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The Rhythm of My Heart

Page 1

by Velvet Reed

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  The Rhythm

  Of My


  Velvet Reed

  Copyright © 2014 Velvet Reed / Kristine Englefield

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written consent of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who may quote a brief passage in their review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to any person, living or dead is by pure coincidence. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the places and products referred to in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission and is by no way sponsored by the trademark owners. The author also acknowledges the artists and songs mentioned in this work of fiction.

  This is a contemporary romance novel and is recommended for readers over the age of 18 due to strong language and sexual content.


  The guardian angel watches over you with loving care,

  With his guides and blessings you will no longer scare,

  Keep on dreaming and saying your prayers,

  This pair of wings will protect you everywhere.

  This book is dedicated to the most influential person in my life;

  My beloved Dad,

  Arthur Comer.

  Not a day goes by that I don’t miss your love, guidance, knowledge and your cheeky smile, Dad.

  The lessons you taught me throughout the thirty years I was blessed to have you in my life, will stay with me forever. I will pass them onto the grandchildren that you adored and who miss you like crazy.

  You were a shining light and a great influence on those you encountered.

  You always told me to do my best because that was all anyone could ask for. I hope and pray that I have made you proud, Dad.

  I can’t explain the hole that your absence has created in my soul, but I know in my heart that you are with me, still guiding me, encouraging me and watching my dream come true.

  I’ll love you forever, Dad.

  This one’s for you.



  First and foremost,

  Thank you to my first and only love, Dean.

  Who would have thought that fifteen years after serving you coffee, we would be where we are today. Thank you for being an amazing husband (even when you drive me crazy and I want to punch you). Thank you for believing in me and supporting me in achieving my dream. Thank you for making 'The Rhythm of my Heart', the first fiction and romance book you have ever read.

  To my beautiful children, Abbey, Declan and Riley,

  Mummy did it!

  I'm proof that if you follow your heart and are determined, your dreams can come true. Thank you for putting up with a cranky mummy at times, for helping make swag, for being excited about my writing and telling anyone who would listen that mummy was writing a book. I love you all more than you will ever know and it makes me incredibly happy that I have instilled a great love of reading in you all. Always remember that books are a place where your imagination takes flight and allows endless possibilities.

  To my sister, Michelle Chichmanian,

  You have supported me with unwavering love since I first told you I was doing this. You never once doubted that I would make this book a reality. Thank you for your love and friendship. I will treasure it and you always.

  To Julie McNeilage, my beautiful friend.

  You read the very first words that I wrote, when you never read anything. You listened to my plots and plans; you gave me encouragement and your enthusiasm and want for more of the story allowed me to believe in myself. Thank you for being you.

  To Angel Steel and Gav,

  Late night phone calls, internet picture searches, swag discussions, storyline discussions, beta reading, formatting and everything in between. You guys have become great friends and I can't thank you enough for all your help.

  To Michelle Lynn,

  You are an inspiration. Without your encouragement and support, I never would have decided to finish this story. Thank you for being a wonderful mentor.

  To my gorgeous gals in Velvet's Beta Emergency Room:

  Kristy Louise, Kellie Donaldson, Kristine Barakat, Victoria DeBono, Crystal Solis, S. Moose and Kerri McLaughlin...

  Thank you so much for being the most amazing beta readers anyone could ask for. Your love for my characters, your threats of violence against them, your feedback and especially your support are appreciated more than you will ever know.

  To Peggy and Becky at Hot Tree Editing,

  Thank you for the amazing job you did editing ‘The Rhythm of my Heart’ and helping me turn it into something that I am so incredibly proud of.

  To Terri Byron,

  Thank you for inspiring the Lanterns scene. It was nothing short of amazing!

  To all the bloggers and authors who have supported me and helped me along the way,

  Thank you for everything you’ve done to make me journey easier. Especially Aleya Michelle, Jennifer Ryder, Emma Fitzgerald, and Heather Davenport, I feel very privileged and blessed to call you all friends.

  And finally,

  To the readers,

  Thank you for taking a chance on my debut novel ‘The Rhythm of my Heart’.

  I hope you fall in love with Grace and Cole as much as I did.

  Chapter 1


  If I have to listen to this boring as hell chamber music any longer, I am seriously going to lose it. Do they really think that this music is going to make people who have been waiting on the phone for more than ten minutes happy? It just makes the wait time even more unbearable. I notice movement at the door and can’t stop the smile that forms as a mass of thick shoulder length auburn curls walks into the room. Beautiful little Ruby. Her tiny pink lips curve into a sweet grin as she moves toward me. She stops and her little hands start moving as she tries to communicate with me.

  God, here I am complaining about listening to boring chamber music when this precious baby girl can’t even hear me tell her that I love her; I have to do it with my hands. Could I be any more selfish right now! As I continue to wait on the phone, Ruby is trying to tell me she is hungry; I nod my head and sign back that I will get her a snack as soo
n as I am finished on the phone. It couldn’t possibly take that much longer, could it? Ruby stamps her tiny pink Converse Chucks and shakes her head. I can see she’s frustrated and in no mood to wait. I try to sign again that I am nearly finished as her impatience grows. Learning to do sign language at four years old can’t be easy. Her skills aren’t developed enough for her to effectively communicate everything she is feeling and needs; so we get by on what she can sign, finger pointing, special picture cards, head shakes and nods, and of course her grunts of frustration.

  Ruby stamps her feet a few more times, and then turns and leaves the room. I’m sorry Rubes. As I continue to wait for the delivery company to find out where the shipment of missing radiator hoses are, I leaf through the pile of accounts payable. Just as the woman comes back to the phone and starts to apologize, I hear a huge bang followed by an unintelligible grunted scream. Oh, God no! I slam the phone down, the missing delivery forgotten as I run flat out toward the kitchen and come to a skidding halt. I find a chair laying on the tiled floor with Ruby beside it clutching her left arm, sobbing uncontrollably as tears stream down her face. I quickly gather her in my arms, rubbing soothing circles on her back. “It’s okay, Rubes. It’s okay, baby girl.” I know she can’t hear me; so really, I think I’m trying to reassure myself as much as I am her.

  Gently, I try to move her arm; she stiffens, lets out a muffled yelp, and starts crying even harder. Oh, shit! I think her arm is broken… Charlie is going to kill me. The hospital, I need to get Rubes to the hospital. Carefully, I carry Ruby through the house, stopping briefly to grab my purse and keys from the hall table; then I head out to my car. Once Ruby is gently maneuvered into her car seat and buckled in, her tears have calmed some. I try to sign to her that we are going to the doctor. I rummage through my purse, pull out her picture cards, and show her the one with the doctor on it. Ruby starts to cry again so I carefully give her a quick squeeze of reassurance.

  As I make my way around to the driver’s seat, I dial the number for the garage; thankfully, Dad answers on the second ring.

  “Rivers Auto Repairs, Bryan speaking.”

  “Dad, thank goodness. Listen I’m on my way to the hospital with Rubes so…”

  “What? What happened, Gracie?” Dad cuts me off screeching in my ear.

  “I think Ruby broke her arm. I’m just about to leave; can you tell Charlie so he can meet us there?”

  “How the hell did that happen?” Dad bites back.

  “She fell off a chair.”

  “Jesus, Gracie! Where were you?”

  “Look Dad, I don’t have time to explain right now; Rubes is in pain and I need to get her to the hospital. Please, can you just tell Charlie so he can meet us there as soon as possible?” My tone is a bit snappy but I really don’t care; I feel bad enough already without getting a lecture right now.

  “Fine, we’ll be there in ten; drive carefully.”

  “Thanks. See you there.” I hang up the phone and head to the hospital as quickly and safely as possible.

  The emergency room is quiet when we arrive. After filling out some paperwork, a nurse takes us straight through to a small exam room. I carefully sit on the bed with Ruby in my lap and show her the picture of the doctor again. She isn’t crying as much now but I am sure that will change once the doctor comes in to examine her. I sign that I love her and everything will be fine; then I continue rubbing her back to help soothe her. Ruby is a very tactile little girl who receives a great deal of comfort from constantly being touched and stroked.

  As the exam room door opens, a tall, slim man in blue scrubs walks in; he’s outrageously good-looking with dark brown hair, a chiseled jaw covered with a slight stubble, exceptionally kissable lips, and bright blue eyes. Suddenly, I am wondering what his body looks like under those scrubs. Seriously, get a hold of yourself, Gracie. When this gorgeous piece of male perfection pauses for a moment to look at me, I feel as though his eyes are trying to pry into my soul. Self-consciously, I clear my throat and he seems to snap back to himself.

  “Hi, I’m Doctor Cole Tierney. I hear this sweet, little lady has had a fall.” He continues to stare at me as he moves closer to us to speak to Ruby. “Hey sweetie, can you tell me where it hurts?” Wow, his voice makes me melt. It’s rich, deep, and sends a shiver up my spine, but he’s looking at Rubes expectantly, so I quickly gather myself and jump in.

  “Hi, I’m Grace Rivers and this is Ruby; umm, Ruby’s deaf so she can’t answer your questions, Dr. Tierney.”

  “Oh, sorry, it wasn’t in the notes. So Mrs. Rivers, can you tell me what happened?” he asks with a smile, his beautiful eyes on me again.

  “She was climbing on a chair in the kitchen, and I’m assuming she lost her balance because I found her and the chair on the ground. Her left arm seems to be causing her the most pain so I’m worried it’s broken.” I can’t stop gazing into his amazing blue eyes; they’re such a vibrant blue they seem to sparkle. They’re mesmerizing.

  “Okay. Where were you when she fell?” Dr. Tierney asks, but it feels like an accusation.

  “I know it sounds really bad, but I was on the phone in another room and she wanted something to eat. I tried to sign to her that I wouldn’t be long, but obviously, that wasn’t fast enough. So, I assume she tried to get something herself. I never normally leave her unattended. I should’ve just gotten off the phone, but I had been waiting on the damn thing for more than ten minutes, and God knows that ridiculous music they play can distract anyone. It happened so fast…” The words spill from my mouth so fast I’m not even sure he understood what I just said.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. I’m not accusing you of anything. I just wanted to find out if you saw how she landed. It’s okay, Mrs. Rivers, take a deep breath and calm down,” he says, in a soothing tone, while placing his palm on my upper arm.

  A shock of electricity travels through my arm and moves all the way to my toes. Wow, what the hell was that? Taking a deep breath while looking down at Ruby, I say, “Sorry, I just feel really terrible.”

  Dr. Tierney gives me a nod then slowly reaches out to Ruby to examine her arm. As soon as he moves it, she starts sobbing all over again while trying to bury herself against my chest. Dr. Tierney looks to me. “She’s obviously in a lot of pain; so I’m going to organize some pain medicine then send her for an x-ray to find out exactly what’s going on.” I’m about to respond when Charlie and Dad burst through the door.

  Charlie comes straight for Ruby and she reaches her good arm out for him to pick her up. “Oh, darling girl, Daddy’s here,” says Charlie aloud, while hugging Ruby to him. He turns to me with a mixture of anxiety and anger in his eyes. “What the hell happened, Gracie?”

  “Charlie, this is Dr. Tierney, Ruby’s doctor. Dr. Tierney, this is Ruby’s dad, Charlie and her granddad, Bryan.”

  Dr. Tierney steps forward to offer Charlie and my dad his hand. They both shake as Charlie says, “So what’s wrong with her? Is her arm broken?”

  “Well, I was just about to order some pain medication for Ruby and have her taken for an x-ray. At this stage, I believe her left arm is fractured, but an x-ray will confirm that and show us where the break is. Once we know if it is, we will be able to put a plaster on and she’ll be able to go home.” Dr. Tierney informs us while looking between Charlie, Dad, and me.

  “Great. Gracie, how is Ruby going to sign with a cast on her arm. Why weren’t you watching her?” Charlie says, while sending a glare my way. He is hugging Ruby so tightly. I know he’s completely freaking out right now, but I didn’t let this happen on purpose. I’m about to say exactly that when the sexy doctor pounces. “Look Mr. Rivers, accidents happen. Your wife isn’t to blame here….”

  “My wife!” Charlie spits out horrified. “Gracie’s my sister, Doc, not my wife.”

  Chapter 2


  His sister! Well, my day just got better. “Sorry, I just assumed Miss Rivers was Ruby’s mother when she bought her in,” I reply as I
glance over at the beautiful, auburn haired woman still sitting on the exam bed. Turning for the door I say “I’ll just go organize those medications and arrange for the x-ray now,” then leave the room.

  As I step outside, my thoughts go straight back to the woman. The moment I walked into the room, my heart skipped a beat then took off again a little faster. Grace… what a perfect name for her, nothing else could possibly fit. Her thick, wavy, auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. Encased in jeans and a black tank top, her body’s small but curved. The swell of full breasts peeked out the top of her tank and I briefly wondered how soft they would be in my hands. My eyes had moved to her face as she looked down at the gorgeous, little girl cradled on her lap, almost her exact duplicate. She wore little or no make-up on her flawless skin. My eyes drawn to her mouth, her pale pink lips in the shape of a cupid’s bow. God, I would love to feel those lips against mine.

  When she looked up at me and our eyes met for the first time, I couldn’t help but stare into her big, round, gorgeous, brown eyes as they gazed straight back into mine. They’re the kind of eyes you could drown in… bedroom eyes. The woman is breathtaking, and it was only when she cleared her throat, breaking me from my in-depth visual assessment, that I quickly switched back to doctor mode. I had a sweet little girl to tend to.

  I couldn’t have been more shocked when she spoke. Her voice was like honey dripping with sweetness, a sound I could listen to forever. Then she told me Ruby was deaf and my awe for both woman and child soared. Life would be very difficult with limited communication, especially for someone so young. The poor little thing was in pain and couldn’t even vocalize it. Pain… Jesus, Cole, you have a young patient who needs pain meds and an x-ray, and here you are fantasizing about her aunt. I call a nurse over to get the medications. “Allison?”

  “Yes, Dr. Tierney,” she responds with her permanent smile in place. Allison is an amazing nurse and the patients love her. The staff, especially the doctors, know they can always count on her.


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