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Lucky 7 Brazen Bachelors Contemporary Romance Boxed Set

Page 7

by Caridad Piñeiro

  Which meant that he might have seen her and Jase sneaking in from the beach.

  “Shit,” she muttered.

  “Yes, I think that’s what he said when he saw you and Jason heading up the stairs together.”

  Rosie put the finishing touches on the large platter of fruit salad and eyed her, the glance thoughtful and surprisingly supportive. “It’s time to face the music, Nickie.”

  Yeah, it was, but she hoped the music didn’t turn out to be a funeral dirge.

  She followed Rosie into the dining room, a bright smile on her face, not that she was feeling all that happy. She hugged her dad, mom, Tommy, and Jase’s parents before taking her spot at the table at the empty chair beside her dad. The spot beside her was normally reserved for her brother, but he was sitting next to their mom and Jase’s mom. As she met his gaze, hers questioning, he winked and then shot a quick glance at Jase, who was sitting in Tommy’s normal spot.

  “You’re late,” her father said, a combination of anger and annoyance dripping from every word.

  “I’m sorry, dad, but I couldn’t sleep last night,” she said and avoided looking at Jase, although as she sat, he placed a comforting hand on her thigh. His actions were hidden from view by the table.

  “Funny thing, but I had trouble sleeping as well,” he said and glared at the two of them, but said nothing else as Rosie stepped between them to place the fruit platter on the table.

  Her family had never been big on formalities, especially not with the Harts who had shared so many good times with them.

  “Well, I’m starving,” Tommy said and grabbed the spoon from the fruit platter to serve himself.

  “Dig in,” her mother urged and whatever her father might have wanted to say was forestalled by the exchange of plates from one hand to the other as people served themselves from the pastries, bagels, eggs, bacon, and fruit that Rosie had prepared for the meal.

  She wasn’t very hungry. Her stomach was twisted up like a pretzel as each second ticked by and became one second closer to the time Jase would leave with his parents. But she also knew her father and eagle-eyed mother would know something was up if she didn’t eat.

  She’d always had a healthy appetite and breakfast was her absolutely favorite meal. There was no way she’d skipped it unless some major shit was going down.

  She loaded her plate with eggs, bacon, a bagel and some of the fresh fruit, and forced herself to start eating.

  “Would you like some coffee?” Jase asked and offered to pour from the carafe in his hand.

  “I’d love some, thanks,” she replied, maybe a little too formally. Anyone watching them would hopefully never believe that they’d spent the entire night fucking each other’s brains out, but as she grabbed the carafe from him, their fingers brushed and a salvo of desire and heat exploded through her body.

  With a shaky hand, she poured coffee for her dad, managing to spill a good amount into his saucer.

  “Are you sure you haven’t had too much coffee already, Nickie? You seem kind of jittery,” her father said and steadied her hand with his.

  “Not enough, actually.” When she finished pouring and set the carafe on the table, she fixed her coffee with a few spoonfuls of sugar and cream and took a big swallow. “Heaven,” she said and ignored her brother’s snicker.

  “Heaven is Rosie’s French toast,” her brother said and then called out to the housekeeper, “How come you didn’t make your world famous French toast, Rosie?”

  Rosie came in a second later with a plate heaped with blueberry walnut pancakes which she took right to Jason. With a wry grin at Tommy, she said, “Because these are Jase’s favorites and I wanted to make something special for him before he left.”

  She dropped her fork at Rosie’s words, but Jase’s reassuring touch on her thigh provided the strength for her to pick it up and try to act as if everything was normal.

  Only it wasn’t.

  The man of her dreams was sitting beside her and he’d be gone in a few short hours. After that, who knew how long it would be before he would be back home, only home wasn’t New Jersey anymore. Not since his parents had moved away months earlier.

  She grabbed her coffee cup again and took a bracing swallow, hoping the heat of the coffee would help warm the chill that had suddenly seized her heart.

  It didn’t.

  Somehow she managed to eat, not that she was hungry. Especially not as her dad decided to pile on with the reason for this special meal. He raised his juice glass and said, “To Jason on his commission and deployment. We hope you come home soon, as well as safe and sound.”

  “Thank you, sir,” he said respectfully and lifted his coffee cup to clink it against those being offered by everyone except her. She somehow couldn’t muster the strength to raise her cup at first, but then managed a hasty tap against his to avoid scrutiny.

  The rest of the meal passed in relative silence as everyone ate. Every now and then someone would ask Jase a question about his assignment and she listened intently, trying to picture how the time would pass. What he’d be doing. What she’d be doing. How long it might be until they were together again.

  “So you’re not set to ship out until next weekend? You have this whole week off?” Tommy asked Jase while gazing at her directly.

  “I have the week off, but there are some things I promised my parents I’d do this week,” he said and forked up a big mouthful of pancakes.

  “Jase and I have work to do on the new house,” his dad chimed in.

  “And we haven’t really seen him all that much since we moved down to North Carolina,” his mom added and looked at her son with love and pride.

  “Right,” Jase said around the mouthful of food, but squeezed her thigh beneath the table as if to say, “I’m sorry. I’d rather be with you.”

  But he couldn’t be with her. In that second, though, it came to her what she had to do.

  It was something that was illogical and so not like her.

  It would risk her heart even more than she already had by giving him his one night.

  But it was the right thing to do.

  She laced her fingers with his and brought their joined hands to rest on the table in full view.

  Everyone’s attention zoomed to that spot, including Jase’s, as she said, “Would you mind very much if I went with you? I’m off from school and even if I get the summer intern position, I don’t have to start until next month. So I’m free to go and I’d like to spend some more time with Jase.”

  Her dad’s dark bushy eyebrows shot up high, looking like two crow’s wings about to take flight on his forehead. Her mom brought a shaky hand to her mouth and her eyes watered. Tommy grinned from ear to ear, obviously pleased and let out a loud “Oohrah.”

  Jase’s parents were obviously surprised, but smiling in approval.

  “Are you serious, Nicole? Do you know what that means?” her father asked, but his voice lacked the bluster and upset she had expected.

  She glanced at Jase and her gaze lovingly swept across his face. She smiled and said without any doubt, “I know what it means, Dad. I love Jase. I want to be with him.”


  In his wildest dreams, Jase had never expected this. Never imagined Nickie would truly commit for more than the one night much less surprise everyone like this.

  But she had and he wasn’t about to doubt why or how. He was going to go big and then go home with her.

  “And I love, Nickie, Mr. and Mrs. de Silva. I have for a while,” he said and looked directly at her father, knowing that he’d appreciate that he had no hesitation in making the declaration.

  Her father slapped his hands on the table dramatically and said, “Well, it’s about time. We all kept on wondering when the two of you would finally come to your senses.”

  “All?” Jase asked and examined the faces of the family members gathered around the table and Rosie, who had rushed in at the loud sound of Nickie’s father’s hands hitting the wood. It was evident t
hat each one of them agreed with the statement, but even more importantly, they all were clearly happy with the outcome.

  “It was obvious, dude,” Tommy said, laughter ringing from his voice.

  Nickie squeezed his hand and with an equal dash of humor said, “Obvious to everyone but the two of us. I guess we’re kind of dense.”

  He grinned as he looked at her. “Yeah, I guess we are. It’s a good thing we finally did something about it. Any regrets, Nickie?”

  Her smile was brilliant and unrestrained. “No regrets.”

  That was all he needed to here.

  He leaned over and kissed her, sealing their unspoken promise with that kiss. Grinning against her lips with joy.

  When they broke apart, she said, “I have to go pack.”

  “I’ll help,” he said and they excused themselves from the table and headed to her room. Once inside, he wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her near. He asked her once again, just in case. “Are you sure about this, Nickie? About us?”

  She nodded and cradled his cheek, offering up that beaming smile again. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Jase.”

  She broke away from him and walked to the small overnighter sitting on the floor by her bed. He joined her and briefly examined the suitcase. “That doesn’t look like it’ll hold much.”

  With a sexy grin, she said, “I don’t think I’ll be needing all that many clothes.”

  “No, I don’t think you will,” he said and kissed her again, grateful that their one night had brought the promise of many many more nights together.


  About the Author

  Caridad Pineiro

  Caridad Pineiro is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author and RITA® Finalist. Caridad wrote her first novel in the fifth grade when her teacher assigned a project – to write a book for a class lending library. Bitten by the writing bug, Caridad continued with her passion for the written word and in 1999, Caridad’s first novel was released. Over a decade later, Caridad is the author of nearly 40 published novels and novellas. When not writing, Caridad is a wife and mother to an aspiring writer and fashionista. For more information, please visit or Follow Caridad on Twitter at @caridadpineiro and on Facebook at To sign up to receive Caridad’s newsletters, please click here.

  Additional Books by the Author Writing as Caridad Pineiro




  Heart Hunter

  Cameron and Evie – A Heartthrob Series Novella, Book 4

  Sophia Knightly

  Heart Hunter: Chapter One

  Evie was finally going to meet her mystery date. A tingle of anticipation zinged through her as she slipped one foot into a delicate silver stiletto pump and then the other. If she didn’t hurry she’d be late for Kate and Alec’s wedding, but some things just shouldn’t be rushed. Dressed in pearl gray thong panties, she carefully lifted the maid of honor dress over her head and sighed with pleasure. The luxurious satin slid over her recently showered and creamed body and landed in a swirl at her ankles. Standing before the mirror, she smoothed the glistening mercury mermaid gown over her waist and hips, and then turned for a glimpse of her back. She drew in a sharp breath at the deep V that plunged to the waist leaving her back bare.

  Kate Hayes, her best friend and co-owner of Kate and Evie Bridal Boutique, had designed it as the star of their spring collection. The dress and shoes had been waiting for her at the hotel front desk when Evie checked in. She hadn’t had a fitting, but she wasn’t concerned because Kate was a master designer and a consummate perfectionist in detail and style.

  What would Evie’s mystery man think of the backless dress? Was it too much? She sucked in air to calm the jitters and let it out forcefully. When she’d asked for details, Kate’s eyes had twinkled. “I won’t tell you his name, Evie. He’s handsome, rich and famous, and wants marriage and kids. You’re going to be surprised and pleased…very pleased.”

  A knock on the door meant room service had brought the extra pillow she’d requested. Evie’s breath caught in her throat when she opened the door. Tall, handsome and tempting as sin, a man stood with his hands clasped behind his blue and green tartan kilt, strong shoulders squared in the dark blue, gold-buttoned jacket, and long muscular legs braced apart. Smoky green eyes met hers from beneath thick dark brows. His unhurried gaze roved her face from her forehead to her chin and mouth and finally settled on her eyes. And then he winked.

  “Hello, Evangeline.” He said it as if he knew her personally, but he didn’t.

  Evie’s hand flew to her mouth. Cameron Hunter, the UK’s favorite whisky tycoon bad boy was the last person in the world she would have expected at her hotel door. She chewed the inside of her mouth and stared at him. Was he the mystery date Kate had chosen? No way. Kate was her best friend. No best friend would set her up with such a notorious heartbreaker.

  Awkward silence ensued until she snapped out of the haze of disbelief. “Evie Parker,” she said, extending her hand.

  Cameron’s tanned hand wrapped around hers. “Nice to meet you.” His low-timbered voice with a hint of Scottish burr was as smooth as the single malt whisky his family superbly produced. “Kate has told me so much about you. I’m—”

  Evie retrieved her hand from his firm grip. “I know who you are.”

  He quirked a brow at her dissatisfied tone. “Something wrong?”

  “No.” She shut her gaping mouth. He had the longest, thickest lashes she’d seen on a man and it was distracting her to no end. “I’m just surprised by Kate’s choice.” She shook her head and smiled apologetically. “Wait…sorry. That didn’t come out right. I don’t mean to be rude, but…” She met his baffled eyes head-on. “You can’t be my date today.” She smiled again to lessen the sting.

  “Why not?” The incredulous gleam in his eyes told her the smile had been wasted.

  “Kate was going to introduce me to…oh never mind,” she said, giving up. No sense in letting him know her expectations had been derailed.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  “Of course, where are my manners? Please come in.” Did Cameron realize how stunned she was to see him in the flesh? His image had been plastered all over the news the past three months. As a bona fide entertainment news junkie, she had read all about his antics.

  He took a few steps forward, but remained at the entrance. “You haven’t answered my question.” He arched a sardonic brow. “Why can’t I be your date?”

  “We’re not well suited.” Evie kept her gaze fixed on his fine nose to avoid looking at his penetrating eyes. Don’t look at his mouth either! Those beautifully sculpted lips had no business being paired with sharp-hewn, rugged features.

  “Oh? How do you know that?” His dry tone mocked her.

  “I am not your usual choice of arm candy.” She raised her chin and straightened to her full 5 foot 3 inches. It sucked having to crane her neck to hold her own with Cameron. His tall, athletic body was solid muscle. She could tell by the assertive way he carried himself.

  His smoky gaze leisurely traveled the length of her body. When he returned to peer at her face, his eyes glinted with amusement as he stroked the sexy stubble on his lean jaw. “What is my usual arm candy?”

  She pursed her mouth. “A harem of hot-tempered supermodels and high-strung starlets.”

  “And to think I was about to compliment you,” he said, lips twitching.

  She lifted a nonchalant shoulder. He was a natural charmer and it didn’t help that when he smiled, a dimple appeared in his left cheek, relaxing the sharp angles of his face.mHmhh

  “What have I done to earn such scorn?” He sounded surprised and a bit put out.

  “I have nothing against you, but you’re not who I was expecting. I’m not your type either.”

  He c
rossed his arms and leaned against the doorway, green eyes alight with interest. “You already said that. You’re making a lot of assumptions, Angel.”

  Evie blinked rapidly as her temper spiked. One minute into their meeting and he was already calling her Angel. Evidently no woman had turned down a date with the hotshot. He was just like the overly confident players she’d had the misfortune to meet after she had widowed and felt ready to date again—the ones she’d been set up with as blind dates or that she’d met through online dating sites. She had disliked meeting men that way, but she didn’t want to be a widow forever. She longed to love again—and be loved again. After grieving Michael’s death for seven years, she was ready to remarry, but she didn’t want to settle. She had exclusively dated a nice guy over a year ago, but ended it when she realized she wasn’t in love with him and he was already talking about marriage.

  The wry grin tugging at Cameron’s lips annoyed the heck out of her. “What do you know about me?”

  Evie gave him an assessing once-over. “You are ‘Heartbreak Hunter’, badass billionaire, heir to Hunter Whisky and one of the UK’s twenty-five most eligible bachelors who was recently in a speedboat racing scandal.” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could put a cork in it. Too late now. Cameron’s back stiffened and his mouth twisted.

  He might not like her bluntness, but he couldn’t refute what she’d just said. For the past three months, the entertainment news had been all about the speedboat accident in Italy with Heartbreak Hunter at the helm. The accident had resulted in the near death of Cameron’s date, the hot-blooded superstar Divina. Their volatile fights and her excessive jealousy had been regular fodder in the UK’s Daily Beat.

  Cameron’s gaze swept over her with censure. “You look too smart to believe everything you read.”

  “Wow, and you haven’t seen me in my glasses yet,” she said, picking up steam.

  “Now that’s hot. You in horn rim glasses, a prim white blouse and a pencil skirt.” The corners of his mouth lifted as his brazen gaze flicked over her. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you dressed up as a naughty librarian.”


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