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Tied to Him

Page 146

by Tia Siren

  I looked at Charles as he loosened his belt and slid his pants down to his ankles. His shorts bulged from the huge cock they had inside. I tugged at the clasp on my bra and let it drop to the floor. I teased my diamond nipple rings as Charles remove his shorts. His cock laid perfectly on his belly, and he grabbed it with his hand and started to stroke himself as he watched me caress my breasts.

  I gazed into his eyes as I bit my bottom lip and leaned my body forward to slip off my moist panties. I threw them toward Charles. He placed them against his face and sniffed the deep musk of my orgasm. He wrapped his hand around his cock and started to stroke.

  “Mmm, you smell nice,” he said as his cock reached a full erection.

  “It must be the roses,” I replied as I ran my hands up his legs.

  My breasts hung below me and pushed against his thighs. I slowly ran my tongue over his balls. Charles removed his hand from his cock, and I held it against his belly. My tongue glided up the length of his shaft and teased and tantalized him. His cock twitched under the pressure of my hand. His blood flowed and his veins pulsed under my tongue.

  “Yeah, that feels good,” he said as he grabbed the bedsheets.

  I let go of his cock, and it stood upright. I took the head and sucked hard as my teeth dug into his skin.

  “Yow,” he said as he sat up.

  I pushed him back onto the bed and tickled the slit in his cock with the tip of my tongue. His body trembled as his cock sent shockwaves of lust flooding throughout his body. I widened my mouth and let his cock feel my warm and inviting mouth as I slid my head down his huge shaft. I cupped his balls and caressed them softly. I felt the power of his balls in my hands, yet I knew that if I squeezed, I could have control over him.

  “We have no toys,” Charles said in a slight panic.

  “Don’t worry. Tonight is about us. We need no toys to take control of each other’s body,” I replied as I squeezed his balls slightly.

  “Fuck. I see what you mean,” he said with a grin as his body tensed.

  I took a hold of his cock and started to stroke him gently. It throbbed as my hand glided up and down.

  “Pull my hair,” I said as I wrapped my mouth around his huge cock and lowered my head.

  Charles grabbed two fistfuls of my hair and held me tight. I thrust his cock deeper into my mouth and felt his grip tighten on me. I removed his cock from my mouth, and he loosened his grip on my hair. I threw my leg over his body and placed my hands on his firm chest. I lifted my ass, and Charles guided his cock into my wet pussy. I slowly lowered myself onto his hard cock.

  His cock stretched my pussy and rubbed against my clit. I rocked my hips against his body as I grabbed his chest and dug my nails into his skin. Charles groaned as my fingers sank into his skin and he thrust his hips harder into me.

  I closed my eyes and felt Charles caress my breasts. I leaned toward him, and he flicked his tongue against my nipple rings. Spasms of enjoyment flew through my body as he licked the diamond-encrusted rings. My nipples pushed against the rings as they got harder and tightened against the rings. The pleasure of permanently hard nipples felt good and always made me want Charles whenever he had the urge.

  My body writhed against Charles’s. His cock filled my hot pussy as I raised and lowered my hips, my pussy gripping his cock as it pulled and stretched his manhood, which filled me completely.

  Charles placed his finger on my mouth, and I opened my eyes. “I want to taste you,” he said.

  I raised my hips and slid his cock out of my pussy. I moved my body over him and knelt above his face. My hands gripped the headboard as his tongue ran over my velvety skin.

  Charles ran his tongue the length of my pussy lips, and I felt my juices as they filled up inside me. He slid his tongue between my lips and guided it into my throbbing pussy. I rocked my hips as his tongue pleasured me, and I gripped the bed harder. My hips thrust harder, and I felt his tongue slide into my pussy and lick at the juices that flooded out of me. My clitoris throbbed, and Charles sucked on it hard. I could feel it swell under the touch of his mouth.

  “Yee-ha,” I squealed as Charles nibbled on my clit and sent a shudder down my spine.

  I could not take his tongue anymore, as I felt I would come, and I did not want to come yet.

  “Time to fuck me, Charles. Make me feel helpless with your cock,” I said as I lifted myself.

  “How do you want me to fuck you, princess?” he asked.

  “Doggy first.”

  I got on all fours and rested my head on a pillow. Charles got behind me, and I felt him guide his cock into my pussy. I gripped the bedsheets as Charles gripped my hips and started the slow, rhythmic movements of his body. He thrust himself slow and hard, and I felt every nerve being stimulated by his huge cock.

  I sighed as my face was pushed into the pillow and Charles dug his hands into the cheeks of my ass. I pushed my hips back as his cock filled my pussy. I was stretched to the limit and felt like I wanted to come. I ignored the feeling and just focused on Charles as his body thrust quicker and my pussy began to ache. He was the perfect man of my dreams, fulfilling all my fantasies.

  I reached behind me with one hand and rubbed my clit. I groaned as my clit sent tiny fires shooting throughout my body while Charles’s hard cock brushed against my hand. I frantically rubbed my clit as Charles raised his hand and slapped my ass. Pain shot through me as warmth flooded the point on my soft skin that his hand had hit.

  “Ouch,” I squealed as I shoved my ass back toward his thrusting body. “Do it again. Hit me, Sir,” I snarled in a playful voice.

  Charles raised his hand higher and cupped his hand. He brought it down and slapped my ass. The noise echoed around the room, and we both giggled.

  “Fuck knows what the neighbors will think!” Charles said as he slapped my ass again.

  “They will only be jealous,” I replied as I rocked my hips in toward Charles as his cock rammed deep inside me.

  “Let’s slow it down a bit,” I said to Charles. “I don’t want to come just yet.”

  My pussy ached, and I felt like I was ready to explode at any moment. I rolled onto my side, and Charles lay on his back.

  “You want a Lizzy special?” I asked as I winked at him and caressed his washboard stomach.

  “Hell yes. That feels so good and is a sure way to control me,” he said.

  I grabbed a hold of his cock and could feel that my juices had soaked his manhood. I stroked his cock slowly at first, then increasing the speed.

  “Tell me when you want to come,” I whispered into his ear.

  My hand moved faster and faster, and his cock throbbed harder and harder.

  “I’m going to come,” he said as his eyes rolled up.

  I removed my hand and gripped him under the head of his cock and squeezed. His body wriggled and went through the motion of coming, yet then it subsided. I let him relax and then again grabbed his cock. My juices had dried on it, so I dribbled saliva on the head of his cock and spread it around with my hand. Again, my hand stroked him slowly to start and then increased in speed, and I saw Charles tense his body as he fought the urge to come, his hands gripping the bedsheets as he bit his bottom lip.

  “Hmm,” Charles murmured through his clenched mouth. I gripped his cock under his head and squeezed.

  His cock twitched violently in my hand, his body pulsating as if he were coming. I looked at him as he closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and relaxed his body.

  “Again. Do it again,” Charles said.

  I had only done it twice before, and Charles had come loads then and his body had collapsed in a full-body orgasm. Now he wanted me to edge him for a third time. I had no idea how his body would react.

  I spat into my hand and took his cock for the last time. I started to stroke again. My hand rose and fell on his huge cock as Charles grabbed my breasts and flicked the nipple rings with his fingers. I winced in pleasurable pain as I thrust my hand up and down faster and faster. His cock was
rock hard in my grasp, and I could see the concentration on his face. My hand thrust faster and faster, and Charles again closed his eyes, his hips raised. I could see from the look on his face that he was fighting it. He grabbed my arm and squeezed.

  “Lizzy,” he mumbled.

  I squeezed under the head of his cock for the third time. His body writhed and wriggled as he fought off his natural instinct to come. He relaxed for a couple of minutes and got his breath back, and his urge to come had subsided.

  “You ready?” he whispered to me.

  “Of course. I’m always ready,” I said.

  I lay on my back and spread my legs and my pussy. Charles knelt before me and slapped my clit with the tip of his cock. He then slowly slid his cock inside my pussy lips and thrust his hips forward. I looked up as he leaned over me and thrust himself harder into my pussy. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled on his shoulders. I wanted to look into his eyes when he finally came inside me for the first time as husband and wife.

  I gripped his muscular arms as he thrust his huge cock into my wet pussy. My body started to feel hot, and I could feel my pussy soaking his cock. Charles thrust faster and faster. His body would soon release, and then his come would flood inside me.

  My body got hotter and hotter, and my stomach warmed from the fire that was spreading from my pussy. My legs started to shake as I felt my clit begin to explode. I gripped tighter onto Charles and pulled his cock harder inside me. My legs locked firmly around his waist as I squeezed him harder, his cock sliding faster and faster deep inside me. His body was close to exploding, his many juices building up inside him. I had edged him three times, so his orgasm would flood his whole body and he would be a quivering wreck.

  Still, he thrust harder and faster like a beast. He fought back his urge until I was ready. My hips shook, my legs trembled, and my stomach burst into flames and butterflies. My body released itself, and I dug my nails deep into his back.

  “Agh, Charles, I’m coming,” I whispered into his ear.

  “Come, baby. Come for me. Come for me,” he whispered back.

  Charles’s body tensed and his arms locked. His rhythm had reached a fever pitch, and his cock had started to pulse. I could feel his ass tighten as his balls let forth his seed and his body fell into short spasms.

  “Come for me, Charles!” I whispered as I held him close to me.

  Our bodies were entwined as we looked into each other’s eyes. We had traveled a strange journey together and yet had still ended up as one. Charles held me tightly and kissed me softly on the lips.

  “Mrs. Dillon, that was fantastic!” he said.

  We relaxed for a few moments and then showered. When I exited the bathroom, Charles stood out on the balcony. The cool, fresh air of winter flooded into the room and cleared the scent of our lovemaking and our animal passion.

  I wrapped my robe tightly against me and headed out to the balcony. I leaned against it and cast my eyes over the nighttime skyline of Paris. It really was the city of lovers.

  Charles wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

  “What do think the rest of the world will do when they find out we are married?” I asked. “You know, the business world, the press, all the people who are against it?”

  “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,” he said.

  “Charles, be serious,” I said as I dug my elbow into his stomach. “I know that line is from Casablanca.”

  “In all honesty, that line is true. But in a more modern way of putting it, I don’t really give a shit what anyone thinks of us being married. Fuck that.”

  “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate!” I laughed as hard as I could.

  Charles looked into my eyes and smiled as he held up his hand. “That’s strike one, kitten.”

  I laughed so hard I thought I was going to burst. I knew he liked to be in control, but hey, this was a whole new generation. Women could control lots of things too. Especially me, and especially in the bedroom… Maybe in the boardroom as well. This was going to be a long and worthwhile ride being married to him. My perfect man.

  I looked at him and laughed. “Shake it off, shake it off!”


  “Yes, dear?”

  “Strike two…”

  Yes. Almost there.


  I hope you enjoyed Tied to Him. Please scroll down to check out my other books to see what you can read next. Thank you!!!

  xx Tia

  More Books by Tia Siren

  About The Author

  Other than my insatiable desire for chocolate, reading and writing steamy romances is my most guilty pleasure.

  I write about tough and sexy Bad Boys who, underneath that armor of muscles and tattoos (and sometimes suits), are more sensitive and wounded than they'd like to admit.

  I'm happily married to a really good guy, but, every now and again, I crave the forbidden excitement of falling for one of the bad boys in my stories.

  There really is a bad girl in me too!

  Want to Read More?

  Check out my other books. For a limited time, they are just 99c and always free on Kindle Unlimited. Please click on the link.

  Big Bad Royal: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

  Big Bad Cowboy: A Billionaire and a Virgin Romance

  Big Bad Neighbor: A Single Dad Next Door Romance

  Big Bad Fake Groom: A Billionaire’s Virgin Romance

  Sign up to my Bad Girl Club to be notified of hot new releases and get my exclusive novel, Big Bad Billionaire for FREE!

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  I'm going to take her virginity - and then she's going to write about it.

  Stella Frisk:

  After years of worshipping my father, owner of a top fashion magazine, I now finally realize what a grade-A asshole he is. If he thinks he can fuck over my career and our family without any consequences, he has another thing coming, because I have a plan.

  Step one: Get my father’s nemesis, Gabriel Winter, to give me a job.

  Step two: Make my father regret he ever lost me by landing a cover story in his rival’s magazine, one that gives a detailed account of how his adoring, only daughter lost her virginity.

  The only thing is, when I pitch my story idea to my new boss, I don’t expect him to volunteer for the position I’m advertising. I’ll admit, it would be the cherry on top of my revenge cake, but can I really sleep with my boss just to screw over my father?

  Gabriel Winter:

  The moment I meet Stella, I know I have to have her. She’s one of the sexiest women I’ve seen in ages, and her intelligence and natural writing abilities just add to her appeal. So when she waltzes into my office one day with an intriguing story proposal, how can I not offer to help her achieve her journalistic dreams?

  But she does the unthinkable: She refuses my offer. I know I could give her something to write about. I just need to find a way to provide her a little taste of what she’s missing out on without getting HR involved . . .

  Turning down an opportunity to take Stella’s virginity will take every fiber of my being - I just hope I've got the self-restraint to do it.





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