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Tied to Him

Page 54

by Tia Siren

  “Thank you for a wonderful evening. I will remember it for a long time,” she said.

  Colten snatched the key card from her hand and shoved it into the slot. The lock clicked, and he pushed the door open.

  “What are you...?”

  “I've had enough of this. I want you and I'm going to have you. I'm going take what I want, and you're going to enjoy it.”

  “But I told you—”

  Colten pulled her into the room and pushed her face first against the wall. He closed the door with his foot and leaned against her back. He put his mouth on her neck and kissed it.

  “You want it as much as I do, so stop playing games with me. You're teasing me, and I've had more than my fill of it.”

  She felt his hand at the hem of her dress and soon her buttocks were exposed to the cool air in the room. He pulled her string off in one easy movement and put his hand over her vulva.

  “As I thought, you're wet as hell. Now tell me you don't want me.” Avaline didn't say anything. The authority in his voice and the way he'd ripped her panties off had turned her on. “Come on, tell me. You want it too, don't you?” He let his fingers massage her womanhood as he kissed her neck again.

  “Damn you. Yes, I want it. But I want more than a quick screw. If I let you take me, that's it; I want it all. I'm not one of your cheap whores.”

  “I've told you, you can have it all. Whatever you want.” His free hand reached around and pulled one of her breasts out of the flimsy dress. Her nipple was already hard.

  “I want love, respect, and your affection.”

  He pulled her from the wall and threw her onto the bed. He got on top of her and kissed her. “You got it, babe. You got it all. Now just let me fuck you for Christ’s sake.”

  She kissed him back and put her arm around his neck. With his body on top of hers, she could feel his erection pressing against her belly. He pulled away and stood up. He threw his jacket onto the chair in the corner of the room and took off his tie. His shoes and socks followed the jacket.

  Avaline sat up and helped him unfasten his shirt. When it slipped off his shoulders, she ran her hands over his smooth skin. She playfully raked her nails over his chest and kissed each of his nipples.

  “There's something going on down here,” she said. “Let's see what you've got.” She lowered his zipper and put her hand inside his pants and then into his shorts. “Now that's a cock,” she whispered as she felt how long and thick he was.

  He smiled and reached down to her dress. He unfastened the halter and let it fall from her breasts. “Nice,” he whispered as he fondled them. He pulled her hand out of his pants and slid them, and his shorts, down past his thighs. Avaline slipped out of the dress and lay on the bed, naked. When he was ready, he lay down next to her and pulled her onto him. She straddled him and slipped him inside her with a low moan. She stayed still and bent down to kiss him.

  “So you like a woman on top?” she asked.

  “I want to look at you. I want to see your face and your tits.” He thrust his hips up, encouraging her to move. And move she did. She bucked up and down on him, pressing her pubic bone against his shaft. He played with her breasts, flicking his thumb over her nipples. She increased the pace, her hips moving back and forth as fast as she could manage. When he reached behind her and groped her buttocks, she let out a loud moan and slumped in a shaking heap on top of him. He put his strong arms around her and flipped her onto her back. He lay still until her orgasm was over. Then he entered her again. This time, he was in charge, and he began to thrust into her with hard strokes that made her gasp. He was heavy on her but warm, and she loved the intimacy. She loved the coarse feel of the hair on his thighs and the feel of his face as she ran her fingers over his cheeks. He was an intense lover who demanded she open her legs as wide as she could and take him into her. He was a man, a real man, the kind of man she'd always wanted. Now that he was between her legs, she wanted him to stay there forever.

  He rammed her harder, his lust overflowing. She fought back, wrapping her legs around his back and thrusting her hips up, demanding his seed. He began to sweat, and she loved the scent of him.

  “Come on,” she said. “Take me with you.” She reached down and touched herself.

  “I'm coming, fucking coming,” he shouted. Avaline rubbed herself furiously and reached an intense orgasm at the same time his semen spilled from him and into her warm depth.

  On top of her, breathing hard, he kissed the side of her face and then her neck. She wrapped her long legs tighter around his back, not wanting him to leave her. When he had to, he rolled off her and lay next to her. He took her hand and lay it on his stomach.

  “I like you a hell of a lot. I'm not letting you go,” he said.

  “I want to spend so much time with you. I want to know all of you. You know I can't be your PA now, don't you?”

  “Yes, I know. What do you really want to do?”

  “I want to be a mom.”

  “Well, let's see what we can arrange,” he said, rolling onto his side. “Give me a few minutes.”



  ALPHA BILLIONAIRE Romance – Bad Boy Billionaire


  Dana loved her business. That was an odd thing to admit to herself, since she had never even used a sex toy in her life. She pleasured herself, of course, but she had never felt the need to use something like the latex dildos she rang up and placed into discrete black plastic bags for her customers.

  Dana was three years out of business school, and she’d always known what kind of business she wanted have. After all, sex sells. She opened the Treasure Box a month after graduating, and it hadn’t taken long for the little shop to take off. It was a squat, square building with dim windows and a parking lot in the rear. Everyone liked to buy sex toys, but no one liked to be seen doing it.

  The shop started off doing well, and Dana had hired Jeff, a thirty-something stoner, to help out so she could actually have a day or two off here and there. Lately, though, the business had been down. The internet was cutting into her profits more and more, and she had let Jeff go. He had been more disappointed about never getting her into bed than he was about losing his job.

  Dana was attractive, and she knew it. She was lithe but curvy, with large breasts and a bubble butt. She had a flat tummy and long brown hair, which she always pulled back into a simple ponytail. She didn’t put much effort into looking good, but she didn’t have to. Her lips were full and pouty, her eyes smoky and a grayish blue. She had white teeth and a perfect smile, and her voice was husky. Jeff had always said she looked like she could have been a famous actress in the forties.

  She wasn’t quite twenty-five, and she’d had a string of boyfriends since high school, but none had ever amounted to much of anything. It was always just a bit of fun, and then they wanted something more serious, and she freaked out and ended it.

  Most guys expected her to be a sexual creature, owning a sex shop and everything, but Dana had always tended to be a little bit vanilla in bed. She had grown up in an ultra-conservative household, and it had affected her. Her mother had almost fainted when she told her she was opening a shop that sold dildos and fake vaginas, and her father hadn’t talked to her for over a year. Things were better now, but her parents never asked about her business.

  It was a Thursday when she met him: Gregory Jones, tall, dark, and handsome. He entered the Treasure Chest alone. It was ten in the morning. Dana had just opened. No one else was there yet, and the young woman had been stocking a new shipment of cock rings near the back of the store. She had heard the bell ring, a little silver chime that hung over the doorway and was rocked when the door opened and hit it.

  She called out to her new customer. “I’m back here! Yell when you’re ready to check out.”

  There wasn’t an answer for a moment, and it made Dana nervous. She stood up and turned, just in time to see the sexiest-looking man she had ever seen step around the final aisle and smile
at her. He was tanned and tall, with broad shoulders and a strong jaw that made it seem as though he had missed his calling as a superhero. His hair was fair, blond and wavy, though he kept it trimmed quite short. He was wearing a suit that looked expensive to even Dana’s eye, untrained as it was in such matters.

  “Hey there,” the man said. “I could use your help.”

  “What can I do for you?” Dana asked, and then she realized she was holding a cock ring package. She put it down quickly, her cheeks burning. The man seemed to take note of her sudden flash of embarrassment, his brow rising, but he was too much of a gentleman to say anything about it.

  “Do you sell strap-on dildos?”

  Dana nodded. “Sure. Follow me.”

  She had to step around the man to get out of the aisle. When she did, she brushed against him slightly it was as if her whole body exploded. She felt a heat, and she realized that she had just met the man, but she wanted him badly already.

  She went toward the middle of the store, down an aisle with a few strap-on dildo choices.

  “Ah, thank you,” the man said.

  “Sure. I’ll be up front when you’re ready,” Dana said, and she turned to leave, but the man held up a hand.

  “Actually, I need some more help. I don’t know much about these.”

  “Wife send you in?” Dana asked.

  “Something like that.” Gregory laughed, and then he held up his hand, showing that he wore no ring. “No wife, though. Not really a girlfriend either. Just a woman, I’m afraid. I hope you don’t think I’m some sort of lecherous worm.”

  “Hey, your business is your own business, and if it means you’re buying from me, then it’s good business.”

  “I’ve never had this request, I must admit,” the man said. “I’m certainly adventurous enough, but this young lady would like me to watch her…with one of her friends.”

  Dana blushed again and nodded.

  “Does sex embarrass you?” the man asked.

  “No,” Dana whispered.

  “I’m Greg,” the man said, holding his hand out. “Nice to meet you.”

  Dana shook his hand, and then, after hearing his name, she realized she knew him. Well, knew who he was at least.

  “You’re Gregory Jones,” she said, and the man nodded. She went on. “You founded” was a website that had grown popular over the two years since its launch. Wannabe actors, singers, and other entertainers could pay a monthly fee to post demos on the site. Then places like management companies and production companies that had partnered with the site could go and look for whatever they needed. More than a few new faces had been found for some big products, and everyone looking to make it big in entertainment was signing up. Greg had become a billionaire when he sold the site less than six months ago. Dana had known that Gregory Jones had grown up in her small town, but she didn’t know he ever came back.

  “You visiting?” she asked.

  “I moved home,” Greg said. “I’m just not a big city guy, though we’re close enough that I can scratch certain itches when need be.”

  “Itches like seeing your new friend with another girl?”

  “Exactly,” Greg said. “I must say, though, you intrigue me more than she ever could, no matter what lewd acts she does with her friend.”

  “I intrigue you?”

  “Yes. You’re beautiful, you own a store that sells cock rings and vibrators, and yet you blush when talking about those products.”

  “I don’t normally,” Dana said, somewhat defensively.

  “I’d like to take you to dinner. This weekend?” the man asked her.

  “I don’t know,” Dana said, but she did know. She didn’t want to be some second fiddle to whatever floozy he was buying the strap-on dildo for.

  She thought he would argue, but the rich man simply reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a card. He handed it to her, and she looked at it. It simply had his name and a phone number. The paper stock was thick, as luxurious as such a thing could be.

  “If you change your mind, call me,” Greg said. “Now, which of these strap-ons would you recommend?”

  Greg didn’t linger in Dana’s store, though he lingered in her mind. For the rest of the day, after he was long gone, she thought of him. That night she lay in bed, the TV on, casting her in a soft blue glow, but she didn’t pay attention to the Gilmore Girls rerun. She had the card in her hand, and she turned it over and over in her fingers. She glanced at her clock. It was almost midnight. She wasn’t sure she should call so late, but she reached for her cell phone and dialed the number anyway.

  When Greg answered, he was panting. She thought he might be sleeping, but it dawned on her that he was probably screwing. She almost hung up, but something kept her from doing so.

  “Hello?” the man said.

  “I’m in,” she said.

  “Fantastic, Dana,” Greg said. He had asked her name as he was checking out. “Text me your address. I’ll pick you up Saturday at eight.”

  “Okay,” Dana said, and hung up. She used her phone to Google Greg. He was thirty-two, almost ten years older than she was. His father had died young, but his mother was still living. He had been an aspiring actor, but after striking out in Hollywood, he had decided to start the website.

  Dana set her phone back on her end table and turned her TV off. She was going out with a billionaire. She couldn’t believe it as she drifted off to sleep.


  Friday passed slowly. Dana worked, sold her sex toys, and went home. She ate dinner and went to bed early. Saturday she worked as well, though she always closed the store early on the weekends. Most of her customers shopped during the week when the people they knew were at work. They should have been working too, but they stole in on lunch breaks or after dentist appointments, their mouths filled with sticky gauze, their speech slurred.

  After work on Saturday, Dana rushed home and got ready. She showered and then dressed, though it took her almost an hour to settle on the perfect outfit: a small black dress with black high heels. She put on makeup, which she rarely did, and when she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt simultaneously bold and embarrassed. Bold because she looked like an absolute knockout and she knew it, and embarrassed because she knew she was doing it because she wanted Greg to want to fuck her.

  She wouldn’t let him. That wasn’t the kind of girl she was, but she wanted him to want to.

  He picked her up five minutes past eight. She had sent him her address the day before. She lived in a small apartment, and as she made her way to the parking lot, she felt ashamed. Surely he was used to penthouses when he was in the city, and now that he had returned to his hometown, an hour and a half outside of New York, she was confident he would build a mansion somewhere.

  Apple Tree was the name of the town, and it was quaint, almost like a town people would live in on a TV show. Rolling green hills gave way to farm land—a far cry from the loud, smog-filled city to the south. There was a main street, and it was here where Dana lived, in a small row of apartments. Her shop was just outside town, on a lonely, dusty road that otherwise led out to a dairy farm.

  Greg was driving a bright red convertible, which matched Dana’s lipstick. He had gotten out of the car and moved around to open the passenger door.

  “You look amazing,” the rich man said.

  “Thank you,” Dana said. “You too,” she added, and it was the truth. He was dressed in a black blazer with a crisp white button-up underneath it, the top two buttons undone, his bronze chest showing a small amount of curly chest hair. His pants were jeans, but not the sort you would buy at the local Walmart. They had cost more than her whole wardrobe; she had no doubt about that.

  After she lowered herself into the driver’s seat, he came around and climbed in behind the wheel.

  “You hungry?” he asked, and she nodded.

  He took her over a few towns, to a sleepy little place called River’s Crossing. It ha
d a reputation for being a bit more upscale than Apple Tree, and as such, Dana had never had much reason to go there, except for a couple of times with her girlfriends as they looked in the shops.

  There was a small Italian restaurant there called Emilio’s, and the parking lot was full when Greg pulled in. The sky was black, and he had stopped to raise the roof on the convertible, as the air was growing quite chilly, despite the fact that it was summer. Though in a dress as short as the one Dana was wearing, any night would be chilly.

  They went inside, and Dana thought they would have to wait. There was a line almost to the door, but as soon as the hostess saw Greg, she came forward and showed them to a small private room off the main dining area. It only had four tables, each small and intimate with two chairs.

  The food was better than any Dana had ever had, and the conversation was just as good. They did the normal first date stuff, working through the conversation they were supposed to. Where did you go to school, what movies do you like, that sort of thing. Surprisingly, Greg had dropped out of high school, moving when he was seventeen to Los Angeles, and his favorite film was Goodfellas. He learned that Dana had gone to a local high school and then a college thirty minutes to the East, and her favorite film was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

  “I would love it if you came home with me,” Greg said, and Dana was shocked by how upfront he was. She opened her mouth after she smiled, and she was prepared to tell him no.

  “God yes,” she said instead, shocking herself.

  “Great,” Greg said. He stood and left enough money to cover the bill and a hefty tip, and then they hurried out to his car.

  It turned out that Greg had done exactly what Dana had thought he must have. Twenty minutes out of Apple Tree there was a massive home that had been newly built. The immense gates they drove through before heading down a winding drive to get to the house answered how exactly the house had gotten past the attention of everyone in town. She doubted anyone knew the house was here, sitting on some unused farmland far from the main road.


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