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Tied to Him

Page 61

by Tia Siren

  Tyler bent down and kissed my stomach. He was kneeling beside me, and he went to the left, so his lips sent a trail down to my pussy. The bed moved as he repositioned himself, and then his tongue was running up my wet slit. I reached down, ran my hands through his hair.

  Tyler had never gone down on me before. I had sucked his cock, he had come down my throat or splashed it across my face, but he had never eaten my pussy. He was a selfish guy in the bedroom, but that had been working for me.

  Then, though, that night with the blindfold on and his head between my legs and his tongue eagerly lapping at my wet pussy, I couldn’t help but feel cheated. He had been holding out on me.

  He made me come with his tongue and fingers. When the orgasm overtook me, the tip of his tongue was flicking lightly over my clit, and he had two fingers, slick with my own juices, sliding in and out of my tight pussy. As I came, he moved his fingers and buried his face against my crotch.

  “Fuck,” I said softly, and I felt the bed move as Tyler repositioned himself once more. I heard his pants come off, and then the bed dipped right next to my head. I grinned and turned my face toward him while opening my mouth. Sure enough, his cock was there, and he slid it slowly into my waiting mouth. His hand went to my naked tit, my nipple hard against his palm. He groped me, but still with a sensitivity I hadn’t experienced. It was almost as if he had traded places with his brother.

  Moments later, I came to realize how true that was. The bed squeaked on the other side of me and dipped down. A rough hand was on my face, pulling my lips away from the cock I had been sucking so I would turn my head. Another cock slid into my mouth.


  He had blindfolded me and taken me into his room, and then Brad had taken over. I hadn’t even known Brad was there. He was the one who had eaten me out; I had been sucking his cock. He was still beside me, pawing softly at my breast. Tyler had come onto the bed. He was naked. He was hard. He was in my mouth. I couldn’t see a thing.

  I had never been in a threesome before. This had been sprung on me suddenly. Two brothers, naked, fucking my mouth. I should have been mad. I wasn’t.

  I went with it. I reached over, took Brad’s hard cock in my hand as his brother thrust his hips back and forth, using my mouth the same way he always used my pussy. Of course, there was a chance it wasn’t Brad there, that it had been someone else. I never saw them, the whole time I was double fucked. But somehow, I knew.

  I jerked Brad off as I sucked Tyler’s cock, and then I moved, taking Brad into my mouth once more and using my hand to grip Tyler’s cock and jerk it. I was gentle with Brad, moving my lips or my hand slowly, and more wild with Tyler. I gripped him tightly when I was pulling on his hard on and kept my mouth still as he fucked it when I was blowing him.

  At one point, after Brad pulled out of my mouth and was moving, I went to take the blindfold off, but a hand stopped me. I was moved by Brad’s gentle guidance, getting onto my hands and knees. My pussy was soaked, and I wanted to be fucked. Tyler moved, on his knees in front of me from what I could gather, and held me by the back of the head as he guided his cock into my mouth once more.

  Brad was gentle, situated behind me. He took me by the hips, pulled me backward. The head of his swollen cock pressed on my wet slit. And then he was inside me, pulling me back more, filling me with his massive cock. He was thicker than his brother was, and maybe a bit longer too. Strange, since they looked so much alike otherwise. His hands went to my ass as I began to rock back and forth. When I went forward, Tyler’s cock slid down my throat. When I pulled back, Brad’s cock slid deep into my vagina. It was more than I had ever experienced, and it was nothing but pure bliss.

  Brad reached up from behind me to grab my swinging tits as he plowed me fast. Tyler’s fingers pulled my hair painfully as his dick filled my mouth and throat. I was being used by my stepbrothers, and it made me wetter than I had ever been.

  I came again before either one of them did. It came suddenly, without warning, hardly any buildup and then there it was. I moaned around Tyler’s cock. He took my open mouth as an invitation to slam his hips forward, and as I came, he came, spraying a hot sticky load down my throat and into my stomach. I gagged, pushed against him even as my pussy clenched tightly around Brad’s cock. Tyler pulled away from me, his cock hot and slick. He climbed off the bed.

  Brad pulled out of me and guided me into a lying position. He lowered himself onto me, entered me again. He went slowly, bucking atop me, his cock rock hard and throbbing as he slid in and out of me. His lips found my tits, sucking on each nipple in turn. His hand was in my hair, holding it, pulling it slightly. Tyler must have left. It was just the two of us. I came again.

  He came shortly after that. He wanted to kiss me, I could tell, but I had just blown his brother, and he wouldn’t. He kissed my neck instead, and then he was grunting, and his cock jumped inside me as he filled me. He pulled away. I lay there.

  Ten minutes later I took off the blindfold. I was alone. I padded out, nude, into the living room. Tyler was there, watching TV, sitting in his boxer shorts. Brad wasn’t there.

  “You guys are kinky,” I said. Tyler looked at me. He didn’t speak. I went back into the bedroom and slept.

  I cornered Brad at work a few days later. He had been avoiding me again. It was late. Everyone was going home. He was in his office.

  “That was you, right?” I said. He knew what I was talking about. He didn’t say anything. “I liked it,” I assured him.

  “You’re fucking my brother. You’re my stepsister. We’re related.”

  “Not by blood,” I said. Not able to stop myself, I went around his desk and leaned down so I could kiss him. I was wearing a skirt. Tyler had fucked me in the elevator that morning. I hiked the skirt up and sat on Brad’s lap. We kissed, he got hard, I got wet. We fucked in his chair.


  Days turned to weeks, which turned to months. I was seeing Brad and Tyler. They both gave me different things, but neither relationship grew too much since I was their stepsister. I was pretty sure they both knew I was fucking the other. Tyler was rough and fun and left me panting in a pool of my own sweat. Brad was gentle and sweet and made me come with his tongue almost every time I saw him before making me come again with his cock.

  I fell for both men. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help it. And then, a miracle.

  My mother. Their father. Divorce.

  I hadn’t been speaking to my mom a lot. I was busy. Work kept me busy. Screwing the two brother’s kept me busy. I knew the marriage wasn’t what she had wanted, but I didn’t know it was so close to being done.

  It was still strange between us, Tyler and Brad and I. We could have a relationship now, well one of the two and I, but it would still be weird. They still lived in the public eye. People would talk. But Tyler was wild. He didn’t seem to care.

  I got caught up in him, and I stopped seeing Brad as much. Tyler and I went out. We started dating. People took notice. I didn’t care, and he didn’t care. I was wined and dined. I got expensive gifts. The rest of the ad team resented me, but then Tyler went to work in another department. I wanted to make it on my own and not have people talking behind my back.

  People ridiculed Tyler. It was in a couple of magazines. His one-time stepsister. Dating. But it didn’t last long. I didn’t flaunt my relationship with Brad in front of Tyler, but I couldn’t stop seeing the gentler brother altogether. He gave me something I didn’t get from Tyler.

  Tyler could be cold and callous and mean. Brad never was.

  Three months after my mother and her husband had gotten divorced, and I had started openly dating Tyler, I found out I was pregnant. I had put it off for a couple of weeks. I had always been pretty regular, even taking birth control pills. When I missed my period, I told myself it was something else. Maybe I was getting sick. That surely could mess up my cycle. But I had never been a couple of weeks late before. I took a test. It was positive.

  So was the second test
, and the third. I cried. I had been sexual in the last month with only the brothers. We had never had another threesome, though Brad did eventually admit it had been him the one time. He had always wanted me. He and his brother had done something similar before. Tyler had talked him into it.

  The father could have been either one of them. I found myself hoping it was Brad, but I was technically with Tyler. He didn’t know I was having sex with his brother still, so I went to him first. I told him at his apartment.

  “You’re on the pill,” Tyler said.

  “I know,” I said. “I don’t know what happened.”

  “Well, it’s fine. We can take care of it,” Tyler said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll pay—for the procedure.”

  My mouth fell open. Not having the baby had never even crossed my mind. “I’m not going to get rid of it,” I said.

  “I’m not going to be a dad,” Tyler said.

  “You are,” I argued. I felt my face growing red and my anger rising.

  “How do I know it’s mine?” Tyler said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I won’t pay for anything until we take a DNA test. I don’t know who you fuck.”

  “Do you fuck other people?”

  Tyler laughed. It hurt my feelings. “Of course I do.”

  I didn’t know why I was so hurt. I was cheating on Tyler with his own brother. But I was hurt, badly. I turned and rushed from Tyler’s apartment.

  Brad lived just outside of Chicago, in a massive home in the suburbs. He answered the door quickly.

  “I’m pregnant,” I said before he could say anything.

  “Is it mine?” he asked. He knew I was with Tyler.

  “I don’t know,” I said, and I began to cry. I went inside and sat on the couch and told Brad what his brother had said. Everything overtook me. I rushed from Brad’s place the same way I had rushed from Tyler’s. I needed to be alone.

  I called off work the next day, and then it was the weekend. Tyler called me on Saturday. Brad had talked to him. He left me a message. He yelled at me, berated me. Brad came to my home on Sunday. I almost didn’t let him in, but I did. He held me. I cried. He kissed me. I cried. We made love and then lay together.

  “I love you, Josie,” Brad said. “I do.”

  I nodded. I knew he did, and I knew I loved him too.

  “It might be Tyler’s,” I said.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Brad said, shaking his head as we lay naked together in the bed. He kissed me. I kissed him. I didn’t know what the future held, but I knew that with Brad by my side, I could be happy.

  And I was happy. Brad and I ended up moving from Chicago. His dad wanted to expand the business. We moved to California. A new building opened up in San Francisco. I headed up an ad team. Brad ran everything else. We married. I had my baby. Neither one of us spoke much to Tyler. I was related once more to Brad—not by blood, but by love.



  BILLIONAIRE BOSS Romance – Bought by the Boss

  Tonya Campbell was late for work. The road was littered with branches after a violent thunderstorm the previous evening, and the fire department had partially closed the road. Tonya was glad it had rained, because it had been unbearably hot over the previous three weeks and the office had been littered with old people suffering from heat stroke.

  When she pulled into St. James Medical Facility, she waved at Jonnie, the gardener, and parked her battered old VW Beetle in her usual place.

  “Hi, Jonnie. How you doing?” she shouted across the parking lot. Jonnie was pruning a border of roses adjacent to the doctor’s office.

  “Great, Tonya. How's your mom?”

  “Not great,” Tonya replied.

  “Send her my love. She's a tough old thing. She'll be fine.” Tonya wished she shared Jonnie's optimism.

  The rain had brought the temperature down by a few degrees and everything smelled fresh again. The medical facility had been built about ten years previously and served the community of Sandpoint, Idaho. The town was situated on the Lake Pend Oreille just outside the Kaniksu National Forest, a major tourist attraction. The town was full of hikers in summer and skiers in winter. Tonya was grateful she had been born in such a picturesque place, and she had no intention of leaving.

  “Here she is,” Gretta said thankfully. “Tonya, Mrs. Bain here says she has an appointment this morning, but I can't find it anywhere in the system.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Bain. How are you?” Tonya asked.

  “I need to see the doctor about my you know what,” Mrs. Bain whispered.

  Tonya knew very well what Mrs. Bain was referring to. Mrs. Bain was a regular because she had the worst case of bunions any doctor at the office had ever seen.

  “No, Mrs. Bain. Your appointment is for tomorrow morning at eight o'clock.”

  “Does that mean I've got to come back again? It's such a nuisance. I can hardly walk.”

  “I'll see what I can do, Mrs. Bain. Bear with me a moment.”

  Mrs. Bain, who was around eighty and bent double, looked at Gretta. “She's a good receptionist, our Tonya. Without her this practice would collapse,” she said.

  Gretta was just eighteen, the daughter of the town's mayor. She'd decided to spend the summer getting some work experience by assisting Tonya at reception.

  “All right, Mrs. Bain, Dr. Aldroyd will see you. He can squeeze you in before morning surgery.”

  “Oh, but he's such a bore. Isn't there anybody else?” Mrs. Bain complained.

  “I'm afraid it's either Dr. Aldroyd or a trip back here tomorrow,” Tonya answered. “Hurry up, though. The waiting room will be filling up soon.” Mrs. Bain shuffled from the reception area and sat down in the waiting room next door.

  “Sorry I'm late, Gretta. Was she horrible to you?”

  “No. She was fine.”

  “We have a lot of patients and a few of them can be very awkward. But you'll get used to dealing with different kinds of people soon enough.”

  Tonya sat down behind the reception desk, which was made of wood and metal and painted a gaudy shade of green. It was seven minutes past seven in the morning. Surgery began at seven thirty, and Tonya looked to see which doctors were on duty that day: Dr. Aldroyd, Dr. Day, and Dr. Crosby. Five minutes later a steady stream of patients began to come into reception. She took their names and referred them to the waiting room.

  At ten Tonya's cell phone rang. On the display, she could see that it was her mother. She answered nervously.

  “Hi, honey,” her mom said. “I'm afraid it's not good news. It's cancer again.”

  Tonya felt herself welling up. Cancer was a word that drove into her heart like a rod of hot steel. “Oh, Mom. How can that be? Are they sure?”

  “I'm afraid so.”

  Tonya felt sick. Her mother had been in and out of the hospital for a couple of years with various complaints, but breast cancer was the most serious of them. She'd had a small operation to remove a lump six months ago, and now it appeared to have returned.

  “I don't know what to say, Mom. We'll just have to fight it again.”

  Tonya's mom wasn't old. She was only forty-five; Tonya was twenty-two. “Listen, I'll try and come home early, okay?”

  “All right, my love. See you later.”

  Tonya put her phone down and stood up. “Gretta, can you take over for a while? I need some fresh air.”

  Outside, she found a corner in the yard, crouched down, and let the tears flow. After a while, she felt in her skirt pocket for a tissue and was dismayed to find she didn't have one. As she walked back to the office door, Dr. Crosby came out, presumably on his way to see bed-bound patients.

  At just thirty-three, Dr. Crosby owned several medical facilities, many pieces of real estate, and a sixty-foot yacht. He was at a point in his life when he didn't have to work, but he enjoyed contact with patients and continued to work as a doctor at his facility. He also happened to be the best-loo
king doctor the ladies of Sandpoint had ever seen. He was tall and dark with tanned skin and a perfect body. He was always pleasant to Tonya, but she was wary of him. He liked his own way. Tonya didn't know, but he had the hots for her. She was exactly his type: leggy, slim and blond with large breasts.

  “Tonya, are you okay? You look dreadful,” he said when he saw her smeared mascara and blotchy skin. She tried to put on a brave face, but another wave of emotion enveloped her and she burst into tears again. He put his arm around her. He smelled lovely, and on any other occasion it would have turned her on. “Tell me, what's the matter?”

  “It's my mom. She's got cancer again.”

  “Has the breast cancer come back?”


  “Well don't despair. Dr. Andersen is a good doctor. Your mom's in the best hands. She's been having regular checks, so I assume they've caught this in time.”

  “I suppose. But it's not only that,” she said. She looked across the parking lot and saw Jonnie. A fat lot of good his prediction had been. “It's money. She's already got medical expenses of sixty thousand dollars. She can't work, and all my money goes to household expenses. We can't afford it.”

  “Come and talk to me tomorrow,” he said. “We'll see what we can do.”

  Tonya wondered what he meant. Perhaps he was going to offer her a raise, but it would have to be significant to pay off the mounting debt.


  Tonya found her mom in the backyard. They lived together on a quiet residential street just outside the center of town. Her mom enjoyed gardening, and they had the best-maintained borders in the street. The house was comfortable without being luxurious, but they still had a mortgage, and it was draining Tonya's finances. The last thing she wanted to do was sell the house she'd been born in.

  “Mom, you shouldn't be lifting such heavy things,” she said when she saw her carrying a large bag of compost.

  “It's okay. I'm fine.”

  “I wish Dad was here,” Tonya said as they walked back to the house. “I miss him every day.”

  “You and me both, honey. I really miss him.”


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