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Buttons and Shame

Page 19

by Penelope Sky

  Her hands moved down to my ass and gripped my cheeks. Her nails dug into the muscle as she yanked me harder into her. Her lips trembled against mine before she spoke. “Yes…”


  I shoved myself completely inside her and came with a grunt. My cock twitched in ecstasy, and I felt a surge of joy that I only felt when I was coming inside this woman. I breathed into her mouth as I finished, experiencing the kind of high I would never come down from.

  I stayed buried inside her as I softened because I had no intention of going anywhere. I thought about her while I was at work all day, and now that she was underneath me with her legs spread, I intended to fuck her all night long.

  And I intended to make her come all night long.

  I woke up to the beautiful woman beside me. With lustrous brown hair and elegant cheekbones, she looked like a queen.

  Which would make me her king.

  I moved on top of her and separated her thighs with my knees.

  She slowly began to stir, sighing quietly without opening her eyes. Her hands moved to my arms, and she adjusted herself automatically like she did every other morning, even when she was still asleep.

  I shoved myself inside her and moaned when I felt her warm pussy.

  She opened her heavy-lidded eyes and looked into my face as I rocked her. Her tits shook with every thrust, and when she moaned, the sound caught in her throat because her voice was raspy from sleeping all night.

  She pressed one hand against the wooden headboard and used it to rock back into me, her tits jiggling even more.

  She could call herself a prisoner, but it was obvious she wasn’t doing this out of obligation—not anymore. She loved the sensations our bodies produced when they were joined together. She loved getting fucked as much as I loved fucking her.

  I had work to do, so I made it a quickie, swiftly getting her off so I could follow right behind her. I deposited more come inside her, adding to my earlier deposit from the night before. I didn’t want this woman to take a single step without it overflowing between her legs and onto the floor.

  I pulled out of her then got ready for the work, knowing she would go back to sleep the second she was satisfied. We had an unspoken schedule now. We fucked the first thing in the morning and right when I got home from work. Then we had a few rounds after dinner. It was nice to have good sex without much talking. I didn’t need to buy her dinner or tell her how beautiful she was. All I had to do was drop my pants, and she knew it was time to fuck.

  It was a nice setup.

  I had just poured myself a cup of coffee when Pearl called.

  “What?” I barked into the phone.

  “I know Italy and America are different, but you’re supposed to say hello first. You know, be polite.”

  I drank my coffee and looked out the window. “What?” I repeated like a smartass.

  Pearl knew she wouldn’t get a different answer from me. “Can you guys come by? Crow and I want to talk about how we’re going to help Adelina.”

  I was tired of having this conversation with Pearl. “We already established there was nothing we could do for her.”

  “But now we’re wondering if we can help her friend Lizzie. So just come over here.”

  “I have work.”

  “Cane, get your ass over here, or I’ll make you.” She hung up.

  Adelina walked into the room a moment later with her hair pulled into a loose bun. She wore one of my work-out t-shirts and skipped the pants altogether. Her long legs were on display, and they were toned and perfect. She poured herself a cup of coffee. “Were you talking to Pearl?”

  “Whom I speak to is none of your concern.” I didn’t like being questioned by anyone, even her.

  She added a dash of sugar before she looked up at me. “It is my concern when you’re talking about me.” She added the cream then returned the carton to the fridge. “So just answer the question.”

  My eyes narrowed at her attitude, and my arousal spiked. “I’m going to Crow’s. Apparently, Pearl wants to discuss your friend Lizzie. I’d just go to work instead, but I know that brat will follow me there.”

  She was about to sip her coffee when she thought otherwise. “When are we leaving?”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “I’m leaving right now. You’re staying here.”

  “Why am I staying back?” she asked. “This conversation is entirely about me.”

  “Because you have no new info to offer. So, stay put.”

  Her eyes burned in agitation when she didn’t get her way. “I’m not staying here, Cane. I’m coming with you whether you like it or not.”

  “Since when did you start assuming you have any kind of power in this house?”

  “I’ve always had the power of choice—which you’ve given me.” She took a long drink of her coffee before she headed out of the kitchen. “Just give me a few minutes to brush my teeth and change.”

  “Maybe I’ll just leave without you.” I didn’t know where my hostility was coming from. Maybe it was because she had more power over me than I would like to admit. I told her I would never hurt her, and I wasn’t sure why I said it at all. My cock was obsessed with her pussy, and she made me think about sex around the clock. I didn’t like all these changes I was experiencing. I began to feel helpless, to feel inferior to this beautiful woman.

  “And maybe I’ll just take one of your cars and meet you there.”

  We pulled into the driveway and parked our car along the curb. The valet knew not to touch my ride, so I left it in the gravel and headed to the front door. Without thinking twice about it, I grabbed Adelina’s hand.

  She glanced down but didn’t make a remark.

  My gesture was more due to possession than affection. It was a form of a leash, keeping her close by so she couldn’t run off somewhere.

  Or so she couldn’t be taken.

  I rang the doorbell and was quickly greeted by Lars.

  “Good morning, Mr. Barsetti.” Lars gave a slight bow but kept his nose upturned at the same time. He’d never forgiven me for what I did to Pearl. He never voiced his dislike, but I noticed the difference in his mannerisms. He’d been working for my family since I was a child, and I knew his body language better than he gave me credit for. “This must be Miss Adelina.” Lars bowed to her, this time genuine and full of kindness. “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Lars, the butler.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” she said with a smile. “You’re so cute.”

  Lars immediately blushed, and I swore his ears twitched. “That’s…uh…very kind of you to stay. Right this way. Follow me.” He walked in front of us and guided us to the dining room where Crow usually took his meals.

  I pressed my lips to her ear. “I’m jealous. You never call me cute.”

  “Because you aren’t.”

  “Ouch.” I brushed it off with a smile and guided her into the dining room. Pearl and Crow were there, sitting across from one another with lunch on the table. Tuscan sandwiches along with a bottle of wine garnished the surface.

  Pearl stood up to greet Adelina with a hug. “I’m glad you came. I figured Cane would have kept you cooped up at the house.”

  “He tried.” Adelina shot me a glare before she walked around the table and greeted Crow.

  Crow stood up and preemptively stuck out a hand before she could hug him the way she just hugged Pearl.

  She took his hand and shook it. “Thanks for inviting me into your home.”

  Even the handshake made my skin prickle with unease. My brother was just as good-looking as I was, and he put on quite a display with his fancy house and cute butler. The Barsetti blood was full of attraction. My mother was a model in France before she met my father, who was ruggedly handsome like the two of us. I couldn’t tell exactly what I was jealous of—him or her.

  I pulled out a chair for her. “Sit.”

  Adelina stared at the chair then gave me a cold look.

  The only time she seemed to be responsive to commands
was when we were getting frisky. The rest of the time, it was like telling a solid wall what to do.

  Pearl pressed her lips together tightly and tried not to laugh.

  Crow didn’t hide the smirk on his face.

  I cleared my throat and looked at Adelina again. “Please.”

  Adelina finally took a seat once I said the magic word.

  I took the seat beside her, where Pearl had been sitting before. I didn’t care about taking her seat since I wanted to be beside Adelina and have her nowhere near Crow. If he wanted to get his revenge for what I did to Pearl, I wouldn’t blame him. I doubted he would hurt her, not while Pearl was still breathing, but I couldn’t be too cautious. “Pearl, this was your idea. How do you want to start?”

  Crow and I didn’t even say hi to each other when I walked in. He and I never embraced each other because we saw each other too much as it was. It was hard to believe Pearl and I were close since she was so distant now. The second I’d picked up Adelina, she turned her back on me. I hated to admit it, but I missed that relationship. It felt like I lost Vanessa all over again.

  “Maybe this was my idea, but we’re all in this together.” Pearl spoke to all of us, but her eyes were directed at me. “We need to figure out a way to get Adelina out of this nightmare. She’s an innocent person and deserves to be free.”

  “I’ve never argued the contrary.” I couldn’t stop myself from being cold. I’d repeated myself a hundred times to Pearl, but she never listened to what I said. I didn’t agree with Adelina’s treatment. But I was going to stick to the deal I made with my client. Business always came first.

  “Nor have I,” Crow added. “But there’s only so much we can do. You know that, Button.”

  “Button?” Adelina asked.

  “That’s what I call her,” Crow explained. “A pet name.”

  “Ohh…” Adelina glanced at Pearl’s ring and seemed to make the connection.

  Pearl leaned over the table and focused her attention on Adelina. “Do you have any idea where Lizzie could be? Have any information at all?”

  “No,” Adelina answered.

  “When was the last time you saw her?” Crow asked. “What happened?”

  Adelina stared at the table in silence, taking her time before she could utter a response. “Two men jumped into the back of the taxi and pulled sacks over our heads…” Her voice was nothing like I was used to. It wasn’t deep and powerful. It wasn’t beautiful. It was just broken. “I couldn’t see much then, but I was punched until I was knocked out. I remember Lizzie screaming, but that’s it. The next time I woke up, Lizzie and I were in a room together on a moth-eaten mattress sitting on the floor. Our wrists were handcuffed together. We tried to find a way out, but with our hands bound, we couldn’t reach the window. That’s when Tristan came in with one of the men and looked at us. His eyes moved to me first, and he said he liked what he saw. So he dropped his pants and went after me… Lizzie tried to protect me.” She closed her eyes and went silent as if she couldn’t go on anymore.

  Crow lowered his gaze, giving her the privacy to mourn.

  Pearl’s eyes were filled with tears.

  I dreaded hearing any more, but I needed to hear the rest.

  “Tristan knocked her out then raped me…twice. I fought him as hard as I could, but that just made him want me more. Blood was everywhere…my hair was ripped out of my scalp. When he was finished, he bought both of us and—” Adelina’s eyes filled with enormous tears and her bottom lip trembled. She sniffed and stifled a cry before she covered her face with her hands and stormed out of the room.

  No one chased after her.

  I listened to the sound of her sobs until they disappeared somewhere inside the house. I had no idea where she went, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she went outside to the back patio. It was the only place she would find privacy.

  Pearl wiped the tears from her eyes then stared at the table.

  Crow watched her, his protective gaze always casting a heavy shadow. His hand finally moved to the center of her back where he rested it, like he was feeling her heartbeat with his palm. With a stoic expression that mirrored my own, he stared at her like her feelings didn’t matter. But his affection said otherwise.

  I watched them together as I had hundreds of times. My brother never admitted to me that he loved her, but I was convinced of his true affection a long time ago. It was subtle hints like that that gave him away.

  Pearl relaxed noticeably when she felt him console her. She lifted her wet eyes and looked at me. “Aren’t you going to go after her?”

  The thought crossed my mind. “There’s nothing I can do for her.” I was just another man using her, not any different from Tristan. I didn’t have the right to make her feel better.

  “That’s not true, and you know it.” Pearl gave me that look of disappointment again, that look that I despised. When she expected me to do more, I wanted to reach her standards. When she asked me to do something, I wanted to obey. That was just how brothers were with their sisters.

  I found Adelina sitting in the shade of a tree on the grass. It was the exact same place where Crow and Pearl got married a few months ago. I found it ironic that she picked that particular spot to let her tears fall.

  I walked across the grass and tried to make my footsteps loud so she could hear me. I didn’t want to catch her off guard when she was already vulnerable. I wasn’t a fan of crying women. Reminded me of a baby, and I definitely didn’t like babies. Pearl didn’t shed a single tear when I beat her, and I respected her for it.

  When Adelina heard me coming, she took a deep breath and steadied her tears. She wiped her eyes on the back of her forearm and quickly wrapped her arms around her waist when she was finished. There was no way she thought she actually fooled me, but maybe hiding it as much as possible made her more comfortable.

  I lowered myself to the ground beside her and stared straight ahead just in case she didn’t want me to look at her. I didn’t ask if she was okay because obviously she wasn’t. I didn’t ask if she wanted to talk about it, because if she did, she would say something. There was no instruction manual when it came to these situations. As a man, I would never understand how it would feel to be a woman. I would never know what it was like to be prey when I was always the predator. “I’m here. In whatever way you need me, I’m here.” That was the best I could think of, the best thing I could say.

  She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees. “I’m sorry for walking out like that. I just—”

  “You don’t need to apologize.” It was ludicrous for her to think she needed to.

  “Talking about it makes it more real. When I talk about it, I feel like I’m living it all over again.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Lizzie threw herself on top of me and kicked him in the face. She had no chance against him, but she tried anyway. She wanted him to take her over me…”

  I stared straight ahead when I heard the tears in her voice again.

  “That’s why I can’t run, not when she tried to help me.”

  Now I understood her stubbornness.

  “I’ll get over this. I want to help as much as I can. But talking about it…it’s just hard. I haven’t had anyone to talk to about anything, and now there are three of you to listen. I’m not used to it.”

  “You can just talk to me if that would be easier,” I offered. “I can work with them and leave you out of it.”

  She nodded. “Maybe.”

  I finally looked at her, seeing the tearstains on her cheeks. They were little riverbeds in her skin, and her tears collected as drops on her chin. The sight of her wet eyes was worse than the sound of her tears. I felt sick to my stomach when I pictured the story she weaved. Her only crime was taking a vacation to celebrate her success. She went out to see the beauty of the world but got caught in the darkness instead.

  It was wrong.

  My arm circled her shoulders, and I pulled her
into me, lending my shoulder for her to lean on.

  She moved with the gesture and rested her cheek against me. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath like the touch was exactly what she needed.

  I looked down at her and saw the small drops in her thick lashes. My lips wanted to kiss them away, to kiss away all the tears that still clung to her cheeks. When she hurt, I hurt. That was a sensation I’d never felt before.

  I moved my lips to her temple and kissed her in a way I’d never kissed a woman before. My lips felt her hairline and smelled the vanilla scent of her shampoo. Instead of pulling away, I kept my mouth resting against her warm skin. I wanted to tell her everything was going to be okay, but that was too cruel.

  It wasn’t going to be okay.

  In two weeks, I’d have to return her to her tormentor without looking back.



  “I want you to do something for me. And I want you to promise to do it before I tell you what it is.”

  “You know I can’t do that. But I can try.”

  She sat up again and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I don’t want to go back. I can’t live like that anymore.”

  I didn’t blame her.

  “So…I want you to kill me.”

  I didn’t react because I could hardly believe what she said.

  “I’d rather die than live the rest of my life this way. But you can’t kill me, and it can’t look like suicide either. Otherwise, he’ll kill Lizzie. So I need something to make it look natural.”

  She was really asking me to help with her own suicide.

  “Like a pill or something. Something that will give me a heart attack or make me die in my sleep.” She said it without emotion, like we were having a business meeting that neither one of us wanted to attend. “You can get something like that, right?”

  The idea of her dying gave me a sudden jolt of terror. I pictured her handcuffed to the bed with eyes wide open, the life gone from her body. Her heart stopped working and her lungs stopped breathing. It was terrifying.


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