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My Destiny

Page 32

by J. L. Perry

As I lay with my head resting on his lap, I reminded Logan it was only a few weeks until Christmas. “Can we buy a Christmas tree and some decorations?” I asked. “It just won’t feel like Christmas without them.”

  I loved this time of year and had so many fond memories of the holiday. My mum and I would go and buy a tree every year. It was never a really big one, but it was always special. We had the same decorations…some were things that I had made at school, some we had bought. Every year we would buy something new to add to the tree. We would decorate the house and hang up my Christmas stocking. In the weeks leading up to Christmas day, we would play carols to help get in the spirit. What I loved most of all was that mum would take a whole week off work, and we would spend every second together.

  Logan said that he had never had a tree here before, but we could go shopping the next day and get whatever we needed. This would be our first Christmas together and I was really looking forward to it. He said that we would spend the morning here, but would go to his mother’s for lunch if that was okay.

  “It’s a tradition,” he said. “My mum wouldn’t be happy if we didn’t go. She always says that Christmas is about being with family.”

  “She’s right. I would love to spend it with them,” I replied with a smile. Last Christmas I had spent on my own at the cemetery so I was looking forward to this year’s celebrations.

  I decided to get Logan some cufflinks. What do you buy a man who has everything? I was having them custom-made. They were a tiny B and L linked together. I really hoped that he liked them.

  When it was time to get ready, I showered and set my hair. I was going to wear the blue dress tonight because I hadn’t worn that one yet. It was feminine and beautiful. It was a halter-neck, and came up high in the front. The Chinese collar that went around my neck was encrusted with diamantes. Underneath the lining of the dress was a light blue silk, which hugged my curves. The silk was covered with loose-flowing light blue chiffon. It was totally backless and just flowed all the way to my ankles. It was beautiful.

  Logan looked gorgeous in his tux. Not a good as he looked naked, but still delicious. I helped him with his bow tie and cufflinks, and he kissed me softly.

  “You look as beautiful as always, baby,” he said. “I can’t wait to tell everyone that you have agreed to become my wife.” I was actually looking forward to it. I loved his family so much.

  When we arrived, his parents, Michelle, and Craig were already there and sitting at the table. We would be sitting with just his family, which was nice. Lara was staying with Craig’s parents for the night.

  Logan grabbed my hand and held it behind his back so no one could see my ring. We kissed everyone hello before sitting down. Logan whispered in my ear that he wanted to wait for my father to arrive before he made our announcement.

  I kept my left hand under the table while we waited. He arrived about ten minutes later and after he kissed and shook everyone’s hands, he sat down.

  Everyone was talking so Logan cleared his throat to get everybody’s attention. “Brooke and I have something we want to share with you all.”


  “Last night, when we were in Melbourne,” he said with a smile, “I asked Brooke to marry me. She said yes.” Brooke was looking back at me with her big, beautiful brown eyes. I squeezed her hand and then I looked over at my mother. I wasn’t surprised to see her crying.

  Everyone got up to kiss and congratulate us. Even my father looked happy. My uncle had tears in his eyes when he hugged Brooke. Then he shook my hand. “I couldn’t be happier. You are the perfect man for my little girl.” I felt a lump rise in my throat. When I was younger, I had wished that he was my father. In a way I was getting my wish because now he was going to be my father-in-law.

  Before dinner was served, I asked Brooke if she wanted to come and meet some of my colleagues. She had met a few when she’d come to my office, but I wanted to show her off. I was so proud to introduce her as my fiancée. Since we arrived, I noticed that she was getting a lot of looks by the men in the room, so I was glad to let them know she was taken. I hated the way other men looked at her, but she was breathtakingly beautiful.

  That first night I had met her back in Melbourne, when she was still married to Jake, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. So I couldn’t really be angry with the attention she was attracting tonight. I was in their shoes one year ago.

  I was just happy that she was now mine. Brooke was my life now, and I would never let her go.


  I was glad to see how happy Logan’s family was with our news. I wanted to be part of a family again, and I couldn’t have asked for a better one than his.

  Logan had introduced me to nearly everybody in the room tonight. I loved it when he said, “This is my fiancée, Brooke.” He looked so proud when he said it, and it made my heart flutter.

  After we had eaten, he asked me to dance with him. A slow dance, of course. He held me close, and our bodies melted together. He whispered in my ear, “I love you, baby. Thank you for agreeing to become my wife. I promise to make you deliriously happy for the rest of your life.”

  I brushed his lips with a soft kiss. “You already do,” I replied. “And I love you, too, hot stuff.” He gave a small chuckle as I put my head on his chest. I sighed as a smile formed on my face. I loved how good it felt to be in his arms, and he smelled amazing. This was my happy place.

  Our bodies moved in perfect rhythm. I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed in one year. He was the one. From the night we first met in Melbourne, we were destined to be together. We just didn’t know it at the time. I knew that as long as we had each other, our lives would be perfect.

  I couldn’t wait to see what the future held for us. Fate brought us together because we were made for each other. Logan is my soul mate, my love, my life, and my destiny.



  Available July, 2014.

  If you enjoyed Brooke and Logan’s story in My Destiny, make sure you a get a copy of My Forever. Do you want to know if they get their happily ever after? Do they end up getting married, or have children? Does Brooke forgive her father? Well, this book is the conclusion to their dramatically beautiful love story. When I started writing My Destiny, it was going to be a stand-alone book. However, upon completion, I felt there was still so much more of their story to tell. Hence, My Forever. Have you ever read a book and, at the end, wondered what happens later? I do, all the time. Well, in My Forever, you will find out.

  My Destiny is my debut novel. I love to read and have always had a passion to write my own book. Now I have written three: My Destiny, My Forever, and Damaged – Jacinta’s Story. You will first meet Jacinta in My Forever. I love her story. It’s so different from the first two books. In My Forever, she is only 13-years-old. Damaged – Jacinta’s Story takes place seven years later. You will also get a small glimpse into Brooke and Logan’s later life.

  Excerpt from My Forever

  Even though Logan and I were both so busy with our work, we still made plenty of time for each other. He was still as thoughtful and caring as ever, and I loved him for it.

  In the short time we had been together, we faced more drama than most couples go through in a lifetime. It had been tough but, ultimately, brought us closer. We had formed an unbreakable bond. I thought that after everything we had been through over the past year, nothing we faced in the future could compare. Boy, was I wrong.

  Little did I know that, over the next few years, some unimaginable things would happen, and we would face our toughest challenges yet…


  I have so many people to thank for everything they’ve done for me on this incredible journey. The support and encouragement that I received from everybody has been amazing.

  First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me over the years. You have always nurchered, loved, and supported me in everyth
ing I’ve done. You have always believed in me and encouraged me to follow my dreams, whatever they may be. Thank you for instilling in me the belief that I could do or be anything I wanted. I am blessed to have you both as my parents. I’m so grateful for the unconditional love you have always given me.

  Next would be my husband, and my son. I know the last year-and-a-half has been tough for you both. My life before writing solely revolved around being a wife and mother. Now I lock myself away for days and weeks on end so I can write. Our house is no longer perfectly clean and, instead of all the home-cooked meals I’ve always made, we have been eating a lot of takeout. For that I’m truly sorry. I hope you both understand that I am not only doing this me. I’m doing this for us. I can only hope that all the hard work I have put in and all the sacrifices we have made as a family are worth it in the end. I love you both with all my heart. You are my world and the reason I get up every morning.

  My brother Stephen and sister Kylie…you are not only my siblings, but you are my best friends. Thank you for always being there for me whenever I needed you. Most importantly, thank you for always loving and believing in me.

  My dear friend Aida…I’m so thankful to have you in my life. Without you, this journey I am now on may never have taken place. You were the first person to read my manuscripts and, right from the beginning, you not only believed I could do this, but you encouraged me to follow my dream. Without your persistence, I don’t think I would be where I am today. You have held my hand every step of the way, and I will always love you for that. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can’t put into words exactly what your friendship and support means to me.

  I also want to thank Janice, Mani, Michelle, Elaine, and Cheryl. You have supported me immensely and I’m thankful to have you all. Janice, I’d be lost without you in my life. You are my go to person when I’m feeling down or upset. You have this amazing ability of always cheering me up and making me feel better. I also love that I can tell you anything and not be judged. You are always there to support me, and our daily phone calls always put a smile on my face. Your friendship means the world to me. Elaine, my wonderful neighbour, what can I say? Thank you for everything you do for me and my family. You’re amazing. Mani and Michelle, you have no idea how much I cherish our friendship. I’m blessed to have you both in my life. Thank for always being there for me when I need you. Cheryl, we haven’t known each other long, but I’m thankful to have you as a friend. I look forward to the day we can finally meet in person.

  All the amazing girls on my street team, Destiny’s Diva’s: Rhonda, Kylie, Adia, Cheryl, Jacquie, Shona, Sophia, Kristen, Lynette, Kayla, Shawna, Charmaine, Jane, Amanda, and Amber. You girls are awesome! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do. I want to say a special thank you to Jacquie Denison, Shona Reid, Sophia Hazelman-Holt, Amanda Campbell, Cheryl Riddell, and Kristen Geist for all the pimping you do. You all go above and beyond and constantly amaze me. I truly appreciate it.

  To all the authors, bloggers, and friends on social media who have supported and helped me throughout this journey…thank you. I especially would like to thank Kristy Louise from Book Addict Mumma for organising my Release Day Blitz. I’m so grateful for all your help. You have no idea what it means to me. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

  Also to Sandy Lynn-author for all the help and advice you have given me along the way. When I first embarked on this journey, I had no idea what to expect. It was extremely overwhelming. Your help right from the beginning has meant so much to me. Thank you for answering all my questions, no matter how trivial they may have been. You are so kind and sweet. I truly appreciate all the guidance and support you have given me.

  I also want to give a special thank you to Kim Young, my incredibly talented and extremely patient editor. You rock! Thank you for putting your heart and soul into editing my manuscript. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the amazing job that you did.

  Melody Simmons, thank you for the awesome job you did all three of my covers. You are so talented. You were so accommodating and easy to work with.

  Lastly, I want to thank my readers. From the bottom of my heart…thank you for taking a chance with me. I truly appreciate your support and can only hope that you all enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. I’m so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life.

  For updates and teasers on My Forever and Damaged – Jacinta’s Story, you call follow or friend me on:

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