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My Destiny

Page 10

by J. L. Perry

  The girl gave her a big hug and kissed her on the cheek. The smile Brooke gave her was priceless. She really had a great talent for teaching.

  After everyone had left, I asked Ellen if I could go in. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Knock yourself out,” she replied with a cheeky smile.

  When I walked into the room, Brooke was taking off her shoes. “You are amazing,” I said. “I am so proud of you.” She looked up at me and gave me a smile.

  When she stood up to turn off the music, I walked over to her and put my hand out. “Don’t turn the music off,” I said. “Dance with me?” My intention when I walked in here definitely wasn’t to ask her that. I wasn’t a good dancer, I actually hated dancing, but I wanted to hold Brooke in my arms and be close to her.

  “Okay,” she replied, smiling shyly. She put her hand in mine and I pulled her against me. I had this overwhelming feeling whenever I was near her.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and I put mine around her waist. We just moulded into to each other, and it felt so right holding her in my arms. She looked up at me and smiled as our bodies swayed to the music. I loved seeing her smile.

  Brooke had been through so much since we met. There have been a lot of tears shed, so it was good to see her happy.

  I told her how much I enjoyed watching her. She asked me if I wanted to go with her to watch the girls perform at their concert in three weeks. I gave her a smile. “I will make you a deal,” I challenged. “I’ll come to the concert with you, if you come to my niece’s birthday party with me. I want you to meet my family.”

  I was surprised when she replied, “Okay, Mr Cavanagh. You have a deal.”

  I leaned down and kissed her. It was meant to be a small kiss, but I’d been waiting all day to kiss her so I found myself deepening it and pulling her closer. Brooke had the softest lips I had ever kissed. When she felt my erection pushing up against her stomach, she broke away.

  “I think I better get you home,” she whispered with a laugh. She had such a sweet laugh. Once the music was turned off, Brooke ejected her CD. She picked up her bag and held out her hand for me, and we walked out into the waiting room. Ellen was standing there with a huge grin on her face. Obviously, she had been watching us.

  “Get a room you two,” she said with a laugh. I looked over at Brooke and she was blushing. It was cute the way she blushed so easily.

  “Goodbye, Ellen,” we both said before walking outside and getting into the limo.


  Having Logan with me today was nice. Asking me to dance with him was sweet and romantic. I’ve seen men like him in the movies and read about them in books, but never thought they really existed.

  Once we were back in the limo, Logan pushed the button that brought up the privacy screen. He looked at me with a sexy smile on his face, so I climbed on his lap and straddled him.

  “So, where were we?” I asked before crushing my lips to his. I could feel his erection pressing through the thin layer of my dancing tights, so I started to rub myself against him.

  “Oh, baby. You turn me on so much,” he groaned, as he put his hands on either side of my face and thrust his tongue in my mouth.

  I barely knew this man and here I was throwing myself at him again. As much as I told myself I didn’t want anything more than friendship with Logan, my body obviously had other ideas.

  We kissed all the way home and I was so turned on. Logan was a fantastic kisser and I just wanted to strip off his clothes and take him right then and there in the back of the limousine.

  Once we had finally made it back to the penthouse, Chris had to make an announcement through the intercom to get our attention. Poor Chris! We pulled away from each other and laughed as we straightened ourselves up before getting out.

  Chris was standing beside the car when we opened the door. He was smiling down at us. I gave him a shy smile. “Umm, thanks for taking me to the studio today, Chris.”

  Logan picked up my dance bag off the back seat and grabbed hold of my hand. He tugged me forward and started dragging me towards the elevator. All I could do was laugh at him. He was a desperate man and I knew it.

  We got in the elevator, and the way he was looking at me told me he was just as turned on as I was. As the doors started to close, Logan grabbed hold of my waist, pinning me against the wall. He smiled down at me before devouring me with his kisses. We had only gone up a few floors when he reached across and pushed the “Emergency Stop” button.

  “What are you doing?” I asked in shock.

  “What does it look like?” he replied with a sexy smirk. “I can’t wait another second. I need to be inside you now.”

  Logan got down on his knees and pulled my pants down. At first, I was a little stunned. I’ve never done it in an elevator before, but I didn’t complain. I wanted him just as much as he wanted me.

  I bent down and helped him get one leg out of my tights before standing up to reach for his waistband and quickly unbuckled his belt, then I undid the button and fly on his pants. He pushed them down around his knees. Logan put his hands on my arse and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him as he kissed his way down my neck. He moved his hands to my hips before pulling me down onto him.

  “I want you so bad, baby,” he said, driving his hard erection deep inside me. This was, without a doubt, the hottest sex I’ve ever had and it didn’t take me long to climax. I started to moan as my muscles clenched around his length.

  “You’re so fucking hot, baby,” he whispered breathlessly. “You blow my mind.” A few seconds later, he threw his head back and grunted loudly as he released himself inside me.

  “That was amazing,” I said into the crook of his neck. We were both still trying to catch our breath. I lifted my head up and looked at Logan’s beautiful face. There was so much want and passion in his eyes. Nobody has ever looked at me that way before. Logan made me feel special.

  I brought my hands up to his face as my lips pressed against his. Our kiss was soft and tender, nothing like the wild kisses we shared a few minutes ago. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  He gently guided me back to the floor. I reached down for the leg of my tights that he had taken off earlier and quickly slid my leg back into it.

  After pulling up his pants, he pressed the “Emergency Stop” button again. We looked at each other and smiled. I can’t believe I just had hot elevator sex. At least when I leave here, I will have fond memories of our time together.

  When the doors opened into his penthouse, Logan picked my dance bag up off the floor and scooped me into his arms. I wasn’t expecting him to pick me up and I let out a giggle. He walked across the main room and made his way up the stairs towards his bedroom. I thought he was going to put me on the bed, but he walked straight past it and into the bathroom.

  Logan put me down gently before leaning over to run a bath. He turned back around to face me, a huge smile on his face. “I wanted to join you so much last night when you were in the bath,” he said. I smiled back at him as I started stripping off my clothes. When the bath was ready, he looked down at my naked body.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy you are?” he practically growled. A happy sigh escaped me as Logan lifted me into the bath. I sat down and he moved in behind me so I was resting between his legs.

  “I am not a sexy as you,” I replied, putting my head back and rested it on his chest. Logan wrapped his arms around me and I smiled. He made me so happy.


  It felt good having Brooke lying between my legs. I never took a bath with anyone before. Now that I’ve finally gotten her, I’m never letting her go. If this was a taste of what life would be like with her, I’m all in.

  She turned around to face me. Looking at her beautiful face was something I would never get tired of. Brooke planted a soft kiss on my lips, then picked up the body wash and squeezed some into her hand. She started to rub it all over my chest and down my arms. I loved the feeling of her hands on me. Once she was done washing me, I
grabbed the body wash and started to rub it all over her. Her body was perfect. She was perfect!

  After we had washed each other, I pulled her down onto me and slid back inside her. We were both ready for round two. I could tell by the smile on her face. I cupped her head in my hands and gave her a gentle kiss. Our lovemaking was slow and passionate this time. I wanted to stay inside her forever.

  When we got out of the bath, I wrapped her in a towel and held her in my arms. There were no words spoken between us; we didn’t need them. I could tell she felt exactly what I was feeling. We got dressed and headed back downstairs to the kitchen. I needed to feed her and I wanted to talk to her about getting a divorce.

  I wasn’t sure how she was going to react to what I had to say so I thought we would eat first. Jill had the night off, but she had prepared some food for us before she left.

  While I poured some wine and set out two plates, Brooke reheated the food. She was just so easy to be around. Real and down-to-earth would be the best way to describe it. I felt comfortable with her.

  Brooke and I ate, talked, and laughed. She had the sweetest laugh. Once we had finished eating, I got up from the table and cleared the plates.

  “I want to talk to you about something,” I said when I walked back into the room. She looked a little apprehensive, and I wondered what was going through her pretty little head.

  “It’s nothing bad,” I assured her, and she appeared to relax. “It’s just…I was wondering if you were interested in getting a divorce from Jake. If that’s what you want, I can help you, but if you don’t, that’s fine, too,” I added. “I just wanted to run it by you and see what you thought.”

  To my relief, she said, “You know, under the circumstances, I think that’s a good idea.”

  I explained to Brooke that she couldn’t revert back to her maiden name without doing it legally. “That’s the only way you change your name. If you are interested,” I added, “I can draw up some paperwork when I get to the office tomorrow. All you’ll need to do is sign the forms and I will take care of everything else. We will also have to apply for a copy of your marriage certificate because you will need to submit that to the court, along with your divorce papers.”

  “Thank you, hot stuff,” Brooke said with a smile, putting her hand on mine. “I really appreciate your help with this. It’s something I have thought about doing for a while now, but I wasn’t sure what needed to be done.”

  “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Brooke,” I replied, as I laced my fingers through hers. Her smile widened. I did feel a bit bad, though. There really was nothing I wouldn’t do for her, but I had my own selfish reasons for asking her to do this

  “On a lighter note,” I added, “I thought I could come home from work early tomorrow and take you shopping. You must be getting low on clothes since Jake destroyed most of what you owned, and what woman doesn’t like to go shopping for new clothes.”

  She put her arms around my neck and kissed me softly. “You really are sweet and thoughtful.”


  Logan was so kind to me. Jake had never been as thoughtful when we’d been together. It touched me, but it also scared me. Falling for Logan would be so easy, but it would be a huge mistake. All I could do was hope the police found Jake soon so I could leave here and go back to my old life. Being so close to Logan was dangerous for my heart. I had to put some distance between us, and fast.

  When it was time to go to bed, I asked Logan if he would mind if I slept in the spare room tonight. Just by the look on his face, I could tell his wasn’t happy. “Why?” he asked. “Have I done something to upset you?”

  “Of course not, but I’m only here until they find Jake. There is no point starting something between us because I’ve told you before that I am not interested in a relationship.” I felt bad saying this to him, but it was the truth. I couldn’t risk getting hurt again.

  There was no doubt that I had hurt his feelings. It was written all over his face. I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist. It didn’t feel good knowing I was upsetting him. “You are the most wonderful man I have ever met, inside and out,” I said. “You have a heart of gold and have shown me nothing but kindness since the moment I met you. Hurting you is the last thing I want to do, Logan, but I can’t be with you the way you want me to be. I wish things could be different but, unfortunately, that’s not possible.”

  “Please don’t do this to us,” Logan pleaded. “Give whatever it is between us a chance, Brooke. Please! I have never felt for anyone what I feel for you. I know you feel it, too. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me, and I can feel it in my heart when we make love. You can’t deny there is something truly special going on between us.”

  Everything he was saying to me was true. I knew it and it scared the hell out of me. So, I did what I do best—I fled. I turned and ran up the stairs and into the spare room, locking myself inside. God, I was such a coward sometimes, but hurting others was something I always tried to avoid. A few minutes later, I heard Logan walk down the hall towards his bedroom. Then I heard his door slam shut.


  I leaned against the door as the tears ran down my face. How could I just run from him like that? I felt like such a bitch. He had been so kind to me and this is how I repaid him? There was no way I would be able to sleep if I just left things like this. He deserved better. I wiped the tears from my eyes with the back of my hand and unlocked my door, hesitantly making my way to his bedroom.

  I knocked. “Logan, can I come in?” He didn’t answer me, but I opened the door and went in anyway.

  He was sitting on the side of his bed. His elbows were resting on his knees and his head was in his hands. My heart ached for him. I walked over the bed and sat down beside him.

  “I’m sorry I ran from you,” I whispered. He didn’t look up or say anything. I could tell he was hurting. It killed me to know that I was the one doing this to him.

  “Please talk to me, Logan,” I pleaded. I felt like a hypocrite begging him to talk to me when, only a few minutes ago, I ran from him when he asked me to do the same.

  “I don’t know what else I can say to you, Brooke,” he replied in a soft voice.

  We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again, “I have never felt this way about anyone. The feelings I have for you are completely foreign to me. I feel so drawn to you for some reason and I don’t know what to do about it. I’ve felt like this from the moment I saw you back in Melbourne. There is just something about you and I can’t get you out of my mind. I think about you constantly, Brooke. I just want a chance to get to know you. I am not Jake, Brooke, and I am not you father. I would never hurt you the way they have.”

  I rested my head on his shoulder. “I know you are nothing like them, Logan, but I just need some time to sort out all these things I am feeling,” I whispered. He put his head up and looked at me. I could see the sadness in his eyes, and it broke my heart!

  “I will give you all the time you need, Brooke,” he assured me. “Just promise me you won’t walk away from this without giving it a chance.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Logan,” I replied softly, putting my head down. “But I don’t want to get my heart broken, either. I don’t think I could survive it again.”

  He pulled me into arms and held me tight, then whispered in my ear, “Oh, baby, I would never break your heart. I promise you that. I will give you all the time you need.” Then he kissed the top of my head.

  He held me for a few minutes, then I said, “I think I’m going to go to bed.”

  He let go of me and asked, “Will you stay with me tonight?” The pleading look in his eyes almost broke me. “I just want you beside me, Brooke.”

  I wanted to say yes, but instead I said, “I don’t think it would be a good idea right now.” I kissed him on the cheek and said goodnight before leaving the room.

  I tossed and turned all night. My bed felt so big and empty without Logan.
I’d only slept in his arms one night, but I was already missing him. I wanted to go back into his room and crawl into bed beside him more than anything, but I knew I couldn’t. That would be giving him mixed messages, and that’s the last thing I wanted. I just needed time to think.



  Sleep wouldn’t come because I felt sick. No woman has ever tied me up in knots like this before. Frankly, these feelings sucked! Somehow, I had to make her see how good we’d be together, but I didn’t know how. She had already decided that we could never be, and I needed to find a way to change that. If only I could just let her go. In my heart, though, I knew that wasn’t an option. We were meant to be together. I was sure of that. I just needed to find a way to make her to see that, too.

  It was only 5:00 a.m. when I got out of bed, so I decided to go downstairs and have a coffee before I showered. I was surprised to find Brooke sitting at the breakfast bar when I got down there. She looked up at me and smiled when I walked into the room. By the dark circles under her eyes, she obviously hadn’t slept well, either.

  “Good morning,” she said with a smile on her face. “You look like shit!” I chuckled when she said that because it reminded me of the day in the hospital when she said the same thing to me.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” I replied. “I missed you last night.”

  She put her head down and whispered, “I missed you, too.”

  I just wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her, but I couldn’t. Last night she said she needed time, so that was what I was going to give her. It was going to fucking kill me if I had to wait too long, though. We sat at the breakfast bar, drank our coffee, and didn’t say a word to each other. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She looked so sad. It was killing me to see her like this and not be able to hold her.

  After I finished my coffee, I said, “Well, I’m going to go shower and get ready for work. I’ll get Jill to cook us something and, when I come back down we can have breakfast together—if that’s okay with you, of course?”


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