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Let Love Stay

Page 10

by Melissa Collins

  Lust takes over and I wrap her long, golden pony tail around my wrist and pull her head back to expose the creamy, delicate skin of her neck. I see her pulse beat beneath the surface. Running my nose up the length of her neck, I inhale her scent – some fruity shampoo mixed with pure desire.

  Almost involuntarily, my tongue darts out and runs a hot, wet, seductive path up from the small exposed patch of her throat to the tender spot of flesh right below her earlobe that makes her knees quiver.

  And wouldn’t you know it? That’s exactly what happens. Lips pressed against her neck, I smile and whisper in her ear, “Did you miss me, Maddy?” Goose bumps pimple her flesh immediately and without having to say a word, I know her answer. Damn this bulky winter jacket for getting in my way, because my palms long to squeeze her pebbled nipples. I need to get her out of here now.

  Hair still wrapped around my wrist, lips still pressed up against her exposed neck, I smile into her skin and say, “Now here’s what’s going to happen, Maddy. You’re going to text Mel and let her know that I came and picked you up like I said I would and that you’re staying out for the night. Got it?” I hold her phone in front of her, the one she left at home. I stopped and picked it up from Mel earlier. She nods in response and my ego fist pumps the air knowing that I’ve rendered her speechless. “And then you’re going to shut off your phone and we’re going to a hotel so I can show you over and over again that you belong to me. Okay?”

  This time I don’t wait for her response, verbal or otherwise. I just release her from my grasp and stalk away towards the truck. Sliding into the cabin, I look at her furiously typing away on her phone. I see her hold down a single button and I smile at her ability to follow instructions.

  That’s a skill that will come in handy for her tonight.

  When she gets in the truck, she’s still shocked into silence. “Where’s the nearest hotel?” I ask; my words are gruff and harsh. She seems surprised by my question, but after a kiss like that, what did she expect?

  “There’s a Holiday Inn on route 17. It’s only about ten minutes from here.” Her voice is timid and weak. She may be scared, but she’s got nothing to fear. I’m just here to take back what’s mine.

  “Okay, good.” My curt response forces her to turn towards me, rather than facing straight in the seat. I shift the truck into drive and turn to look behind me before pulling out of the spot.

  “Why are you so angry, Reid? What are you even doing here?” Seriously? That’s how she wants to approach this. Abruptly, I shift the truck back into park and it rocks a few times before stopping completely.

  “Why am I angry?” The question comes out through my clenched jaw. I know I have to temper back my fury, so I take a deep breath and try to relax. I shift so that I can face her, so I can look into her deep green eyes.

  “I’m angry that you pushed me away because I was shocked to find out you are pregnant. I’m furious that you think I can’t love you just because I can’t forgive my family. I’m beyond pissed that I actually listened to you and tried to make amends at home and all it did was cause more pain.” I notice her eyes widen in shock as I mention that I did, in fact, go home. “But what infuriates me, more than anything, is that you were about to go out with some other guy when you just called me yesterday to tell me that you missed me, that you still loved me.” I run my hand through my hair and let out a loud almost growl-like sound.

  “I do still love you.” Her voice is no more than a whisper. She reaches out to grab my hand and I let her. I’ve missed her touch and right now, I could use some comfort.

  Running my thumb over her knuckles, I gaze into her teary eyes. A single tear streaks down her cheek and I swipe it away with the pad of my other thumb. I release her hand and cup her soft cheeks in my palms. Grazing her soft, full lips with my fingertips, my body can’t help but react to her sweetness.

  I take a deep, cleansing breath and once my anger is washed away, I say, “I still love you too, Maddy. I never thought that I would love anyone, but you, my God, I love you so much it actually hurts. Just because I’ve never done this before,” I gesture between the two of us, “just because I haven’t been in a relationship before, doesn’t mean I’m not capable of loving you with everything that I am. I never should have walked away, but you shouldn’t have pushed me away either.”

  More tears pour from her eyes and speech seems to elude her. She nods her head, acknowledging my words and I press my index finger to her lips.

  “Shh, baby. Words aren’t necessary right now.” Again, she just nods in response and I shift the truck back into drive. Words may not be necessary, but actions will definitely help her understand just how much I love her, just how much she is mine.

  After we check into the hotel, we ride the elevator up to the third floor in complete silence. Our fingers are interlaced and the energy that is pulsing and beating between us is like a powerful ocean wave threatening to crest and pull us under. In just a few short minutes, we’ll be consumed in each other; we’ll be drowning in the sea of bliss and pleasure, holding onto each other as if our lives depend on it.

  I slide the card into the door handle. When the green light blinks and the lock clicks open, my heartbeat quickens and Maddy’s grip on my hand tightens.

  When we’re finally on the other side of door and inside of the room, I spin her around so that her back is up against the door. Immediately, I strip her of her bulky winter jacket and dispose of mine as well. I pull her baggy work uniform over her head and my mouth waters at the sight of her perfect body. Her hot pink lacy bra does nothing to cover her perfect breasts. They’re nearly spilling out of the cups and she’s already so aroused that her nipples are pushing against the see-through fabric.

  Now that we’ve gotten all of the “I love you and you love me” details out of the way, I’m ready to play. I’m ready to take her back.

  I capture her wrist, the one that’s not wrapped in a cast, and pull it above her head. Holding it in place, I trace a line down her other arm and marvel at how quickly she responds to my touch. “You know, Maddy, I had visions of you tied to that bed. I wanted to make you squirm, but this cast is just going to get in the way. So you’re just going to have to be a good girl and listen to what I tell you to do. Got it?” Her pupils dilate; her pulse beats wildly in her ensnared wrist. I place my palm across her frantically racing heart and my groin twitches in delight at the first contact with her skin. Her nipples pebble even more and I lean into her cleavage. I move my hand from above her heart, and cup her full, heavy breast in my hand. Inhaling her scent and pressing my lips to the creamy skin that’s exposed in between the plunging cups of her bra, I say, “These,” I squeeze her breast for emphasis, “have changed. They’re bigger.” Another squeeze elicits a moan. Her sharp intake of breath as I pull gently on her nipple through the lacy fabric makes my cock swell in anticipated delight.

  “You like when I do that?” I let go of her wrist and using both hands, I pull both of her tight, pink tips. Her knees quake and she slides down the door slightly.

  “Oh God, Reid. You know I like that. You know my body better than I do.” Her voice is a lust-filled whisper. I pull again, this time harder and she gasps. It’s a sound of pleasure mixed with pain. Her body recoils from mine slightly. “They’re just a little tender, but your fingers feel so amazing. Please don’t stop.” Her head falls to my shoulder and she nuzzles my neck, inhaling me.

  Her finger tips are digging into the flesh of my back – scraping and clawing over the thin cotton fabric of my T-shirt. She moves her hands up to the nape of my neck and into my hair. Her fingers scorch my skin, igniting a passion that I’ve never felt before.

  Tipping her chin up with my finger, I look her directly in the eyes and say, “Maddy, this place could be on fire and I wouldn’t stop touching you. For tonight and forever, you’re mine and nothing is going to get between us.”

  Softly pressing my lips to hers, my body melts; my insides turn to liquefied desire. My h
eart beats a furious tattoo in my chest. She slants her mouth across mine and her hands are now roaming up the back of my shirt. Her hands have my body memorized as she traces her fingers into the valleys and curves of my muscles. Her tongue dips into the corner of my mouth and she traces it over my top lip. When she begins to trace my bottom lip, I can’t contain the growl that vibrates in my chest. She bites my lip and sucks it into her mouth. God, Maddy can fucking kiss and we’ve got a week’s worth of kisses to make up for.

  Unable to withstand this torture any longer, I bend down and scoop her up in my arms. Instinctively, she wraps her arms around my neck, which forces her to crush her supple breasts into my chest. I can’t resist. They call to me, so I lean my head down and lick her aroused nipple through the lace of her bra. Her head falls back as she gasps in ecstasy and I take the opportunity to nip and bite at her neck.

  When we get to the bed, I place her gently on her back and hover above her, supporting my weight on my out-stretched arms. Kissing her neck and ears again causes her to shiver and squirm beneath me. Her honey-colored hair is spread out against the pillow beneath her.

  I stop at her ear once again and trace my tongue along its outer shell before huffing a hot, passionate breath against the skin of her neck. “Reid...I…oh God…Reid…I need you, please…baby please…” Her sexy-as-fuck begging is almost enough to make me cave, to give her everything she wants, but that’s not the point of tonight. The point is to show her that she’s mine, that I will never love anyone as much as I love her, that I will bring her more love and pleasure than she ever thought was possible.

  “Shh, sweet Maddy. I hope you realize now that I’m not going anywhere, ever. I need you too, but tonight, you’re mine. I’m in charge here, so you just lay back and let me own you. Put your hands above your head and don’t move them. At all. Understand?” She nods her assent to which I reply, “Good girl.”

  I straddle her hips and untie the drawstring on her pants. I slide them off of her leaving her black lace panties in place and then unhook the front clasp to her bra. I nearly come in my pants as I watch her breasts spring free. The cool air of the hotel room forces them to pucker even more.

  I need to be naked with her. I need to bare my body to her; she already has my soul. Standing from the bed, I unbutton my jeans and let them fall to the floor. Maddy perches herself up on her elbows and scoots down to the end of the bed where I’m standing. She grabs my hips and pulls me closer to her. I go all too willingly.

  She looks up at me through her long lashes. Lust and desire are clearly written across her gorgeous face. She runs her fingertip under the waistband of my black boxer-briefs. She pulls them down slightly to unveil the tip of my cock, which is glistening from the drop of moisture that’s just formed there. When her tongue swipes across the broad, flat head of my erection, I shudder with delight. I could come right now, but I won’t. This is not about me. This is about her.

  I arch my eyebrow at her and quirk my lips up into a devilish smile. “Now, now, Maddy. I told you to stay still. Now lie back down, and don’t move, or else I’ll have to spank that glorious ass of yours.”

  At the threat of spanking her, she lies back down immediately, but I’m certain that I saw a moment of joy flit across her face.

  Kneeling between her legs, I lean back down to her soft, supple body. Her breasts beckon me. I skim my fingertips lightly along her torso and hips. With her panties still in place, I run my finger along her slit, over the fabric and she groans in response.

  I want to touch her. I want to be drenched in her hot wetness, but not yet. Leaning down on my elbows, I lower my face back to her chest and nuzzle her nipple with my nose. I plant a quick, almost innocent kiss on each nipple before reaching for them with my hands.

  I pull on her nipples to elongate them further. Rolling and twisting them makes her nearly convulse underneath me. I’m relentless in my assault on them. Cupping, kneading, twisting, pulling – I want to hear her scream my name. Her eyes roll back and she’s breathing as if she’s just run a marathon. “Reid…ahhh…Reid, I think… oh God, Reid I’m going to come.”

  Well, if I thought I was going to lose it before, this has certainly tipped me over the edge. Cock bulging and pulsing, I can’t wait to bury myself inside of her. But I have to make her come first. And the thought of making her come without even touching her tight, sweet pussy makes another tiny bead of moisture gather at the head of my dick.

  Bending my head down to her shaking body, I pull a nipple deep into my mouth and suck, hard. She nearly screams at the feel of my tongue tracing patterns around its puckered surface. I replace my mouth with my hand and begin toying with her now damp tip. I move over to the other breast and draw that one deep into my mouth. Sucking, nipping and finally biting her nipple lightly, she falls over the edge. Her hips are gyrating beneath me and I push my erection against her lace-clad pussy to give her more of what she’s looking for. Even through the fabric of our underwear, I can feel her heat, her dripping wet core and as if it’s some kind of instinct, I have to taste her.

  When she’s come down from her ecstatic high, I sprawl out beside her and pull her into my side. Her eyes are glazed over and barely open. I trace my fingertip over the features of her face committing them to memory. I kiss the tip of her nose, then her eyelids, then her cheek. Then I softly press my lips to hers. “I’ve missed you so much, Maddy. More than is healthy, I’m sure.”

  She smiles against my lips and murmurs, “And I’ve missed you, Reid. God, have I missed you and that mouth of yours and your hands. Hmmm, it’s safe to say that I’ve missed all of you.” Her voice is content and sated – smooth like caramel.

  I nudge my painfully hard erection into the side of her hip. “Oh, believe me, Maddy, there are parts of my body that have missed you too. Let’s get them reacquainted.” Her sharp intake of breath is the only indication that I need to crawl back on top of her.

  I slink back down her body and kiss a heated path across her belly. With my lips hovering above her still-flat stomach, I pause in awe of the knowledge that there is a life growing inside of her. Shaking those thoughts from my mind for the time being, I dip my tongue into her belly button and chuckle when she squirms beneath me. I slide her skimpy panties off and run my hands back up her thighs so that my thumbs are almost, but not quite, touching her mound. Her legs quake in anticipation and my mouth waters. I kiss a path up her thighs and lie down in between her legs.

  Using my thumbs, I pull back her tender folds. Her clit is right there begging to be kissed and licked. With one long, broad stroke of my tongue, I lick from her molten center up to her tiny nub. She thrashes violently beneath me. Her long fingers lace into my hair and she holds me in place.

  Her garbled moans and groans are music to my ears. I pull myself up to my knees and look down at this beautiful creature who I love more than anything and I’m in awe that she loves me back. A confused look flits across her face. “Did I do something wrong? Why did you stop?” She tries to clamp her thighs together as if she’s ashamed or something.

  “Babe, you most definitely didn’t do anything wrong. I just wanted to watch you come, so I think,” I tap my finger to my bottom lip to stretch out this torturous deliberation. “I think I’ll use my hands…this time.”

  When my thumb brushes over her hypersensitive clit, her hips buck up to welcome more of my touch. I slide one finger deep into her core and she pushes back harder. “Ahh…Reid…more…”

  “My God, Maddy. You’re soaked.” With ease, I slide another finger inside of her and massage her walls mercilessly. Rubbing furious circles over that tender patch of flesh deep within her core, I use my other hand to stroke her hardened bud.

  I can feel her orgasm building, cresting, threatening to take her under. “Let go, Maddy. Let go for me.”

  A wave of hot liquid coats my fingers and her inner muscles clamp down. “Reid…Reid…Reid…” My name is a mantra on her tongue as her orgasm consumes her. She’s nothing more than
a boneless pool of liquid desire beneath me. I love that I can do this to her.

  While I’m lost in marveling how beautiful she is when she comes, Maddy swiftly shifts positions so that she’s up on her knees in front of me.

  “Can it be my turn now?” There’s innocence her in voice, but her eyes dance with mirth and devilishness.

  My lopsided grin is all she needs as confirmation and she softly pushes against my chest so that I’m lying on the bed underneath her. She kisses me – all over. Earlobes, neck, chest, abs. When her tongue traces along my happy trail and stops right above my twitching cock, she looks up at me mischievously.

  She doesn’t say anything as she wraps her small hand around my dick and pulls it up to her mouth. Her tongue glides effortless over the smoothly veined surface of my erection and I’m afraid I won’t last another minute.

  When she pulls my entire length, or as much as she can take at least, into her mouth, I can’t help but thrust up into her hot, sweet, lips. “Fuck, Maddy. Ahh…”

  I wrap my hand around the nape of her neck and she lets me guide her up and down. “Look up at me, please. God, I need to see you.” She complies with my demand and there are tears in her eyes. I pull away from her instantly.

  “Hey, shhh…why are you crying? Did I hurt you?” I kiss her tears away as I swipe across her cheeks with the pads of my thumbs.

  Reaching up gingerly and with a shaking hand, she cups my stubbled cheek in her palm. “No, Reid. You didn’t hurt me at all. I just love you. That’s all.”

  With that she pushes me back on the bed and climbs on top of me. Realization dawns - oh my God, she’s going to ride me. Reaching her hands down to our joined hips, she slides my cock into her still-trembling core and I know that this is what heaven feels like.

  She’s poised above me, only a few inches sinking into her, and the look on her face tells me all I need to know. I grab her hips, my fingers digging into her soft flesh and she begins to move. Slowly, patiently, she’s drawing out our pleasure. God, she’s so fucking hot.


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