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Ride The Wind (Vincente 3)

Page 18

by Constance O'Banyon

  He ran a hand through his hair nervously. "What can I offer her compared to all this?" He made a wide sweeping motion with his hand. "You've seen my house."

  "Saber will have it turned into a home before you know it. And as for what you can offer her?" She shook her head and laughed. "I'd be willing to bet half the women in the state of Texas envy her because she has caught the elusive Reese Starrett."

  He grinned at the woman who would soon be his sister-in-law. "You always know the right thing to say, don't you?"

  She opened the door and went inside with him. "Practically always." She looked thought ful. "Nobel might argue the point with you."

  Reese glanced around the entryway with its elegant furnishings and was struck by another moment of doubt. He saw movement on the wide stairs, and Saber seemed to float toward him. She wore a pale yellow gown, and her hair was swept on top of her head. Every time he saw her, he realized she was the perfect woman, and it scared the hell out of him!

  Saber approached him, smiling, and a sweet scent that he had come to associate with her assailed his senses.

  Rachel moved toward the door. "I'll turn him over to you, Saber. I want to make sure they hung the Chinese lanterns in the courtyard." She paused in the doorway and said, "Don't monopolize him, Saber. I know your brother wants to show him some cattle."

  Saber laid her head against Reese's chest, and his arms slid around her. She was so fragile and delicate. It frightened him that he would be responsible for her well-being and happiness.

  "I would like to have you to myself, but for now it's not possible." She sighed and went up on her tiptoes to brush her lips against his.

  His eyes dilated, the dark irises becoming passionate swirls. "Saber, do you still want me for your husband?"

  A teasing light came into her eyes. "You haven't found someone else you'd rather marry, have you?"

  "Not likely."

  "Then you'll have to marry me." She led him toward the courtyard, where Rachel was instructing several workmen. "If you have changed your mind, you'd better run now, because at precisely seven tonight I come down the stairs wearing the most beautiful wedding gown you have ever seen."

  He stopped near a fountain and stared at the bubbling water. "It isn't the same gown you were going to wear if you had married Matthew, is it?" He didn't know why he should care, but he did.

  "No. That was donated to one of our vaqueros who had a sister getting married. She was most grateful for the gift."

  "What happens after our wedding? I didn't want to make any plans until I spoke to you."

  "Rachel and Noble will be spending the night at the Broken Spur with her sister and her husband. We will have this house all to ourselves. Of course, there will be dancing and singing all night."

  "The Broken Spur was Rachel's ranch, wasn't it?"

  "It still is. Her sister and her husband run it, but it's Rachel's all the same."

  Before Reese could say anything more, guests started arriving. He was introduced to Rachel's sister, Delia, and her husband, Tanner. The guests just seemed to keep coming. Reese met so many people he didn't even attempt to keep their names straight.

  Rachel finally rescued him and showed him upstairs, where he could escape until Noble got home. "Zeb brought your things upstairs. Your suit has been pressed and is waiting for you."

  He smiled and said, "The perfect hostess."

  She opened the bedroom door and waited for him to go inside. "Reese, I know you are feeling overwhelmed at the moment. Men don't do weddings well. But you see, we women sail right through them-and we seem to need them to feel really married."

  "Are you telling me that all grooms suffer from trembling hands and this same tightening in the throat?"

  "Yes. I believe most of them do. But the disease is not fatal, and I feel sure that you will recover soon after the priest pronounces you married."

  While Saber prepared for the wedding, Reese spent the rest of the afternoon with Noble, looking over the cattle from Spain. Then Rachel, who seemed to direct everything with ease, came for Reese. He was fed and ushered upstairs to get ready himself.

  When he came downstairs, dressed in a black suit, he was introduced to even more guests. The elite of Texas were paraded before him and congratulated him. He blinked in astonishment when Governor Pease shook his hand and told him he was walking away with the rose of Texas. The governor leaned closer and said in a low voice, "I want to talk to you when we get the chance."

  Reese felt his stomach knot, and he didn't know what to do with his hands. But his nervousness fled, and his heart stopped when he was positioned beside the priest and the music began. Saber appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed in white, and Reese couldn't take his eyes off her. She looked like an angel with a filmy veil floating about her head.

  Noble met her at the bottom of the stairs and offered her his arm. He kissed her cheek. "Be happy, little sister."

  Tears sparkled in her eyes. "I shall."

  He led her forward and placed her small hand in Reese's, then stepped back.

  Reese glanced down at his bride and felt the wonder of knowing she would soon belong to him. There was no doubt in the blue eyes she turned up to him, only trust and gentleness. His hand tightened on hers, and he hardly heard what the priest was saying.

  He mouthed the appropriate answers to the wedding vows and slid a plain gold band on Saber's finger, wishing it were a diamond.

  The priest was smiling. "I now pronounce you man and wife."

  Reese's lips brushed his bride's, and he wished all the people would go away so he could be alone with her but that was not to be.

  She beamed up at him. "I have you now, Reese. You belong to me."

  He looked at her with a funny expression. He'd never belonged to anyone, and no one had ever belonged to him. Warmth started around his heart and spread throughout his whole body.

  "Yes," he murmured in her ear, the power of possession taking over. "You belong to me."

  Saber was ripped out of his arms by her brother, and Noble hugged her to him, while Rachel hugged Reese.

  "We're your family now," Rachel said with feeling, knowing that this man had not had a family in a long time.

  Reese attempted to absorb all that had happened to him in this one day, but he was confused by what it meant to belong to a family.

  Soon the newly married couple were surrounded by guests and were led out to the court yard, where music and dancing began. The bride and groom were soon separated by well-wishers. Reese was slapped on the back and his hand shaken in friendly greeting until everything was a blur.

  Saber threaded her way through the crowd to her husband. There were tables set up and piled high with food of every kind.

  Reese was surprised to find himself seated next to Governor Pease. "Reese, you don't mind if I call you by your first name, do you?"

  He was stunned. "Not at all, sir."

  "I've got an undertaking for you that we'll talk about some other time. But I want to sound you out on an idea and see how you feel about it."

  "I would be glad to listen to you, sir."

  "How would you feel about supplying the army with beef?"

  Reese frowned and glanced down the table, where Noble was watching him. He knew that his brother-in-law was already reaching out to help him through the governor. "I would be willing to talk about it, Governor Pease."

  "Good, good! Noble has told me you are reliable and honest, and that you have land enough to support this endeavor. You will benefit by this, and so will Texas. You won't have to drive your cattle to a railhead, and the army will have a dependable supply of beef. This is big, Reesereal big!"

  "How many head are we talking about, sir?"

  "I'm not privy to that information. I presume it would be thousands of head a year." Governor Pease grinned and attacked his food. "We won't spoil your wedding with business. Someone will call on you at your ranch within the month."

  Reese gave a startled glance at his brother-
inlaw, and Noble raised his glass to him and smiled. Reese had some thinking to do-he wasn't sure how he felt about the offer. Apparently this was what it meant to belong to a family.

  The remnants of dinner and all evidence of the wedding cake had been cleared away, and soft Spanish music filled the courtyard. Saber clasped Reese's hand as she thanked each guest for attending. Reese was still in a daze. He hoped he was making all the right responses to the good wishes that were bestowed upon them. What he really wanted to do was escape with his bride.

  The governor appeared beside them, laughing boisterously. "Saber, I have rarely seen anything that gave me more pleasure than watching you dance. Will you dance for us?"

  She shook her head. "Let someone else dance tonight."

  Suddenly a chant was picked up by the crowd, urging her to dance. She glanced at her brother, and he nodded, smiling.

  Saber laughingly agreed. She smiled at her husband and said, "Tonight, I dance only for you."

  The Spanish guitarist strummed slowly, and Saber raised her hands over her head in a graceful arch-she tapped her feet and whirled. The music began to build in intensity, becoming faster and louder. Saber moved her feet to the rhythm. Reese watched, fascinated, as his new bride tapped her feet, clapping her hands and whirling with a grace that took his breath away. How could such an ethereally lovely woman belong to him? He thought of her growing up at Casa del Sol, wanting for nothing. Then he tried to imagine her in his small house, and his heart plummeted.

  Saber clapped her hands and moved slowly toward Reese, her hips keeping time with the music. Her blue eyes seemed to pick up the fire from the Chinese lanterns overhead.

  A new emotion took possession of Reese-an emotion he'd never felt before.


  Reese quickly glanced around and observed the other men watching his wife with admiration, and he didn't like it. By now Saber had reached him and whirled around him, stamping her feet and arching her body, her gaze never leaving his.

  Suddenly the music stopped, and she went to her knees in front of him. "That was my wedding present to you, Reese," she said, smiling.

  Reese stood and brought her up beside him, his eyes filled with something she didn't understand. "You will never dance like that again, unless it's for me."

  Her eyes gleamed with a mischievous light, and she challenged him. "I have been dancing that dance since I was old enough to walk."

  "I won't have you dancing for other men," he said heatedly, his eyes defying her to disagree with him.

  Saber recognized his jealousy, and she decided not to tease him any further. "If that is your wish, I will never dance for anyone except you."

  He had expected an argument, and when she gave in so easily he was left with nothing else to say. The music was slow now, and she squeezed his hand. "Is it permitted for me to dance with my husband?"

  His arms went around her, and he felt his anger melt away. He would probably never know why this exceptional woman had agreed to marry him, but she belonged to him, and right now all he wanted was to hold her.

  As if she had read Reese's thoughts, Rachel came up to them and took Saber's hand. "This party will go on all night. I'm taking Saber upstairs: a little later you can follow."

  He watched Saber move through the crowd and disappear into the house. His hands were shaking so badly that he crammed them into his pockets. What he needed was a strong drink, and he wasn't thinking of the punch that had been served all evening.

  Again it seemed his thoughts were anticipated. Noble appeared at his side with a drink. "You must be confused by all this."

  "I'm confused by a lot of things," Reese said, taking a deep swallow of the smooth brandy.

  "The Spanish customs that are part of the Vincente heritage have always been accepted by us. You will grow accustomed to them in time."

  "I don't mind telling you, Noble, I'm scared as hell that I can't make Saber happy."

  "Would you like to tell me why you feel that way?"

  "Isn't it obvious? This is where Saber was raised. Her life with me will be a hell of a lot different."

  "There is something I will tell you about the Vincentes that very few people realize: WE love only once and with our whole heart. Trust Saber. You might be surprised what she is willing to do for the man she loves."

  "She thought she loved Matthew-she certainly doesn't claim to love me."

  Noble started to comment and then paused and said simply, "Give it time."

  Reese stared at a blue Chinese lantern overhead, which was swinging in the breeze. "I will try to make her happy, Noble."

  "That is the only thing I'll ask of you, Reese. Be good to her."

  "I will."

  "I know that, or I never would have given her to you. It seems her happiness lies with you now."

  Suddenly Rachel walked past, and Reese was stunned by the radiance that came into Noble's eyes. Rachel turned her head and glanced at her husband with eyes so soft and loving, Reese felt a stinging in his own eyes. That was the kind of love he wanted from Saber. One day he wanted her to look at him the way Rachel was looking at Noble tonight.

  Rachel turned to Reese and whispered in his ear, "You should go upstairs now. It's the third door on the right at the top of the stairs."

  He felt as nervous as a schoolboy anticipating his first kiss. As he climbed the stairs, he could still hear the music and laughter. He paused halfway up and leaned on the polished banister. He hadn't known it was possible to love a woman as much as he loved Saber. Slowly he climbed to the top and paused at Saber's door before knocking softly.

  Saber was standing at the window when Reese entered. She turned slowly toward him, and the look in her blue eyes told him she was uncertain what was to happen next.

  Staring at the transparent nightgown she wore, he wondered if she knew he could see through it. Her slender body was clearly outlined, and he could see the rosy tips of her breasts. He removed his coat and draped it across the back of a chair. Then he looked about the pink-and-cream room. The bed had a high canopy, and the rug beneath his feet was plush and full. "I've never seen such a room," he said, loosening his tie and jerking it free of his shirt.

  "I never looked at this room from a man's view. I suppose I outgrew it a long time ago - I just didn't notice." She smiled. "Don't worry, I won't put frills on our bedroom at home."

  "Say it again," he said, walking toward her.


  "The part about our home."

  "From this night forward, for the rest of my life, Reese, your home is my home."

  He paused as warmth rushed through him. His hands were trembling, and he drew in a deep breath. To slow his heart rate, he sat down in the chair and removed his boots; all the while his eyes were on Saber's face. "Don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you, at least, no more than is necessary."

  "I could never be afraid of you, Reese. It's just that I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

  Her eyes were wide and confused as he pulled his shirt from his trousers and began unbuttoning it, revealing curly black hair against his tanned and muscled chest.

  Saber's knees went weak, and she gripped the back of a chair to keep from collapsing. A tremor shook her, and she wanted to press her cheek against that muscled chest.

  He knew that she was feeling shy and frightened, so he blew out the lamp and went to her. The room was cast in shadows, and he turned her face up to his and stared into her blue eyes.

  "You knew what you were doing when you danced for me tonight."

  "What do you mean?"

  Slowly he drew her resisting body closer to him, keeping his grip on her arms light. "Your dance stirred my blood, Saber. As long as I live I'll never forget how you looked tonight, my little seductress." He held her away from him. "You do understand what is going to happen between us tonight?"

  She felt his warm maleness surround her. She knew only that he would bring her pleasure beyond anything she could imagine. "Rachel told me that there would
be some pain, but it would not last long."

  He closed his eyes, pulling her against him, dazzled by the soft scent of her. "I will be as gentle as I can with you, Saber."

  His grip tightened about her waist, and he lifted her off her feet, bracing her body against his. "I have dreamed of this moment a hundred times, but I never thought I would have the right to take you with my body."

  Saber couldn't believe this wonderful man was her husband. She had been having her own dreams about him, and she ached for him to make her his. She could feel the swell of him against her, and she moved her hips to get closer.

  "No, don't do that." He took a deep breath, trying to steady the urge to satisfy the desire that burned in his loins.

  She laid her head against the dark mat of hair on his chest. "You will have to show me what to do."

  He placed his hands on both sides of her face and raised it to him, staring into her wide, blue eyes. He dipped his head and touched his lips to her cheek, tasting the saltiness of her tears. Was she crying because he was her husband and not Matthew? It didn't matter; she belonged to him, and he knew just how to make her want him but winning her heart would be another matter.

  He lifted her in his arms and touched his lips to hers ever so gently, while all the love he felt for her spilled from his heart. Couldn't she feel the heat of that love?

  He laid her on the bed and unbuckled his belt, sliding out of his trousers. Saber tried to breathe as she looked at his muscled body, but something had cut off her breath.

  He was magnificent!

  Her gaze dropped to his erection, and her eyes widened with fear. Surely he was too big for her!

  Reese came down beside her, pulling her gown upward until he lifted it over her head and dropped it to the floor. In the soft moonlight he feasted on her beauty - a beauty that no man but him had ever beheld.

  Her breasts were high and firm, her waist tiny her hips were rounded and her stomach flat, her legs long and shapely. He ran his hand across her shoulder, feeling the satiny skin beneath his fingers. "You are beautiful, Saber."


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