Book Read Free

Stand-Out Shorts

Page 28

by Russell Evans

  building dialogue, 19-20

  opposite elements in, 19

  overview, 19

  real characters, 19

  using details to bring to life, 19

  vulnerabilities, 19

  overview, 19-20

  war films, 252

  Chinatown, 115

  Cinebarre Short Films at Vimeo, 195

  Citizen Kane, 219

  citizens news/video journalist, 234-239

  defined, 234-235

  difficulty level, 236-237

  editing, 238-239

  film schedule, 239

  kits needed for, 237

  legal issues, 239

  movie recommendations, 237

  people needed for, 237

  personality suited for, 235

  project length, 235-236

  purpose of, 235

  shooting, 237-238

  classic structure. See Three Act structure

  clips, adding to computer, 109


  drama, 249f

  emotional impact, 70f

  horror genre, 199-201

  mixing with deep shots, 123

  narrative continuity editing, 114-115

  sports films, 245

  web movies, 154f

  Cloverfield, 258

  Code 46, 207

  Cody, Diablo, 194

  colder light, 89t

  collaborating on movies, 31, 32

  Collora, Sandy, 206


  continuity and, 73t

  montage editing, 123

  war films, 254

  web movies, 149t

  color palette, 63

  color spectrum, 125

  comedy genre, 210-214

  defined, 210-211

  difficulty level, 212

  editing, 213-214

  film schedule, 214

  kits needed for, 212

  legal issues, 214

  movie recommendations, 212-213

  people needed for, 212

  personality suited for, 211

  preproduction, 213

  project length, 211

  purpose of, 211

  commercial videos, 161, 166t

  communication, importance of, 81

  compact flash (CF) cards, 9t, 11

  company, forming, 178-179

  competitions, online festivals, 185

  compression, camcorder, 59t

  computer-generated image (CGI) previz, 36


  adding clips to, 109

  home editing studio, 107t

  condenser microphones, 93

  conflicts, resolving, 81-82

  continuity, 72-74

  howcast, 273

  overview, 72b

  rules, 73

  30 degree rule, 73

  action line, or axis, 73

  rule of thirds, 73

  continuity editing. See narrative

  continuity editing

  contracts, 54t

  contrast, web movies, 149t

  The Conversation, 237

  coping with people, 78-80

  copyright law

  overview, 44-45

  story, 201-202

  your own work, 45

  YouTube, 148

  costume designs, 54t, 166t, 169f

  crew, 29-35

  camera, 29

  director, 29

  ground rules, 32-33

  overview, 29-30, 29b

  paying, 32

  expenses, 32

  food, 32

  posting to get, 31

  recruiting, 30-31

  crew posting, 30

  sharing skills, 31-32

  sound, 30

  crunching bones sound effect, 131

  Curtiz, Michael, 217


  sports films, 246

  westerns, 269

  cutting. See editing


  Daly, Liam, 162

  Dark City, 115

  dark expressionistic cinema, 215

  Dark Star, 206

  David, Kerry

  online screenings and festivals, 181

  producing, 79-80, 82

  Scriptwriting, 20

  Dawn of the Dead, 3

  The Day I Tried to Live, 2f

  Dead Patrol webisode, 173

  Dedos, 86

  deep shots, 123

  deinterlacing, web movies, 149t

  denser atmosphere, lighting, 89t

  depth of field, 269

  design document, 54t

  designing movies, 25-28, 166t, 168f

  dialogue, building, 19-20

  Dick, Philip K, 206

  Dickinson, Leo, 243

  Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras, 11-12

  digital zoom, camcorder, 6t

  director, 29

  District 9, 206

  documentaries, 222-227

  camera focus, 225

  defined, 222-223

  difficulty level, 223-224

  editing, 225-226

  film schedule, 227

  kits needed for, 225

  legal issues, 227

  movie recommendations, 225

  people needed for, 224

  personality suited for, 223

  preproduction, 225

  project length, 223

  purpose of, 223

  documentation, 56

  Dogme 95, 71

  Double Indemnity, 218

  drama, 190-195.

  See also noir/thriller genre; war films; westerns

  camera focus, 194

  defined, 190-191

  difficulty level, 192

  editing, 194-195

  film schedule, 195

  inspiration for, 193

  kits needed for, 193

  legal issues, 195

  movie recommendations, 193

  people needed for, 192

  personality suited for, 191

  preproduction, 193-194

  improvisation, 194

  writing, 193-194

  project length, 191

  purpose of, 191

  dreamlike effect, 89t

  dreams, 122

  DSLR (Digital Single-Lens Reflex) cameras, 11-12

  DVD discs, 11

  dynamic microphones, 93


  ECUs (extreme close-ups), 114

  edit decision list (EDL), 54t, 109

  edit log, 54t


  citizens news/video journalist, 238-239

  comedy genre, 213-214

  continuity and, 73t

  documentary, 225-226

  drama genre, 194-195

  extreme sports movie, 245-246

  freecording, 259

  health and safety concerns, 104

  horror genre

  close-ups, 199-201

  cutting for action, 200

  overview, 199-201

  rhythm, 200-201

  howcast, 273-274

  montage, 117-124

  accelerated montage, 124

  adding shots, 122

  color and tone, 123

  control and, 123

  disorientating, 122

  dreams, 122

  mixing close-ups and deep shots, 123

  music, 123-124

  one and one makes three, 118-121

  overview, 117b, 121-122

  parallel montage, 123

  symbols, 122-123

  music promo, 231-232

  narrative continuity, 111-116

  close-ups, 114-115

  overview, 111 b

  Sergio Leone, 115-116

  shot length, 114-115

  tips, 116

  wide shots, 114-115

  noir/thriller genre, 219-220

  road movie, 263-264

  sci-fi genre, 208

  war films

  color, 254

  music, 254<
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  overview, 253-254

  web movies, 149t

  western, 269-270

  editing studio, home, 106

  overview, 106b, 107t

  software, 106b

  EDL (edit decision list), 54t, 109

  elevator door sound effect, 131

  encoding web movies, 149t

  EPIC America, 243

  Escoda, Blanca, 209

  etiquette, social networking, 168-170

  exit shots, sports films, 246

  expenses, crew, 32

  experience, personal, 3

  explicit atmosphere, 64, 65, 65t

  explosion sound effect, 254

  expressionistic lighting, 87t

  external microphones, 93

  extreme close-ups (ECUs), 114

  extreme sports movies, 241-247

  defined, 241

  difficulty level, 242

  editing, 245-246

  film schedule, 246

  kits needed for, 242-243

  legal issues, 246

  movie recommendations, 243

  people needed for, 242

  personality suited for, 241

  preproduction, 243

  project length, 242

  purpose of, 241

  shooting, 243-245

  sound, 246


  Facebook, 163

  fair use, 44

  fast action, lighting, 89t

  fate theme, 218

  “featured video” list, YouTube, 148


  overview, 4

  screening for, 133-135

  handling, 135

  organizing, 134

  overview, 133b

  planning, 134

  Vimeo, 160f

  festivals, online, 181-188

  competitions and challenges, 185

  overview, 181-183, 181b

  file size, web movie, 149t

  film schedules

  7-day, 283

  28-day, 287-290

  48-hour, 278, 278b

  citizens news/video journalist, 239

  comedy genre, 214

  documentary, 227

  drama genre, 195

  extreme sports movie, 246

  horror genre, 202

  howcast, 274

  music promo, 232

  noir/thriller genre, 221

  road movie, 264

  sci-fi genre, 209

  slacker, 276, 276b

  war films, 255

  western, 270

  filmfights festival, 182, 166t

  fish-eye lens, 207f

  Flagge, Derek

  locations, 52

  social networking, 170

  flash memory, 10

  flashpoints, 78-80, 78t

  Flickerfest, 187t

  Flock networking site, 166t

  focus. See camera focus

  Foley, 130-132

  alternatives to, 132

  overview, 130b


  ambience, 131

  moves tracks, 131

  overview, 130-131

  video, 130-131

  walking tracks, 131

  spot effects, 131-132

  westerns, 269

  food, for crew, 32

  footage, pre-editing. See pre-editing footage

  format, web movie, 149t

  48-Hour Film Challenge, 164f

  48-hour film schedule, 278, 278b

  FrameForge program, 36-37, 37f

  frame-rates, sports films, 245


  diagnosing, 63-64

  sports films, 245

  Francis, John, 269, 270

  free content, 45-46

  freecording, 256-259

  camera focus, 258

  defined, 256

  difficulty level, 257

  editing, 259

  kits needed for, 257

  movie recommendations, 258

  people needed for, 257

  personality suited for, 256

  project length, 257

  purpose of, 257

  Fresnel lamp, 87f


  Gesualdo, R., 169

  Gilliam, Terry, 123

  “going viral”, 145-146

  “The Golden Mean”, 73

  Gondry, Michel, 230

  Gordon, Douglas, 258

  Gower, Ray, 201

  graphic novels, 217

  Griffiths, Dewi, 200

  Gunn, Jon, 192f


  Hague support, 194

  Halloween, 198

  hand-held shooting, 62f, 253

  hard drive (HDD) cameras, 9t, 11, 262

  harder atmosphere, lighting, 89t

  Harrison, Stacey, 26

  harsh light, 90f

  haydenfilms festival, 182

  HD (High Definition) camcorder, 10

  HDD (hard drive) cameras, 9t, 11, 262

  He Walked By Night, 218

  headphone socket, camcorder, 6t

  health and safety, 101-104

  common risks

  cables, 103

  editing, 104

  lamps, 103

  lifting and moving, 104

  long hours, 104

  noise, 104

  overview, 103-104

  poor weather, 104

  lighting safety

  heat from, 104

  overloading home supply, 104

  overview, 104

  tripods, 104

  waiting for lamps to cool, 104

  one-stop plan, 101

  overview, 101 b

  risk assessment sheet, 102

  health and safety sheets, 54t

  heartbeat sound effect, 131

  Her Morning Elegance video, 146

  High Definition (HD) camcorder, 10

  High Noon, 268

  hip-hop, 121-122

  home editing studio, 106

  overview, 106b, 107t

  software, 106b

  horizontal network sites, 165-166

  horizontal vertigo, 123

  horror genre, 196-202

  camera focus, 199

  defined, 196

  difficulty level, 197-198


  close-ups, 199-201

  cutting for action, 200

  overview, 199-201

  rhythm, 200-201

  film schedule, 202

  inspiration for, 198-199

  kits needed for, 198

  legal issues, 201-202

  movie recommendations, 198

  people needed for, 198

  personality suited for, 196-197

  preproduction, 199

  project length, 197

  purpose of, 197

  horror virals, 197

  “hose-piping”, 253

  howcast, 271-274

  camera focus, 273

  defined, 271

  difficulty level, 272

  editing, 273-274

  film schedule, 274

  kits needed for, 272-273

  legal issues, 274

  movie recommendations, 273

  people needed for, 272

  personality suited for, 271

  preproduction, 273

  project length, 272

  purpose of, 271-272

  how-to videos, 159

  human mutilation sound effect, 131


  ideas, 10-12

  creating movies from, 5

  finding movie making style, 3-4

  overview, 2b

  sci-fi genre, 206-207

  web movies, 149t

  IFC, 1871

  immersion, road trip film, 262

  implicit atmosphere, 65, 65t

  improvisation, drama genre, 194

  in-camera features, camcorder, 59t

  Independence Day, 14, 166t

  The Insider, 115

  instincts, relying on, 3

  instructional videos, 159

  internal flash memory, camcorder, 6t

  international festivals, 187t

  interstitials, 188

  Into the Wind, 243

  iris, camcorder, 59t


  Jack Says, 220

  jamming, 256

  John Chance, 39

  Jonze, Spike, 230, 243

  journalism. See citizens news/video journalist

  juxtaposition, 194



  for citizens news/video journalist, 237

  for comedy genre, 212

  for documentary, 225

  for drama genre, 193

  for extreme sports movie, 242-243

  for freecording, 257

  for horror genre, 198

  for howcast, 272-273


  bigger kit, 86

  budget kit, 86

  overview, 85-91

  zero budget kit, 85

  for music promo, 230

  for noir/thriller genre, 217

  online publicity

  forming a company, 178-179

  overview, 178-179

  setting up channel on sharing/social network site, 179

  setting up website, 179

  for road movie, 262

  for sci-fi genre, 205

  sound recording

  low budget kit, 99

  overview, 99-100

  zero budget kit, 99

  for war films, 251

  for western, 267

  Korsner, Jason, 18, 210f

  Kubrick, Stanley, 84

  Kumar, Ashvin, 71

  Kwoon webisode, 173, 175f



  See also lighting

  “barn doors”, 85f

  Fresnel, 87f

  health and safety concerns, 103

  lavalier (lavaliere) microphones, 94, 96t

  Lavie, Oren, 146

  layers, Pyramid Web model, 157f

  LCD screen, camcorder, 6t

  leadership skills, for producers, 77

  legal issues, 44-48

  citizens news/video journalist, 239

  comedy genre, 214

  copyright, 44-45

  documentary, 227

  drama genre, 195

  extreme sports movie, 246

  horror genre, 201-202

  howcast, 274

  noir/thriller genre, 220-221

  overview, 44b

  public domain, 45-46

  rights, 46

  road movie, 264

  sci-fi genre, 208-209


  in non-public places, 48

  in public places, 47

  war films, 255

  western, 270

  legalese, 232

  lens, camcorder, 59t

  Leone, Sergio, 115-116

  Let the right one in, 209

  The Liberace of Baghdad, 251-252

  The Life and Death of a Pumpkin, 144f

  lifting, 104

  lighting, 83-91.

  See also lamps

  continuity and, 73t

  designs, 54t

  experimenting, 84

  horror films, 198

  ideas for, 88-91


  bigger, 86

  budget, 86

  overview, 85-91

  zero budget, 85

  noir/thriller genre, 219

  overview, 83b

  preparation step, 83-84

  safety, 104

  sports films, 245

  technical issues, 85

  web movies, 149t

  Like Dandelion Dust, 192f, 163, 166t

  links, YouTube, 142t

  live music promos, 231

  local screenings, 187t


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