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Tied to Him

Page 64

by Tia Siren

  “You are so hot, Tonya. Do you know that?”

  She shrugged her shoulders and pulled her breasts from her bra. “Suck on these when you screw me. I love having my nipples sucked.”

  When he entered her, he lowered his head and did as she asked. As soon as his mouth touched her, her hips began to buck and her breathing became labored.

  His body felt marvelous on her. Hard and hairy, he was coarse and smooth at the same time. The feeling of his shaft parting her was overbearing, and she soon cried out another orgasm.

  When she came back down, he flipped her on her belly and entered her from behind. He reached under her and began to play with her clit. For Tonya, there was no better feeling than being taken from behind. She came again, this time less noisily but more deeply.

  She felt the hair on his legs rub against her hips as he straddled her, thrusting his length between her buttocks and into her womanhood. The sight of her hips and long slender back was too much for him, and he pumped faster. He held her buttocks and pressed her down as he showed her no mercy. She was screaming due to the force of his trusts, his thighs slapping against her buttocks, sending vibrations to her clit.

  Tonya buried her head in the pillow and screamed more. When she felt his penis twitch, she reached between her legs and gently stoked her fingernails over his balls. He groaned her name as he stayed still and emptied himself into her.

  Afterward, they lay entwined, basking in the warmth of the sex they had just so wonderfully shared.

  “I like you so much, Tonya. Will you be my proper girlfriend now?”

  “If you don't blackmail me anymore, yes. And I'll be watching you, so no more bullshit.”


  Tonya and Marcus got married the day Tonya's mom got the all clear. Never again did they want for money. Tonya completed her management course and ran Marcus’s business enterprise. Tonya had trouble conceiving, but after IVF, she and Marcus became proud parents of a little boy named Jake.




  “I don’t know how you find these guys, Mom,” I said.

  She looked gorgeous in her newest wedding dress. I was a little jealous that she’d met so many good guys and married them. All I wanted was one guy who would date me longer than a few months.

  “Well, dear, not all of us are looking for Mr. Perfect. Maybe if you’d just give more guys a chance,” she replied.

  Give more guys a chance? I wasn’t the one wearing her third wedding dress. If anything, my mother gave too many guys a chance.

  “I’m not looking for Mr. Perfect; I’m looking for Mr. Right. I don’t care if he’s a little overweight or not well off. I just want to meet a guy that loves me for me.”

  “Well, that’s your problem right there, Liz” she started. “I don’t think I’ve met a man that really cared about me as much as he cared about himself.”

  “What about Dad?” I asked.

  She laughed and started pulling up her stockings.

  “Your father was something else all right.”

  I still missed him. I’m sure he would have laughed at my mom for marrying other men, if he were here that is. I still visit his grave on his birthday and do my best to avoid crying. I usually fail.

  “You loved him, right?” I asked.

  “Of course I did,” she replied, “but his head was so far in the clouds, I doubt he felt the same about me.”

  I sighed. she still wouldn’t admit how much she missed him. I could see the look on her face change slightly whenever I talked about him. Sometimes I wondered if she ran into the arms of other men to forget my dad.

  The door creaked open.

  “Five more minutes,” came the voice of the wedding planner before she slipped back outside.

  “That’s my cue,” Mom said. “Soon I’ll be Mrs. Holly Jane Roberts.”

  I quickly made my way around her dress to straighten what I could.

  “How do I look?” she asked.

  I could see her face ready to well up with tears, but she was a professional at keeping herself in check. I wondered if she was happy or sad.

  “Gorgeous as always, Mom,” I replied.

  The girls waiting in the hallway came in and helped us down the stairs toward the ceremony. I assisted in whatever way I could, but it was hardly necessary. I looked at my slim physique in the mirror, covered in the ugly maid of honor dress she’d picked out for me. She knew yellow wasn’t my color.



  I stood at the altar with a few girls I recognized and a couple I didn’t know in the slightest. Even though this was my third time being the maid of honor for my mother, I was still nervous.

  Across from the girls stood a row of men all wearing the same suit, and some better than others. Two of them caught my eye, twins to be exact. Both of them were tall and filled out their suits well. Their square jaws and hazel eyes were like magnets drawing me closer.

  As the music piped up, I realized where I was and pushed my dirty thoughts to the back of my mind. I was at my mother’s wedding; this wasn’t the time to be eyeing boys. That was what the reception was for.

  The ceremony was lovely and grand in design. The church held more than 200 guests, most of who were guests of the groom. I knew the few people Mom always invited to her weddings, and they sat together near the front of the church. The church itself was full of history, with stain glass windows and wood from another century. Things creaked and groaned under step, but it only added to the character.

  My mother looked like a gem as she wafted down the aisle. Her new husband, Thomas, stood with a broad smile across his face. I even saw a small tear form in the corner of his eye, only to be pushed away by his pride. When I saw the two of them standing next to each other, I knew this wouldn’t be like the previous marriages.

  I tried my best to avoid making eye contact with the twins across from me. It was a difficult task at best. I thought I was doing a good job until one of them locked eyes with me for a moment. He smiled at me. I smiled back and then returned my attention to the wedding, only to have it ripped away again when I caught him still looking over at me. This time he winked, and I blushed for a second before wiping a fake tear from my eye.

  Thankfully the ceremony finished soon after, and the married couple strode back down the red carpet that led the way from the altar.

  Most of the guests began filing out as soon as the ceremony was over. The reception was being held in the penthouse of a nearby high-rise building. I wasn’t surprised in the least by the choice of location; the groom owned the building after all.

  Standing outside it and looking up at the monolith of glass, I wondered if it continued on into the sky forever. I wasn’t much for heights, and I would need a lot of patience to get through this.

  I brought along a change of clothes for the reception, as I didn’t want to be stuck wearing this horrid dress for the entire affair. And just as I was about to change, I was reminded that they would be taking wedding photos.

  I was greeted by a familiar face in the elevator; it was one of the twins. I could hardly tell them apart, and I wasn’t entirely sure how to approach the awkward subject of staring at each other.

  “Top floor please,” he said.

  I cocked my eye and looked at him, wondering if he realized I was in the wedding party. Still, I clicked the button for the penthouse and the elevator shot upward.

  The ride was a silent affair in the beginning, neither of us having the interest or the courage to say hello. I finally worked up the nerve to start some small talk.

  “Beautiful wedding,” I said.

  “Ah, yes, it was. Who are you?” he asked.

  I realized this must have been the other brother, and I was a little embarrassed.

  “I’m Liz. I was in the bride’s wedding party,” I said.

  He nodded and leaned against one of the walls. He was almost mo
re gorgeous now that I was a bit closer to him. A confident smile was plastered on his face, and it made him more attractive.

  “Well, Liz, nice to meet you. I’m Zach. I was with the groom’s wedding party. Pleasure to meet you,” he said, offering a hand.

  I took his hand and shook it awkwardly.

  “Likewise,” I replied. “Hopefully this will be the last time.”

  “Last time for what?” he asked.

  “Oh…er…last time I’ll have to go to her wedding,” I said.

  “What time has this been?” he asked with a laugh.

  “The third,” I said.

  “Well then.”

  I felt embarrassed again, having revealed something that was a little personal to someone I didn’t know. He turned back to the elevator door, ending the conversation. I lost interest in continuing our chat, so I just leaned against the wall and pounded my head lightly for being so stupid.

  The elevator slowed to a stop, and I was relieved to be out of this situation.

  The doors tore open to a gorgeous, open-space loft. A fireplace with a mantle tastefully stocked with pictures of the groom’s various adventures adorned one side of the room. The kitchen, with its stainless steel everything, could have fit my apartment neatly inside it, and I still would have had room to bake several cakes. Leather furniture was strewn about but mostly ignored in favor of standing. Guests of the party had already made themselves at home and were taking appetizers from wait staff walking around in monochrome uniforms.

  I had never seen such a party before.

  I spied my mother standing on the balcony of the penthouse, which overlooked the entire city. She was entertaining many people I didn’t recognize, and I was reticent to see her at the moment. But, like all good mothers, it seemed she had some sort of sixth sense that noted whenever I was around. She saw me and excused herself from her guests, embracing me like a child.

  “I was waiting for you. We have some wedding photos to take,” she said.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I said.

  She ushered me over to Thomas, who was also entertaining a few well-wishers with whom he shook hands before leaving.

  “Tom, this is my daughter, Elizabeth. You can call her Liz,” my mother said.

  Thomas came close and gave me a fatherly hug.

  “I’ve never had a daughter before,” he said. “If there’s anything you need, don’t be afraid to ask.”

  I liked the warmth. It reminded me, if only a little, of my real father. Thomas felt oddly familiar, with his piercing green eyes and square jaw, but I thought nothing of it.

  “Thanks, Thomas,” I said.

  “You can call me Tom,” he replied.


  “Have you met my boys yet?” he asked.

  “Boys?” I asked.

  “Yes. Tom has two sons. They were at the wedding earlier,” my mother chimed in.

  “Ah, here they are now,” Tom said, gesturing behind me.

  I almost didn’t want to turn around for fear of what I might see. I realized why Tom felt so familiar that instant.

  “Adam and Zach, I’d like you to meet Elizabeth,” Tom said.

  I wheeled around to see their faces. They were indeed the twin boys I’d had my eyes on at the wedding. My heart sank just a little.

  “You can call me Liz,” I said, holding out my hand.

  “It’s you,” said the boy on the right. “I’m Adam.”

  He took my hand, leaning down and giving it a light kiss. Then he gave me a subtle wink, and I knew which brother he was.

  “I’m Zach. We met on the elevator,” the other said.

  I was embarrassed to be here, and it bothered me that I felt that way.

  “Let’s get some photos,” Tom said.

  Before long we were wrapped around a chair, posed like a happy family. I did my best to appear to fit in. Adam stood on one side of me and Zach on the other. Being so close to them, I started noticing the small differences between the two. Adam was just a little taller and had softer features, while Zach had a sharper jaw line. If only we had met under different circumstances.

  With the photos out of the way, I ran straight to the bathroom to change. A couple of other girls stood in line making small talk, and as much as I didn’t want to listen, it was hard to avoid.

  “Seriously, I’m surprised Adam and Zach both showed up today.”

  “Yeah, after what Adam did to Zach. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a fight later.”

  “What happened?” I asked.

  The two girls turned toward me and eyed me up and down.

  “You don’t know?” said the prettier of the two.

  “I only just met them,” I replied.

  “Zach was on track to get married about six months ago, but Adam charmed Zach’s fiancée and slept with her. They try to one-up each other almost constantly. I think Zach is so dreamy; it would be stupid to sleep with his twin brother. You already have the best of both if you’re dating one of them.”

  “Exactly. Looks and money? What do you have to lose?”

  The bathroom opened, and the two girls went in to freshen up. I waited in the hallway for them to finish. Adam and Zach, fighting over a woman. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about being involved in that mess.


  “I hear you’re something of a wizard when it comes to numbers,” Tom said. “At least your mother says so.”

  “Why do you ask?” I wondered.

  “I have a position open that I thought you might be perfect for,” he said. “While I love our current accounting firm, I want to keep someone on permanent retainer. I thought you might just fit the bill.

  “I’m not dumb; I’ve looked into your work history. I was surprised by your ability to keep your last place of work afloat almost single-handedly even though they were nearly bankrupt.”

  I blushed; he really had done his homework.

  “I am good with numbers,” I replied.

  “The pay would be quite good. You can start on Monday. It’ll pay much better than your current place of employment, which is, if I recall, as a public tax accountant. You’d be a better asset and the pay would get you out of the north side.”

  I hope that he didn’t notice me drooling at the corners of my mouth. I wiped myself with my napkin and took another sip of the delicious champagne that never seemed to end.

  “I would like to take a look at the contract before I sign anything,” I said.

  “Playing hard to get, I see,” he said with a smile.

  “How else am I supposed to negotiate my contract?” I replied.

  We both laughed. A glass shattered in the kitchen. Tom looked over, realizing it was his new wife.

  “I must return to your mother; I think she might be enjoying the champagne a bit too much. Enjoy the party,” he said before taking his leave.

  I didn’t spend much time alone on the couch, as one of the brothers plopped down immediately after Tom left. I was pretty sure it was Adam.

  “So, let me guess: He offered you a job?” Adam asked.

  I coughed, sputtering a bit of champagne into my napkin.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  “I had a feeling he would offer you something. He likes to keep family business with the family.”

  I was starting to doubt my abilities and think he only offered me the job because we were now related.

  “Don’t be too disheartened about it. I’d say the fact that he wants you anywhere near the company books means you’re both good at numbers and trustworthy. Having someone you can trust in a business as big as this is a breath of fresh air.”

  Adam sipped at his drink, and I mine. We sat in silence for more than a minute before he chimed in again.

  “So, sis, what do you do for fun?” he asked.

  “Are you really asking me that?” I replied.

  He laughed.

  “Well, considering I have to get to know you somehow, I figured knowin
g what you do for fun would let me know what kind of person you are. If you said a sport, then you are an athletic type that probably would enjoy going to a local team game. If you said something hobby related, I could ask if you were interested in trying out a cooking class together.”

  “And what would you have said if I wondered why you were asking?” I wondered.

  “I’d impress you with my ability to understand people,” he said proudly.

  “Well then, if you are able to understand people, why don’t you try it on me?” I said with a smirk.

  “All right. What would you like to know about yourself?” he asked.

  I pondered for a moment.

  “Okay. What do I do for fun?” I asked.

  He smiled and leaned into the corner of the couch, looking me up and down and all over. I found it odd when he had me take off my shoe so he could examine my foot. I giggled when he tickled my heel slightly while replacing my shoe.

  “You’re an athlete,” he said.

  “Okay. And how did you figure it out?” I said with a curious smile.

  “I can read you like a book. Volleyball and tennis when you were in high school; you like to swim now, preferring laps to sprints. I can tell that you still like to go play squash on the weekends with your friends and that you have participated in a couple of marathons.”

  He was terribly right. I gawked at his ability to read and understand me so implicitly. There couldn’t have been any way he could figure that out from just sitting next to me.

  “How do you know?” I asked.

  “It’s easy. The muscles in your calves are slightly overdeveloped but still much skinnier than most. You like to run but don’t do it all the time, and you play sports that require a bit of muscle. Your knees show common injuries related to going to the ground in volleyball, and your slim figure just screams swimmer. Also, your mother told us all.”

  I slapped him playfully on the shoulder and broke out laughing. He joined in. After a minute I regained my composure, taking a sip from my nearby drink.

  “Okay, you got me,” I said.

  “Since we’re going to be working together soon, perhaps we should take the time to get to know each other a little better. Would you like to try something new this weekend?” he asked.


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