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Page 6

by S. W. Gunn

  Johnathan laughed at her. He completely agreed with her assessment because he was having a wonderful time with her.

  “I wouldn’t have complained.”

  She laughed heartily before leaning back into her chair.

  Once she was upright she then stated, “I’m impressed how quickly you moved to kiss me last night. I thought for sure that I’d have to make the first move and right before I could you took the opportunity.”

  He flushed, which she responded to by laughing and then squeezing his hand again. Right at that moment he was saved when the waitress walked up. She was a very young looking woman who was wearing a light pink tunic and black trousers. She had a white apron tied around her waist.

  “Good afternoon Commander.”

  Rose turned to look at her before replying, “Good afternoon.”

  The young woman turned to Johnathan and then said, “Good afternoon sir.”

  “Good afternoon.” He replied to her.

  She then continued speaking, “Today’s appetizer is a plate of mixed vegetables that have been lightly fried in oil and then drizzled with one of Chef Matthew’s secret sauces. The drinks available are water, aged cider, and a grape wine.”

  She placed down a large plate that had a variety of vegetables including carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, bell peppers, and thinly sliced onions. Johnathan could not identify the light red colored sauce that was on them.

  Turning to Rose she asked, “What would you like to drink with the meal Commander?”

  “I’d like the aged cider. I still have work after this.”

  “And you sir?” The young woman asked Johnathan.

  He never drank alcohol because it muddled his senses so he decided on the cider as well.

  “The same for me please.”

  She nodded before turning and leaving.

  After she had left Rose turned back towards him and said, “Speaking of work. I have a command meeting next and I was wondering if you could join me.”

  Johnathan was slightly confused. He had no place in a command meeting.

  “Rose I’m not really sure I belong in a command meeting.”

  “I know but I really need you for this one.”

  He was puzzled so he said, “This seems odd.”

  “Just trust me okay?”

  “I do. Do you want me to change into my uniform first?”

  “No what you are wearing is fine.”


  She released her hold on his hand and began playing with her watch.

  Scrolling through the screens for a while she finally said, “After the meeting I was wondering if you’d be free in two days?”

  His schedule was much more open than hers. All he had scheduled was his normal work shifts that started at midnight and ended at 0800. He had no doubt that her schedule was very full with all of the things that she had mentioned that she was required to deal with.

  “I’m free whenever you need me Rose.”

  She smiled at him as she took his hand again while saying, “I was hoping you’d say yes. I wish I could fit you in sooner but I have so many meetings that I’d have to skip sleeping to see you sooner.”

  He laughed before telling her, “Well you definitely don’t want to miss sleep. I could only imagine how exhausting being in your position must be.”

  Her face became serious before she stated, “It is but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I feel like I’m making a difference in people’s lives with everything I do.”

  Johnathan gave her a wide smile before stating, “I have no doubt you do. I wish I could say I feel the same way about what I do but usually I’m just checking and double checking wiring.”

  She frowned at him, which he responded to by frowning back.

  “Don’t underestimate yourself. The entire vessel couldn’t do anything without you, the computers make everything possible and you keep them going. I asked your supervisor if he knew about any of your work. He claimed that as far as he knew you just performed daily checks and never did anything else. I asked your assistant and he said that you’ve revolutionized the entire vessel’s computer systems. I love your modesty but it’s time for you to step out from the shadows. Please stop underestimating yourself. I see so much potential for greatness in you and if you let go of your own resistance you can fulfill it.”

  “Okay I’ll try.”

  “That’s all I can ask of you. Well that and I’d really love for you to lean over and give me a kiss.”

  He gave her a wicked grin.

  As he leaned forward to kiss her she instructed, “Kiss me like you really mean it.”

  The moment his lips made contact with hers she attacked him passionately by first placing her free hand on the back of his head but then aggressively kissing him. He kissed her with all he could muster. They continued kissing for some time before she broke their kiss. She still had her hand holding the back of his head so he could not move back.

  She then rested her cheek against his and softly kissed his cheek before saying, “That was good but I think you can do better. I’m a generous woman so I’ll give you two days to do some additional research and then show me what you’ve got.”

  Letting go of his head she leaned back. As he sat back and looked at her he realized that she was playing around with him. He chuckled at her, which she responded to by squeezing his hand. Right at that moment the waitress returned and placed their drinks on the table. Rose picked up one of the carrots off the tray and took a bite. Her face lit up.

  “You have to try this.” She told him.

  As he reached for an onion slice she reached over the table with the carrot and offered him a bite. He took a bite of her carrot. It had a light unusual spicy flavor from the sauce but it tasted amazing. Rose then ate the remaining carrot.

  “Wow,” He told her, “That was really good.”

  She nodded before stating, “I’ve never had the same thing twice here. Cooking is one of the ancient human arts and so few on the ‘Skybound’ participate in them. Although I wonder how many others do them without me knowing it.”

  Her face shifted to what he could only describe as a thoughtful look.

  “Maybe I should institute a program to try and bring back some of the arts?” She asked.

  “I think that’s a good idea.”

  She nodded slowly as she picked up a cauliflower. Johnathan helped himself to one of the onion slices. It tasted wonderful. They snacked on the appetizers for a while before Johnathan spotted Matthew approaching. He was holding a large black tray.

  “Commander for you and John I’ve created one of my most complex creations. We have crepes made from protein bars that I’ve filled with berries and drizzled with a berry and sweet sauce. I have included a light salad that has a raspberry and almond garnish. I hope you both enjoy it.”

  He lifted a plate off of his tray and set it in front of Rose and then placed one in front of Johnathan. Next he set down a bowl next to each of them.

  Lowering his tray Matthew said, “Enjoy”

  He turned and left. Johnathan looked down at his plate. The crepe looked like one of his omelets except it was much thinner and filled with berries. It had a reddish sauce that was poured over it in a thin zigzag line. The smell of sweet tart berries caught his nose. Rose picked up a knife and fork and began to cut into hers.

  As he started to cut off a piece she reached over the table and offered a bite to him while saying, “Try it.”

  Johnathan ate the piece she offered. It was wonderfully sweet but he could also taste the tart of the berries. The crepe itself was light and fluffy. Using his knife to cut a small piece off his own crepe he slid his fork under the piece and brought it up to offer to Rose. Her face lit up with a bright smile before she ate it.

  While chewing on the piece that he gave her she said, “It’s wonderful!”

  Johnathan nodded at her. He tried the salad, which tasted good but nowhere like the crepe. They ate the meal in relative silen
ce and once they finished Rose spent several minutes complimenting Matthew, who seemed quite pleased to Johnathan. Making sure to compliment that man Johnathan took Rose’s hand and they headed off.

  “Where to now?” He asked her.

  “The bridge. When we get to the top deck I need to play professional okay?”

  Johnathan nodded at her. It made sense to maintain a level of professionalism for her as the Commander. They strolled down the promenade hand in hand and then up to the primary elevator, which would take them directly to the bridge. Rose released her hold on his hand before she pulled on her tunic to straighten it. She smoothly ran her fingers along her skirt as well.

  Leaning into him she whispered, “Make sure to stay two paces back and to the left per regulation.”

  He did not know what got into him but he snapped to attention and said, “Yes Ma’am!”

  She gave him a nudge, which he responded to by relaxing and chuckling. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Johnathan paused to wait for her to leave before exiting himself.

  Chapter 4

  Johnathan never came on the bridge during primary hours. He was surprised with just how many people worked during the primary shift. The center of the bridge concaved slightly and in the middle of that was a bank of three chairs. The middle chair was offset slightly behind the other two. That chair was Rose’s. In a circle around the chairs were several terminals and workstations for the primary functions of the eco-ship. Everything from navigation, sensors, engineering, and environmental was monitored and controlled on the bridge. Each one had a back-up in other ship locations but these were the primary ones. Johnathan spotted his assistant Gregory working at the computer terminal in the circle. Normally Johnathan went to a terminal along the back wall for privacy but Gregory was more than capable to monitor and run the computer controls at the workstation. Gregory waved at him as he entered. Johnathan waved back. He noted immediately that every person on the bridge turned to watch them as they entered. They continued walking through the bridge and then entered the door that led to her office. Johnathan had never been in her office. As they entered he took a moment to examine the room. The back wall was clear, which allowed someone to see out into space. The left side wall was heavily decorated with a wide variety of what looked like military regalia. Opposite of that was a massive series of bookshelves that were fully stocked. Johnathan was more than a little surprised because he had thought that no one on the ‘Skybound’ read physical books anymore. Next to the back wall was a large desk with a terminal and several decorative items. Behind the desk was a large chair, which Rose walked up to and sat down. In front of the desk were three chairs.

  Rose pointed to the corner of the room behind him before saying, “Please take that chair and have a seat.”

  “Alright.” He said as he sat down.

  Rose lightly tapped at her terminal before speaking, “First Officer please report to my office.”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  She then continued, “Bring Mr. Noviko and Mr. Choe with you.”

  Johnathan was very confused as to what was going on. Rose’s face was unreadable. She played with a datapad that was resting on her desk but said nothing. After a brief pause, the door to her office opened. The First Officer entered with his friends following behind them. He took one look at Johnathan and gave him a scowling look. The others spotted him and their faces shifted to very unpleasant looks.

  “Gentlemen please have a seat.” Rose said.

  The First Officer sat in the middle seat in front of her desk with his friends sitting on each side of him.

  “First Officer do you think I’m stupid?” Rose asked sternly.

  “Ma’am?” He replied with what seemed like a very confused tone.

  “Do you understand that nothing happens on this vessel without me knowing about it?” She then asked.

  Her voice was very serious. Johnathan almost wanted to slip out the office door because he was quite uncomfortable.

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “Then can you explain the conversation the four of you had at my table during the birth ceremony last night.”

  Johnathan’s jaw dropped. He had no idea that she heard their conversation.

  “Well I” The First Officer started.

  Rose interrupted, “You what First Officer. You felt that you knew what was best for me, better than I do?”

  The First Officer said nothing.

  “Do either of you gentlemen have anything to add?” Rose asked the First Officer’s friends.

  Neither said a word.

  “My question is what should I do about this? I believe I made my interests in you crystal clear Mr. Thomasson. All business and nothing more. From this point I’m expecting nothing but the highest levels of professionalism from the three of you when dealing with Technician Fischer. Am I understood?”

  All three firmly replied, “Yes Ma’am.”

  “Now,” She said with a long pause before continuing, “The question is what I should do about this breech of etiquette.”

  Spinning a datapad on her desk she slid it over to the First Officer.

  “I’ve made some minor changes to the work detail for the next ten years. Perhaps this might help you reconsider your position about my personal relationships?”

  The First Officer picked up the datapad and read it.

  After a few seconds he said in a loud tone, “This is outrageous!”

  He then passed the datapad to Choe.

  “Don’t you mean this is outrageous Ma’am?” Rose asked him.

  “Commander you cannot assign me to work in sewage maintenance.”

  Rose stood up angrily as she said, “First Officer I can assign you to work anywhere I damned well please. This should remind you of your place on this vessel. Now get out of my office.”

  Johnathan was surprised by her anger. The First Officer and his friends rose from their seats and walked away. Each one gave Johnathan what could only be described as an evil look. Honestly he thought that she might have been too harsh on them. Once all three had fully left her office she walked around her desk and up to him.

  “That should teach them a lesson.” She stated firmly.

  As he stood up she wrapped her arms around him and asked, “What do you think?”

  At first he was just going to agree with her but something told him she would appreciate it if he was honest with her.

  “Honestly?” He asked.

  Looking into his eyes she nodded.

  “I think you were too harsh. It really wasn’t that big of a deal.”

  She frowned at him.

  “I thought you would appreciate the punishment. I was quite proud of your reaction to them. It was something that your files did not give the impression that you could do.”

  Johnathan smiled at her before saying, “I had a reason to change my mind.”

  Rose squeezed him tightly before releasing her hold and strolling back to her desk.

  She tapped at her terminal with her left hand while gesturing for Johnathan to sit down with her right as she spoke, “First Officer. Please return to my office with Mr. Noviko and Mr. Choe.”

  After a few moments the door to her office opened and the very chaste looking First Officer reentered with his now dejected looking friends behind him.

  “Gentleman have a seat please.” Rose instructed them.

  Each silently took a seat.

  “Today is a very lucky day for the three of you.” She announced.

  Johnathan really admired her ability to always be in charge.

  “I have been convinced by Technician Fischer that the conversation between the four of you was not some nefarious attempt on your part to ruin my personal relationship but you were testing the technician to ensure that he had the temerity that you felt was important for a man to have in order to date me. Is this true?”

  The three men looked very confused as they looked back and forth at each other. Johnathan realized that she was te
sting them.

  He was quite surprised when the First Officer answered, “Ma’am I’m afraid that Technician Fischer is wrong. I was acting out of place and for that I do wish to sincerely apologize.”

  Rose rubbed her chin with her left hand for a moment before stating, “First Officer I appreciate your honesty. Few men would pass the opportunity to escape their punishment and you’ve proven to me why you deserve the position of First Officer. I’ve taken the time to remove this incident from all three of your records and have canceled the sewage sanitation shifts. You’re dismissed.”

  The First Officer rose from his chair before saying, “Thank you Ma’am.”

  He turned and began walking towards the door. The other two rose up and followed him. Johnathan caught eyes with the First Officer and was quite surprised when he looked right at Johnathan and nodded. Johnathan nodded back at him. After they left Rose stood up and approached him.

  She wrapped her arms around him before saying, “I have to get to work. I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too.”

  Rose tilted her head slightly back and paused, he realized that she was hinting for him to kiss her. He gave her a kiss, which she responded to by kissing back. After they kissed for a few moments she broke their kiss and let go of him.

  “John I’ll see you tomorrow morning at the shift change.”


  She turned and walked out of the office. He followed behind her and watched as she walked down the ramp of stairs and then sat down in her chair. He continued out off the bridge and down the main hallway to the stairs.

  “Technician Fischer!” A voice off to his right called.

  Johnathan turned to his right and saw the First Officer quickly approaching him. Johnathan was a little hesitant when the man approached but when he extended a hand Johnathan realized that he was not there to be aggressive.

  As Johnathan took his hand the First Officer said, “I wanted to thank you for trying to help us. I know that I acted like a fool towards you for no reason other than my own jealousy.”


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