Drunk in Love 2: An Original Love Story

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Drunk in Love 2: An Original Love Story Page 12

by Tiece D Mickens

  Olivia didn’t say anything as she batted her eyes and continued listening.

  “I’m sorry for how things went down. I don’t look at Felisha in that way. She is a nice looking girl, but she’s not my type. I don’t know what got into us that day, but something did. I hate it did, but I can promise you that it won’t happen again. I love you. Felisha knows that I love you. She feels just as bad as I do if not more. I know this because I called and spoke with her. She had to know where I was coming from and how I felt. I definitely wanted to make sure that I knew where she was coming from and how she felt. She loves you unconditionally. What we did was a huge mistake and we’re both very sorry.” He said, making himself believe every word of it and as long as Felisha went with what he’d talked to her about earlier, then things would turn out okay. At least that’s what he was hoping.

  “Since you’re speaking on Felisha’s behalf, how is she? I mean, you say that she feels bad, but does she really?”

  “She does feel bad. The only reason why she can’t call you is because of the changed number.”

  “I’m glad I got it changed. I wasn’t ready to talk with her. I still don’t know if I’m ready.” Olivia muttered.

  “Well, I’m gonna let you know that I did go back over her house the other night.”

  “Oh you did?” Olivia pondered, now with a firmer tone in her voice. She wasn’t expecting to hear that shit.

  “Lil Romeo hasn’t been feeling well or shall I say that he’s been really sad since you’ve not reached out.” Olivia started to feel bad. “You’re like his other mother. You talk to him almost every day, sometimes even reading a story to him at night. He doesn’t know what’s going on and he’s confused. Felisha said that he’d wanted to call, but she couldn’t reach you. Just because he’s four doesn’t mean that he’s not worried about you.”

  “I know,” Olivia softly spoke. She did feel bad about neglecting Lil Romeo. This situation that Felisha and Mark had put her in was already enough strain as it was. Now the strain was being put on the smallest one and not intentionally, but she didn’t know how she could call to talk with him without having to deal with Felisha.

  “I only went over there to tuck him in and let him know that you were okay. I felt that at least if he saw one of us that he’d be okay. He told me to tell you that he loves you like craaaaazy.” He said, causing Olivia to feel mushy inside as a sincere smile crept across her face.

  “I love him like craaaaaazy, too.” She said, feeling like she had to make that phone call and she would sooner than later, but only because of Lil Romeo.

  Mark smiled, because he knew how much Olivia loved Lil Romeo. Even though she didn’t fully know the truth, he always looked at them as being this happy family and Felisha as being nothing more than a donor that was still very much a part of his son’s life.

  “I know in some kind of way this seems crazy and I’ve put a lot of that crazy shit in your life. I just want to make things right. I know I fucked up and in the worse way, but can you ever find in your heart to forgive me? I don’t know how you’ll ever trust me again, but I need you in my life. I can’t see myself not being with you.”

  Olivia shook her head from side to side. She didn’t know what to say to his pleading. “I want to work on my marriage,” she finally spoke. “But then again, it’s so much that I can’t overlook. Plus, the thrill is nowhere to be found. You don’t even give me all of you so how do you think I feel knowing that you’ve even shared that lil bit with my best friend. I mean really, I’m curious here. How was that?”

  Mark frowned a bit, but quickly answered so it didn’t seem like he was fabricating things. “It was quick. Like super quick and then reality kicked back in. We both were looking at each other wondering what had just happened.”

  “Is that right?” Olivia pondered, trying to read him to see if he was remotely lying about anything.

  “That is right,” he responded. “We were both looking crazy and I immediately felt bad. I know she did, too. I saw it in her face.”

  “Un-huh,” Olivia uttered. “The only thing that’s really confusing about this is hearing her come to the door calling you baby or babe. I know I heard something to that effect.

  “Honestly, I asked her what that was about and she said that she was only teasing to try and lighten the situation, because I was really feeling lost like I’d really fucked up.”

  “Well, I didn’t see anything funny about it. There was no situation to lighten. The shit had already hit the fan.” Olivia said, now wanting to reach over and smack the shit out of Mark right quick, but the lady in her held her composure.

  “I know,” Mark commented with a disappointed shake of the head. “I’m so sorry. I know that had to hurt you. You gotta know that I’m hurting too. I have never wanted to hurt you. Please believe me when I say that,” he said as a tear fell from his eye. He reached up and wiped the tear, but only more formed and crept down his cheek. Olivia immediately felt bad for him. Seeing him cry, brought back thoughts that she wasn’t faithful either and unlike them having sex only that once, she’d had sex hundreds of times over with Zay.

  “I’m sorry, but I gotta go.” She said. “I feel bad for you being that you’ve gotten yourself caught up in this mess. I just don’t know where to go from here. We don’t even have a home to go to.”

  “We can get one,” Mark said as Olivia stood to her feet like she was preparing to leave.

  “A house isn’t a home if there is no one in it,” Olivia shot at him then grabbed her phone and her keys off of the end table. “How can we get past this? I don’t even know where to start.” She attempted to walk off, but Mark grabbed her by the arm.

  “Please don’t go,” he whispered in her ear. “I love you. I know I’ve slacked in the bedroom, but that was for my own selfish reasons. I can be the husband that you need me to be. Just give me a chance.”

  Olivia easily shook loose from his gentle grip. “I don’t know, Mark. I just don’t know.”

  “Yes you do,” Mark said then pulled her back to him. He started kissing her around the neck as Olivia fought the temptation of wanting to give in to his sweet kisses. “Let me show you. I just want to show you that I can be that man; the husband that you need.” He kissed her some more then began to massage her breasts.

  Olivia took in a deep breath. “Mark no,” she said, pushing him back. “This isn’t going to solve anything.” She swiftly made her way to the door, feeling the need to shake him and that extraordinary touch that had her feeling some type of way.

  Mark pushed the door shut before she could get it all the way open. “Let me show you, baby. Please, we gotta start somewhere.” He pressured her, but this time he slipped his finger up her skirt and was now rubbing on her smooth shaved pussy.

  Olivia moaned. “Please, don’t do this.”

  “Why not?” Mark asked, pinning her up against the door and lifting her skirt up around her waist. He enjoyed the fact that Olivia hadn’t worn any panties because it was easier access as he dug his face in her hot juice box. Scooping her legs up around his neck, he picked her up; pussy still in his mouth as she held on for dear life. She was definitely mesmerized in the way Mark was handling her.

  “Oh wow,” she whispered, feeling Mark’s anxious tongue dance in and out of her wet goods. “My goodness,” she moaned.

  Mark laid her back on the bed, unbuttoning her shirt with one hand and fingering her throbbing pussy with the other hand. Olivia was so caught up in the moment that she helped him take off her shirt as she gripped the back of his head, watching how good he was feasting.

  “Damn baby,” she whispered only causing Mark to really go all in. She hadn’t called him baby since she’d walked in the room. Now was his chance to prove to her that he could be the man that she needed in all departments.

  Mark lifted Olivia’s legs, pushing them back. He reached up to caress both of her perky breasts with his hands. Not one time did he skip a beat in pleasing her pussy with his mout
h. Olivia was shocked at how well Mark could eat her, even his touches were different. She heard a moan come from him like he was just excited about giving her pleasure.

  “Damn,” she whispered softly. Mark was definitely showing her some new skills. If making up was going to be this good then they needed to fall out more often.

  Mark took his time, exploring her world as he licked from her ass cheeks to the crease of her pussy lips. He then touched her in places that caused her to bust one nut after another even when she didn’t feel one coming.

  “Aaaaaaaaaah,” she moaned. “Daaaaaaamn baby,” she called out.

  Mark continued to savor her goods like he was the hungriest man alive. Being able to touch his wife in this way and seeing how much she enjoyed it made him want to go harder. He flipped Olivia over on her stomach and began eating her from the back while sliding his thick, wet tongue inside of her asshole and then back exploring the insides of her goods.

  Olivia’s juice box was gushy and wetter than a water park. Her legs trembled from the intense rush that Mark was giving her. His sucks were serious as he found her clit and stayed on it. His mouth felt like a vibrator, pulsating on her clit as he continued to swallow every drop of liquid that oozed out of her.

  Olivia found herself cumin’ again. Grabbing the sheets on the bed and holding them tightly was all she could do. Mark had more than given her second thoughts about leaving him. He rose up and entered his hard dick inside of her wet, inviting goods. Pulling Olivia’s bouncy ass to him while she was on all fours gave him the ability to stand up straight on the floor while applying a lot of pressure from the back. His long, thick dick went in and out of her creamy pussy as he watched it in excitement. He took his time, wanting her to feel his all and he gave it to like she wanted it; like she needed it.

  He grunted, followed by a moan. He had only imagined how good her pussy would be once he’d decided to give it to her like this. At the moment; he was just only hoping that it wasn’t too late. He scooped his wife up in his arms while holding her up from the back, his dick still inside of her.

  “Ooo-oooh Baby,” she moaned in between breaths as Mark pumped her slow then fast in every part of the hotel suite. From the bed, to the couch, to the dinette table, then over on the leather chair, Mark fucked his wife good. He was definitely sorry for what he’d done and if he had to fuck her senseless for the rest of the night to make her forgive him, he would.

  Olivia had clawed at his back as he fucked her from the front, still holding her up in the air. He walked over by the bed and laid her back on it. The gushier Olivia’s pussy got the harder his dick became. He was hard as steel as he tongue kissed and fucked her at the same damn time.

  An hour and fifteen minutes later, Olivia was exploding all over her husband for the hundredth time. This in turn caused him to bust his first nut and what a nut it was.

  “Oooooh,” he grunted. “Daaaaamn, I love you.” He said, sweat dripping from his head. He was tired, but still anxious being that this actually seemed like the first time that they’d ever had sex and or made love at the same time.

  Olivia lay there out of breath and stunned to death. For eight years, this man, her husband hadn’t touched her not even remotely close to the way he’d done. If he had been fucking her like this from the start, she never would’ve strayed. Where was he hiding all of that super power, because she certainly didn’t see it coming? He had done a number on her, leaving her exhausted and feeling like she now wanted to stay, and the confusion was replaced with an enormous amount of lust for a man that she thought she knew, but after a sex session like that, he’d only implicated a further deception. The sad thing is that she really didn’t care to get to the bottom of it. If they could work things out and he could continue to be the husband that she wanted and or needed then she was going to stay. No ands, if’s, or buts about it.

  Chapter 13

  The next morning, Zay woke up with all kinds of thoughts going through his mind. He lay there, caught up in his feelings. Olivia had him stumped and somewhat confused. He loved her, but he had to let her go. She was married and the issues that she and her husband had weren’t resolved. Neither was that relationship over. Zay didn’t care who he had slept with. None of that mattered. If Mark loved Olivia just a little then he’d not let her go that easily. He was a man and knew all too well how break-ups usually went; especially if the man was in the wrong.

  He sighed as he took in a deep breath. He was exhausted, but couldn’t shake Olivia from his thoughts. He knew she’d gone to see Mark and being that she didn’t call him back, he knew exactly what happened. She had given in to his needs and wants. He didn’t see Mark having it any other way. Otherwise, he would’ve been even more of a pussy for not attempting to lay it down and get his woman back.

  Another thing that had him torn was Angel showing up on his doorstep with bags in her hand. He most definitely wasn’t expecting that. He leaned his head over to the right of him to see her laying there sleeping like a peaceful baby. Why’d he let her come back? Even though she had some good pussy and head, that didn’t get him like it had done in the past. She was still sexy as hell, but the thrill wasn’t the same. She’d been gone for nine years and all of sudden was back. Where had the time gone? Where had she been? How did she even find him? All sorts of thoughts ran through his mind, but how she got in his bed was the only thought that he honestly knew the answer to. He lay there thinking back prior to it all leading up to this.


  Zay opened up the door at his penthouse. “What’s up, Angel? What brings you here?” He asked with a clear look of disbelief on his face.

  “Hey Zay,” Angel spoke again. “I know this must be a surprise, so SURPRISE!” She said in trying to joke, but Zay didn’t think it was funny. The last time he saw her, she was introducing him to her fiancé.

  “What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in what??? Eight or nine years…”

  “I had to stop by.” She said, pretty much passing him in the doorway and entering his home while carrying a Gucci carryon bag over her shoulder and a Gucci handbag held in her hand.

  Zay’s eyes followed her as she dropped the Gucci carryon bag on the floor and made herself at home by sitting down on his sofa. He closed the door shut then stood there looking at her, still in shock.

  “Well damn, your nonchalant, carefree attitude still exists.” He said as he continued to stand there watching her.

  “I’m sorry,” Angel said as she got up from the couch and walked over to Zay. She placed her arms around his neck. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Are you serious right now? Is this a dream?”

  “I know I fucked up—”

  “Yeah, a long time ago,” Zay cut in. “I’ve moved on since then.”

  “So, you’re with somebody?” She asked, standing there looking like a very pretty Christina Milian. He was always taken aback by her beauty and her candid sense of humor. She was very much liked by everyone that knew her, but they didn’t know the cold side. The side she showed when they parted ways. It was the first time that he’d seen that side.

  “No, I’m not with anybody. However, I am seeing someone.” He lied.

  “Is that someone here?” She asked, looking around.

  “No, as a matter of fact she’s not.” He stated. “Why are you here, Angel? What is this visit about?”

  “It’s been long enough and way past time that I did this.” She said, turning to walk off with her skinny leg tights on and no panties. He could clearly see the roundness in her ass as it jiggled freely. “I have wanted to come see you for years and explain to you what had happened. The guy you met that day was my fiancé, but he’d been gone for two straight years in the military and had actually surprised me that day by returning home. I know it seemed unreal, but I’d fallen for you while he was gone. We’d practically moved in with each other. If I wasn’t to your place, you were to mine. I was young, dumb, and stupid. I didn’t mean to lie to you, but by the time
I wanted to tell you, I was too caught up. I knew you’d leave me.”

  “Wow,” Zay said as he listened to her explain the situation that had caused him many years of heartache, a bruised ego, and unnecessary resentment toward certain women.

  “I know it’s crazy seeing me here today,” she said, prancing around his house like it was hers.

  “Yeah, I think you should leave.”

  “Leave?” Angel frowned. Zay was never the mean type or the disrespectful type. He would never intentionally talk to her that way and hurt her feelings. “Listen babe, I’m sorry,” she said. “I know that I can’t make up for hurting you, but I truly am sorry.”

  “Apparently you and your fiancé either wound up married and you’re separated or what?” He said, not knowing what to really say.

  “He and I split about three years ago. I’ve been single since then.” Zay raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t say that I’d been celibate since then, but I can guarantee you that I’ve been single and safe since then.” She added.

  “I hear you.” Zay spoke in a low tone. “So now that you’ve explained yourself, you can leave.”

  Angel wasn’t satisfied with how things were going. Zay was definitely not cold hearted, but maybe she’d turned him that way.

  “Don’t do this,” she softly pleaded as she flung her curly hair out of her face. “Let’s talk. It’s not like you have anything to lose. Your friend isn’t here. You’re home alone. This has to be fate.” She said, walking into his kitchen and opening up his cabinet. She held up a bottle of red wine. “Let’s drink.”


  Angel moved a little as she snuggled closer to Zay. He slid closer to the edge of the bed in an attempt to get up. Angel’s eyes slightly opened as she looked into his handsome face.

  “Hey,” she spoke.

  “Good Morning,” he spoke back. He couldn’t help but admire her beauty. She had the prettiest teeth he’d ever seen. They were very straight and gave her the brightest smile.


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