Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1)

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Immortal Flame (Eternal Mates Book 1) Page 13

by JF Holland

  Chapter Twenty

  L eonard must have fallen to sleep, because he woke when Jill moved against him, sighing and snuggling into his chest. He rubbed his eyes, dropping his arm in front of his face, squinting at his watch, 12am. Yawning, he dropped his arm around her and pushed, until he sat up, holding her to him. She mumbled something in her sleep, nuzzling him, and shaking his head with a grin, Leonard managed to stand, lifting her into his arms at the same time.

  Immortal strength came in handy sometimes.

  He had to do a weird kind of crab walk to stop his jeans from falling around his ankles, as he made his way into the hallway and the stairs. Leaning Jill against the bannister, Leonard managed to pull them up, fastening the top button, then hefted her up again and continued upstairs. He found her room easily as the door was open and her scent of honeysuckle was the strongest in this one. Moving towards her bed, he smiled at the pattern printed on her bedding, honeysuckle blossom in powder pink, subtle and pretty against the cream background. He pushed the scatter cushions to the floor and pulled the duvet back, lowering her to the bed, her head on the pillow on the right-hand side of the double bed. He’d only known to put her there as she had an alarm clock placed on the white bedside drawer on this side. His brow rose as he pulled the covers over her, as that wasn’t the only item on the drawers. There was a small lamp, and plugged into the socket, charging, was a vibrator. A pink one, with a knobbly bit as well as the main head.

  His Jill was a woman after his own heart, he shook his head, holding in a chuckle as she turned on her side. He had to step back as she nuzzled into the pillow and a frown lit her sleeping features. Her hand came out and patted around, as if searching for something. He tried to tiptoe out of the room, normally an easy task for an immortal to do without detection, but she called his name in her sleep and he froze. Sighing, his head fell back on his shoulders and he stared at the ceiling, as if looking for answers.

  “Leo?” she whispered again, her hand still searching. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t walk out and leave her like this, not while she was unawares. He made his way back to the bed and moved around to the left-hand side, sitting, he put his hand under hers and she stilled. A smile lit her sleeping face and she sighed, moving further over towards him. He gave in, lying back on the bed as he toed off his shoes and socks, wriggling under the duvet with her. She snuggled into him, again, her head resting on his chest and her hand over his heart. Leonard, put his arm around her and pulled her tighter into him, closing his eyes once again. He put a hand over hers where it rested on his sternum and rubbed up and down her arm with the other. His eyes once again grew heavy, and although he only meant to stay long enough to settle her, he once again fell to sleep with her.

  Jill blinked, her eyes slowly opening, and she wondered where she was at first, not recognising the pillow her head lay on. Looking up she found Leo, fast asleep, his sooty lashes fanning above his cheeks, lips slightly parted as he slept soundlessly beneath her. Her hand was under his on his chest and his other arm was around her back. She thought back, but couldn’t remember coming to bed, but blushed as she remembered what she’d been doing before she’d fallen asleep against him downstairs. Eyes squeezed tightly closed, as she remembered giving him a blow job after eating pizza.

  Oh, my god, I’m a tart, she thought, as the whole event came flooding back to her. Looking down, she realised that her t-shirt was still up over her boobs, but at least only one of them was still out of her bra cup. At least she still had her leggings on she realised, as the discomfort of sleeping in clothes made itself known. She managed to pull her hand from beneath Leonards and lifted the duvet, sighing in relief as she realised his jeans were fastened.

  “Why are you peeking?” his voice rumbled above her head.

  “Shit, you scared me,” Jill squealed, her eyes jumping to his.

  “Good morning,” Leonard murmured, his voice a little gravelly from sleep. He then pulled her into him and rolled onto his side, pushing her beneath him. His mouth lowered to hers and he kissed her. Jill was about to pull back, thinking about morning breath and paint peeling, but all thought fled her as his tongue swept into her mouth. After thoroughly ravishing her mouth he lifted his head, and she blinked her eyes open, panting.

  “Well, good morning to you too,” he replied, just then he frowned, and groaned, his hand dropping to his stomach.

  Bollocks, he needed blood.

  He’d not had any since yesterday, and although he’d taken from Jill, he’d not taken much, just enough to keep him going until he got home.

  Oh, well, only one thing for it.

  His mouth once again took Jill’s, deepening the kiss, his hand moving from around her shoulder to the back of her neck holding her in place. He rolled her beneath him, his legs between hers, rubbing his erection against her. She groaned, her hands gripping the back of his jumper, tugging on it until she could get to skin. She ran her nails down his back and he bowed, hissing, his mouth released hers as he pushed himself into her, rolling his hips. His lips trailed across her cheek, nibbling her ear lobe, then nuzzling beneath. Licking up her carotid again as he continued with his press and release against her sex, through their clothing. Her hands came down his back, and went to the waistband of his jeans, tugging and trying to loosen them.


  He’d given anything to just rip her leggings off and slide into her heat, but he’d promised Luc, and his word meant something to him. His eyes landed on the vibrator and he thought about grabbing it and using that as he fed from her, but it was still a form of sex. If he penetrated her with anything but his fangs he’d renege on their bargain. He pulled her hands from his back and threading his fingers through hers dragged them up. He then pinned them either side of her head on the pillow as he continued to grind against her through their clothing. The new position made her breasts brush against his jumper and she hissed. Leo felt the nub of her nipple dig into him and pulled back slightly, seeing her bare breast, where her t-shirt had risen, he changed tactics. His head now at her chest, he circled the dark areola with his tongue, before taking her hard nipple into his mouth and suckling strongly, pushing it against the roof of his mouth. Jill went still, and stopped trying to tug her hands from beneath Leonards, and instead wrapped her legs around his waist. Now she was riding him through their clothing, making him groan around the tight nubbin of flesh. Taking a breath around her plump flesh, he bit down, fangs embedding in her breast and began sucking.

  Jill went rigid beneath him, her thighs tightening around his waist as she rode out her orgasm. Leonard fed, the blood trickling into his mouth and as he swallowed he groaned, the cramps in his stomach easing. Once he’d taken enough to get him home he licked over the wounds, sucking on them to heal them up as he continued to grind against her until she sighed.

  “Wow, that works just as well there as it does on my neck,” she murmured.

  “You’re obviously, just really responsive to me,” Leonard told her, not able to meet her slumberous gaze. He felt like a bastard and his dick throbbed where it pressed against his zipper.

  “What about you?” Jill asked, a sleepy smile tugging at her lips. He closed his eyes groaning at the thought of either slipping into her body or mouth and gaining some relief, but he couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t. Not until he’d spoke to her, he had a feeling she would be extremely pissed off with him if he told her she’d had sex with a vampire. He didn’t know why it bothered him with her, but it did.

  “I’m fine, I need to get going,” Leonard told her, his mouth brushing her lips before he pushed himself up off her and climbed out of her bed.

  “Shit, I need to shower and get to work,” Jill told him, looking at the clock, hiding her embarrassment at being brushed off again.

  “I have to get going,” Leonard repeated, bending down and picking up his socks. He then sat on the bed and pulled them on, standing again as he slipped his feet into his shoes. Then leaning over, he placed his hand on her pillow went to
kiss her, but she turned her head so his lips just brushed her cheek. “I’ll let myself out,” he told, frowning as she wouldn’t look at him. She just lay there looking at the wall. Unsure how to deal with her, he straightened up and then headed out of her room and down the stairs. He grabbed his leather jacket off the back of the sofa, sighing as he stared at the seat, then shaking his head, moved towards the door.

  “I’ll ring later. Jill, have a good day at work,” he shouted, but she didn’t respond. He opened the door and left before he didn’t. He’d give anything to crawl back in bed with her and take this to its natural conclusion, but he needed to get home. He had to shower and change. Jaden was meeting him at the main police station up the road from Jill’s in a couple of hours. If he’d brought a change of clothing, he would have had enough time to talk to her and figure out what the problem was, but he hadn’t. You did not spend time with a shifter smelling of sex, not unless you wanted to answer questions, and he wasn’t ready to talk to anyone about Jill. He wasn’t sure what was going on between them himself yet, he still needed to take her on a couple of dates though, it would come to him. For now, he needed to get home, and clear his head. He’d need his wits about him at the police station in case he had to alter any perceptions. Then after that they got back from there, they needed to head back to Lower Lunaton, it was Michael’s funeral, he swallowed at the thought.

  He was not looking forward to that one, he really wasn’t, he looked to Jill’s bedroom window as he climbed into his car.


  Jill heard the front door shut behind Leonard and slammed her head into the pillow. Obviously, there was something wrong with her as he didn’t want to have sex with her. He seemed to like making her cum, but maybe it was just an ego thing because he’d certainly enjoyed himself last night. So, what was his problem?

  Thomas had said he was single, so it must be something about her that he didn’t like, or maybe it was how easy she was that put him off. Her head turned and she looked at the clock again, her eyes falling on her vibrator that was charging.

  “Brilliant,” she mumbled out loud.

  Well, seeing B.O.B. would be enough to scare any bloke off, she sighed. Then pushing herself up, she got out of bed and stripped before picking her dirty clothes up and padding into her bathroom. Dropping them in the hamper, she took care of nature, how she’d gone so long without peeing was beyond her. Flushing the toilet, she next reached for her tooth brush and got rid of her furry tongue and teeth, because yup, there was definitely some funk going on.

  Once she was minty fresh, a quick shower and hair washed helped her feel semi-human, then it was dress time. As she had just under an hour to get to work and the bus ride was nearly 20-minutes, she needed to get a wiggle on. Work pants and a white blouse, were her standard work attire, so dressed in them, she made her way downstairs. There, she sat on the bottom step and plugged in her hair dryer to give her hair a quick blast and remove most of the moisture. A brush, and a bobble sorted out the rest, then she padded into the kitchen, coffee, next on her agenda. Yawning, her eyes went to the empty spot where Moby had sat for the last few weeks. Her lip wobbled as she filled the kettle and put it on to boil.

  Damn, she missed him, he’d been a part of her life for years. Ripping some kitchen roll off, she blew her nose as she spooned coffee and two sugars into a cup, then poured over the hot water and stirred. She hiccupped around another tear as she added a generous amount of milk to her drink from the fridge. Sunglasses were going to be needed, she realised as she saw her red puffy eyes in the reflection in the kettle. Quickly, she drank her coffee, then went searching for them and her bag. She was now running late, and would have to run for her bus on top of everything else.

  Maybe she needed to cool it with Leonard, she’d seen far too much of him the last week. She did not want to get used to him being around and then he left her also. Everyone left her eventually, she realised as she locked her door, threw her bag over her shoulder and ran for her bus.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  L eonard walked with Jaden back to his car, which he’d parked in the police station car park.

  “Well, that was fun,” Jaden mumbled, sarcastically as he made his way over to Leonard’s car.

  “It could have been a lot worse.”

  “How, Leonard?”

  “You may have had to do it on your own,” Leonard informed him, remembering having to put the whammy on a couple of the officers. They’d been inclined to keep Jaden as his finger prints were the only ones they’d pulled off a body. Leonard heard him sigh as he lowered himself into the Maserati. If nothing else, there was entertainment value with watching the way Jaden had to contort to fit his bulk into it. Being a black jaguar shifter, he was a muscular and it amused the hell out of him as he watched him turn himself into a pretzel to fit in the passenger seat. Plus, cat shifters in general had a problem with cars, they all tended to ride motorbikes. Leonard had never seen the appeal, your hair got ruined either by the wind or the helmet.

  “Thanks for your help, it was appreciated.”

  “You’re welcome,” Leonard replied to Jaden as he got into the driver’s seat. He was always surprised when Jaden acted semi-human. The man had spent over a human lifespan on his own, so, was still adjusting to playing nice and talking to others.

  “Could you not have hired a proper mode of transport?” Jaden grumbled.

  And there he went, insulting bastard just because he was a wide load, it was not his problem he weighed a tonne.

  “This is top of the range,” Leonard snarled, knuckles whitening on the steering wheel.

  “Have I hit on a sore point?” Jaden asked, turning to him, a sardonic brow raised.

  “A little,” Leonard sighed as the engine purred to life. He’d become kind of fond of it, especially the purr of the engine and the smooth ride. So much so, that he was thinking of purchasing one.

  “Come on spill, it’ll take my mind off where we are heading now.”

  Now, that he could get on board with, not only was Jill on his mind, but also where they were heading.

  “I got called a poser,” Leonard told him incredulously as he pulled out of the police station’s car park. It still stung that Jill tended to call him for his dress and mode of transport. I mean, she was the snob here, not him.

  “Really?” Jaden drawled,” Leonard could hear incredulity in his tone, which meant he understood where he was coming from, his next response proving it. “Not a clue how anyone would think that about you,” he replied dryly. Leonard ignored the way he held onto the ‘oh shit’ bar, above his left shoulder. He was a cat after all, therefore didn’t do well inside of a vehicle.

  I wonder if they see them as cat boxes?

  He then shook his head, answering him. “Exactly, she has a bloody cheek. I mean, she should be impressed that I’m even trying with her.”

  “Right, because, I mean, her views shouldn’t count. She should be kissing your feet for giving her the time of day.”

  “Well, maybe not quite that. But, I mean, I’m courteous, good looking…”

  “Modest,” Jaden interrupted.

  “See, you get me,” Leonard told him earnestly. “This human, this, Jill person,” he sighed.

  “Is this the one you’ve got to take on 5-dates?” Jaden asked, then added. “How’s the blue balls going?” he grinned, evilly. “You’ve taken her out once or twice now I believe?”

  “Twice,” Leonard gritted out. “He was not counting last night as he’d been in her home, therefore not outside. His knuckles turning white on the steering wheel as he took a corner, remembering the way she’d turned her head as he’d tried to kiss her goodbye.

  “So, I take it the no sex thing isn’t working for you,” Jaden smirked, trying to cover his mouth.


  “There are ways around that,” Leonard grinned, he remembered the way she’d cum for him this morning. Then the way she’d taken him in her mouth.

  “No, I do b
elieve there was a no sex rule.”

  “I can do things without full out penetrative sex,” Leonard informed him, then sighed. “Fuck, I’m not enjoying this at all.” He’d been desperate to slide into her body, but that fucking deal with Luc, he had to stick to it or he’d have no chance of gaining his forgiveness.


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