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Hypocritically Yours: A Standalone Age-Gap Romance

Page 23

by Hayley Faiman

  “Yes, Landry,” Julie mutters.

  She’s not happy with me, but what’s new? Most women in my life are in a perpetual state of unhappiness with my decisions. Curling Tennessee closer to my side, I guide us to the elevators. Pushing the button, I wait for the doors to open, then we step inside.

  “Something is happening today, isn’t it?” she asks as it starts to descend.

  I hum, unsure of what to say. Admitting it all aloud, it makes me feel guilty as fuck. “Yeah, honey.”

  Thankfully, she doesn’t ask me anything else. Instead, we ride down the elevator in silence. Before we reach the lobby, she leans her head against my shoulder and my fingers flex around her hip and I jerk her even closer to me.

  “We’ll have some lunch, look at some office spaces and then come back and get Holden, maybe go to the park?” I ask.

  It’s her turn to hum and I know that her mind is probably spinning a million miles a minute as she thinks about what’s to come. Instead of asking me, she lets out a sigh then lifts her head as soon as the elevator doors open.

  “Lunch first,” she announces with a single nod.

  “Yeah, honey, lunch first.”

  Keeping my hand on her hip, we make our way toward the front door. Deciding to detour to Bethie’s desk, I stop right in front of it. She’s talking on the phone, but quickly ends the call before she lifts her head and her eyes find mine.

  “Mr. Astor,” she says with a small smile.

  Laughing, I shake my head once. “You know me well enough, Bethie. Call me Landry.”

  “Landry,” she says, her cheeks tinting pink.

  Clearing my throat, I can’t hide my smile at her reaction. It’s cute. “If anyone comes here looking for Tennessee, she’s out of the office today.”

  Tennessee lets out a small laugh then leans forward. “Landry is kidnapping me for the day,” she whispers.

  “You got the good Astor. Tell me, Landry, is Lawrence more like you?”

  “Bethie,” Tennessee says with a faux gasp.

  She shifts her gaze from me to Tennessee. “I’m serious. I’m sorry, Landry, but your son is an asshole. You know he screwed around with Abbie from the coffee truck? He never even said anything. I had to watch as he kissed her and grabbed her ass right in front of me this morning.”

  I close my eyes, wishing that I could disappear. This doesn’t surprise me about Laurent. He’s always been a player. Even in elementary school, he consistently had three or four little girlfriends at a time.

  “I’m sorry, Bethie,” I rasp as I open my eyes.

  She lets out a frustrated sigh and shrugs. “I knew who he was. I was just hoping he’d change for me. How dumb, right?”

  “He’s going through a lot right now,” I offer, attempting to soothe her.

  She laughs, shaking her head. “I’ll tell anyone who comes looking for Tenny that she’s out for the day,” she says, confirming my original question. “And Landry?”

  Smirking at her, I wait for her to continue, never sure of what she’s going to say to me. “Laurent has a lot going on, but he’s still an ass, and I still like him way too much for my own freaking good.”

  Tennessee saves me from having to say anything else. She reaches her hand out, taking Bethie’s in hers. I watch as she leans over the counter, her eyes focused on Bethie’s.

  “He’s an ass, Bethie. He’s been an ass, and you are so much better than he is. He’s a scared little boy who only thinks with his dick.”

  I can’t control myself. My laughter comes out in a roar. I don’t know if it’s the way that Tennessee said it, the way her tone was soft, and her words were anything but. It was fucking hilarious, and true.

  “Tennessee is right,” I say with a nod.

  Bethie flicks her gaze from Tennessee to me, then back to Tennessee. “Yeah, but it still feels like shit.”

  “It’s probably going to for a while,” Tennessee says.

  “Yeah,” Bethie says with a nod, but she doesn’t believe it.

  She is in love with my idiot son. I make a mental note to have a one-on-one with him and find out just what exactly is going on with him and this girl. After of course, I spend the day with Tennessee and attempt to distract her from what’s to come.


  As far as distractions go, Landry is really good at them. His hand wraps around, covering my mouth from behind me. His hips thrust forward, my entire body moving with a jerk as he slams into me from behind.

  We’re looking at an office building just a few city blocks from his current one. This one also has a private residence, though not as lavish as the penthouse. That’s where we are right now, in the private residence, and my skirt is hiked up to my waist while Landry fucks me from behind, both of us standing and my fingers gripping the vanity in front of me.

  Lifting my eyes, I catch his gaze in the reflection of the mirror. My breath stops at the sight of him. His jaw is clenched and his head is tipped slightly as he looks down at our connection, watching the way he glides in and out of my body.

  The way he is intensely gazing at our bodies in motion, it sends a wave of desire throughout my entire body in a rush. Tipping my hips back, I push against his thrust. With each slam of his hips against my ass, I have to bite back my cry of pleasure, knowing that the agent is nearby somewhere.

  Landry leans forward slightly, his hand that was gripping my hip slides across my belly and then I feel his fingers against my clit. My thighs start to shake and my eyes widen when he begins to rub circles against me.

  I’m so close, my entire body is vibrating as he brings me closer to my release. It’s hard to breathe, but if he uncovers my mouth, I’ll be far too loud. His fingers move faster, hips pumping harder, and all I can do is watch him.

  He lifts his eyes up to meet mine, his lips curving up into a grin at the sight of my distress, then it happens. It rushes through me far too quickly.

  All of the muscles in my body tighten and then my blood rushes, my entire body from the inside out feels warm as his fingers slow down their movements. He gently caresses me, his hips still pumping in and out of me at the same pace, then he buries himself deep and I hear him let out a groan as he comes.

  His hand falls away from my lips and he buries his face against my neck, his body trembling around me, his breathing coming out in heavy pants against my skin. Licking my lips, I close my eyes and just relish the feeling of the way that I affect him, knowing that he affects me much more intensely.

  “I love you,” I breathe.

  He lifts his head, his eyes finding mine in the reflection of the mirror. “With all this shit, how can you?” he asks.

  Landry’s semi-hard cock is still buried inside of me, we’ve just found a delicious climax, in a strange place and he’s asking me this? Doesn’t he realize that he’s the most exciting man I’ve ever been around?

  Doesn’t he know that I’ve never felt this safe with another person, ever? Doesn’t he know that when I say that I love you, it’s not because he’s perfect, but it’s because that’s just simply how I feel?

  Lifting my hand, I place it behind his head, gripping the hair at the nape of his neck and I tell him all the thoughts that I’ve just had. He shakes his head a couple of times, his gaze never leaving my own.

  “This is the exact reason I don’t deserve you,” he states. “It’s also the reason I’m never letting you go.”

  I hear the real estate agent call our names from the office and my eyes widen. Landry chuckles, pulling out of me. He tugs his pants up, touching his lips to the side of my neck.

  “Clean up, and I’ll distract her.”

  Without another word, he turns from me and I watch him slip out of the bathroom, then hear his shoes as they walk through the rest of the private residence. I have to admit, I’m glad that the place is empty. I think it might be a little odd if someone was living here and we’d done what we just did.

  Once I’m cleaned up, and I’ve attempted to make myself look unrump
led, I head out to Landry and Jamie, the agent. They’re discussing leases and purchase prices as I approach. Without even looking down, Landry slides his arm along my back, his fingers gripping my shoulder as he pulls me even closer against his side.

  “Do you like this building?” he asks.

  He doesn’t look down at me, he’s looking out of the window at the cityscape and I wonder if he likes what he sees. I know that he really loves the view of his office right now, so I’m curious to know if he likes this one as well.

  “It seems really nice,” I say. “What about you? How is the view?”

  He turns his head, his lips twitching into a small smile. “It’s good, honey. It’s also big enough to house all of the staff. It will be a tight squeeze, but even if everyone comes along, we can make it work.”

  Licking my lips, I can’t help but smile up at him. This man, he wants to bring everyone. He’s thinking of his entire company. Not just the big players, but everyone and this is why I love him.

  “What about the childcare center?” I ask.

  He chuckles. “I knew you would ask. Jamie, can we see that space and then we’ll be out of your hair.”

  Without another word, we follow behind Jamie. Of course, she gives me a few glances before we leave. It’s obvious she knows what we were doing up here, it’s also obvious she isn’t going to say shit because the commission on this sale will be a pretty penny and she wants it.

  Landry doesn’t leave my side the rest of the day. After lunch, we pick up Holden and he surprises us by taking us to the aquarium to have a family afternoon. That’s what he called it, too. A family afternoon. I want to pinch myself the entire day, because this is my life. This is really my life and none of it feels real.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Pressing my lips together, I try not to cry, but I fail. The technician swabs Holden’s cheek and now I understand why Landry was insistent about having a full and happy family day. This is an absolute nightmare. What’s worse is that the act isn’t painful at all, it’s knowing what’s to come.

  “Aaron Anderson. That’s his name,” I whisper to myself.

  Landry hears me, I know that he does because his hand takes mine, his fingers lace with my own and he squeezes. Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I try really really hard not to bawl like a baby. I try and I fail. Big fat tears stream down my cheeks.

  “It’s his name, but after this is over with you won’t ever have to think about it again,” Landry murmurs.

  “Won’t I though? Now I know his name. I can’t pretend that he’s some mythical creature, not anymore. It feels like it’s just happened all over again.”

  The pain that flashes in Landry’s eyes causes my stomach to clench. Holden wriggles in my lap, but I hold him firmly while I look at Landry, unable to shift my gaze away from his hurt one. He doesn’t want me to feel this way, just as much as I don’t want to either.

  “We will get through this, honey. Together.”

  I want to believe him. I want to believe him so badly, but I can feel myself slipping. I’m slipping away inside of myself and I don’t know if I’m going to make it back out. Finally, I break eye contact with him and look down at the floor.

  The doctor comes back in to see us, and thankfully the conversation is dropped. He informs me that he should have results back in about five days, maybe earlier, depending on the lab. I thank him and he tells me that we’re free to go.

  Five days.

  Court is in ten days.

  Thankfully, Bash and Hansen will have enough time to work their magic and come up with a way to make sure Aaron Anderson never even lays eyes on Holden. If I had my way, he wouldn’t even know about him. He doesn’t deserve to even know Holden’s name, let alone spend a single moment with him.

  Unfortunately, that bitch Susan decided to play her games. I won’t feel sorry for her when Landry takes all of her employees from her and leaves her with nothing but a company name and an empty building. I hope she cries. She deserves so much worse than that, but karma can dish things out much better than I can and I hope it’s a dish best served cold.

  Landry scoops Holden up in his arms, then holds out his hand for me. I slip my palm in his and he tugs me to my feet. Together we walk out of the clinic and head to the car. I feel exhausted, like I’ve run a marathon even though I haven’t done a damn thing but cry.

  “I’m going to order dinner in tonight, what do you guys want?” Landry asks.

  I shrug a shoulder, not feeling like eating a damn thing, not a single fucking thing. Sinking into the passenger seat of the car, I let Landry get Holden settled, not really paying much attention. I can’t think about anything right now, nothing except the name Aaron Anderson that plays on a loop over and over in my head.

  “Honey,” Landry rasps.

  Turning my head slightly, I look over at him. We’re stopped and I realize that we’re in the garage. I don’t even remember him starting the engine, let alone driving anywhere. Pressing my lips together, I shake my head once, tears filling my eyes again.

  “Go inside, take a long bath. Do you want some wine?”

  I shrug a shoulder. I don’t know what I want. I don’t know anything right now.

  “Want me to call Bethie?” he asks, his voice tentative.

  Shaking my head, I inhale a deep breath and focus my gaze on him. “I’ll be okay. I just need to process this.”

  “I’m here.”

  I love that he is too, because he is right here with me every step of the way and it’s the most beautiful thing that I think I’ve ever witnessed, aside from walking in on him when I had a migraine playing blocks with Holden.

  “I know you are. Let’s just get some dinner and watch a movie?” I suggest.

  He dips his chin in a quick nod. “That sounds good, honey.”

  We do just that. We eat pizza and watch a movie. I don’t even see the movie, I’m just staring at the television, but every now and then I’m brought out of my daze by the stroke of Landry’s fingers as he slides them through my hair, down my arm, or laces them with my own.

  By the time Holden is ready for bed, I am too. My eyes feel like concrete, they’re sore and itchy, and I know that they’re rimmed red and swollen too. After I tuck Holden in, give him a million more kisses than I probably normally do, I shower off quickly and throw on a pair of panties and a tank top.

  Landry is lying in bed waiting for me and even as sexy as he looks, I have zero desire for anything more than a sweet and simple kiss goodnight. Climbing into bed next to him, I curl against his side and rest my cheek against his warm chest.

  His arms circle me, he pulls me closer to his side. His fingers start to play with the ends of my hair that skim my waist and I close my eyes and let out a sigh. I’m exhausted. This day has felt like it’s lasted a lifetime.

  “You know everything is going to be okay, don’t you?” he asks softly.

  “I wish that I did, but I don’t and I’m terrified.”

  There is a moment of silence and I think that maybe he’s fallen asleep, but then I hear him clear his throat.

  “I will fight for you both. Have faith in me, honey. I will fight for the both of you and I always win.”

  Lifting my head, I rest my chin against his chest and look up into his eyes. “Do you?” I ask.

  He smirks. “When I want something. I get it. If you’re thinking of the fact that I allowed Susan to get away with what she did for so long, keep in mind that I did it for the kids, then it just became a routine. I decided on a change and I made that change. I’ve been winning with it all too. Susan thinks she’s got one over on me with this whole thing, but fuck her and fuck that.”

  I love this man.

  I truly do.

  “I’m still terrified.”

  He nods his head once. “I’m sure, but know that I will not rest until this is handled.”

  “Okay,” I breathe.

  His eyes focus on mine and he presses his
lips together before he speaks. His voice is deep and husky, it rumbles through the room and his hand fists the back of my hair, gently tugging my head back.

  Landry’s amber gaze focuses on mine and he looks beyond determined as he watches me. “I will not rest until this is handled, Tennessee. You’re mine, Holden’s mine, and after this is done, the both of you will have my last name.”

  “Landry?” I breathe.

  His lips twitch into a smirk. “You’ll be my wife, honey. He’s already mine. I’m claiming him and you. I love you and I’m too old to fuck around much longer and sit on my ass with this.”

  My entire body trembles. His words. They are… everything. Tears fill my eyes and this time when they fall, it’s out of happiness instead of misery and fear. Inhaling a deep, shaky breath, I let it out with a whoosh.

  “You want to adopt Holden?” I ask on a whisper.

  He snorts. “My heart already has.”

  Without a word, I lift my hand and wrap my fingers around his neck, my eyes focused on his. His gaze flicks to my lips, then back to meet my eyes. His hand on the back of my head applies a bit of pressure, guiding me toward his face.

  When his lips touch mine, everything disappears. All of the fear, all of the pain. The only thing left is pure bliss and hope for the future.

  So much hope.


  It’s been three days.

  I’ve been watching my phone and keeping a pulse on Tennessee almost simultaneously. She’s been a nervous wreck, but attempting to hide it. We’ve had a hell of a lot of sex, and that’s saying a lot for us because we were doing a lot of that before all of this happened anyway.

  My phone dances on my desk and I snatch it up, sliding my thumb across the screen as quickly as possible.


  “Results are in. The clinic will be calling her any second. I just wanted to let you know he is the father. Which is what we expected, right?”

  I suck in a breath, nodding my head as if he can see me. “Yeah,” I croak.


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