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Total Control 1: By Force

Page 11

by Alan Horn

  After I recovered, I would be taken to one of several exercise stations. There was one used to strengthen my vaginal muscles. Another to give me more erect breasts. One to tone my abdomen. Another to exercise my arms and neck. Usually I only worked on one of these exercises a day. I was watched and corrected by a trainer at all times.

  My vaginal exercises were simple. A medium size dildo was inserted into my pussy. It had a cord attached that hung between my legs. In the beginning I just had to hold it in place. If it fell out too soon I was whipped. When I could hold it for ten minutes, a weight was added to the cord. When I could hold that for ten minutes the weight was increased. Now the weight was heavy and my trainer just verified I could still hold it for ten minutes once a week. I was disappointed in this exercise. I would start it in my now constant state of arousal. I thought the dildo would finally let me come. It didn't work that way. The cold, inert thing just hung there like the dead weight it was. I could feel my arousal evaporate as soon as it was inserted. Rats.

  My other required exercises were more common. Push ups, sit ups, chest presses. Inclined bench. All to slim my hips, increase my core strength and strengthen my torso. Of course these were all limited by my wrist chains. The trainer's watchfulness and insistence on perfect form made up for a lot.

  Then I would work on my leg muscles. A long rope was tied from my collar to the top of a post in the middle of a large hall. On even numbered days ropes tied to rings on my waistband fastened me to a cart loaded with weights. I was required to pull it in a circle in a large hall. On odd numbered days, a pack was placed on my shoulders and loaded with weights that I had to carry around and around. I was made to raise my knees until my ankle chain was taut. This was easy to learn but caused me to tire quickly. My trainers would drive me until no amount of whipping could make me continue.

  My trainers kept increasing the length and weight of my exercises and I was becoming fit. No matter how fit and strong I became, however, I was still helpless. A single finger through one of my rings by a small child utterly controlled me. My hobble made it impossible to run away from anyone. My chained hands could not defend me. I had to follow where ever my leash led me. I worked hard to keep my leash slack, for a tug there sent terrible pain through me.

  After my physical exercises finished I was fed. As always, a tasteless gruel with bits of vegetables, fruit and meat.

  Week 6

  We moved on from pure strength training to more varied exercises. The trainers worked on my positions and posture for an hour. In the beginning this training lasted more than two hours. I was becoming graceful in all my movements.

  Now my next training period had shifted to domestic duties. I learned how to serve dinner, clear dishes, serve wine, be a ladies maid, and other domestic duties. The wrist chains were long enough to permit me to do many duties. but there were also many things I could not do.

  My final training session before dinner was dance. Before our dance training began, all the girls had bells attached to our rings. I, and most of the others in my class adored the bells. I thought they made me look exotic and even more erotic than when just ringed and chained. Of course, we were always available for whatever the Masters wanted. But now we couldn't move at all without announcing our motion to the world. We could be located by the continual ringing of our bells. Most of the bells were just fastened on the rings themselves. The rings in my loins, however, had short chains connecting the bells to them. I had never been a good dancer – not much opportunity, I supposed. Also, I had never expected to have to know belly dance, but that was all my training was teaching me. There were three other girls in the class with me. Elizabeth, I had known before the class. Martha was a tall Brunette. Melinda was a medium height blond. I thought that all the girls were pretty. The instructor was also a slave girl. At least, she was naked and wore the same chains as the rest of us and made obeisance to the Masters just like the rest of us. But the students were ordered to obey her as a Mistress.

  The dance room was lined with mirrors so the girls could see all the instructors actions. I enjoyed the dancing. I was surprised that my chains did not hinder me at all. Almost all the action in my hips and torso. I learned that all the floor motion used tiny steps that didn't come close to my hobble's full length. I learned to control my hips, breasts, stomach and shoulders as much as I did my arms. Considering how much my chains limited me, I felt sensuous and attractive and in control as I danced. I cast furtive glances at my trainers as I moved. I noticed how they smiled at the girls in motion and watched as their cocks swelled their pants.

  One of the most enjoyed exercises was that used for strengthening the pectorals. We were required to learn to lift our breasts and shift them from side to side. We had to learn to twirl our nipple rings in a circle. The trainers clapped and cheered when one of the girls succeeded. Of course, theses exercises caused all the slave girls to become aroused.

  I loved performing in front of the trainers. I wanted them. I became very aroused as I danced for them. I imagined they were my final masters and were going to take me fully when the dance ended. But it always ended in frustration. I knew this is the life of a slave girl and I acknowledged that I was a slave girl. I wanted the damned training to be over so I could finally meet my master. I wanted a master, I needed a master. NOW!

  At the end of the last training session, the girls being rewarded would have their evening orgasm. It was pure torture for the rest of us..

  After the last training period of the day was over, the girls were locked back in coffle. The trainers marched us to our hall and chained us to the wall. Then we were fed and allowed to talk among themselves. Occasionally a trainer would come and go over our individual progress. He would tell us the points the trainers wanted a girl to work on. The cart would come to them just before their sleep period. When the cleanup was done the lights were turned down and they slept. Usually the girls were tired and went right to sleep.

  When my training began, my bottom, pussy and anus and mouth were usually sore at the end of the day. The soreness was always gone by the morning in all but my bottom. The whip's legacy seemed to last longer, but never very bad. It certainly was not allowed to hamper my training. After a few weeks, nothing ever hurt in the morning. I felt wonderful and ready for the day's fun. I realized one morning that I looked forward to the whole day. Physically, I felt in perfect shape. I still was helpless and completely under control. But I felt even more loved by my trainers and trusted by my sisters in bondage. We could count on each other for sympathy when needed and camaraderie all the time. It is foolish to call what ten slave girls strung on a coffle share as camaraderie, but that's what it felt like. We all snuck smiles and grimaces to each other when the trainers weren't looking. Occasionally one of us might stick her tongue out at a trainer's retreating back after a cut with his whip. Anyway I felt close to my flock of slave girls.

  At the end of the last training session on the last day of the eighth week of training, I was taken to my arousal training. The trainer locked my hands to the back of my collar, I was gagged, blindfolded, and taken back to the steel bar. When I was halted, I gracefully assumed the standing display position. My leash was pulled down, I was bent over the bar and I spread my feet as far apart as I could.. I knew what was next. And, sure enough, a whip blazoned a scalding stripe across both ass cheeks. I screamed into my gag, but long painful experience had taught me not to move a muscle. I felt the now familiar beginnings of arousal. My belly fluttered, My labia lips became hot and swollen. I spread my knees just a little farther apart to let the juices flow. I wanted and to give a penis, anyone's penis, ample room to impale me. I was sopping wet, and open, so open, so ready.

  The nameless trainer pushed the handle of his whip slowly into my gaping valley and slid it around. I spasmed, my strong vagina muscles clenched the handle and sucked it into me. I pulled it nearly out of his hand. “Whoa,” he exclaimed,” this one is strong!” The trainer grasped the slick handle and slowly move
d it in and out. After three slow strokes, I fell over the edge and orgasmed . I was moaning through my gag, and writhing frantically.

  The trainer left the whip handle in place and I heard him ask, “How many should we give her?” I did not hear a reply. The trainers let me simmer for a few minutes. When I was still and quiet, I felt lips on my left nipple, sucking and licking. It felt wonderful and in a few seconds I was moaning to the rising heat in my belly. My arousal plateaued after a few minutes when the mouth went away. When suddenly, another fiery stripe flamed across my belly. I gasped, for, not only did it hurt, I was on the edge again. The whip handle again slowly fondled my nether lips and I pushed forward as hard as I could striving to get it in me again. But I couldn't reach it. It teased me for long seconds until my master slowly penetrated me again. The orgasm was instantaneous and huge. I felt like I would explode from pleasure and lust.

  The masters continued playing with my helpless body. Eventually giving me five enormous orgasms and leaving me panting into my gag. They unlocked my collar and let me sink into a kneeling display position. They let me rest there until my breathing returned to normal, then they removed my gag.

  I felt a rigid cock brush my lips. I licked my lips and opened my mouth to accept him. I licked and sucked him and felt the cock grow larger. I sucked it into my mouth and sucked it avidly, trying my best to get his cum into my mouth. In all the months of training, I had learned to relish this ultimate submissive act. I learned to love the salty taste that resulted. All the trainers tasted different and they all tasted wonderful. This was an impersonal act of love given in appreciation of all the pleasure they had given me. I only wished one of them would take me. I needed my pussy plowed by one of these wonderful cocks. I hadn't had one in me since my training started, and I needed it so bad. The whip orgasms were spectacular. But just think what a cock, used the way God intended, would feel like. I sucked and bobbed my head and licked the tip of the cock as best I could. I felt the cock swell and lengthen in my mouth and was proud of my ability and success. I felt my own arousal grow with the cock. The heat was building in my pussy. It was close, so close. Then the trainer's seed burst forth from the cock in a great flood. I was startled, it was so much, so quick, so damned good. I swallowed and swallowed and tasted the ambrosia of the gods. Then my own orgasm flowered within me. It was huge, it filled my body and soul. I could feel darkness enveloping me, smothering me, and I passed out and slumped to the floor.

  The trainer looked down at the unconscious sex slave, and said to his companion, “ I think she's ready.”

  I woke to the feeling of motion. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a wheelchair rolling along a corridor. I was still completely chained. We stopped and a trainer came into view. He picked up my leash and said, "Follow me."

  I stood up and followed my leash into a room whose only furniture was a desk and chair. I was not offered the chair. He knelt me close to a wall and locked my leash to a ring. "Stay there," he said as he walked out.

  Sometime later, Dr, Benoit entered the room and sat at the desk. He opened the folder he had carried in and said, "Good news, Regina. You have finished your training and will be taken to your new master in a couple of days. You will stay with your training class, but you have learned everything we needed to teach you. Just focus on honing your skills until its time to leave. I will be there when you are delivered. Do you have any questions?"

  "Yes, Master," I said, "Can you tell me who my master is?"

  "No, Regina," he said, "it will be a pleasant surprise for you. I can tell you that your new home will be in the country, not a city."

  I really didn't care who my master was, I only asked out of female curiosity, I suppose. I just wanted to give my submission as soon as I could and start my new life. I wanted to submit as soon as possible. I wanted to start giving him boundless, continual pleasure. I needed my master, now, damn it. But I held still and smiled, eternally conscious of my posture. Soon I was taking a trip into a glorious new future. My optimism was boundless. And, also, I suppose, pretty foolish for a helpless, oversexed, romantic, slave. Girls are foolish.

  Chapter 18 - Placement

  Sir Robert said, "Jack, good to see you. Dr, Benoit has news for you."

  Jack looked at the Doctor.

  Dr, Benoit said, "Mr. Hedley, Regina is ready for delivery. She finished her training sooner than we anticipated. Well ahead of the rest of her class. It won't be any bother to keep her in training since the rest of the class is not ready to graduate yet. When would you like her delivered?

  Jack thought a moment and said, "It may go easier with my wife if we have a more gradual introduction. Sir Robert, we were planning on coming to your party on the fifteenth. Would that be a good time to introduce my wives?"

  Sir Robert said, "That would be perfect. The other guests are all patient recipients and their girls will be there. I believe Lady Anna will be the only wife there. Rene will be there and can make a gradual introduction and have the others explain how it works in their homes. We will see you both then.”


  “Hello, Love,” Jack said as he entered the parlor. “Well, Sir Robert and I made a deal. He is going to buy three of my new presses for his factories. I remembered to ask him to our party, but he declined. Said he was going to be in Scotland the whole week. Then he invited us to a party he is throwing the week after, on Saturday. I think his party will be important to us. We hit it off well and he implied we can do more business in the future. Anyway I want to meet more of his friends.”

  Lady Anna said. “it is a pity he can't come here. I did so hope to show him off to our other friends. It would have been a great coup. But I want to see who is in his social circle!”

  “So, I expect you will want to go to his party?” Jack asked, smiling.

  “Of course, darling,” Lady Anna replied. “I will need new clothes for the party, everything I have is so out of date.”

  “Let me do this for you my dear,” Jack said. “ Get Molly to give me all your measurements, everything. I will buy you a complete ensemble, shoes to hat, wrap to unmentionables. I haven't bought you anything in months. You will have dozens of boxes to unwrap.” "And there are a few surprises I want to have made just for you, just in case," Jack thought.

  “Jack, my love,” Lady Anna replied, “You don't have to do that, I know you love me.”

  “Nonsense, My love,” Jack said, “It will be my pleasure to get you nice things to wear for a party. I insist.”

  “Oh, all right, but nothing in green, please,” Lady Anna relented.

  Jack thought, "My dear, green is not a color these come in. But they are very durable. Maybe the last thing you will ever wear. I hope you like them, but its not necessary."


  I had just eaten my first meal of the day and was walking in coffle to the training room when we were stopped by Dr. Benoit. I saw him talk to the head trainer then he left and the trainer walked to me and took me off the coffle. He kept hold of my leash as he adjusted the coffle to omit me. Still holding my leash. Boy, those things are useful for controlling us. I didn't dare move a muscle while he held it, He said, "OK, take the rest on to training." and they were led off.

  I had gone to standing display as soon as he unlocked me from the coffle. He looked at me and said, "Regina, your training is complete and you are ready. Today you are going to your master."

  I thought I would faint. I was scared and impatient. I wanted my master to own me, to take me. I was ready and felt like running off to him. But I didn't know who it was, or where he was, or how to get there. Heck, I couldn't even open a door with my hands locked to the back of my collar! I did a little dance of joy, ankle chains clattering on the hard floor.

  He said, "Your transport is waiting, Regina. Let's get you ready." and he led me off, me prancing and clinking as close to him as I could get.

  I was surprised that none of my chains were released. For some reason I had thought I would not be taken outside dressed
in nothing but chains and rings. Foolish me. I was just covered up, completely. I had a gag stuffed in my mouth and tightly strapped. A black, leather, full head hood was held up to my face. My leash was threaded through the nose hole, then it was laced tightly around my head. A traveling cloak that reached all the way to the ground was buckled around me. I was led in darkness quite some distance, down many stairs until I felt the sun warming my hood.

  I was lifted up into a cart, a chain was thrust between my legs and locked The cart started moving. It was a long ride in darkness. I bounced around on a hard seat trying not to fall off. A difficult task since I was blind and couldn't use my hands. When the cart stopped, the chain was taken from between my legs and I was lifted down to the ground. I was led indoors and the cloak, hood, and gag were taken from me. I was alone with Dr. Benoit.

  I stood in a large bathroom. There was tile on the floor and halfway up the walls. The lights were ornate. The porcelain fixtures had golden plumbing. The room spoke of wealth. The Doctor removed my butt plug and told me to use the toilet, for the first time in months. After I relieved myself he inserted my plug and locked it in place. He unlocked my hands and told me to clean myself. When I finished, he told me to fix my hair and use the makeup and perfume provided to make myself beautiful.

  I took great care with my makeup and added a light blush to my nipples and labia. I dabbed expensive perfume in all my girl places. I took a moment and shined my rings. I wanted to glow for my master.

  When I finished, Dr. Benoit relocked my hands to the back of my collar and had me kneel in the center of a small room. This room too had the look of wealth. He told me not to move and soon I would see my master.


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