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Page 27

by Unknown

  The silence was suddenly broken by the cries of wolves. Jayla jerked, visibly shaken. Wild set his plate aside and pulled her into his arms, settling her in front of him. He closed her within the circle of his arms. “They’re a long way away.”

  “You’re sure? What about the horses?”

  “They’re fine. As long as that pack is hunting elsewhere, we’ll be okay.”

  He slid inside the sleeping bag, taking her with him. It was a tight fit, but they turned and adjusted their bodies to accommodate each other. Wild pressed her head on his shoulder, his fingers gliding up and down her arm. The fire crackled, dying a slow death. Before they slept, he’d add more wood, enough so the fire wouldn’t go out during the night.

  “Tell me some more about how you met Kane.”

  Jayla frowned. She really didn’t want to talk about the other man that’d played such a large role in her life, played such a large role in making her the woman she was today. She’d hoped Wild would forget about it, but he wanted the entire story. He deserved nothing less than the truth. She just hoped he was still talking to her come morning.

  * * * *

  Five Years Earlier…

  Another endless dinner party. Another night of watching Kane, wanting him with a hunger that was beginning to bite back and fill her every waking thought. Another night of Barbara’s disapproving face watching her watching Kane.

  Jayla applied lipstick and dabbed a little bit of perfume behind her ears, between her breasts, and her wrists. She forgot the name of it, but the spicy, seductive fragrance reminded her of Egypt and those bottles of pricey perfumes that cost a gazillion bucks an ounce. Tonight she intended to seduce Kane Masters right under his uppity wife’s nose.

  She stepped into the sheer, satin teddy, loving the ice blue color and the cool material against her skin. Plus, it was strapless and lacked a crotch, Hamilton’s idea of making it easy for a man to get to what he was after quicker.

  The senator came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. He nibbled at her nape, groaning. “Mmm. You smell delicious.” He worked her breasts out of the teddy and covered them with his palms, squeezing. The bastard was still handsy, but she could live with it as long as he stayed out of her bed, which he’d been doing. “I can’t let you go down to that party while I’m sporting this.” He pressed his erection against her butt.

  He plucked at her nipples until they tightened in response. Pleased, he turned her and closed his mouth over one aching nipple, sucking hard.

  Jayla shuddered. She knew what this meant. He might be willing to share her with Kane, but he wanted to remind her who was boss. Releasing her throbbing nipple, he slowly glided a hand down her belly to the opening between her thighs. “Open your legs,” he whispered against her ear.

  She did as he said because if she didn’t, he was apt to take her right here, right now, and she so didn’t want this man screwing her ever again. He worked a long finger inside her, sliding it in and out, all the while, he wiggled his hips, jabbing her with his cock. Frustrated, he groaned. “I wanna fuck you.”

  “I’m trying to get ready,” she said sharply.

  Not tonight. Not tonight of all nights.

  She wanted only Kane inside her.

  She heard the soft hiss of his zipper, felt the wet tip of his cock through the thin material of the teddy. “Hamilton, please. Don’t.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” he yelled. “I think you forget who owns you.”

  He jerked his finger out of her, turned her and shoved her onto her knees on the floor in front of him. His hard cock touched her lips. “You know what to do. Please me, little girl.”He moaned, shoving his cock deeper into her mouth, moving his hips until at last, he shuddered and moaned. Tucking his limp member back inside his pants, he grinned. “You’re right. Tonight’s Kane’s night, but you’re mine first, Jayla, you always will be. Don’t for a minute ever forget you’re mine first. First taste is mine. Always.”

  She trembled knowing he could change his mind in a heartbeat about her and Kane. She blinked to keep from crying and prayed he’d leave so she could rinse the taste of him from her mouth. “Guests have started to arrive,” she said on a shaky note.

  Please go away!

  “Fuck the guests,” he snapped. “Do you think I’d let them stop me from doing what I wanna do?”

  “No, of course not.” She tried to keep her voice steady, not show the fear, or the hatred she felt for this man.

  And when she just stood there, he locked his fingers in the top of the teddy and rent it down the middle. Hamilton was, if nothing else, dramatic when it suited him. He stared at her breasts as if he’d never seen or touched them before. “Beautiful.” He rubbed her nipples until they tightened the way he wanted them to.

  Was he ever going to leave?

  “Hamilton, please,” she cried.

  “I won’t tell you again to shut up,” he snapped. For a tense moment, he stilled. He closed his eyes as if savoring her breasts. His eyes popped open, hot and glazed with desire. “Don’t get too attached to Kane. Understand?” When she didn’t answer, he locked his fingers in her hair destroying the sweeping up do she’d spent hours creating. “I said do you fucking understand me?”

  “I understand,” she cried, despising herself more that she hated him. Jayla bit the inside of her jaw to keep from crying. He was a pig, a dirty, stinking, perverted pig. He’d promised not to touch her again, but she should have known he was a liar.

  “Take a shower,” he ordered. “I smell my scent on you. Wear the white teddy I bought you today. Don’t wear that long blue gown you laid out on the bed. I detest that thing. It hides too much of your bounty. Wear the ivory strapless dinner dress, the short one, my dear. A man likes long legs. He likes to imagine them wrapped around his hips. Tonight’s the night. Don’t fuck him. Give him have a little taste of what he’s missing.” He brushed a fingertip down her cheek. “He’s ready for you, baby. The man’s so eager to screw you, he can barely think straight, but he’s not quite ready to leave Barbara, so keep him hanging on. I want that bitch out of the picture. Now, shower. I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.”

  Jayla showered, not because Hamilton ordered her to, but because she wanted to scrub away his scent, his touch from her body. God, she hated that man. One day, she’d make him pay for all the wrongs he’d done to her.

  If it wasn’t for her mother needing the lifesaving treatments, she’d turn his ass in for sexual abuse to a minor, but her mother needed her treatments and she couldn’t turn her back on her. But she could wear what she wanted and she’d screw Kane tonight, if she wanted to. The senator could rant all he wanted. She was done obeying him like a mindless child.

  With her dark hair piled high once again, soft curls dangling around her ears, she entered her bedroom to put on the blue gown. Tears sprang to her eyes. So much for her defiance. The senator had slashed the gown to ribbons. Bastard. He knew her well enough to know she’d defy him and wear it anyway.

  Jayla jerked up the ivory gown knowing full well she’d lost this battle before it began. She hated the gown and Hamilton knew it. It barely covered her breasts and was cut clear up to her ass. Matching heels covered with glittering jewels made her legs seem even longer. Making a hasty trip down the stairs because she knew Hamilton would be angry if she was very late, she moved to his side.

  “There you are, my dear.” He linked her fingers through his arm and patted her hand like they were old friends. His cold gaze raked over her, approving the gown and hairstyle. “Go back up and change that pink lipstick to red. Pink doesn’t suit you.”


  “Do it now!”

  She hastened back up the staircase before he got loud, blotted away the pink gloss and slapped on the dark fire engine red.

  Look like a harlot, act like a harlot.

  He wanted the whole image presented to Kane.

  “You look stunning.” Hamilton leaned close when she rejoined him. “Smile, Jayla.
Try to look as if you’re actually having a good time. I feel wonderful, so much lighter and relaxed.”

  God, he made her ill.

  “The man you so shamelessly seek is off to your left.”

  She forced a smile to her lips and nodded. As soon as she turned her head, she spotted Kane immediately, as he did her. She saw his sharp intake of breath when he spied her. However, he made no move toward her. His gaze settled on her fingers locked around the senator’s arm and he looked quickly away.

  “Let go of my hand,” she said. “He’ll wonder why you’re so determined to keep me at your side.” Jayla discreetly tugged her fingers free of Hamilton’s. He shrugged and let go. She frowned. It had been his idea for her to seduce Kane, so why did he seem so reluctant for her to do it now?

  Was he afraid she’d realize Kane was a better lover?

  She smothered a snort of contempt. It didn’t take much for her to know any man would beat Hamilton in the sex department. His idea of great sex was to get on, get off, and get out, which was fine with her.

  “I’ll keep Barbara out of your way,” Hamilton said and left her standing alone. Available.

  Even though the senator was trying his level best to get the woman away from Kane, Barbara was having no part of it. She remained stubbornly attached to her husband’s side.

  Kane removed her fingers from his arm, mumbled something that had Barbara’s head jerking back as if he’d slapped her, and he headed across the dance floor.

  Jayla saw the look of dismay on Barbara’s face—saw her impotent rage.

  What on earth had Kane said to his wife?

  The woman’s angry gaze flew to her. Lord, if looks could kill, she’d drop dead on the spot. Barbara hated her, and with good reason.

  Then he was there, in front of her, holding out his hand, and all thoughts of his wife’s venom vanished from her mind.

  “Dance with me,” he ordered.

  Before she could accept, he tugged her into his arms and they moved slowly across the dance floor. He held her tight, too tight. Her breasts nearly spilled over the top, but he wasn’t paying attention to her boobs. His erection throbbed against her. He deliberately held her so she felt what she did to him. Rubbing his body against hers in a slow, sensual dance, they moved to the music.

  He pressed a kiss against her ear, licked the lobe before leaning back and smiling. She wondered just who was seducing whom.

  She titled back her head, a flirtatious smile on her lips in answer to his. “What did you say to Barbara that so upset her?”

  “I told her I was going to fuck you, and soon after that, I’m going to marry you.”

  She blinked. Then giggled. “You did not.”

  He shrugged. “Okay. I did not.”

  She searched his gaze. She never would have credited this man with a sense of humor.

  “You’re very beautiful, Miss Ross,” he said.

  “Don’t you think if I’m going to be your wife, you should call me Jayla?”

  “You’re very beautiful, Jayla.”

  “Thank you.” She lowered her gaze. He had a way of making her feel shy.

  He slid his hands down her smooth back and settled them at her hips. The move was daring, sexually blatant. He squeezed her butt cheeks ever so slightly, then the dance was over, and he turned and walked away without saying another word.

  What the hell had just happened?

  They were supposed to leave the dance floor together, go somewhere cozy and alone. Instead, he’d left her standing there like an idiot.

  She looked around, embarrassed.

  Had he just been toying with her?

  Were people laughing at her?

  They were laughing, smiling, grinning, sipping their drinks, but no one was looking at her, thank God. She turned to leave the floor. Jayla didn’t see Barbara storming toward her until it was too late.

  “You conniving little whore,” she muttered for her ears alone and flung the dark wine all over her face and down the front of her white gown. “Oh, I’m so sorry, my dear,” she declared for everyone to hear and started dabbing at the wine with a tissue. “I must have tripped.”

  Jayla gasped and stared at the front of her gown. The cold wine oozed between her breasts chilling her nipples. Tears filled her eyes. It pissed her off that she still had to be gracious to this bitch.

  “No harm done. I’ll just—”

  “Barbara, what the hell have you done?” Kane towered over them, suddenly beside her, his face dark with rage. Jayla wondered just who he was angry with, her or his hateful wife. He gripped her arm, turning her toward the staircase. “We better get something on this dress before it’s ruined forever. Fucking cunt,” he muttered at his wife as he guided Jayla through the crowd. He ignored his wife’s weak cry, “Kane! It was an accident.”

  “Accident, my ass,” he said so low only Jayla heard. He led her up the staircase. She looked over her shoulder to see Hamilton leading Barbara in the opposite direction. The woman wouldn’t get in the way again. She hoped.

  Kane moved fast, sweeping her up the stairs like a man on fire or something. He twirled her inside her bedroom, and she wondered just how he knew exactly which room was hers in the twenty bedroom mansion. Quickly, he guided her inside the large, luxurious bathroom and turned the lock.

  Jayla gasped when he lifted her up on the counter. He raked his gaze over her from head to toe and back. Slowly, he removed her heels and tossed them aside. He arched a brow. “You like this gown?” His gray eyes sizzled.

  “I detest it. Why?”

  “I don’t have the patience to slowly undress you.” He locked his fingers just above the zipper in the middle of her back and ripped the gown down the center. It slithered around her waist, a billowy pile of ivory satin. “I’ll buy you another,” he said roughly. “Hell, I’ll buy you a dozen.” He stared at the plush curves of her breasts. Gingerly, he locked his fingers in the top of the teddy and tore it in half—the second one torn off her tonight. At this rate, she’d have none left.

  “Jesus Christ, you steal a man’s breath away.” He finished tearing the gown off her until there was nothing left but the white teddy bunched around her waist.

  “Get that thing off,” he said his breath harsh. “I want inside you. Now.” Hot color stained his dark cheeks. His gray eyes sizzled with desire.

  “It’s doesn’t have a crotch,” she replied, shivering with pleasure as he slowly licked the wine off her breasts and nipples. She squirmed, burning for his possession, wanting him so badly her insides ached.

  He lifted his head, his eyes glassy with need. “No? No crotch? Good, cause I’ve waited as long as I’m going to wait for you.”

  Eagerly, she unzipped his pants. His cock sprang free, huge and engorged. No wonder she’d felt his erection so well when they’d been dancing. He wasn’t wearing briefs. She reached for his hard shaft.

  “Wait,” he said and she watched as he worked his ring off his finger and tossed it in the commode.

  She didn’t know what that meant or even if it meant anything. She didn’t care. She yanked his shirt open and licked his nipples. He growled low in his throat.

  “How long have you been married?” she asked, taking the time to glide her tongue over his chest. She bit a nipple, tortured it with her teeth until he groaned, then tenderly licked the sting away.

  “Ten years too damn long,” he grunted, and without another word, dragged her to the edge of the counter and guided his cock inside her. He thrust hard, deep, entering her in one long drive of his cock. She screamed, raking her nails down his shoulders in pain.

  She hadn’t expected him to fill her so tight and deep. With only the senator’s little weenie to compare a man’s cock with, Hamilton was sadly lacking in the meat department.

  Not Kane. His shaft was long, thick, and so damn hard she felt the wide head all the way to her womb.

  “Easy,” he whispered. “You’re small. I didn’t think you’d be this tight. God, you feel good.”<
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  “So do you,” she breathed and groaned as he hit a particular hot spot. He set a fast rhythm, driving in and out of her as if his need for her was overwhelming. His mouth was everywhere, on her nipples, throat, and lips. She felt the love bites left on her breasts and throat, but raised no objections though she knew the senator would have a fit. He didn’t like marks on her body, but he’d especially not like Kane marking her.

  At the moment, she didn’t care what Hamilton liked or disliked. She met Kane’s deep driving thrusts, clinging to him as she rode his cock with unrestrained need. She whimpered, arching her body, delighting in the feel of his mouth sucking hard on her aching nipples.

  “Now,” she screamed. “Now!”

  He thrust twice more, stiffened, and held himself deep inside her. He tossed back his head, shuddering as he filled her with the wet heat of his seed. “Jesus Christ, baby,” he said in a shaky voice. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard or so fast.” He stared down into her face. Kane brushed the damp curls behind her ears and frowned. “How old are you?”


  “Fuck. I thought you were older.”

  “I am older. Much older. How old are you?”


  “Does the age difference matter to you?”

  “It should. But now that I’ve had a taste of you, I don’t give a rip what your age is. You’re hot, baby…and now you’re mine.”

  If only.

  But Hamilton would be back to stake his claim.

  “That was just to take the edge off,” he said. With that he tore the teddy the rest of the way off her, lifted her into his arms and carried her to her bedroom. Reluctantly, he lowered her beside the bed. “Turn around,” he ordered, and bend over the bed.

  “The door,” she said, glancing toward it. “It isn’t locked.”

  “Fuck the door.” He grunted and entered her from behind.

  The first time might have been to take the edge off his appetite, but so was the second time. He plowed inside her, moving his hips, pounding her until she cried out from the heat of his possession. Her body responded to each hard drive of his cock. Jayla held onto the edge of the mattress and shuddered with the driving force of her orgasms.


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