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My Destiny

Page 13

by J. L. Perry

  “I also need you to download me two application forms,” I explained. “One for a change of name and the other so I can apply for a copy of a marriage certificate.”

  Rose came into my office a few minutes later and put the file on my desk, telling me the forms I requested were inside. I thanked her and asked her to send Claire in to see me as soon as she arrived. Then I called Mike to see how they were doing tracking down Jake.

  Thankfully, he informed me that they had a few new leads they were looking into. He also said that he had acquired the gun I’d asked for, and would drop it off later in the day.

  I had some time before my first meeting so I decided to text Brooke. I was missing her already.

  Hi, beautiful. I am missing you already. I will be sending my PA, Claire, over around lunchtime. She has some papers for you to sign. Thanks for last night. I still have a smile on my face. For the record, you are the sexiest woman I have ever met. You have made me the happiest man in the world. Can’t wait to see you this afternoon! xxx

  She replied immediately.

  Hi, hot stuff. I am missing you, too. I’m just about to head down to the gym. Last night was amazing and, for your information, you are the sexiest man on earth. You make me happy, too. xxx :)

  Brooke’s message made me smile. I was so in love with her. I never thought it was possible to feel this deeply for someone. Every time I thought of her, I could feel myself smiling. I wanted to love, protect, and cherish her for the rest of my life. That’s what she deserved, and I was prepared to do anything to make it happen.


  After my workout, I showered and put my hair up in a ponytail. I changed into my cut-off denim shorts and a tight pink singlet before heading down to the kitchen to have coffee with Jill. We had become quite close over the past few days. It was nice to have someone to talk to. The days would just drag on forever if I was stuck inside with nothing do or no one to talk to.

  Jill had become like a surrogate mother to me and told me I was the first girl Logan had dated that she’d met. In the ten years that she had worked for him, he had never brought a woman back to the penthouse. That surprised me. When she said that she had never seen him as happy as he has been since bringing me home, I smiled.

  Jill and I talked about my past and the fears I had about getting into a relationship with another lawyer. She said she understood why I was worried, but I couldn’t judge everybody the same just because of two bad experiences. She also explained that what someone does for living has nothing to do with who they are as a person.

  When Jill said that Logan was a special man, and that she thought we made a perfect couple, I smiled at her. She also advised me to put my fears aside and give Logan a chance because she said if I did, we could have a wonderful life together. I stood up from the table and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It felt good to get some motherly advice.

  She smiled at me when I kissed her and then she gave me a hug. “Anytime, sweetie,” she said. “If you ever need to talk to someone, I will always be here for you.” That brought tears to my eyes. Her motherly words were just what I needed to hear.

  After lunch, Claire came up to the penthouse. I had never met her before, but found her to be very nice. She was a lot older than me, probably in her mid-forties, but very attractive, professional, and well-groomed. Claire explained all the paperwork to me as I signed everything.

  “I am going to apply for your marriage certificate and register your change of name as soon as I leave here,” she said. “Sometime this afternoon, I will file the divorce papers at the family court.”

  “Thank you, Claire.”

  She smiled. “I am just doing my job.”

  “Have you been working for Logan long?” I asked.

  “I have been Mr. Cavanagh’s personal assistant for eight years. I couldn’t ask for a better boss.”

  I remembered back when I was in the hospital in Melbourne and Logan had said his assistant had bought those clothes for me. “Hey, Claire. Was it you that bought those clothes for me when I was in the hospital in Melbourne?”

  She nodded. “Yes, it was.”

  “Thank you for that. It was very kind of you.”

  “I was only doing what Mr. Cavanagh had asked of me. He seems very fond of you,” she added with a smile. “It is nice to see him happy because he works so hard. I was starting to worry that he would never settle down.”

  As I was walking her to the elevator, she turned to me. “He is a good man, Mrs. Johnston.”

  I smiled at her. “I know.”


  When Claire got back to the office, she brought me the paperwork. It would take about four weeks for the divorce to go through but, as of today, Brooke was no longer Brooke Johnston. She was now Brooke Ryan, and I couldn’t be happier. I thanked Claire, then asked, “So, what did you think of her?” Today was the first time she had met her.

  “What can I say?” she said with a shrug. “Brooke seems very sweet and is extremely beautiful.”

  “I know,” I replied with a smile. “She makes me so happy, Claire.”

  She turned and smiled at me from the doorway. “You make a cute couple, and I am happy for you both. Your babies are going to be friggin adorable!” she added, and we both laughed.

  I buzzed Rose and informed her that I was stepping out of the office for a little while. Now that Brooke had her old name back, I wanted to buy something special for her to commemorate the occasion.

  The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever. I couldn’t wait to get home to see Brooke. Mike had stopped by the office earlier with the gun I asked him to get for me. “Are you sure you really want this?” he had asked. I could tell that he didn’t really want me to have it.

  “Mike, I know how to use it, but I hope I don’t have to.”

  “If you are sure…” he said. “But please be careful, Logan, and don’t do anything stupid. Also, the leads that we have been following have turned up nothing. Jake’s a smart man who knows how to cover his tracks. However, he’s also a desperate man and will slip up eventually. I’ll be waiting for him when he does.”

  Just as I was getting ready to leave the office, Rose put a call through from Greg. He informed me that he had found a few buildings that would be perfect for what I had in mind. I asked him to email me all the details so I could look over them.

  When I arrived home and the elevator doors to the penthouse opened, I could hear Brooke playing the piano again. I just stood there and listened. When she looked up and saw me standing there, she jumped up and ran over to me, throwing her arms around my neck. Wow! It felt good to come home to a greeting like that.

  “I missed you today,” she said as she kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in tight.

  “I missed you, too, baby,” I replied with a smile.

  She makes me so fucking happy!

  I crushed my lips into hers because I had been waiting all fucking day to kiss her again, and I could already feel my erection trying to bust out of my pants. The affect she had on me still amazed me. She made me feel like a horny teenager.

  I didn’t want to let go of her, but I wanted to give her the Change of Name certificate. She gave me one of her beautiful smiles when I got the paperwork out of my briefcase and handed it to her.

  “I’m so happy I don’t have to call you Brooke Johnston anymore,” I said with a smile.

  “I am, too,” she replied. “I am happy to have my mum’s last name again.”

  I reached into my pocket and handed her a black velvet box. “I wanted to give you something special to celebrate the occasion,” I said. “And to show you how much you mean to me.”


  I was so happy not to have Jake’s last name anymore. I was so grateful to Logan, and hadn’t realised how much I hated being called Mrs. Johnston until he brought it up the other night. After everything Jake has put me through, I didn’t want any part of him. That chapter in my life was definitely over!

>   When Logan pulled the velvet box out of his pocket and handed it to me, I didn’t know what to do. Jake had never bought me a present before, except at Christmas. I had only received a birthday present from him once, and that was before we were married. After that, I think he forgot when my birthday was.

  I could feel my hands shaking as I opened the box. I had to catch my breath once I looked inside. Logan had bought me a bracelet. It was surrounded with heart-shaped diamonds, and was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen…except for Logan, that is. There was nothing more beautiful than him.

  “I love it,” I squealed, as I threw my arms around him. No man had ever been so kind to me before, and I could feel the tears filling my eyes. “You shouldn’t have. It must have cost you a fortune.”

  “I can afford it, Brooke;” he replied with a laugh. “Besides, you are worth every cent.” I felt a tear escape and run down my face. This man was so special, and I loved him so much. Right then, I knew that I wanted to have him in my life forever. I didn’t want to ever let him go.


  I wasn’t expecting a reaction like that and it warmed my heart. When I pulled back to look at her, I was surprised to see tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “Oh baby, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” I said as I wiped her tears away.

  “They’re happy tears, Logan.” She was just so damn sweet!

  “You mean the world to me, baby,” I said, kissing both her eyes. “So get used to it because I am going to spoil you for the rest of your life.” I wanted to tell her how much I loved her, but I knew she wasn’t ready to hear that yet.

  After she kissed me, Brooke told me she was going to put her certificate and bracelet up in her room.

  “Make sure you put it in our room because you are not staying in the spare room anymore.” I said with a smile.

  I watched her walk away. She was wearing these tiny little denim shorts that showed off her beautiful long legs and cute little arse. She was so fucking sexy! I wanted to scoop her into my arms and take her to bed, but there would be plenty of time for that later.

  I went into my office and closed the door. I put my briefcase on the desk and opened it, looking at the small box that contained the handgun. I grabbed it and locked it inside the top drawer of my desk because I didn’t want Brooke to see it. The last thing I wanted to do was scare her. I closed my briefcase and put it on the floor before walking back out.

  She was coming down the stairs so I made my way across the room to meet her. I pulled her into my arms and planted a kiss on her lips. “Do you know how sexy you look in those little shorts?” I whispered into her mouth. “It makes me have lots of dirty thoughts about you.”

  “Why don’t you show me all those dirty thoughts, Mr. Cavanagh,” she said with a sexy look on her face.

  “That would by my pleasure, Miss Ryan,” I said as I scooped her into my arms and carried her up to the bedroom.


  I liked it when he called me Miss Ryan. It had been years since anybody had called me that and it felt good. Logan carried me up the stairs and into his bedroom. He kicked the door closed with his foot, then threw me on the bed. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  He pulled off his jacket and tie, throwing them over the chair. He didn’t once take his eyes off me. I got up off the bed and stood in front of him, undoing the buttons of his shirt. I pushed his shirt down over his shoulders and planted soft little kisses all over his chest.

  He was so sexy, I just wanted to eat him up. His body was amazing. I let my hands drop down to his waist so I could undo his pants, and they fell down around his ankles. He kicked off his shoes and socks, then stepped out of his pants.

  Logan put his hands on either side of my face and pulled me in for a kiss. He was such a good kisser. They set my insides on fire.

  His hands slid down my body to the hem of my singlet top, and he pulled it over my head, dropping it to the floor. He then gently pulled the elastic band out of my hair so it fell down my back. He ran his fingers through it, massaging my scalp.

  “I love your hair,” he said. “It so soft, just like your skin.”

  With one hand, he reached around behind me and unhooked my bra. He did it with such ease that he must have had plenty of practice. I don’t even think I can unclasp my bra with one hand.

  As he gently laid me back on the bed, he pulled out of our kiss and looked into my eyes before settling down over me. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, Brooke,” he whispered as he kissed down my neck. “Move in with me. I want you here with me forever.” Before I had a chance to say anything, he put his lips on mine again.


  After we made love, we lay in each other’s arms. All I could think about was what he had asked me. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to make that kind of commitment yet. I knew I was in love with him because he was the sweetest, kindest, most caring man I had ever known, but I still wasn’t sure. What if, in a few months, he decided that he was sick of me and asked me to leave? It would break my heart!

  I just held him tighter because I didn’t want to think about that now. I just wanted to enjoy this beautiful man beside me while I still had him.


  Making love to her was like nothing I could have ever imagined. I’d had plenty of sex with other women in the past, and it was good. But this was the first time I’ve slept with someone with whom I was totally and utterly in love with. Since I have been with Brooke, I have realised that sex without love is something I never want to do again. I love her with all my heart, and I know that my life would be nothing without her in it. Brooke is my everything! She is my air, and she has given my life meaning.

  I know I shouldn’t have asked her to move in with me so soon, but I meant it. I want her here with me forever. I am not going to pressure her to give me an answer, but I wanted to put it out there so she knew how I felt about her. Hopefully when we find Jake, she decides to stay. If she doesn’t, I will be crushed!

  I kissed the top of her head and told her I was going to take a shower before dinner.

  “Can I take one with you?” she asked.

  “Oh baby, there is nothing more I would rather do than rub soap over that luscious body of yours,” I replied as I rolled on top of her and kissed her again. I pushed myself off the bed and pulled her up with me. I turned and walked us toward the bathroom.

  Brooke was walking behind me when she said, “You really have a hot little arse, you know.” Then she slapped it. I couldn’t help but smile.

  I was so turned on from rubbing soap all over her beautiful body, and I couldn’t keep my hands off her. When she started to rub soap all over my cock and massage my balls, I had to have her again. I lifted her up and pushed her back against the tiles, and she wrapped her legs around me.

  I buried myself deep inside her. I didn’t want to be rough or hurt her, but she started to moan so I knew she was enjoying it as much as I was. I cupped her breasts in my hands as a groan came from the back of my throat, and I could feel her tighten around me so I knew she was close.

  When she said, “Fuck me harder, Logan,” I couldn’t help myself. I filled her with my come. Thankfully, her release came at the same time.

  I held her tight as we both sunk to the shower floor. She was sitting on me, legs still wrapped around my waist, and I buried my face in her neck while I tried to catch my breath.

  “You are so fucking hot, Brooke,” I breathed. “I’m so lucky to have you!”

  After some time, we finally managed to get up and out of the shower. I wrapped her in a towel before getting another one to dry her hair.


  Twenty minutes later, we were dressed and walked downstairs for dinner. We sat at the table and just stared at each other. Both of us had smiles on our faces, and I could tell he was as happy as I was.

  Logan grabbed hold of my hand. “I can’t wait for you to meet my family tomorrow.”

  “I am looking forward to meeting them
, too,” I replied. “I hope they like me.” “They are going to love you, Brooke,” he assured me. “I have never taken a girl home to meet my family before so they will probably get a bit of a shock, but they will love you. I know it.”

  I asked him to tell me more about his family because I wanted to know what to expect when we arrived.

  “Well, you are going to love my mother. She is amazing,” he said. “Then there is my father. He is a different story altogether. Unfortunately, he is not the friendliest person you will ever meet, and can also be a bit arrogant. So if he says anything tomorrow that upsets you, please just ignore him. We’ve all managed to do that over years,” he added with a chuckle.

  “You’ll love my sister Michelle and her husband, Craig. They’ve been happily married for ten years. Lara, my niece, is an amazing kid. We are very close. I love when she comes and stays here with me. We always have a lot of fun together.” I smiled when he talked about his niece. She sounded very sweet, and I could tell he loved her.

  “I am hoping my Uncle John will be there, too,” he said. “Growing up, I wished he was my father. Whenever I had problems, he was the one that I’d turn to.

  “Now, my uncle’s wife, my dad’s sister, is as mean as my father,” he said. “No, actually, she is a lot worse, if that is possible. My father just ignored us when we were children, but my aunt tormented Michelle and I. Both of us were petrified of her.”

  It sounded like meanness ran in his father’s family. I wondered what had happened to his father and aunt growing up to make them such horrible people. Thankfully, Logan was nothing like that.

  “You know, I always wondered why my uncle married her. You could tell there was no love between them,” he added. “I asked my uncle a few years ago why he stayed married to her. She was always horrible to him. He doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. He is a good man. He confided in me that he never wanted to marry her. Apparently, she had forced him to marry her so she could earn respect from my father. My uncle worked for him as a lawyer, and my aunt threatened to get him fired and ruin his career if he didn’t marry her.”


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