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Indecent Encounter: The Silverhaus Affair

Page 8

by Parker, M. S.

  “And you think if you deny your financiers their one, reasonable request that they'll return for future projects? There’ll be no forward motion if you kill this movie now,” he said.

  I slammed my fist on the desk, but had to admit my father was right. I couldn’t afford to produce the movie on my own. Not because I didn't have the money, but because it would mean losing the trust of the financiers when I wanted to make another film. Accepting April in the starring role was the only diplomatic move that would assure my movie got made, and guarantee funding in the future.

  “Alright, fine. I’ll talk the director down off a ledge later. Tell April she’s on.”

  “You can congratulate her yourself,” he said. “She’s arriving at your house early in the morning. Tell that maid of yours to get the guest cottage ready.”

  “What?” Fuck. “You told April she could stay here?” I asked.

  “I told her you insisted. She was quite pleased,” Henry said. “What else was I supposed to say? Apparently, what you said about her acting skills lacking truthfulness got back to her and she was ready to refuse the part.”

  “What do you mean? What did I say?”

  “You said her acting skills lack realism.”

  “I did? I don’t remember…”

  “Let me refresh your memory. She was playing the part of a woman who just broke up with her boyfriend and reacted with hysterical laughter. You said, instead of acting like a human…and I quote, ‘she reacted like a space alien behaving in some bizarre, unbelievable way.’ Do you remember now?”

  I flopped back in my office chair and pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger. I resigned myself to the fact that I’d have to suffer the anguish of humiliation. “So not only do I have to accept April in the starring role, but I have to convince her to take it?”

  “Yes, but don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to woo her. It might be good for you. I still think you’ve been working too hard, and April is a very attractive woman,” Henry said.

  I blew out a breath and shook my head, swearing. The older he got, the more embarrassing it was to watch my father chase after young girls half his age. It wasn't unusual in our business, but it didn't make it any less mortifying.

  “She’s not really my type,” I said, flatly.

  “Since when?” Henry asked with a snort. As I hung up the phone, I wondered the same thing.

  It bothered me that my father acted as if he knew me well, when he didn’t. He hadn't been there for my childhood, essentially leaving me to be raised by the butler. Not that I regretted having Jamison in my life for one minute. I loved Jamison to death. My father was the one I had the issue with. Ours was not a warm father-son relationship. I mean, I called him by his first name. He looked at me as a superficial playboy, only interested in the external trappings of the wealthy life he afforded me, like expensive cars, big houses and fast women. At least that was my assessment of our relationship.

  I furrowed my brow, reflecting on my past. I couldn’t blame him. On the surface I must’ve appeared that way to him as I was coming up through my twenties. But lately, ever since my film project took hold of me, things had changed. I’d begun to want something more out of life than glittering parties on a yacht off the coast of France. After a while, the fast life became just one more drunken party with one more rapper/wanna-be actor surrounded by an escort of highly-implanted starlets. All just wanting fame. All of them wondering how they could use me to get what they wanted.

  And then I met Chelsea. I leaned back in my chair and swiveled it to look out the window. What did my little water nymph want from me?

  Chapter Thirteen


  Alex was quiet all through lunch. He’d spent the morning on phone calls in his office, and now he wasn't talking. I told myself not to worry. Jamison threw a few concerned glances across the table my way, but I kept my face serene.

  The voice of my best friend, Clara, was busy at work in my head. If other people can handle casual sex, so can you. We are not our mothers’ generation. Woman can enjoy sex for what it is. Don’t overthink, just enjoy.

  The advice she'd given me at the beginning of our sophomore year still rang true, and for now, I held it as a mantra. Don’t overthink, just enjoy. Casual sex. In reality, that’s all this would ever be – if we ever got to the actual sex part – and to think otherwise was just foolish.

  Finally, Alex seemed to brighten and looked up from his plate. “So, Chelsea, besides swimming, what other activities do you enjoy?” he asked. “Hiking?”

  I was too relieved by his easy tone to be taken aback by the question, so I said, “Sure, I like hiking. I bet there are amazing places around here to explore.”

  “Actually there’s a nice trail out back, near the guest cottage,” Alex said. “And we'll need to take a look at it, Jamison.”

  “The guest cottage?” Jamison asked.

  “Yes,” Alex said as he looked out the window. “Henry has a guest coming to stay tomorrow, so we have to get it ready.”

  I forced my shoulders not to slump and reminded myself I was here to work. If Alex was inviting me to go on a hike after I cleaned out the guest cottage, I had no reason to feel disappointed or slighted that my job came first. One little make-out session in the pool was nothing, no matter how hot it had been.

  “A guest?” Jamison asked.

  By his tone I knew there was more being said between the two men. Alex avoided Jamison’s eyes, but I reminded myself it was none of my concern. If anything happened between Alex and I, it would be casual, and that meant no expectations.

  “Let me know when you’re ready,” Alex said to me. “I’ll be in my office.”

  He left the table and I looked to Jamison for clarification. The butler carefully chewed the rest of his salad before he said, “The trail up by the guest cottage is quite lovely. And I had the cleaning crew turn the whole cottage out just last week, so all you need to do is tidy up a bit, dust, and make the bed.”

  Jamison assured me all the cleaning supplies I needed were at the guest cottage. Once we were finished with lunch, he handed me the keys from a peg hanging inside the pantry.

  I went to my attic room to put on the shoes best suited for hiking. I resisted the urge to change into something more attractive than my work uniform since I needed to clean the cottage before our walk. I did, however, dig through my suitcase to find the set of white lace underwear Clara had given me as a parting gift.

  I cautioned myself not to expect anything, but I couldn’t stop the giant leaps my heart took when I thought of Alex’s arms around me again. It was easy to fantasize about what might take place in the guest cottage bedroom before I put on the clean linens, but I forced the wishful thoughts out of my head. He'd asked me to go on a hike, not to have a torrid sexual encounter.

  Alex was waiting in the driveway by the time I was done.

  “Sorry, I’m ready. Ready for anything,” I said, my voice breathless. “I mean, I didn’t know if you wanted me to prepare the guest cottage before we hiked, but I went ahead and did it so we’d have the rest of the day together.” Shit. That'd sounded like I was expecting something. “Anyway, I’m ready. I hope it’s not too late for our hike.”

  Alex smiled, his eyes warming as he looked me up and down, “You know you don’t have to wear a uniform. I told Jamison that on your first day. He just wanted to torture you.”

  “Should I change?” I asked as I made a mental note to tell Jamison what I thought of his little 'joke.'

  “As much as I like that sundress you wore last night, we should get going. If we go now I can show you a great view for sunset,” Alex said.

  I smiled and my heart leapt again. I took the arm he offered me. It was hard not to think his thoughts mirrored mine as we walked arm in arm up the small lane to the guest cottage. Just before we reached the cottage a small trailhead appeared on the side of the lane marked by a charming stone arch.

  “Oh, Alex. T
his is so cool. I love the stonework.”

  “It used to be a wildflower garden,” Alex explained. “The woods are the perfect place for them to grow, and most of them still bloom, but I’m afraid it’s become overgrown and wild now.”

  “Sounds heavenly,” I said.

  The path was narrow and Alex let me walk in front of him. I took off at a nervous pace until I felt his hand catch mine. I turned around as he pulled gently, and I bounced off his chest. He laughed and I looked up into his sapphire-colored eyes just before he leaned down and kissed me lightly.

  “I didn’t bring you up here just to kiss you,” Alex said with a smile. “It’s just that you looked so anxious, I thought it might help.”

  “Maybe,” I said coyly. “Do it again.”

  He flashed another bright smile and bent his head again. This time, however, I lifted up on my tiptoes and kissed him back. I felt his arm circle my waist and his lips seared across mine, sending heat racing through my entire body.

  I was just reaching to tangle my fingers in his hair when he pulled back and said, “Wait. There’s something I want to show you.”

  He moved ahead of me and led me by the hand up the winding trail. The woods were speckled with purple violets and bright white flowers different than the ones I’d seen in Oregon. I noticed the trees forming a tighter net overhead and realized the branches were woven to create a natural tunnel. It was like something out of a fairytale.

  Alex ducked to fit through the narrow tunnel, yet grapevines and leaves still brushed across his hair. Then he stepped out into a grove and turned to smile at me. As I emerged from the green tunnel, I was dazzled by sunlight. Tall birch trees ringed the clearing, and gave it the feeling of a cathedral. The grass was a thick carpet, and all around the edge of the grove were graceful drooping ferns as far as I could see.

  “It’s enchanting,” I gasped.

  “This is where they make love for the first time,” Alex said.

  My mouth dropped open in shock, and when he saw my expression he laughed and apologized, “I’m so sorry. I meant, there’s a secret grove like this in my new movie. It’s where the main characters make love for the first time. I took pictures of this place to give to the writers, but the photographs don’t do it justice.”

  “What, no alien landing pad or grisly murder camp?” I teased, hoping to keep things light.

  Alex grimaced, “Exactly. I want this new movie to be as far removed from my father’s style as possible. I think the audience will like it, don’t you?”

  “I love it,” I said honestly. “And I love that you have a passion project. Audiences will know if there was love put into it.”

  He frowned and let go of my hand, “Yeah, well, that’s why I’m not too happy about the guest who’s coming. She’s supposed to get one of the starring roles, but I don’t think she’s right for it.”

  “Who knows, maybe she’ll surprise you. Or you’ll surprise her by getting award winning work out of her,” I offered.

  “Are you always like this?” Alex asked, taking my hand again.

  “Like what? I’m a terrible actress. What you see is what you get.”

  “Exactly.” Alex gave me a warm smile, and then pulled me to him.

  He brushed my hair out of my face, and then curled his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me forward until our mouths crashed together. The heady rush of the kiss made me dizzy, and I reached up to grip his wide shoulders. Unable to stop myself, I ran my hands down his back and slipped them under the hem of his shirt. I dragged my fingers up his back, digging into the thick muscles there as his tongue ignited a wildfire inside of me.

  He steadied me with one hand while his other reached down and caught my knee. He pulled my leg up to his hip, opening my thighs as my skirt rucked up around my thighs. He pressed me closer and I hooked my knee around his hip, rocking against him, both of us groaning at the blaze of friction. He fumbled for the button on my white work skirt and then stopped.

  “Not here,” he groaned against my lips.

  “Why? Then where?” I asked. If this was just some casual fling, why did it matter?

  “There’s a Four Seasons in Rotterdam. I should take you out,” he muttered, his fingers flexing on my hip.

  “And miss this?” I asked.

  I broke away from him and gestured to the enchanted grove. Sunset glowed against the white birch trees and the grass was cool and inviting. I sat down in the center of the grove and looked up at the dusky blue sky. It was perfect here, and I didn't want to wait.

  Alex knelt beside me and reached for the top buttons on my shirt, opening the top three. His eyes stared at the rise of my breasts as they were revealed, one button at a time. He let out a satisfied sound. Then, as if he couldn’t wait to finish unbuttoning the shirt, he dipped his head, kissed the swell of skin pushing up and out of my bra and reached for the hem of my shirt. I raised my arms and he slipped it up over my head, kissing me just as the shirt brushed past my face.

  Breaking the kiss, he tugged his shirt off, and then spread it on the grass behind me. I leaned back and tried to breathe as he unbuttoned my skirt with one hand. He left my mouth and burned a trail of kisses across my stomach to where he tugged my skirt down. I lifted my hips against the shockwaves his mouth caused, and soon I was in nothing but the white lace underwear I'd changed into.

  He slipped out of his own pants and laid down next to me, his eyes intent on mine. We kissed again, long and deliciously slow as he trailed his fingers up from my knee to tease the tops of my thighs. His tongue worked deepening circles across mine, and I moaned into his mouth.

  He groaned, his arousal hard against my leg, but he pulled back from the kiss, and caught me in another passionate look. It was as if he shared what I was feeling, and neither of us could quite believe this was real. It felt like more than a casual moment, more than a summer affair. It was more than I'd wanted. More than I could handle probably, but I’d never wanted any man with such a consuming desire.

  I knew what I wanted was written on my face, and I knew he saw it. He bent to kiss me again even as he pushed my thighs apart so he could explore. The teasing strokes across the edges of my lace underwear created waves of aching desire, and I tangled both hands in his hair and kissed him until we were both breathless. I hadn't known just a few simple touches could make me feel like this.

  Then he slipped one finger past the soft material and between my folds. He didn't even hesitate as he slid it into my pussy, and a burst of sensation shook my whole body. It'd been too long since I'd had anything inside me. He twisted it, his knuckle pressing against my g-spot. I shuddered, pleasure running through me.

  He waited, finger buried deep in me until the quaking subsided, then he slowly moved his finger in and out, bringing the dripping wetness to stroke my clit. A low whimper escaped as I begged for more. Two fingers swirled, teased my engorged nub then dipped back inside, leaving a thumb to expertly knead my aching clit. My back arched, and I cried out with pleasure again.

  “Oh, god, Chelsea,” Alex said, and in my haze, I felt the muscles in his arms shaking from his restraint.

  I didn’t care anymore about what other people would think. All I knew was I needed him inside me to satisfy the fire burning through my veins. He dropped his mouth to my nipple, kissing and sucking each one in turn. Tongue, then lips, suction that vibrated all the way down between my legs. I threw my head back with another moan as I pushed my hips up against him, hungry for more. He immediately responded, pushing my legs further apart so he could settle between them.

  I didn’t need any encouragement to open myself to his pleasure. He moved his head to my shoulder, kissing my neck, and I felt his throbbing hardness against my slippery folds. He lifted his head to my ear, breathing my name in a lusty whisper. He paused for just a split second, his eyes locking with mine, asking what I wanted. I held my breath, every nerve in my body vibrating, on the edge and desperate for release. I pleaded with my eyes. Take me. Fuck me. I’m you
rs. For however long you want me.

  He rolled to the side and reached for his jeans, swiftly retrieving something from a pocket. When I heard the rip of foil I knew he was putting on a condom. I smiled, relief and appreciation going through me. I was on the pill, but considering the numerous women he must've slept with, it was a good thing.

  As he rolled back on top of me, I made an eager sound in the back of my throat. I was burning with desire and the momentary pause in the friction had actually added to the anticipation. As he slid into me with a deep groan, I pushed my hips up to drive him deep. I wanted more of him, all of him. I writhed underneath him as he thrust again and again, winding me up to the top of my orgasm again until it peaked. I gasped as a white-hot explosion raced through my core, and I fell to pieces in his arms. He held me, driving into me over and over, until, finally, I felt him release.

  * * *


  I could still feel her soft lips on mine, the taste of her in my mouth, the brush of the cool grass against my forehead as I pressed into her tight, warm body.

  Dammit. I leaned back in my office chair and gave in to the memory for the third time this morning.

  Chelsea in the secret grove, the sunset glowing on her pale skin. The white lace, her long legs, the sweet wetness as I slipped a finger inside her. Her ocean blue eyes on mine as I thrust into her, my orgasm crashing over me until I didn’t know which way was up.

  “Knock, knock.” It was April, barging into my office. “Am I interrupting anything?” she chirped.

  There was no point in telling April she was interrupting because her whole plan was to dominate my attention. She sauntered over to the desk, her virtually non-existent hips rolling, and sat on the corner where she could tease a finger through my hair.

  “I thought now might be a good time to talk about my part in your movie.”


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