Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1)

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Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1) Page 12

by JF Holland


  Now, his fangs throbbed too at the thought of piercing that succulent flesh and sinking into all that pert, firm, roundness. He thought back to how it had felt to drink from her throat last night in the restaurant and the way she’d shook.


  He was in trouble. If he moved, she’d know he was as horny as a college boy at his first lap bar, but if he didn’t get up she’d think he was a rude bastard.

  Fuck, what should he do?

  “It’s okay Leo, I’ll get it. Oh, and I should warn you, it won’t be an expensive one like we had with supper last night.” She turned to face him enquiringly, napkin now scrunched up in her hand and trying to hold a smile.

  He was old enough to be able to pull this off without any awkwardness, surely? I mean, he was friggin ancient, this should be a walk in the park. With a sigh, he took a breath and pushed himself up from the sofa, masking a wince.

  “Oh,” was all she said as her eyes dropped and stayed at groin level, blinking.

  “Well, you did call it dial an orgasm,” he winked, trying to go for breezy and brush off any awkwardness. He smiled, but it obviously came out more grimace than charm as her startled eyes jumped to his. Her lips rolled inwards, dimples appearing in her cheeks as her eyes sparkled with mirth. Then, she let out a snort and turned, coughing as she headed towards her galley kitchen.

  “Sit down Leo, before you poke yourself in the eye,” she giggled. Head shaking, she headed through the doorway to her kitchen, laughter floating out.

  Groaning, Leonard dropped back onto the sofa, then winced again as his wood got crushed against the zipper of his jeans. His hand dropped, trying to move his hard-on to a more comfortable position, not that it worked and he cupped himself in frustration and swore.

  Jill smiled as she pulled two wine glasses out of the cupboard over the sink. Leo seemed to have liked the pizza as much as she had. She blushed remembering how his erection had bulged against the material of his jeans. Then, she bit her lip, thinking of the pleasure he’d given her last night in the restaurant, with nothing but his mouth. Glasses on the side, she opened the fridge and took out a cheap Shabliz she had on the top shelf. She always tried to keep one in, just in case her money didn’t stretch to a bottle at the end of the month when Amanda came to visit. She’d moved out of the area 4-years ago when she’d married Polly and they now kept in touch via text and phone calls. But once a month Amanda drove the 3-hours from Edinburgh to visit. She’d spend the night and catch up on all the gossip and harass her to settle down.

  Now, here she was with a man in her home who was everything she’d said she didn’t want, due to Amanda signing her up for ‘Eternal Mates’ on her last visit. She’d told Amanda she didn’t want a man that was too handsome or full of himself. Unfortunately, she’d gotten both with Leonard, Leo; she reminded herself. Although he could be a little arrogant, he was also kind and understanding and her eyes pricked with tears again as she thought about how he’d buried Moby for her. Not many men would have put up with her meltdown over her goldfish, and even fewer would have comforted her. Her thoughts in a whirl of indecision, she hovered, unsure what to do next, then let it go, for now.

  She finally managed to get the cork out of the wine with a bit of a struggle, jumping and nearly dropping the bottle when it came out with a pop. Blowing her hair out of her face; where it had come undone from her scruffy topknot, she distractedly brushed at it as it flopped in her eye. Putting the cork on the side and the corkscrew back in the drawer, she picked up the glasses and carried them back into the front room with the now open bottle. She dragged her small occasional table over from the corner and put it before the sofa, placing the glasses on top and handing Leonard the bottle of wine. She nearly toppled it when his fingers brushed her own as he took it from her, her skin tingling where his hand touched.

  “Can you do the honours?” she asked, dropping back onto the floor between his knees, not meeting his gaze.

  “Sure, say when?”

  “Just fill it up,” Jill told him absently. “Do you want to watch a film?”

  “If you’d like. I was going to take you to the cinema to see that new rom-com you’d missed.”

  “Oh, Leo, that’s so thoughtful,” she told him, turning her upper body and taking the full glass of wine he passed to her.

  “It doesn’t matter, I’m sorry about your goldfish,” he murmured. “And choose whatever you want,” he told her.

  “I can hear the strain in your voice, are you scared I’m going to make you suffer through something fluffy?” she laughed.

  “Maybe, just a little,” he admitted.

  “How about an action film?”

  “You like action films?”

  “I do, the next best thing to a rom-com,” she replied. Then taking a sip of her wine, she put it on the table and pushed over onto all fours, crawling over to her television.

  Leonard groaned, and she stopped, looking at him enquiringly over her shoulder, noticing his eyes were squeezed tightly closed. His knuckles were also white where he held the stem of his glass so tightly.

  “Are you okay? she asked, turning again and crawling back to him, pushing herself up between his knees. Concerned now, as he didn’t move. His hair was down, hanging in lose black waves past his shoulder, one eye covered by it. She’d not realised how long his hair was. She hadn’t even realised up until just now, that it was down. Then again, she’d been pre-occupied and upset when he’d first arrived. She’d also spent a large portion of the evening trying not to look at him. Not after the memories of what had happened at the restaurant had risen to the surface.

  “Leonard?” she asked, a hand rising and brushing his hair behind his ear so she could see his face.

  “Jill, not a good idea?” he ground out, putting his wine down on the table, before sitting back and closing his eyes again.

  “Are you ill?”

  “No,” he repeated through his gritted teeth.

  “What can I do?” she asked kneeling between his knees.

  “I think I should leave. I’m sorry,” he told her his eyes opening, but he looked straight ahead, not at her.

  “Leo, what’s going on?” she asked him, confused.

  Sighing, he tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling, grinding his teeth. She watched his nostrils flare as she leaned further into him, trying to see his face.

  “Jill, really, you need to move back.”

  “Leonard, you’re worrying me, what’s wro…”

  Her words were cut off as his hands shot out and went around her waist. Before she could even blink, she was straddling his lap, her hands on his shoulders, and his gripping her waist. He’d moved so quickly she felt dizzy, but before she could utter another word his mouth swooped over her own, his tongue sweeping inside, tangling with hers. He kissed her until she felt as though there was no oxygen left in her lungs, but just as she began to feel light headed he pulled back. His lips moving over her cheek, nibbling on her ear, and she blinked, gasping for breath as her eyes slipped closed.

  “Leo, I…”

  “I need inside you so badly I can’t think,” he rumbled against her ear, his tongue flicking over the shell.


  “Feel what you do to me,” he groaned, holding her tightly against him as he lifted his hips, his erection pushing against her.

  “Oh, I…”

  “Exactly, you crawled away from me, your arse in the air,” he shook his head. “I’ve been sitting here, hard as steel, watching you eat fucking pizza and remembering how you sounded last night.”

  “I… I,” Jill groaned, as he then sucked on her ear lobe.

  “Let me pleasure you again. I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to. I’ll just do the same to you as I did last night, I just want to hear you come apart for me.”

  Her only response was to turn her head and capture his lips with her own as she ground herself against him, pulling a long moan from his throat. The sou
nd vibrated against her lips and she wound her arms around his neck. Her body now pressing him further back against the sofa. Unable to resist, one of her hands released his neck to tangle in his long hair.

  “My bedroom’s not far,” she murmured against his lips and god, he was so tempted. Then groaning, he took her mouth, practically devouring her, as his tongue stroked over her own, needing to be inside her any way he could. She ground against him, kissing him back with more enthusiasm than finesse, and his fang nicked her lip, making him hiss as he caught the scent and taste. He grimaced, his system letting him know he was now in trouble.

  Jill pulled back and found that his eyes were squeezed tightly closed. The tip of one of his pointed incisors, visible over his bottom lip.

  “Leo?” she whispered. Then she rubbed at her bottom lip after noticing the drop of blood on the tip of his tooth.

  “Just give me a minute,” he ground out, and she ran her tongue over her lip, removing the slight trace of blood there, not wanting him to feel bad.

  He’d forgotten his blood flask as he’d stormed out of his house earlier in a temper. The effects of the pizza he’d eaten on top of the cup of tea, had now decided to let itself be known. His insides were cramping. The spasms becoming progressively more painful, meaning he had to concentrate to not double over in agony, breathing through his nose.

  “Leo?” His eyes opened and she gasped, because the lilac of his irises were practically glowing. She pulled back a little, hesitating, but as he grimaced as if in pain, she felt the need to offer comfort. Unable to stand the thought of him being in pain, she couldn’t resist, stroking her hand over his cheek, trying to soothe him. “You okay?”

  “Let... me just… pleasure you,” he managed to get out. He knew it was the only way the pain was going to stop; it would also stop him from hurting her. If the pains got too much, his system would take over in its search for sustenance and he didn’t want to hurt her or worse. It was his own fault that he’d forgotten his blood, he did not want her paying for his error.

  “You’re in pain…”

  “Of course I am,” he snapped. “I’ve had a hard-on for hours, what do you think? Just let me pleasure you.”

  “But what about you?”

  “It will help me giving you pleasure,” he managed to grit out. Then waggled his brows suggestively, trying not to grimace.

  Hesitantly, Jill shuffled closer to him, again, her hands going back around his neck as she gently pressed her lips to his. Unsure this would work, but she’d try anything to stop him from feeling pain.

  Her tongue flicked over one of his fangs and he undulated beneath her, the sensation so foreign to him. No one had ever done that before and he was shocked to realise that he’d felt it lower in his body also. It was as if she’d just licked up his length at the same time. Groaning, he fastened his mouth to hers, and took over the kiss, devouring her, his tongue pushing inside, entwining with hers. He then gentled his assault, teasing nips before sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and stroking it with his tongue. He let her lip pop from between his as he moved on, kissing her chin, then down over her throat, moving lower, butterfly kisses until he was just below her ear. He took the skin over her carotid artery between his lips and licked it, hearing her gasp. She ground down against him and he began to move beneath her, rubbing his erection against her through her lightweight pants. As she pushed back, he struck, teeth sinking into her and she gasped, before a moan escaped her. The sharp pain giving way to unbearable pleasure as he began to feed, sucking on her neck. As he fed he continued to pull her over him, rubbing against her sex, undulating and rotating his hips as he continued to feast on her blood. Another long draw her on her and that fast she went rigid in his arms, shattering, his name leaving her lips on another gasp as she shook in his arms. Groaning, Leonard continued to feed and rub against her at the same time to keep her orgasm going. She whimpered and he took a last mouthful, his stomach now settling. He licked over the spot, then removed his teeth, licking and helping to heal and seal the wound. He rubbed her back, holding her boneless body against him as she sighed, her heart racing and her breathing ragged.

  “How… do you do… that?” she managed to get out breathlessly.

  “A secret,” he told her, pushing her upright so he could look at her face, check her colour and that he hadn’t taken too much. Her chocolate brown eyes were now dark and slumberous, her face, neck and chest above her t-shirt flushed with colour. He grinned, feeling much better now he’d fed a little from her, and that she was okay.

  Jill’s eyes slit as she watched him and felt him still hard beneath her.

  “You’re still hard,” she stated and he nodded, groaning as she rotated her hips, brushing herself over him. She did it again and his hips rose, head falling back as his hands dug into her waist, holding her more flush against him, increasing the pressure. “Leo, let go a minute.”

  “Sorry,” he apologised, releasing his hold immediately, thinking he’d hurt her. Jill slithered off his lap and again dropped to kneel between his now spread thighs. “What are you doing?” he asked sulkily, a pout forming and making her smile.

  “Returning the favour,” she told him, leaning over him and pushing up his jumper. Her lips teasing his stomach, making the muscles twitch. The top of his erection visible at the waistband of his jeans. Her tongue flicked over the slit in the tip and he hissed, his hips rising as his head dropped back against the sofa, loose on his neck. Her hands went to the waistband of his jeans and he groaned in relief as the last button came undone, the material parting and his erection finally freed.

  Jill blinked and swallowed. He’d gone commando, which meant his erection now lay before her, long and thick, the tip touching his navel, the head glistening with pre-cum. Her eyes flicked up his body, taking in the sight of him spread before her like an offering. His jumper was pushed up near his chest, that sprinkling of black hair running over his pectoral muscles. The discs of his nipples dark brown, the tips as hard as his erection. Curious, one hand trailed up his chest, dragging a nail over the brown disc and his hips rose again. Her other hand circled his erection and she gave it an experimental stroke, eliciting another moan from him. Eyes watching his face, she stroked up his length with her tongue as she tightened her fist, her fingers not quite reaching. She teased under the bulbous tip, making him hiss, before she took him into her mouth, humming at the slightly salty taste of his skin. Flattening her tongue, so she could take more of him into her mouth. Then, she flicked her wrist so that her tongue massaged him as her hand moved up to meet her mouth.

  Leonard groaned as she took him into her mouth, the hot, moist cavern, snug around his hard, sensitive skin. She flicked her tongue over him as she circled him with her hand and he nearly lost it. Sucking in a breath, his hands fisted as he thought of anything but what she was doing to him. She continued to torment him, and his balls tightened, pulling up tight to his body, the familiar tingle shooting up his spine as his legs began to quake. His hips began to move into her movements, rising and falling as she moved up and down his length with her mouth. She used the flat of her tongue to caress him as her hand tightened, twisting as her mouth and hand touched, covering him. Then she moved off him and he groaned, gnashing his teeth, eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  “Leonard… Leo, is this okay?” All he had was a grunt, taking a breath through his nose. She must have been satisfied as she again took him into her mouth. He’d heard the hesitation over his name, but quite frankly, she could call him fucking Clarence at his point and he wouldn’t care as long as she kept sucking. Especially when she did that thing with her tongue, making his hips rise again.

  “Oh, god, do that again,” he rumbled, a hiss leaving him as she did. Her tongue rasped over the sensitive underside before flattening on her downward sweep. He opened his eyes and looked down his body and nearly came at the sight before him. It was just like watching her with the pizza earlier. Her cheeks hollowed as she swallowed him, making him gasp as sh
e took him to the back of her throat and squeezed.

  “Straddle my leg, and lift your top,” he rasped out as he kicked off his right shoe, manoeuvring his foot between her spread legs as she knelt there before him. He moved his foot until it was against her covered sex and she moaned around him. He ground his teeth as he watched her riding his leg, moaning around him as she gave him pleasure, her lashes feathered over her hollowed-out cheeks. Her lips glistened with moisture as they moved on him, her knuckles nearly white with the death grip she had on him.

  “Lift your top,” he repeated, pushing against her sex where she was now riding his leg in abandon. He wanted to see her, so pulled his leg back and her lashes lifted, glazed eyes meeting his, pupils blown. She frowned, but didn’t stop sucking on him, just kept eye contact and waited. Hissing, Leonards hips rose, pushing himself further into her mouth, and she moaned, trying to rub herself on his leg again. “No Jill,” he moved his leg back as he gave his hips a slight bounce, pushing himself further into her mouth and shuddering at the tight, wet fit. “Lift your top, I want to see your breasts as I cum,” he ground out. He was now pumping himself into her mouth, her hand adding extra friction and he shuddered, another moan leaving his throat at the feel. He watched as her other hand dropped to the hem of her t-shirt as she wiggled to pull it up without releasing him. She continued to suck on him as she hooked it under her arms, but her bra was still in the way, he couldn’t see. “Pull the cups down,” he gritted out, giving another push with his hips, watching the way he disappeared into her mouth. Growling around him, Jill complied and he groaned as the sight of the tight beads of her ripe, red nipples and darker areolae were made visible to him. “So fucking hot,” Leonard hissed, his leg once again working her as she continued to suck him, moaning around his solid flesh. He didn’t know where to look as he continued to pump into her mouth as her breasts were now rubbing either side of his leg, bobbing, tempting him. He managed to drop a hand and tweaked one of her nipples, pinching and rolling it as he gave a little push with his hips. Her mouth stretching around him, her throat moving. Her movements on his leg got faster, her mouth tighter as she began to tremble and he tightened his hold on her nipple. He used a little more force, a bite of pain as he twisted slightly and thrust his hip, his other hand managing to grasp its twin as he slumped slightly forward. He was then able to roll them both between forefinger and thumb and she gave a keening cry, shuddering and moaning around his erection. He was done, the vibration of her release on him meant he had to let go of her breasts as his back bowed. His head fell back as his erection kicked up, releasing into her mouth as he continued to pump, little spurts hitting the back of her throat. He groaned, eyes squeezed tightly closed, panting as he called her name, his body shaking with the strength of his release. Jill slowly pulled her head back, stroking the head before she fell forward, collapsing over him. Her face was now in his lap as he fell sideways on the sofa, completely spent, eyes closed. Jill knelt there, panting as if she’d run a marathon and Leonard dropped a hand onto her shoulder kneading and stroking over her as he got his breath back. Then leaning over slightly, he hooked her under her arms and pulled her up and over him. They lay entwined, he pulled his legs up so that they were dangling over the arm of the sofa, his jumper under his arms and jeans undone around his hips. His flaccid dick now lay there, squashed between them as she lay over him, panting. He threw an arm over his eyes, knowing they’d be swirling and not wanting her to see.


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