Hypocritically Yours: A Standalone Age-Gap Romance

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Hypocritically Yours: A Standalone Age-Gap Romance Page 28

by Hayley Faiman


  My woman.

  “Yes, please,” she rasps. “I want that. I want you.”

  I hum, pulling out of her slightly and slamming back in with one swift move. She cries out softly, her thighs shaking. Releasing her throat, I shift my grip around to the back of her head. Twisting my finger’s in her hair, I tug her head back, exposing her throat to me.

  “You don’t get to watch, honey. You’re going to just feel,” I state.

  She moans, her head pulled so far back that she can’t quite speak. Lifting my other hand, I wrap my fingers around her hip. Only then do I pull out of her again and thrust back inside. This time, I don’t stop.

  I fuck her in hard, slow, even strokes. Every downstroke, I grind against her aching clit. My eyes are downcast as I focus on the way I move in and out of her. The way her pussy coats my cock with her wetness.

  It’s beautiful. Everything about her is, but this, especially this is breathtaking.

  The room is filled with nothing but moans of pleasure, grunts, and slapping skin. It’s music. The best kind of music. My heart races as I continue to give her exactly what she wants and needs.

  A little of the pain that she craves is for her, the rest that she wants is to help her forget about her mother for a moment. I can give that to her and I will for as long as she’ll let me in this life. I can feel her pussy flutter around me and I know that she’s close.

  That knowledge alone has my back tingling and my balls drawing up, ready to spill inside of her. I start to move faster, keeping my pace punishing and bruising. When she does fall over the edge, it’s with a scream and her entire body starts to jerk and shake beneath me. I only have to pump my hips a few times before I still and my release fills her sweet body.

  Staying frozen, my hand in her hair, my other one wrapped around her waist, I shake above her, my knees seconds from giving out. My hand leaves her hair first, then slowly I lift my eyes from our connection and look into her face.

  Her features are soft, her lips turned up into a smile that I’m not sure she realizes she’s even wearing. Then she releases the bedding and lifts one of her palms to cup my cheek as she so often does.

  “I love you, Landry Astor.”

  This is the moment.

  Without saying a word, my dick softening, but still buried inside of her, I tug the dresser drawer open and find the box. Releasing her waist, I open it then turn to face her, tilting it down so that she can see inside of the box.

  “Marry me, honey.”

  Her eyes widen and she gasps, when she lifts her hand to her mouth, that’s when I lose her warmth. Deciding to get into the bed next to her, I sit down beside her, box open as she stares at it with wide eyes.

  “Tennessee?” I ask on a nervous chuckle.

  Finally, she lowers her hand from her mouth and shakes her head as tears stream down her face. She’s smiling, crying, and shaking her head, so I have no clue what she’s going to say next, but what she does causes my entire body to soar.

  “A million times, yes, Landry. A million times yes.”

  Chapter Forty


  Opening my eyes, I glance down and grin at the sight of my ring on Tennessee’s finger, winking at me as the sun rises. Her palm is lying flat on my chest. She wriggles her fingers as if she knows that I’m awake and watching her. Then, slowly her head lifts and her eyes find mine.

  “Morning,” I mutter, looking into her green gaze.

  She smiles, her lips turning up as she watches me for a moment. Then she wiggles her fingers again. “It feels weird and heavy,” she whispers. “Oh, morning.”

  I laugh at her observation and then at her afterthought of telling me good morning. Rolling over, my body hovering over hers, I grunt when she spreads her legs and I feel her warmth against my dick.

  Dipping my chin, I touch my mouth to hers. She lifts her hips as soon as my tongue slides into her mouth. I moan against her lips, she swallows the sound as my hips roll. Her pussy is warm from sleep and I slide against her wetness, coating my cock with her.

  Tennessee wraps her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my hips as she continues to rub herself against me. Her hips are grinding against mine and my dick begins to ache. Shifting backward, I align myself with her center and slowly sink inside of her.

  Her head falls back once I’m completely seated inside, a low groan escaping her lips. Sliding my hands down her thighs, I wrap my fingers around the cheeks of her ass and hold her against me as I continue to roll my hips, grinding against her with each and every stroke.

  “Cup your tits, honey,” I softly demand.

  Her hands leave my shoulders and she does exactly what I ask. She cups her tits and then I watch as she rolls and tugs on her nipples as I move inside of her. It’s sexy as fuck, just like she is.

  I watch as she goes from cool and calm to a whimpering, writhing mess beneath me. She squeezes her tits hard, tugging on her erect rosy nipples. My thrusts become just as erratic. And when her body begins to tremble, I know that she’s close. Her orgasm rolls through her, her muscles tense and then she slowly relaxes on a long sigh.

  “Quit taking whatever birth control you’re on. Next time I’m inside of you, I want nothing between us, absolutely nothing.”

  She gasps, then I feel her palms against my chest. “We aren’t married and my mom…” Her words trail off.

  “Once things are figured out with her. When she’s back and safe, we’re getting married immediately. Something small, just the family?”

  She nods her head. “I would like that. Just my mom, Lucinda, Laurent, and Lawrence, maybe Bethie, too?”

  I hum. “Yeah. I like that.”

  “No more birth control, honey.”

  “After we find my mom,” she compromises.

  Sliding my lips across hers, I grin. “After we find Helen.”

  I’m smiling because although we don’t know exactly where she is right now, Hansen is on it. And I know without a doubt he’s working with some detectives in Oklahoma to locate her. Hopefully after this meeting today, we’ll be heading on the plane out there to welcome her home.

  I can hope, at least if nothing else.

  The darker side of me wonders if she will ever be found or the exact condition that she will be in when she is. I don’t want to believe that this has to do with Susan, but the timing is what’s flashing in my head that this has her name written all over it, or at least her money.

  Tennessee lifts her head, touching her mouth to mine, then slides her tongue across my bottom lip. I let out a grunt as I push off of her. Her breath hitches as I slip from her body and I can’t help but twitch my lips into a smile, knowing that I affect her as much as she does me.

  Sitting up on the side of the bed, I look over my shoulder at her. She’s lying in the bed, her body naked and on display for me. Reaching for her hand, I hold it in mine, looking down at her ring.

  “Do you like it?” I ask.

  “Like it?” She practically chokes as she sits straight up.

  I can’t help but glance down at her tits, wishing I would have tasted them earlier.

  She looks down, following my gaze, then shifts her gaze back up to meet mine. “Do you have it in you for some shower fun?” she asks.

  “You think I’m a teenager, don’t you?” I grunt.

  She laughs softly, reaching for my dick. The diamond of her engagement ring sparkles in the sunlight as she gently glides her hand over my cock. Her lips touch the shell of my ear in a soft kiss before she speaks.

  “I think that you’re much younger than your age and that you’re the only man I’ve ever been with that can satisfy me. I also think that I can work you back up.”

  “Can you?” I ask on a grunt.

  She hums. “You know that I can.”

  Turning slightly, I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to the bathroom. She attempts to force me to put her down, claiming she’s too heavy, but I ignore her. Instead, I keep her
in my arms even after I’ve started the water.

  Once we’re inside of the warmth of the steamy shower, only then do I set her down to her feet and much to my delight, she sinks to her knees immediately, her gaze focused on mine the entire way down.

  She does just as she promises. She works me back up, her hand between her legs, her mouth around my dick, bobbing her head as she watches me the entire time. It doesn’t take long, just as she predicted.

  Wrapping my hands beneath her armpits, I pick her up and turn her around, placing my hand at the middle of her back to position her the way that I want her. She doesn’t argue with me at all, instead she tips her hips, spreads her legs, and sighs as I guide myself inside of her wet heat.

  “You were already close,” I state.

  She hums, “I was.”

  “Touch yourself. I’m not going to last long. That mouth of yours is too fucking good, but this cunt is even better.”

  “God. You are so dirty.” She laughs as I feel her slip her hand between her legs.

  Her fingers reach farther than just to her clit, she cups my balls, causing me to moan. She squeezes them gently as she pushes back against my thrust. Wrapping one of my hands around her hip, the other I wrap firmly around the back of her neck and squeeze, holding her body still.

  Only then do I fuck her. It’s hard and faster, her fingers moving to the rhythm of her choice and when her panting becomes even louder than the sounds of our wet slapping skin, that’s when I know that she’s close.

  I want to plant my baby inside of her so fucking bad that I can’t stand it. I’ve never felt this need to fill a woman with my child quite like this before. I want Tennessee pregnant and I want to keep her that way for as long as she’ll let me. I want babies filling our house, our babies.

  Releasing my hold on her neck, I stay inside of her for as long as possible, she looks back over her shoulder at me, her fingers still between her legs. When her nails drag across my balls in a light scrape, I let out a groan.

  “Fuck,” I rasp as I gently slide from her body. “That ring is pretty on your finger,” I murmur, reaching out to touch her ring as her palm is still flat against the bathroom wall.

  Slowly, she turns around to look at me with a smile playing on her lips. “It really is, but not just because it’s crazy huge, but also just because you’re the one who gave it to me.”

  Reaching out, I wrap my hands around her and tug her against my chest. Tilting my head to the side, I press my lips against hers in a closed mouth firm kiss.

  “Thank you,” I say as I lift my head.

  Her lips press together and she shakes her head once. “For what?”

  My lips twitch. “For just being you. I’m happy.”


  Today is going to be stressful for many reasons. The first one being this takeover and transition. Secondly, because I have been waiting for Hansen to call with an update since learning of my mom’s apparent disappearance yesterday.

  Then there’s what Landry said to me in the shower today. It’s been playing on a loop inside of my head nonstop. I feel like I’m in a dream state.

  For just being you. I’m happy.

  I feel the exact same way.

  Bethie lifts her hand in a wave as I take Holden to childcare. Dropping him off today feels odd. This is the last time he’ll be in this building, in this room. Some of these children may not be in the new office and that stings a little. Though I know that he will be okay, it’s just all this change has me a little anxious still.

  “Come here,” Bethie hisses as soon as I make my way out of the childcare center and start to walk toward the elevator banks.

  Landry has already gone up to his office to gather everything that he needs. Usually we do drop off and ride up the elevator together, but today is different, and I urged him to get started without me, I could tell he was just as anxious, if not more, than me.

  “What the fuck is that?” she breathes.

  I look at her and notice that she’s staring down at the counter. Shifting my gaze, I follow hers until I realize that she’s looking at my ring.

  My ring.

  It’s gorgeous.

  It’s a huge emerald cut solitaire on a rose gold band. It’s sparkling and stands out on my hand, I think it would stand out on anyone’s hand.

  She reaches for my hand, tugging it across the counter as she studies my finger. “That has to be at least two carats,” she snaps.

  I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, remembering what Landry said last night. Clearing my throat, I debate on telling her, but decide that I have to. Bethie won’t stop until she knows the size.

  “It’s actually three-point-five-one.”

  “Fuck me,” she breathes.

  “I thought you were going to ask me about the company-wide meeting today,” I say as I tug my hand from her grasp.

  She lifts her eyes to meet mine, a smirk playing on her lips. “Laurent told me before… you know. Before he stopped talking to me.” Her words are just a whisper at the end of her sentence, and I hate that. I’m so happy and she looks absolutely miserable.


  She lifts her hand and waves it, as if to wave the bad memories and feelings away. “I’m more interested in that ring,” she retorts.

  Laughing softly, I tell her that Landry proposed, but I don’t tell her the details. Those are ours. She listens as I tell her about Landry wanting to try for a baby immediately and get married as soon as possible. Her lips turn up in a smile. Then she clears her throat.

  “I think that sounds like a dream come true.”

  “It does feel like a dream, but it also feels like I’m still sleeping,” I whisper.

  Chapter Forty-One


  Once I’ve gathered all of my files, I call Tennessee into my office. The meeting is set for twenty minutes from now, and if I know Susan, and I do, she’ll be twenty minutes late. So, we have about forty minutes until she graces us with her presence.

  Tennessee makes her way inside. Immediately my gaze catches her ring and I grin. I’m glad she didn’t try to hide it from the office today. I love seeing it on her finger.

  “Make sure you bring your phone and iPad today. I’d like you to set up your phone to record the entire meeting.”

  She nods, hurrying back out of my office, no doubt to grab her things. When I have everything that I need, I begin to make my way out to her. Today’s meeting will be in the largest conference room that the building has.

  It still won’t fit all of the employees, but I’m going to have all of the management staff inside of the room and hopefully they’ll be able to send news traveling down to everyone who needs to hear it.

  News that is of me opening up a new office and offering everyone an immediate job.

  It’s no doubt going to be a stressful day, but somehow this stress doesn’t even compare to what I feel about Helen being gone and Hansen not calling me with an update. No news with him, in this situation, doesn’t necessarily mean good news.

  I don’t think I’ve been this worried about another person since Laurent took off on a backpacking trip around Europe when he was twenty years old. He shaved at least ten years off of my life with that stunt.

  “Landry?” Julie asks.

  Tipping my chin, I look down at her. Lifting my lips in a grin, I jerk my chin. “We’re almost in the clear,” I say.

  She snorts. “Ding dong, the witch is gone.”

  Tennessee appears next to me, her iPad and phone in hand. “Have you heard anything?” she asks on a whisper.

  “I haven’t, honey, I’m sorry.”

  She nods her head, inhaling a deep breath and squaring her shoulders. Together with Julie at our side, we make our way toward the conference room. It’s not a long journey, it’s just one floor beneath us, but the ride on the elevator is silent, no doubt all three of us locked inside of our own heads.

  When we walk inside, I notice that Bash is already set up in the cente
r of the long conference room table. He lifts his head, his eyes finding mine. I see the moment he notices Tennessee’s ring as we approach. His lips form a thin line and he shakes his head once.

  “I don’t want to hear it,” I say.

  He snorts. “I’m sure you don’t. But if I were you, I would have her take that gigantic beacon off before Susan arrives.”

  Tennessee’s breath hitches. “Oh, I didn’t even think about it,” she murmurs.

  I watch as she quickly and shakily removes her engagement ring. I can’t help the wave of anger that slides through me at the sight of her taking the ring off of her finger. Holding out my hand, I clear my throat and dip my chin in silent instruction for her to place the ring in my palm.

  When she does, I close my hand tightly, dipping my chin, I look down into her eyes. “This will be the one and only time this comes off of your pretty finger.”

  My words leave zero room for argument. Tennessee doesn’t take offense to my harsh tone, instead her lips curve up into a grin. She leans forward, touching her mouth to mine in a soft and quick kiss.

  “Sounds like a plan, baby.”

  It’s only the second time she’s called me baby and I find that I love it. Each time has been a gift and I know she’s meant them. She doesn’t do throwaway nicknames and that is one of the many things that I love about her.

  Shoving the ring in my pocket, I clear my throat and take a seat out for her. Once she’s securely tucked in, I sit down in the seat between her and Bash. The room starts to fill up with employees and I can’t help but notice that every single one of them looks worried and nervous.

  Not only is the room full of people, you can taste their anxiety at the same time. Laurent appears about five minutes late, as is his way, and takes the seat next to Tennessee. He doesn’t say anything to her.

  Shifting my gaze to him, I wonder which way he is going to go. He says he’s going to go with me, but I wouldn’t blame him for staying here. I have no doubt that after a few weeks, Susan will lose interest in the fact that she doesn’t have the ability to run this company and she’ll give it to him to manage.


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