Hypocritically Yours: A Standalone Age-Gap Romance

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Hypocritically Yours: A Standalone Age-Gap Romance Page 27

by Hayley Faiman

  “Tennessee, tell me what is going on,” he gently demands.

  Blinking once, I gulp and open my mouth, then snap it closed before I open it again in an attempt to get my words to come out. Finally, on the third attempt, they do.

  “My mom hasn’t been to work for two days. She hasn’t called in. Her boss hasn’t heard from her. Nothing,” I rasp.

  Landry doesn’t say anything right away. He narrows his eyes and purses his lips together. Then he stands to his feet. “I’m sending Hansen to check on her.”

  His words come out in a harsh bark, but all I can do is stare at him. He clears his throat, watching me for just a moment, trying to gauge my reaction to his words. They aren’t a suggestion, they aren’t a demand, he’s just simply stating something to me.

  “Landry, what could have happened to her?” I whisper.

  I see it. It’s only a flash, but that flash is there. It’s bright and bold for just a second before he hides it from me. Fear. He isn’t supposed to be scared, not ever. He is strong and big and beautiful. He is smart and calm, even-tempered, and doesn’t get ruffled. I mean, he found out his wife was a whore for half of his marriage and all he did was drink a little too much.

  Landry doesn’t get scared from what I’ve seen.

  Until right now.

  Until this moment.

  He’s afraid and I’m terrified.

  “Whatever it is, Hansen will find her.”

  Pressing my lips together, I roll them and don’t speak the words aloud that I’m thinking inside of my head. The last thing I need to do is voice the fears that I do have, too scared to have them become a reality.

  Landry touches some buttons on his phone and presses it against his ear. I try to keep my body from trembling, but I fail. I hear him give Hansen orders, then tell him that it’s extremely important and he’ll double his fees before he ends the call.

  Just when I think Landry is going to go back to work, he walks over to me, crouching down in front of me. I feel him take my hands in his and he gently squeezes. Lifting my gaze to meet his, I try not to cry.

  His lips twitch as he looks at me. “We will find Helen, honey. Don’t worry about any of that. We will find her and everything will be okay.”

  Those words, they’re a lie. A hopeful lie, but a lie nonetheless. He doesn’t know if they’re going to find my mom okay or not. He doesn’t know shit and neither do I, and suddenly I feel like the world’s shittiest daughter.

  “I need to go to Oklahoma,” I breathe as I look to the side.

  He squeezes my hands, my attention forced back on him, and I watch him for a beat. He shakes his head once, then cups my cheek. His thumb slides across my bottom lip, his eyes following its path. Then I hear him inhale a deep breath before letting it out on a sigh.

  “Honey,” he murmurs. “No way am I letting you go out there alone, and I need to be here for the transfer that’s about to happen in just a few days.”

  Pressing my lips together, I nod. I understand that he wouldn’t want me to go, but this is my mom. “I have to,” I insist.

  He grunts. “You don’t. Let Hansen get over there, check shit out. As soon as the transfer is all finished, we’ll load up on my plane and head that way.”

  I open my mouth to argue, but freeze with my lips parted. “Your plane?” I ask.

  He chuckles. “Mine.”

  “Wow,” I breathe.

  He lowers his head, his lips brush mine right before he gathers me in his arms and pulls me against his body. He cocoons me, his strong arms hold me and for a moment, everything feels right again.

  But only for a moment.


  Yesterday, I spent the rest of the day and all evening attempting to keep Tennessee’s mind off of her missing mother. It didn’t work, but we were both satisfied before we passed out in sleep. Now, I’m flicking attention from my computer to my phone, wondering when Hansen is going to call me with an update.

  I need to know what’s going on before tomorrow. I need to be on my A-game for tomorrow. I can’t believe that it’s finally here. I’m not only announcing the takeover of Astor Investment, but also, I’ll be announcing the beginning of LoneSTAR Investment Bank.

  Laurent is sitting across from me in my office, we’re about to go over details for tomorrow, along with details about the new venture. All of my major clients have already been notified, personally, by me. The rest will be notified and given the option to switch this week by their case managers.

  “You’re distracted,” he announces.

  Clearing my throat, I lift my gaze to meet his. “I am. Tennessee’s mother is missing. I’ve sent Hansen to Oklahoma to check on her, I haven’t heard an update yet.”


  Nodding my head, I lean back in my chair. “Missing.”

  “Maybe she just took a few days off?”

  Pressing my lips together, I move my head from side to side in a shake. “She missed work, something Tennessee says is completely out of character, also her boss was worried as well. It doesn’t sit right with me, especially after all of the stuff with paternity and custody.”

  “You don’t think that Mom did this, do you?”

  I shrug a shoulder. “I wouldn’t think that your mother would hunt down a rapist and pay him to take a woman to court to gain custody of his child conceived from that rape. But she did.”

  “She did, didn’t she?” he mumbles. “She’s not doing well, Dad. Not at all and I’m not blaming you or anything, I totally get why you left and thought you should have a long fucking time ago, but she is spiraling.”

  “Tennessee said the same thing, about her spiraling. I think you’re right. I just can’t help her.”

  Saying the words makes me feel like a failure. I should be able to help her, I was married to her, I loved her, but the fact is I can’t. She is not the person she was, and I don’t know this version of her and can’t help her.

  “Maybe after all of this settles, I’ll see if she’ll talk to me.”

  I watch my son for a moment, wondering if she’ll talk to him at all after this. I open my mouth to ask him, to give him an out to my plan, but before I can say a word, he lifts his hand, his palm facing me.

  “I know, Dad,” he begins. “I know without a doubt that she is going to be angry with me. She is going to feel betrayed. She is going to feel a lot of things, but I also think that once everything settles, she will see that I am still her son.”

  Nodding my head, I lift my hand and run my palm over my face. “I hope you’re right, Laurent. I am still going to give you an out though. It wouldn’t change anything about your inheritance on my end. Not a single thing if you wanted to stay at Astore Investments and run it with her.”

  Laurent lets out a snort. “She wouldn’t let me do shit, and you know it. She’s going to try to single-handedly do what you do. I’m sure she assumes that since this is a well-oiled machine for you, it will continue to be that way for her.”

  “Should I feel guilty about all of this?” I ask, more to myself than actually to Laurent.

  The answer is simple, but it’s not, all at the same time.

  Should I feel guilty? No.

  Do I feel guilty? Yes.

  Then Laurent speaks. “Dad. We’ve known about Mom’s drinking and her men for years. You weren’t shielding any of us by staying, but then again, you were, weren’t you?”

  “I was,” I admit.

  “We’re adults now. Mom is who she is, but what she is has never been innocent. Nobody is perfect, not even our parents. It’s time for you to find your happiness and you have that with Tennessee. I may not love it, especially since I was trying to get in there before you, but whatever.” He chuckles.

  “You never had a chance,” I snort.

  His lips twitch into a cocky smile. “I could have, if I wanted it bad enough, but as soon as I found out about her kid, I knew that she wouldn’t be cool with a fuck and dash.”

  I growl, unable to hold
back my anger at his words. He laughs a little harder, knowing exactly what it takes to get to me. He winks, telling me it’s far too easy to rile me up these days, then we get down to business.

  I’m thankful for the distraction, knowing that if Laurent weren’t here, I would just be sitting here in his chair watching the phone and waiting for Hansen’s call.

  By the time we finish, both of us feel really good about the meeting coming up and we decide to blow off some steam and go to the club to box for a little while. Kissing Tennessee on the cheek, I let her know where I’ll be for the afternoon and that I’ll return to pick her and Holden up later.

  “Be careful,” she says with a smile.

  “You know I will. If I hear anything, I’ll call you, okay?”

  She nods, knowing exactly what I’m referring to. Turning away from her, I go with Laurent, leaving her at her desk to worry, knowing that right now there is nothing that I can do to ease her mind. Not even an orgasm could do it at this point. What we need is news.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  We didn’t hear anything all day long. Nothing. If I’m not with Holden, I’m pacing and even when I’ve been with him today, I’ve been pacing. I have to know where my mom is. I’m a ball of nerves, my mind going a million miles an hour coming up with a million different scenarios of where she could be and what could have happened to her.

  I hate it.

  I just wish Hansen would freaking call us already.

  Dinner consumed, Holden in bed, Landry working on some last-minute things in his office for the transfer tomorrow and me? I’m pacing in the bedroom.

  “Honey, you’re going to wear a hole in that floor.”

  Looking down, I snort, then lift my gaze to meet his. “It may look like wood, Landry, but it’s tile. There won’t be a hole.”

  His lips twitch into a small smile as he steps into the room, closing the door behind him, and my breath hitches when I hear the lock click into place. “Landry,” I hiss.

  “He called me.”

  “And you locked the door because?”

  “Because I’m afraid you’re going to attempt to sprint out of here and run when I need you to stay here for a few more days, then we can go together.”

  “Landry,” I whimper, my lips trembling.

  He shakes his head. “She wasn’t there. Everything was in its place. No blood, no sign of a struggle.”

  “But she’s not there. Her house is empty?” I ask.

  He nods his head once. “Her purse is there, her phone is on the counter, her car is in the garage.”

  “If that bitch hurts her, I’ll kill her,” I snap.

  Landry closes the distance between us completely, he reaches out, wrapping his fingers around my waist and tugs me against his chest in one quick tug. Lifting my hands, I place my palms against his chest to brace myself as my head tips back to look up into his amber-colored eyes.

  He looks just as worried as I feel and I know that this isn’t good. None of this is good at all. Inhaling a deep breath, I let it out with a sigh.

  “You won’t have to hurt her, honey, because I will destroy her,” he growls.

  He’s intense and he’s never looked more beautiful. Lifting my hand, I cup his cheek, feeling his beard against my hand. Rising to my toes, I close my eyes and touch his lips with my own. He growls as my tongue slides across the seam of his lips.

  Then his grip on my waist tightens and he picks me up. I’ve already showered and am only wearing panties and a tank top. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I grip his shoulders and grind myself against the hardening length beneath his slacks.

  His head tilts to the side, his lips find mine and I open for him. His tongue slides through my mouth and I can’t hold back the moan as he consumes me. Everything about Landry is more than I ever imagined possible in a man.

  When my back slams against the wall, I feel my breath escape me in a gasp. Landry swallows that gasp, then his lips travel down my neck. His beard scratches my skin and I wonder if I’ll turn pink from the roughness. I hope that I do, I love it when he marks my skin.

  I feel his hand between my legs, he wrenches the center of my panties to the side and then his fingers fill me in one quick motion. I’m wet, so wet that they slide right in, but they still stretch me and I cry out. It feels so naughty with my panties still on, but I love it.

  My nails dig into his shoulder, no doubt scoring him even through his shirt. His fingers pump in and out of me, over and over until it’s too much to take. I want so much more from him, I want everything and I want it now.

  “Landry, please,” I exhale.

  “Please what?” he demands against my throat.

  “God, please Landry, I need you.”

  He hums, his fingers continuing their delicious assault. He doesn’t give me more though, he doesn’t even touch my clit with his thumb. He has me wanting, needing, craving more from him. I am on edge, so close to losing my shit.

  “Honey, tell me what you need,” he rasps against my neck, his teeth scraping my skin.

  My entire body trembles and I let out a shaky breath. Closing my eyes, I let my head fall back against the wall with a thump. He curls his fingers inside of me, adding to his delightful torture. His free hand lifts and yanks the top of my tank down, exposing my bare breasts.

  His fingers move so hard, pumping in and out that my breasts shake and my back and head thump against the wall with each thrust. Gripping his shoulders tighter, I slide my hands down to his chest and grip his shirt, lifting my head.

  “Landry,” I snap.

  He lifts his eyes from my bouncing breasts, his lips curving into a shit-eating grin because he knows he’s getting exactly what he wants. And that’s fine. He should always get what he wants from me, because I love giving it to him.

  But two can play at this little game. My hips roll against his hand, wishing that I could have just a light touch against my clit. Deciding to literally take things into my own hands, my own lips curve up into a grin.

  Lifting my head, I lean forward and touch my lips against his. I breathe against his mouth, whimpering against him as my hand slides between us and I start to treat myself to the touch that I crave.

  Landry grunts, then pulls his head away from me and tilts his chin down, looking between us. “Fuck yeah, honey. Make that pussy come for me.”

  My lips curve up into a grin and I do just that. I cry out in pleasure as I bring myself the much-needed relief. But even as my body sings, I know it isn’t enough, I need so much more. And I know that only he can give it to me, and he will only give it to me when I give him what he wants.

  He hums, turning us around after removing his hand from between my legs. When we’re at the bed, he slowly lowers me onto the edge of the bed.

  “What do you need, Tennessee?”

  “Everything,” I exhale.

  He chuckles. “You got it. But right now, what do you need?”

  Leaning forward, I sink my teeth into his bottom lip and tug lightly on him. He lets out a small grunt, then he slowly releases his hold on me and stands up. He watches me from his position, his lids lowered as his chest rises and falls with his panting breaths.

  I grin up at him, watching as he slowly strips out of his clothes. I love how he looks when he’s naked. I didn’t think a man could be so damn attractive, but Landry is, every square inch of him. His lips curve up into a grin and he shakes his head.

  “Tell me, Tennessee.”

  Swallowing, I bite the inside of my cheek for just a moment before I look up at him. I’m not really a dirty talker, I’m much too shy, but something about being with him makes me feel bolder—brave. So, I decide to just say what I need. Tell him exactly what I’m thinking.


  “I want you to fuck me, Landry,” she says, her voice so low it’s almost a whisper. My cock twitches from her words. “I want you to slam into me, bruise me, and make me ache. I want you to own me.”


  This is it.

  This is the time.

  The ring is in my nightstand and this is the last night it will remain there, because before this evening is through, it will be on her finger and I will own her. Every fucking piece of her will belong to me before I’m through with Tennessee Bradley.

  She has been made for me, created and molded just for me. I don’t know how it happened, how she found me just when I needed her most. But she did and I’ll never let her go, not ever.

  Reaching out to her, I step closer to the edge of the bed. Wrapping my hands around the backs of her knees, I flip her onto her back. Yanking her panties off, I watch as she strips out of her tank top.

  “Beautiful,” I rasp, reaching out, I place my hand on the center of her belly. “Soon my baby will be here.”

  She rises to her elbows and I hear her hitch of breath as my hand slides up the center of her torso, until I wrap my fingers around the front of her throat. Looking into her eyes, I lick my lips at the sight of my hand around her slim throat.

  “Would you want that? Children with me?”

  Her mouth curves up into a smile. “Yeah, I think I really would.”

  “Spread,” I gently demand.

  Her legs widen without hesitation. I clear my throat as I tip my chin and look down at the apex of her thighs. She’s wet and ready, pink and perfect. Aligning myself with her center, I slowly push inside of her, watching myself sink into her warmth.

  Once I’m completely buried into her pussy, only then do I lift my gaze and look into her eyes. She’s still perched on her elbows. Her legs spread, her fingers gripping the bedding, her lids lowered as she watches.

  Leaning forward, I flex my fingers around her neck, my lips brushing hers. I don’t move yet, my cock deep inside of her as she trembles. She wants me to move, probably needs it, but I am going to make her wait for just a moment longer.

  “You want to be fucked by your man?” I ask against her mouth.

  Officially, I’ve never called myself that. I’m a little old to have a girlfriend, even a woman, but that’s who she is to me.


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