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Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1)

Page 8

by JF Holland

  “Jill, it’s just a restaurant, I chose it only on the quality of their food. If you are not happy here, then we won’t come again. Just give it a chance. I told you, stop being a snob.” With that he reached over the table and stayed her hand with his own, which had again come off her lap and was messing with her cutlery. She was in such a state; she’d not even realised she’d moved it from her lap.

  “I know that I do, but Leo, I don’t earn enough in a week to pay for a meal here.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “I can’t afford to pay my half of the bill,” she hissed in embarrassment.

  Frowning, Leonard sat back, watching her broodingly. He stroked the back of her hand, unconsciously, before turning it over and rubbing over the pulse in her wrist to soothe her.

  “I don’t expect you to pay for your meal,” he told her, really not sure what was going on here.

  Why would she think he’d expect her to pay, when he’d brought her?

  “Leo, it’s the twenty-first-century, women pay their own way.”

  “But I invited you?” He couldn’t grasp what her problem was.

  “Yes you did, but I’d still like to go halves with the bill, it makes me feel like I’m contributing.

  “You can buy next time,” he told her with a smile. “You can, choose,” he swallowed at that one and he watched her eyes light with laughter.

  “I can so see you happy sat in the local Chinese with a family sharing platter,” she laughed.

  “Stop being a snob,” he growled. Her eyebrow rose at this, her head taking in the room around them and his shoulders dropped.

  “Fine, it’s pretentious, but I like the food, so shoot me,” he pouted.

  “Okay, posh boy, I’ll eat my meal.” She relented, but when he grinned at winning she added on. “Don’t forget, I get to choose next time.”

  “Good,” he told her, squeezing her hand, happy now he’d gotten her to relax. Then he released her hand and sat back as their waiter arrived bottle in hand, waiting for him to inspect the label. Jill rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, deciding to enjoy the one-off experience at being among the rich at play.

  “Very good, thank you,” Leonard told the waiter with a nod, putting his glass down after taking a sip. The waiter then went on to fill up both glasses and left the bottle on the table. Jill looked at his retreating back and then the bottle on the table, a frown on her face.


  “Yes,” he asked, taking another sip with a sigh.

  “Where’s the ice bucket?”

  “It’s red wine,” he replied, twirling the dark liquid in his glass. His right hand going to his pocket to grab his flask, but, bollocks, his pocket was empty.

  “And that makes a difference?”

  “Yes,” he told her distractedly as he tried to think about where it could be. “Red wine is served at room temperature; especially a full-bodied burgundy, or it spoils the taste.”

  Jill tried not to feel stupid for not knowing how you drank different wines. She distracted herself by watching Leo, her brow wrinkling as he pushed his chair back and began searching the floor around the table.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, it’s fine, I just thought I’d dropped something,” Leonard told her, with wry smile as he tried to figure out where his hip flask of blood could have gone.

  He’d had it on him at the theatre, while they’d watched the ballet. He’d also had it as he’d handed Jill into the car, but he wasn’t sure if it had still been in there as he’d driven off.

  He was an idiot.

  Why had he not checked? Especially as he’d had wine and was about to eat. Granted, he’d ordered raw steak, or nearly raw anyway, but it wouldn’t suffice. His stomach was already beginning to cramp, so he knew he wouldn’t last without blood. He’d have to bite a donor, it was the only way, but Jill’s next words pulled him out of his own panicked thoughts. Then he realised that if he took a donor; while she was around, she’d take it as a snub. Especially if she saw a female draped over him in the throes of an orgasm. Bollocks, this had disaster written all over it.

  What was he going to do?

  “Are you sure you’re okay, is there anything I can do to help?”

  Leonards eyes jumped to Jill’s, then dropped to her neck, the carotid artery there, positively pulsing beneath her skin. His fangs throbbed at the thought of piercing it, especially as he listened to her heartbeat speed up. As his eyes slowly roamed over her body, her breathing became faster, her chest rising and falling noticeably. Then he thought about the sound she’d make as she came with his teeth embedded in her neck.

  Fuck, he was instantly hard.

  “How about a bite,” he grinned, flashing his fangs.

  Jill, rolled her eyes. “Really, Leo, you need to drop the whole Dracula act. I know it’s a family trait, so you can’t fool me,” he grinned at her, but it cost him, the cramps becoming uncomfortable. “What I would really like to know is why women find you irresistible?”

  “You don’t find me irresistible,” Leonard pouted. He played it up trying to cover his discomfort as he acted as if he was mentally wounded by her words.

  “You are a very good looking man…”

  “Why thank you,” he told her fluttering his lashes with a grin.

  “Yeah, pretend modesty doesn’t work. What I don’t understand is why women flock to you though, it’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.” Leonard sat back in his chair and decided to see if he could work this to his advantage.

  “Maybe it’s the orgasms,” he murmured with a smirk, mouth kicking up at one side.

  “Excuse me, did you just say, orgasms,” Jill whispered, leaning over the table. “As in, plural?”

  Leonard groaned low in his throat as he heard Jill’s heart rate pick up and her breathing change. As he watched, her cheeks flushed with colour as the blood rushed through her veins.

  “As in plural, yes.”

  “Not all the time, surely?”

  “Every time,” he enunciated, picking his glass up and taking a sip as he watched her over the top.

  “But that…”

  “It is possible, I can assure you.”

  “But not all women can…”

  “They do with me,” he informed her, savouring the bouquet of not only his wine, but the ripening of Jill’s own natural scent. It was so heady now, it was as if fresh rain had fallen on honeysuckle and then the sun had come out warming it, the fragrance thick in the air. His nostrils flared and he dropped his lashes, trying to hide the way his pupils would swirl as his own arousal made itself know. That was one of the reasons he always took his women from behind, he’d never made love to a woman face to face. With Jill, the idea intrigued him.” Then his face fell as he remembered the terms of the deal that Luc had set out.

  Bollocks, no sex.

  This was only their second date, he had to take her out 5-times before he could lose himself in her body. Was he considering seeing her after the terms had been met? And to his utter shock, he found that yes, he was.

  After his sulk fest, this afternoon, he’d found himself doing a search of possible venues for dates; which was something he’d never done before. There were so many places he wanted to take her, so many things he wanted to show her. He wanted to spend more time with her and really get to know her. She intrigued him. He found it exhilarating to spend time with her and not have to listen to her internal thoughts and fears constantly being broadcasted to him.


  “How what?” he asked.

  “How can you guarantee it?” Jill asked, and he raised a brow making her blush. Putting down his wine glass, Leonard pushed back his chair and slowly stood, circling the table and then taking a seat beside her.

  The waiter arrived, and Leonard spoke without breaking eye contact with Jill.

  “Can you just give us a minute, please?”

  “Of course sir,” the penguin murmured, discreetly leaving t
hem alone.

  “Leo, what are you doing?” Jill whispered, looking around her nervously.

  “Eyes on me,” Leonard told her. “No one is interested in what we are doing,” he informed her, lifting a hand and stroking over her throat.

  “Leo, what are you doing?” she whispered, breathlessly, you can’t mean to…”

  He nodded with a raise of his brow, holding her gaze and letting her see his eyes darken to purple. His pupils expand and her breath hitched.


  “I can make you cum with just my mouth on your neck,” he told her. “Although I’d love nothing more than taking my time undressing you before you I fucked you on a bed, I’m not really into exhibitionism. For now, I can relax you enough to enjoy your meal and prove my point. All with nothing more than my mouth on your neck,” he informed her. He breathed the words against her ear, his tongue stroking over the lobe. His teeth nipped and her chest rose, a flush rising up her skin as her breathing became harsher.

  “I can make you feel so good, and no one will know. May I, Jill, will you let me show you?” His other hand dropped to her hands that were presently twisting in agitation in her lap. Threading his fingers with hers, his thumb drew circles on her thigh, a growl rumbling from his throat as he felt her tremble beneath his light caress. He trailed kisses from her ear to the corner of her mouth, delicately nipping her, but being careful not to nick her with his fangs. His tongue stroking over her bottom lip, but not penetrating and devouring her mouth how he wanted. He would not put a show on for the other diners, this was private, she was his. The thought should shock him, but just now, he was more interested in obtaining what he needed, but at the same time it would allow him to offer her pleasure. Weirdly enough, doing that was more important to him than the unpleasant cramping in his stomach. He turned himself slightly, his back blocking out what the other diners would be able to see. Now, to an onlooker, it would just look as if they were having an intimate conversation. Their table was in the corner, the alcove offering some seclusion and privacy. There was also a pillar, and as this table was at the far end of the restaurant; with nothing but an emergency exit, no one needed to pass them. If he brought a companion, he usually chose a more central table, as this was his respite one. Over the many years he’d dined here, this was the place he chose to sit when he wanted to eat in peace.

  “Leo, what are you doing?” Jill mumbled, against his lips.

  “Obviously, not doing it right if you can still speak,” he drawled. “Now relax for me. Close your eyes and just feel, I give you my word that you are safe, no one will notice a thing.” Leonard murmured the words against her mouth, his breath making the delicate skin tingle. He gave her one last chaste kiss to her lips, then moved to the tip of her nose, and each eyelid, making sure they were closed. Satisfied, he trailed his lips across her forehead. His hand moving from her throat to the back of her head, removing the clips and loosening her chignon. Groaning as her hair unravelled and dropped down over his hand, stopping just below her shoulders in a curtain of caramel and dark chocolate silk. He sifted his fingers through the shiny stands, brushing it back off her throat as his lips moved to her ear. “Relax,” he breathed against the shell of her ear.

  The sounds of the diners eating around them faded as Leonard heard Jill’s breathing hitch. His senses now tuning to hers, he was aware of when her chest rose and fell as her fears overtook her. The harsh movement pushing her breasts against his chest, her nipples so tight; he could feel the distended tips through the material of his shirt and her dress. “If we weren’t here I’d undress you and feast on your breasts before I took your throat. A little bite adds to the pleasure, especially when performed on a sensitive nipple” he told her, groaning as her scent intensified. Her arousal strengthened her natural scent, giving the honeysuckle a smoky undertone. Her fingers reflexively tightened on his own, as if to hold him to her and curiosity won out as he pulled back slightly to watch her. His eyes roaming over her face, taking in the changes in her features. She had shadows beneath her eyes caused from where her lashes feathered over her cheek bones in the candlelight.

  Arousal brought a delicate pink flush to her skin, up the length of her neck and into her face, giving it a natural glow. He watched the way her chest inflated with each breath she took, the sound overloud to his sensitive hearing. He threaded his hands into her hair, gripping and holding her still as he took a calming breath, leaning into her. First, he kissed her throat, then licked up its length, circular motions, moving closer to his target. Once he reached the carotid artery, he felt the vein beating double time. Beneath the pressure of his tongue, he felt how it matched her respiration, a rapid tattoo like a heartbeat. Without further thought, he bit down, his fangs breaking through the surface. Groaning against her skin, Leonard savoured the way it gave way and then snugly fit over his incisors, cocooning them as they sank into that life-giving vein. Her hand tightened on his own, her nails digging into the skin of his, where they lay entwined on her thigh.

  She gasped, her breath leaving her in a rush, her heart stuttered for a beat, then began to speed up to a rapid tattoo. Her moan low and throaty as Leonard sucked on her skin, taking more blood. He quickly let go of her hair and brought his hand up around the back, over her throat to her mouth, covering it with his palm. Turning further, his shoulders curled inwards, protecting and keeping her out of sight of the others as her orgasm hit. He heard her suck in a harsh breath, then another moan left her, the sound sending a frisson of heat down the length of his spine. She hissed from between her clenched teeth, the rush of air tingling the skin of his palm where he covered her mouth.

  Sucking stronger at her vein, Leonard took more from her, easing the cramps in his stomach. Her legs trembled beneath their clasped hands as her orgasm continued, making her undulate beneath him, her hips rising. He held her, giving her hand a warning squeeze to hold still as he slowly pulled back his head; extracting his teeth. He didn’t want her moving, because if she did he’d cause damage to her neck. Stroking his tongue over the area to remove any trail of blood, before sucking and sealing the wound. He then took his hand from over her mouth, moving it to the back of her head, cradling her shaking body with his own as she came down, her shaking lessening.

  “I’ve got you,” Leonard whispered against Jill’s hair. Chin resting on her head as he waited for her to come down, a hand stroking up and down her back. His teeth ground together as his erection throbbed, pushing painfully against the fly of his suit pants, making sitting uncomfortable. He needed to readjust himself, but a little discomfort was such a small price to pay for the gift he’d just received.

  Jill leaned weakly against Leonard, trying to get her breath back.

  “I’m… erm…”

  “Hey, are you okay?” Leonard asked pushing himself back, holding her at arm’s length, but she wouldn’t meet his enquiring gaze. “Jill, come on, look at me,” Leonard coaxed, a finger beneath her chin.

  Eyes squeezed tightly shut, she blew out an embarrassed breath before slowly opening them. His concern, obvious, by the frown he presently wore.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Hmm, yes… that was…”

  His frown cleared, a smug grin taking its place. She growled, with a combination of embarrassment and annoyance as she pushed him back from her, hoping to wipe that smug look from his face.

  “Okay, yes, you have a talented mouth, kudos to you. Now, I see why you are so popular,” her lips twisted in derision.

  “I think I’m offended.”


  “You don’t look very happy,” he frowned, watching the way her eyes bounced around. Her, high, flushed colour vanishing, as she turned white, losing all colour as he scrutinised her.

  “You just made me c….” she cleared her throat and one of his eyebrows rose as he silently waited.

  “Use your words Jill. Come on, I know you can,” he murmured playfully, a smile playing around his mouth, beautiful eyes alight with
mischief in silence.

  “Fine,” she hissed in annoyance. you just made me cum in a restaurant full of people. Christ, I feel so stupid,” she hissed, shaking her head.

  “Hey, what are you talking about?” his humour turned to concern as he stared at her.

  “I’m no better than those bloody bimbo’s that follow you around like puppies,” she growled in disgust.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m exactly like your little cheerleading squad, a push over. I can’t believe I allowed you to do that. Anyone could have seen me,” her horrified eyes quickly darting around to the other diners.

  “No one saw a thing, I covered you,” but she ignored Leonard assurance and kept ranting.

  “I feel such an idiot. Just another conquest to add to your collection. God, it must be getting very full now,” she spat bitterly, with a shake of her head.

  “What are you talking about?” Leonard asked, perplexed and unable to follow her rambling.

  “Your bedpost,” she sneered. “It must be really scratched up with all your conquests.”

  “Now, I think I am offended,” he ground out. “I did not take you to bed. I didn’t even fuck you,” he sneered. “Therefore, I didn’t get off. So, please, if anyone should be pissed off here, it should be me.” Leonard told her, pushing up angrily and moving back around the table.

  “Oh, stupid me,” Jill smacked herself in the forehead with a palm. “How inconsiderate of me. Come on,” she stood now, making to move around the table.

  “What are you doing now?” Leonard ground out from his seat, picking up his glass and taking a swallow of his wine.

  “If you follow me to the bathroom, I’ll return the favour. You know, use my mouth. I’m not sure it will work on your neck, but I’m pretty sure that if I use it on your dick it will have the desired effect,” then her eyes slit and she took a step back. “Actually, we don’t need the bathroom. I can just crawl under the table and do it here,” she told him, nodding as if the idea should have been simple. Then moved to lift the linens and prove her point.


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