Book Read Free

On the Flip Side

Page 7

by Nikki Carter

  I shake my head. “Nowhere near.”

  “And who is this?” Meagan’s thirsty self asks.

  “He’s not a Morehouse man,” I reply. “He’s a senior in high school.”

  I laugh out loud as Piper and Meagan immediately lose interest. “Dang, Sunday,” Dilly says. “Why you gotta put me on blast all like that?”

  “Just wanted to let them know that you’re not legal.”

  Meagan says, “It’s too bad, because you’re tremendously cute.”

  “Tremendously,” Piper echoes.

  “But unfortunately, we can still smell your mama’s breast milk on your breath,” Gia says.

  “Ouch!” Dilly says. “That really, really hurt. Mean girls!”

  Piper takes a moment from laughing to say, “We’re going to our seats, Sunday. Do good!”

  All three of my friends hug me tightly and they leave, but Dilly stays behind.

  “Bethany is here,” he says somberly.

  “With you?”

  “Nah, she came with her girls, but she saw me here already.”

  “Did you talk to her?”

  He shakes his head. “No. I told you that I’m done with her. I showed that crazy letter she wrote to my sister and she cussed Bethany out. It’s messed up though, because I’m supposed to be on a remix on her record.”

  “You don’t think she’ll still want you to do it?”

  “Nah, and I don’t even want to.”

  It seems like Dilly and Bethany went up in flames quickly! They were all on each other just a few weeks ago, and now he’s running for the hills. Boys!

  “You were feeling Bethany something fierce just a minute ago, Dilly. At least you could tell her you’ve moved on.”

  “I guess, but you don’t need to worry about that right now. You’ve got a show to do.”

  “Okay, thanks for coming to check on me.”

  “Anytime, big sis. When you hear the person out there hollering at the top of their lungs, saying, ‘Go, Sunday!’ it’ll be me.”

  Now, I’m alone backstage, except for the stagehand girl who keeps giving me time checks. She yelled, “five minutes!” just as Dilly left. If Sam was here, this would be the time when he’d be giving me a pep talk. But I don’t even know if he knows about the show.

  My cell phone rings. Guess I need to put that on silent before I go on stage. Caller ID says Sam! He does know!

  “Hey, Sam.”

  “Hey, babe, you ’bout to go on stage?”

  I shiver when he calls me babe. He says it so casually, like it’s actually my name, and he catches me off guard with it every time.

  “I am about to go on in about four minutes.”

  “Well, do good. Make daddy proud.”

  I laugh out loud. “Really, Sam? Daddy?”

  “Was that too much?”

  “Way too much.”

  “Okay, well then make me proud. Your boyfriend who is marooned in the cold butt state of New York.”

  “Cold? We’re still rocking shorts!”

  “Exactly, and I need a winter coat right about now. Do you know my car had ice on it this morning?”

  I giggle. “I would love to listen to you complain about the weather, because you sound so pitiful doing it, but I really need to go on stage.”

  “Oh yeah. Call me when you’re done.”

  “Okay. Talk to you later.”

  “Miss you.”

  “Miss you more.”

  I press end to disconnect the call, because if I don’t do it, Sam won’t and I’ll miss my curtain call. It’s pretty hard for us to get off the phone since we’re so far away from each other.

  Sam should be here with me. Especially since I don’t know who is in my corner and who isn’t. Dreya is always questionable, and Big D has been loyal up until now, but will he be on my side if Mystique turns on me? He’s on the come-up for real, and his goal is to make this paper by any means necessary.

  How can I survive this whirlwind if I don’t know who I can trust?


  The football game was all that! Georgia State crushed Jacksonville State 28-0, and everyone is celebrating back at the Residence Inn. I know it’s not really a four-star, banging hotel for a celebrity type and all that, but I just wanna hang with everybody else.

  We got a two-bedroom suite, and we’re rolling seven deep in our room. Me, Gia, Hope, and Piper in one bedroom, and Ricky, Kevin, and DeShawn in the other.

  We’re all chilling in the common area with the television on. My stomach is on growl mode, so I hope we’re about to cop some grub. That little bag of popcorn I smashed during the game is not cutting it!

  Gia asks, “Ricky, are you and DeShawn sure y’all don’t want to be with the team? I would understand if y’all wanted to go with them to that Applebee’s. They’re just too noisy for me.”

  “You know I want to be with my girl,” Ricky says and kisses Gia’s hand sweetly. Awww ... that’s so cute.

  Hope giggles from her cross-legged position on the floor. “And you know she wasn’t really seriously asking you that question.”

  “Since I’m trying to get with Sunday, I wouldn’t be anywhere else either,” DeShawn says. The gleam in his eye is bright and he’s smiling hard. I don’t smile back, but I feel like I’m blushing something awful.

  “I have a boyfriend,” I say.

  “You keep telling me that, and every time you say it, you sound less and less confident. Sounds like dude needs to get down here and remind you that he exists.”

  I get ready to respond with a quip of my own, until Kevin makes a noise that sounds like a groan.

  “Why does this TV only have like eight channels?” Kevin asks as he squats in front of the TV with the remote clicking frantically. “They don’t even have AMC.”

  “Are you serious?” Hope asks. “Do they have Lifetime?”

  “Dude, ain’t nobody trying to watch no AMC or Lifetime,” DeShawn says with a chuckle.

  “Um, Mad Men rocks,” Kevin replies.

  Ricky laughs out loud and asks, “What’s on HBO?”

  “No bueno to HBO. I saw a naked breast when I passed through the first time,” Kevin says. “I’m not watching that.”

  DeShawn smirks, but when no one jumps in to rag on Kevin, he doesn’t say anything. I think everyone respects that Kevin is going to go to seminary at Morehouse in addition to his pre-med.

  Piper jumps up from the couch and swipes the remote from Kevin. “Does it have BET? Sunday’s show is on.”

  I scrunch my nose. I do not want to watch the show—not with my friends. It’s so phony with the little confessionals and all that. Plus we were doing a video shoot in Barbados, so there’s quite a bit of footage with me in skimpy swimwear. For some reason I don’t want DeShawn to see that.

  DeShawn sits on the floor at my feet and gives me a light punch on the leg. “Yeah, let’s watch Sunday’s show! I didn’t watch the other one.”

  “My vote is no,” I say as I slump back on the couch.

  Gia says, “I’ve already seen this episode. It’s a repeat, but it was good! Sunday and Sam help save a girl’s life... .”

  “Well, maybe we want to watch, Gia! Dang!” Ricky says.

  Gia’s face goes dark and she stares at Ricky. I’m guessing she wasn’t digging his tone, because she sure doesn’t look happy.

  “I mean, babe ... um ... can we enjoy the show too?” Ricky asks. Boy, he sure did clean that up quickly.

  Gia politely moves from the table where she was sitting next to Ricky and crowds me on the couch.

  “You gonna be like that, Gi-Gi?” Ricky asks.

  Gia looks at me and grimaces. “I think somebody’s head is extra large just because they scored a touchdown tonight. But I think somebody should tell somebody that they can’t talk to me any kind of way and think I’m gonna be nice.”

  “Apologize, Ricky!” Kevin says. “You were kind of harsh.”

  “Man, she was telling the whole ...”

one stops and stares at Ricky.

  “Never mind,” Ricky says. “I’m sorry, Gi-Gi.”

  “I forgive you.” Even though she’s extended forgiveness, Gia stays next to me on the couch.

  “Are we getting something to eat?” Piper asks. “Who wants pizza and wings?”

  “Sounds good,” DeShawn says. “What you want, Sunday?”

  “I really should have a salad, but I’m feeling like pizza sounds really good right now.”

  “The show is on!” Piper says as she turns up the volume.

  Kevin looks back at me and says, “Sunday, you look really pretty on TV. It doesn’t add ten pounds to you at all.”

  “Maybe five,” DeShawn says.

  “What?” I say, this time giving him the fake punch. “I beg your pardon!”

  “It’s okay though. You just look thick. I like my chicks thick.”

  Gia looks at me and raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. Looks like DeShawn is going to be in flirt mode tonight.

  There’s a scene with Sam and I playing in the sand and then running to splash in the water. The first time I saw this footage, I thought it was cute. But now, I’m feeling self-conscious about it with DeShawn watching. I wish I had on more of a swimsuit, because he’s looking mesmerized.

  “That’s your dude?” DeShawn asks.

  “Yep. That’s Sam.”

  “He doesn’t look like your type.”

  Gia makes a snorting sound. I scowl at her and she straightens up quickly, but Piper is struggling to contain her laughter.

  “Oh really? What do you think is my type?” I ask, almost afraid to hear his answer.

  “Me. I’m your type.”

  “I used to date jocks in high school. Didn’t really have a good track record with them. Most of them were players.”

  Piper high-fives in the air from across the room. “Yep, you got that right. I had the same experience with ballers.”

  Ricky scowls, walks over to the couch, plops down, and puts his arm around Gia. “I disagree with that stereotype. I’m not a player.”

  “You were in high school,” Kevin says. “Remember Valerie?”

  “Kevin! Man, whose side are you on?” DeShawn says.

  “I remember Valerie,” Gia says. “Old juicy booty Hi-Stepper that had your nose open. But that was before us, so that didn’t make him a player, Kevy-Kev.”

  Hope gets up and walks over to the phone. “Ugh. Can we change the subject? I’m gonna order the food.”

  “I’m trying to watch the show!” Piper fusses.

  There’s a knock on our hotel room door, and Kevin jumps up to answer it. “The pizza can’t be here this fast.”

  It’s Meagan, and she’s looking a little bit twisted. “Hey, y’all,” she says.

  “Hey! What’s up, Gamma Junior!” I say. “Where’s your girls?”

  “They’re in the room. Sunday, can I talk to you for just a moment?”

  I’m happy to oblige, even though Meagan is irritating, because DeShawn has started rubbing my feet, and somehow I’m thinking that’s not going to end well.

  “Can we go in the bedroom? I want to ask you something,” Meagan says.


  I jump up from the couch and out of DeShawn’s reach. Meagan follows me into our bedroom and I close the door.

  “What’s up, girl?” I ask.

  “Do you think I can stay in here with y’all?” Meagan asks. “Some of the sorors are tripping a little bit.”

  “Of course you can stay with us, but what do you mean tripping?”

  “They had some marijuana, and I don’t use drugs at all. They started smoking and then making fun of me because I didn’t want to join in.”

  “Ugh. Peer pressure is so high school.”

  “Tell me about it. I’m just tripping about them being Gamma Phi Gammas. I mean, it’s just a few of them, but they are definitely not acting in the tradition of this sorority.”

  “So what are you going to do? Are you still going to hang with them?”

  Meagan shrugs. “They’re in the sorority, so I don’t know how I can really not hang with them.”

  “I don’t think you have to. You get in whether they like you or not. Isn’t that the most important part? The getting in, I mean.”

  “No!” Meagan says while shaking her head furiously. “That is not the most important part of being in a sorority. The most important part is the sisterhood. I want them to be my sisters.”

  “Well, since you’re not in Gamma Phi Gamma yet and you can’t even join until next year, why don’t you just kick it with us? I think we’ll make pretty good in-the-meantime sisters.”

  “I don’t mean to diss you guys by being with the Gamma sisters. I hope you don’t take it that way.”

  “Nah, not me. But maybe Piper does.”

  Meagan rolls her eyes. “Well, Piper gets on my nerves anyway. I don’t care what she thinks.”

  I don’t respond to this. If Meagan doesn’t like Piper, then they don’t have to be friends, but I will not be a part of the drama. Not I, said the fly.

  “Well, just come on out and watch TV with us. I won’t say anything about Gamma Phi Gamma if you don’t,” I say.


  When Meagan and I emerge from the bedroom, Piper and Gia both stare at us like they want the scoop. I don’t sit in my previous seat, because DeShawn is getting out of control. Meagan and I both sit at the kitchen table.

  “So, Sunday,” Kevin says, “is going to Spelman part of your marketing plan? If so, it’s a really good idea. I’ve never seen a musician use this angle before.”

  Okay, this dude is about to really get on my nerves. “Ummm, no! Why would I enroll in college to market a record? I’ve wanted to be an entertainment lawyer for years.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I just thought it was a good idea.”

  DeShawn jumps in. “Real talk, though. You’re not gonna be able to do this once you really blow up. You’re still new, but your record hit number one. It’s only a matter of time until you can’t go out in public without a bodyguard.”

  “Keisha Knight Pulliam went to Spelman, and she’s just fine,” Hope says. “I think Sunday can do it too, if she’s really dedicated to it.”

  Ricky says, “Keisha wasn’t at the height of her career. The Cosby Show was over. So it’s not really the same thing.”

  “Word! Sunday is just about to become a superstar,” Kevin says. Why does slang sound so odd coming from him? It feels like he’s trying too hard.

  “Listen, y’all,” I say, “I do not like discussing my life like I’m some type of social experiment. Right now, I’m a freshman at Spelman with a record deal. That’s pretty much it. I don’t even have a career yet. I could be a one-hit wonder. So, it is what it is. I’m here, I’m staying, and if you want to be in my circle, get used to it.”

  Gia chuckles. “Your circle? Whatever. This is our circle. And if you want to stay in it, you better get used to our opinions. ’Cause I think we’re pretty opinionated.”

  I look at Gia and my jaw drops. Did she just seriously check me? I think she did! Wow ... I don’t know if I should check her back or hug her!

  “Are we gonna keep putting Sunday on blast or are we watching TV?” Piper asks.

  Gia pats the seat on the couch next to her. “Come on, sister. We’re not done discussing your swim attire.”

  I abandon Meagan at the table and plop down next to Gia, feeling incredibly normal. It’s a feeling that I like, and one that I’m going to cherish. Just in case things get crazy ... I plan to remember this moment.

  My phone buzzes and I look down to see a message from Mystique. Just got top-secret AMA nomination list. Get ready to shine, baby girl.

  I know this should make me happy! I should get up and do some kind of happy dance. But after the conversation we just had, getting this text makes me feel like my normal days are numbered, and Sunday Tolliver, college freshman, is about to be eclipsed by Sunday Tol
liver, pop star.

  I think one day I’ll have to choose. I’m glad it’s not today.


  “How do you feel, baby?” My mom called me as soon as the American Music Awards nominations were announced.

  “Um ... excited, I guess. It feels weird though. I remember getting up early to hear the nominees announced. So it’s kind of crazy being on the list.”

  “Just try to breathe and take it easy. Have you talked to Sam?”

  “Not yet. I’m sure he’ll be calling me in a minute. I’m going to hide out over at Zac’s house for lunch with Mystique, and I’ll probably spend the night.”

  “That doesn’t sound like much of a hideout. Why don’t you come home and spend the night?”

  I think about this for a second, and I almost say yes, but I’m not trying to kick it with Aunt Charlie and Manny. Aunt Charlie has this new thing where she hits me up for money every time we’re in the same room. That ain’t cool at all.

  “I’ll come home soon, but I think Mystique also wants to talk about some business stuff too.”

  “Okay, honey. Call me later, so we can go out and celebrate your nomination.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  I press end on the phone and look up at Gia. She does a little fashion-model spin, so I guess she wants me to say something about her outfit. She’s wearing a knee-length jean skirt, gladiator sandals, and an orange sweater vest with a baby tee underneath. It’s still hot outside, but technically it’s fall. She’s got a summer-meets-fall vibe going on.

  “You look cute.”

  “Thanks. It’s an experiment.”

  “An experiment in what?”

  “Girly-girl clothes. Skirts are not really my apparel item of choice, but I want to try and give them a chance.”

  I chuckle. Gia takes everything so seriously. I mean, for real, it’s just an outfit.

  “Where are you and your experiment going today?”

  “Went to class already, and now I’m about to go job hunting. I did the whole online application thing, but I think some of these places need to see me in my fabulous glory. Then they’ll hire me on the spot.”

  “I’ve got a job for you, if you’ll take it.”

  “What does it pay?”

  “Four hundred dollars, plus fifty bucks for every rehearsal.”


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