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Tied to Him

Page 1

by Tia Siren

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Extended Epilogue of Tied to Him

  Tied to Him

  Tia Siren


  1. Tied to Him

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  2. Mafia Romance Collection

  3. BWWM Romance Collection

  4. Mail Order Bride Collection

  5. Big Bad Professor: An Older Man and a Virgin Romance

  6. Big Bad Alpha: A Billionaire Romance

  7. Big Bad Fake Groom - Sample

  8. Extended Epilogue of Tied to Him

  9. More Books by Tia Siren

  Copyright 2017 by Tia Siren - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

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  I'm going to take her virginity - and then she's going to write about it.

  Stella Frisk:

  After years of worshipping my father, owner of a top fashion magazine, I now finally realize what a grade-A asshole he is. If he thinks he can fuck over my career and our family without any consequences, he has another thing coming, because I have a plan.

  Step one: Get my father’s nemesis, Gabriel Winter, to give me a job.

  Step two: Make my father regret he ever lost me by landing a cover story in his rival’s magazine, one that gives a detailed account of how his adoring, only daughter lost her virginity.

  The only thing is, when I pitch my story idea to my new boss, I don’t expect him to volunteer for the position I’m advertising. I’ll admit, it would be the cherry on top of my revenge cake, but can I really sleep with my boss just to screw over my father?

  Gabriel Winter:

  The moment I meet Stella, I know I have to have her. She’s one of the sexiest women I’ve seen in ages, and her intelligence and natural writing abilities just add to her appeal. So when she waltzes into my office one day with an intriguing story proposal, how can I not offer to help her achieve her journalistic dreams?

  But she does the unthinkable: She refuses my offer. I know I could give her something to write about. I just need to find a way to provide her a little taste of what she’s missing out on without getting HR involved . . .

  Turning down an opportunity to take Stella’s virginity will take every fiber of my being - I just hope I've got the self-restraint to do it.

  Personal Note

  Hi there. I’m Tia Siren. I’m not just an author of very steamy contemporary romance. But I’m also a bad girl. Well, not really. Just when I’m writing about my bad boys for you. So thank you very much for downloading my book. I’m sure the bad girl in you too will be spoiled. Rotten!

  After the main book, Tied to Him, a novel of 60000 words, I’ve included some bonus stories for your enjoyment. If you like short stories, then check out the collections. After those, I’ve also included BIG BAD PROFESSOR, BIG BAD ALPHA, and a sample of BIG BAD FAKE GROOM with some deleted scenes. And be sure to check out Tied to Him’s Extended Epilogue too!

  So go on. Spoil yourself.

  xx Tia.

  Tied to Him

  I've always been tied to you.

  I wanted you even when I shouldn't have.

  I desired you even when it was wrong.

  But I've been waiting for you.

  And now I'll have you.

  You'll be alone with me on my private island.

  You'll forget you're there to pay off your father's debt.

  You won't even remember your own name.

  You won't feel the ropes I tie around your wrists.

  You won't miss the light when I blindfold you.

  All you will feel is my mouth on yours, my skin against yours, and my hardness as I slowly slide in to you.

  And when you scream my name, I'll know you're mine.

  Tied to me.

  This Alpha Billionaire Romance story contains light BDSM. It’s never about the pain but always about her pleasure.

  Chapter 1


  “You know, Nancy, this is a fantastic apartment,” I said as I turned my head away from the window and faced Nancy.

  “You think so? It’s a corner apartment and a funny shape,” Nancy said as she checked her uniform for her summer job.

  “Hell yeah. Look at it from this side. We have a perfect view of the campus. I can see everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off, getting ready for the last day of college.” I smiled as I pointed from the window. “And from this window, I can see my parking spot.”

  “Do I look okay in this, or do I look like a complete dork?” Nancy asked as she stood there in her Papino’s uniform.

  “You look fine. Everyone looks like a dork at Papino’s. It’s just that yellow and red aren’t your best colors,” I said as I stifled a laugh.

  “So, what you do you mean your spot? There is nothing there but the beach,” she said as she brushed her hands against her yellow pants.

  “Exactly. Three months in my spot, the center of the beach, soaking up the rays and spending Dad’s money. What could be better?” I said as I placed my hands on the window frame and rested my head on the glass.

  “It’s a waste. You should do something exciting. Look at me; I’m doing something positive while we are off.” Nancy donned her red and yellow Papino’s cap.

  “I don’t want to belittle you or anything, but why would I want to work when my Dad has all that money, just sitting there calling my name? Anyway, there is no way you would catch me wearing a uniform like that and selling corndogs,” I said as I lay on my bed. “I think we should keep the apartment for the summer. It saves us a hassle, and it’s super convenient.”

  “I can’t afford to pay rent. Why do you think I’m working?” Nancy said as she removed her uniform and faced me. She looked pissed off.

  “Not to worry; Dad can cover it. It’s only three months anyway,” I said. “Come on then, get dressed and I’ll treat you to ice cream.”

  Just as I had decided to treat Nancy, I called Kelly and Donna and told them to meet us at the ice cream parlor; we needed a final bit of bonding before we split up and they headed home for
the summer.

  We took the short walk to the promenade and headed toward the small shop. I looked out toward the ocean and saw the wind kicking up some radical waves, and that reminded me that I should call Chip and see how he was doing.

  We entered the ice cream parlor and saw Kelly and Donna seated by the window. We snuck up behind them.

  “Who’s a bitch!” I shouted as I slammed my hands cheekily on Donna’s shoulders.

  “God, you scared me to death,” Donna replied in a muffled voice.

  “So, what’s everyone having? My treat,” I said as I looked at the menu. “Just remember me when you get home to your folks.” I waved to the woman serving.

  “Yes, can I take your order please?” beamed the waitress as she scribbled on her pad.

  “One banana split, two chocolate overloads, and one coffee-toffee please,” I said.

  “Okay sure. Just a few minutes and your order will be ready,” the waitress said before she scuttled off back to the counter.

  We were chattering about the summer break and what we were doing as the waitress approached again. The dishes of food were humongous and would definitely take some time to eat. We started to work our way through our treats; I took a piece of banana and slipped it into my mouth.

  “Ah, watching you slide that banana in your mouth has just reminded me…” Kelly said with a grin on her face. “Why did you break up with Russell?”

  “Easy answer. He was totally shit in bed. Talk about unadventurous. I had to show him how to do everything. Oh, and he had a small offering,” I replied cheekily as I munched on a ripe cherry.

  Nancy sighed. “You have had god knows how many guys from around campus, and you have said the same thing about them all—that they are boring in the sack. Elizabeth, is there no one who will fulfill your womanly needs?”

  “I like to take charge, but come on, surely one of them can take the lead and satisfy this great body,” I replied with a laugh as I ran my hands down my curvy body.

  “You're just too easy, or maybe you just like to sample everything,” Kelly retorted as I dipped my spoon into her dish. “A prime example; you're stealing my ice cream!”

  “Life is just too damn short to take seriously. We should take advantage of this time and sample everything that San Diego has to offer. I mean, we are only young once you know,” I replied with a wink.

  I chatted more with Kelly, Nancy, and Donna about student life and how we should sample a few more things before we left college. I knew it was an opportunity for us to explore new things before we started to think about careers and families and all that. I mean, all of those things would ‘arrive on our doorstep’ before we realized what hit us.

  “It’s easy for you to say though, Elizabeth. Your dad is stinking rich, and you can just have whatever you want in life. Presto! Click your fingers, and it’s yours.” Donna clicked her fingers to mock me.

  “I’m no different than any of you. We are all the same inside; it’s just that I have the luxury of having a dad who is a prick and under the influence of alcohol most of the time. But that hasn’t changed me,” I said.

  “You wouldn’t know the difference. You have never been in our situation,” Donna said. “Take Nancy for example. She has to wear that stupid uniform for Papino’s and sell corndogs for eight hours a day just to help pay her way through next semester.”

  “You’re a bunch of bitches. You know that?” Nancy replied. “Elizabeth said I looked okay in my uniform!”

  I tried to hold back a laugh as I covered my mouth.

  “Oh, come on, don’t tell me you were lying to me about the uniform,” Nancy said. “You’re a fucker of a roommate and a best friend; you know that?!”

  “Actually, I admire you for getting a job. I have the hard part of just lying on the beach for three months. Hmm, and watching all the studs ogle my curves as they walk past me. Oh, life is very tough,” I replied with a huge grin as I pushed her in jest.

  We chatted more about college life and how we could set the night life of San Diego on fire. Then we spoke about how things would be different. We sat and looked at the sun settle over the horizon and decided to call it a day. Nancy and I headed back home to our apartment, and the other two girls strolled in the opposite direction to check out the stores.

  “Nancy, I really am proud of you for getting that job. I know I make fun of the uniform, but you are a good girl and a great friend. Just make sure no one tries to take advantage of you, okay?” I said as I linked my arm through hers.

  “Well, I try to model myself after your attitude and be a little more dominating. I mean, you never seem to let anyone tell you what to do, no matter who they are,” Nancy replied.

  “You just have to remember, most of the time you have something they want, especially the guys. And you can control them once you know their weakness. It’s quite simple really. Just believe in yourself a little more,” I said.

  We arrived back at the apartment, and Nancy told me she had to pop out to see her new boss about work. I thought I would take advantage of some quiet time and call Chip, my beloved big brother, and see what he was up to. I sat on the couch, grabbed a huge cushion, and held it close to my chest as I picked up the phone and dialed Chip’s number.

  “Hello,” Chip said on the other end of the line.

  “Hey, Chip. It’s Lizzy. How you been doing?” I asked.

  “You know, super busy at work with the new surgery. Not that it’s ever much different. It was the same when I worked at the hospital,” he said. “So to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”

  “No real reason. I was walking to the ice cream parlor, and I saw that the wind had kicked up some rad waves and I thought of you.” I pulled the cushion deeper into me to comfort by full belly.

  “So, Lizzy, you going home for the summer?” Chip asked.

  “Nah. It would be boring. Dad would be at work, and I would be stuck in the house all day. It’s much better to stay here and kick back and have some fun for a while,” I said. “And at least we can hook up when you’re free, and you can teach me how to surf. That way you can get some sun on your blond hair and tan that fit body of yours.”

  “Come on, Lizzy, you know we hang out quite a bit. It’s not like we are a million miles apart, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I have school and you have work, so we never have the chance to totally kick back and have some fun for more than a few hours,” I said with a sigh, missing him.

  “So, if you’re not going home to visit Dad, does this mean you are getting a summer job?” he asked.

  “Oh, hell no. I have three months to relax on the beach and make the most of it. Throw some shopping in here and there, and then I’ll be as happy as anything,” I replied, smiling to myself.

  “You should look for a job you know, Lizzy. At some point, you will have to. I mean, look at all the effort I had to put in to get where I am now, and I’m just on the bottom rung in the profession,” he said in a serious tone. “I take it you have no plans at all then to visit Dad over your break.”

  “Like hell I have. He was never there for me, so I shouldn’t be that bothered about him,” I replied as I hugged my cushion. “As long as there is money on my credit card, that’s as close as I want to get to him.”

  “You shouldn’t be like that. He’s the only dad we have, and he’s going through a rough time,” he said, sounding a little concerned.

  “It’s probably of his own doing. You know whatever bad happens to him is because of his actions or some crappy decision he’s made.”

  “Well, to be honest, I saw him not so long ago, and he looked bad. He was hitting the bottle pretty hard while I was there,” Chip said. “I asked him what was wrong, and he said it was just work and it would all sort itself out soon.”

  “See, I told you. He’s put his foot in it at work again. You know he’s a pussy and can’t face up to facts or defend himself,” I said. “And don’t forget what his job is; investment banking is high risk
with high rewards. He’s to take the rough with the smooth. It’s not all going to be on the up and up all the time.”

  Chip sighed. “I know that, but the way he was drinking was different. It was like he was drinking—well, it was like watching someone trying to drink themselves to death. Suicide by the bottle, if you know what I mean,” he said. There was a change in his tone that made me feel a bit off.

  “I wouldn’t read too much into it. These investment bankers need to drink to get them through the day. I mean, your nerves must be shattered when you are dealing with millions of someone else’s money,” I said plainly.

  “Anyway, I think you should try to see him at some point and show you have some concern for his welfare, or at least show him that he still has a daughter,” Chip said.

  I thought about Dad and his condition, but he was Dad. Dads were supposed to be able to conquer anything. That was the way it always was. He worked his way up and “conquered the world,” so to speak, and I was sure that whatever state he was in, he wouldn’t listen to me. I was certain it wouldn’t make the slightest bit of difference to the situation.

  “Maybe I’ll go toward the middle of my break. I may be bored of the beach by then,” I said.

  “It shouldn’t be taken lightly, and it’s just not because I’m a health worker. I’m concerned about him, Elizabeth.”

  “I stopped with the concerned daughter part when I realized all he thought about was Gold Diamond Enterprises. I mean, he lost all thought and concern for me and just concentrated on his career and the money. It’s just karma. Hey, and as long as my credit card is full, that’s good enough for me,” I said, using an assertive tone. “It’s not like he gives a shit about me, anyway. He chose his career over both of us a long time ago.”

  “Lizzy, I’m not sure what to do with you. Maybe you are like Dad a little too much, or maybe you try your hardest to be totally different than him. It’s not his fault that Mom died in childbirth with you, so you can’t hold him responsible for that, you know.”


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