travel down my back, and slip between my shorts and the soft skin of the small of my back. I felt the tingles travel through my belly.

  I tipped my head back. He spun me toward the wall and reached under my shirt, squeezing my breast. The way he touched me was like torture, but the kind of torture I craved. Pain mixed with pleasure.

  “I don’t know what this is between us, but I feel it.” His gaze was so intense I lost my breath. He loosened the button on my shorts and grabbed my waistband, sending my shorts to the floor. I moaned as his fingers played between my legs. “Do you feel it?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” I was surrounded by whatever this thing was between us. I could feel it in my skin, my chest, and deep within my core.

  Had he felt it for as many years as I had?

  Cole’s hands disconnected from my body. I was breathing heavier than I could remember. He unsnapped his shorts, and I bit down hard on my lip as I heard them hit the floor. He grabbed the underside of my bottom and wrapping my leg around his waist. He slid my panties to the side as his cock nudged to my center.

  We were reckless. I was desperate for him to be inside me. I wanted him to erase the last hour of misery.

  “I love fucking you.” He breathed into my neck.

  I almost screamed as he thrust inside my pussy. I wanted him more than anything in my life.

  He pushed me harder against the wall. My wall was flat against the peeling paint. Our bodies were in perfect unison.

  “So, don’t do that, Kaitlyn. Don’t tell me you’re leaving.” He growled in my ear. “I’m not ready for you to say good-bye.”

  “I won’t.” I panted. “I won’t leave.”

  “I need you so fucking badly.

  He dug his hands into the small of my back and this time I couldn’t suppress the screams. He felt so damn amazing. Yes, please, more of this all night long. I rocked against him until I felt the sweet pressure building uncontrollably. My hands splayed against the wall, tilting my hips upward.

  He slammed into me.

  “I have to get a condom,” he hissed.

  I whimpered as he pulled out and searched his shorts for protection. It was standard now for him to carry it with him. He rolled it on over his cock quickly and pushed inside me.

  “You like it when I fuck you like this?” he asked.

  “God, yes.” I was his. On the bed. On the wall. In the shower. I’d always wanted to be his. “Don’t stop, Cole.”

  “I won’t.” His mouth covered mine in a hungry kiss.

  He pumped inside me and my body shuddered with total abandon as the release enveloped me. Cole held me as we both vibrated and quivered. I felt drunk. Tipsy on sex. We collapsed to the floor. My legs straddled him and I rested my cheek against the cotton of his T-shirt.

  I sat up to kiss him. “Mmm, you taste like a margarita.” I giggled.

  “Funny.” He laughed. “This crazy girl threw a drink on me tonight.”

  “I spilled it.” I corrected him and licked his bottom lip.

  “Seriously, Kaitlyn. I meant it. What I said just a minute ago.” He sat up so he was resting on his elbows.

  My heart was pounding, and there was a chance it was loud enough for Cole to hear it.

  “I’m not ready for you to leave.” He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

  “I’m not ready to leave.” I wanted another kiss. I brushed my lips over his. “Can we finally come up with a plan to talk to Ryan?”

  He bristled. “Let’s take this one step at a time. Tomorrow Grayson moves in.”

  “Moves in?” I sat forward.

  “Yeah. Amber says she has a lot to do to get ready for the move. I told her I’m happy to have him.”

  “But tomorrow? Your son is going to be here for good?”

  He laughed. “Don’t worry. He’s only a tiny tyrant, and he’s going to love you.”

  I smiled. “I know I’m going to lo
ve him.” It was on the tip of my tongue. I was going to say because I already loved his father. “But…” I twisted my lips together. “What about this?”

  We had been fucking all over the motel. There was no way we could keep that up with a child running around.

  “He’s in bed by 7:30 and I have a baby monitor. Don’t worry.”

  “You know I’ll do whatever you need, Cole. I want this. Whatever this is.” I settled in his lap. “But after Grayson gets settled we have to talk about Ryan.” I eyed him.

  His relationship with my brother was something he didn’t want to risk. But we were way past that point. Our unspoken understanding was that this was going forward.

  He moved his hands over my hips.

  “Shh. We can talk later.”

  I sighed when he lifted me and placed me on the bed. He ripped open another condom and laid it next to the bed. “But Cole…”

  “On your knees, baby,” he commanded.

  My stomach flipped and my nipples perked. “But…”

  His lips pressed together in a firm line. “Kaitlyn.”

  I rolled over and lifted myself to my knees. He pressed his fingers between my legs, swirling between my folds and then his tongue was at my rosebud.

  Oh my God. It was so erotic and hot. I bucked as he thrust it inside just as his fingers slid inside my pussy.

  “Oh, Cole,” I moaned. Tonight was full of the unexpected. His tongue moved in and out as I rocked with a frenzied pace. I couldn’t stop. I wanted it. I needed it.

  I felt the tightening in my core.

  “So fucking perfect,” he growled.

  I heard him sigh with satisfaction as he slapped my ass. I yelped just before he delivered another earth-shattering orgasm.



  I never introduced any women I dated to Grayson. Never. I had a responsibility to keep him safe. To give him something he could count on. But Kaitlyn was already family. She fell into a different category.

  And I was a fucking idiot if I didn’t look at this situation and see it for what it was—I was crazy for my best friend’s sister.

  I could see something with her I hadn’t been able to picture in a long time.

  A future. An actual future with a woman in my life.

  Not just in my bed, but by my side.

  I shook my head as I drove to Amber’s apartment. It was on the other side of the island. She leased a high-rise condo. I didn’t think it was the best spot for Grayson, but what did I have for him other than a run-down motel I inherited?

  I was going to change that. I wanted him to have a yard and a place to play. I wanted him to grow up with a dog and chasing seagulls on the beach.

  I pulled into the parking lot under the complex and took the elevator upstairs. I knocked on the door.

  “Daddy!” The door flew open.

  “Hey.” I pulled him into my arms. “Do you have your bag packed?”

  He pointed to the couch. “Yes. Two. I’m two.”

  I laughed. “Yep. You’re two.” I counted five bags. Looked like Amber had collected more toys than clothes.

  She walked down the hallway. “Hey. You ready?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Looks like we’ll be putting the train set together.”

  “He loves the trains.”

  She rubbed the top of his sandy blond hair.

  “I appreciate this, Cole.”

  I slung a bag over my shoulder. “He’s my son, Amber. You don’t have to thank me.”

  I saw her wipe the corner of her eyes with her index finger. “I know. I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant for everything. Supporting me so I can write.”

  I held back my laugh. She wasn’t a writer.

  “Of course. Whatever you need.”

  She smiled. “I remember when you were still in the Corps and I told you I’d wait for you during deployments. It’s like that I guess.”

  I stopped loading the train set. “It’s not like that.” I eyed her. “I’m not waiting for you to come home.”

  Grayson had plopped himself in front of the TV. That was one thing I had to work on. She gave him way too much screen time. I wanted him to be outside. Even if it was a hundred degrees.

  “Ok. But you and Grayson will be here when I get back.”

  “Right. But I just don’t want you to think it’s something else, Amber. I’m doing this for my son.”

  She crossed her arms. “Ok. Ok. I get it. It’s not for me. You don’t have to hurt my feelings on purpose.”

  I sighed. “I’m not trying to do that. Why don’t I take this to the truck and I’ll be back to get Grayson?” I walked to the door and rode the elevator.

  The sooner I had the new custody papers drawn up the safer I was. Amber could change her mind tomorrow and decide she’d rather be a chef in Hawaii or a cruise ship performer even though she couldn’t sing.

  I placed Grayson’s bags in the backseat, careful not to let the tracks spill on the floor. I made a second trip up the elevator.

  I walked inside the apartment.

  “Ok. I’m set.”

  Amber knelt next to our son. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Ok?”

  He hugged her. “You too, Mommy.”

  It was like shoving a dagger between my ribs. It didn’t matter that I didn’t love her, or that I never had. Watching a boy separated from his mother was painful. I took him by the hand.

  Amber waved from the kitchen and blew us each a kiss.

  I pretended to catch one for Grayson and pressed it into his chubby cheek.

  “Bye Mommy.”

  The door closed behind us and we drove toward his new home.



  I had babysat a thousand times. I even nannied one summer in college. I was great with children. I could have been a teacher. But as I twisted my hands together, I’d never been more scared of a child in my life than meeting Cole’s son Grayson.

  What if he was shy? What if he didn’t let me near him? Cole needed my help to get the Dunes ready for the summer season. I had already decided part of that meant watching his child. But what if this was a colossal mess?

  I bit the inside of my lip.

  The truck pulled into the parking lot. I flattened my palms against my shorts and walked outside.

  Cole parked at the end of the parking lot in front of the unit he stayed in. I took a deep breath. I walked toward them, watching him unlock the straps on the car seat.

  My heart was already melting. He lifted the tiny person into his arms and turned to face me.

  I smiled. “Hi, Grayson.”

  “Grayson, this is my special friend, Kaitlyn.”

  We hadn’t gone over what he should call me. Special friend sounded strange, but I just had to go with it.

  “Can you say hi?” Cole prodded.

  “Hi.” His voice was quiet. Adorable.

  “I’m so happy to meet you.” I looked at Cole for approval.

  “Bird!” Grayson’s finger pointed upward.

  Cole laughed. “He’s obsessed with chasing birds on the beach. Birds and trains.”

  I saw the bags in the backseat. “Can I help you with his stuff?”

  Cole placed Grayson on the ground. “I have an idea. Why don’t you two see if you can find seagulls on the beach while I take everything inside?”

  “Really?” I looked down at Grayson. He was already wobbling toward the boardwalk.

  “He’s faster than he looks,” Cole joked.

  “Ok.” I followed him, taking his hand and helping him up the stairs.

  “Do it myself,” he stated.

  I laughed. “Got it. Independent like your daddy.” I kept a close distance, not sure how fast he actually could run.

  My nerves started to disappear. Running with Grayson on the beach reminded me to have fun. I needed to stop worrying and live in the moment. Live in this moment. With a child I knew I already loved.



  We had
two full days to get the Dune Scape into some recognizable form of motel residency. I was ready to take this Wednesday by storm.

  “You’re really going to be cutting it close with all that you’ve spent on the renovations and with the utilities you have due at the end of the month.” I had gone over the numbers several times and I was confident I hadn’t missed anything. “If the Dune Scape had just a few more rooms, you’d be able to offset your costs more easily.”

  Cole was staring out of the office window toward the ocean.

  I had set Grayson up at the desk with a new box of crayons. He had decided he only wanted to color with blue.

  “Have you thought about raising the rates?” I asked Cole. “Ten dollars here and there could really help.”

  “No, my grandfather was set on not increasing prices for the college students. He said that too many people tried to take advantage of them and he could give them a place to stay at a fair price.”

  Cole had been in the office with me all morning, going over the numbers I had put together for him.

  I cleared my throat. “Well, your grandfather sounds like a sweet man, but he’s not here to face the reality of the bills. These are the same rates the motel had in the nineties. People wouldn’t even flinch.”

  “No, Kaitlyn. I’m not raising the rates. Would you really want to pay more to stay here? Look around.” He pointed to the rows of rooms outside the window.

  “It’s not that bad.” Ever since my nights were filled with Cole, I had come to love staying at the Dune Scape, but I remembered my first impression of the motel. “Well, we could at least free up two more rooms for you.”

  He turned from the window. “What do you mean?”

  I pulled up the listing on my phone. “I don’t know if you saw this, but it’s next door.”

  Cole turned from the window, taking my phone. “This is right behind the Dunes.”


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