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Missy the Werecat

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by P. G. Allison

  The TV and media coverage was extensive, with the story of her disappearance brought up again and again. Pictures of her were everywhere. While the speculation was mostly about whether some sexual predator had grabbed her and then, had either murdered her or was keeping her as a slave, this did keep the story going. While her family was not very happy with what these stories were saying, they were hopeful that all the attention might somehow lead to someone coming forward with information.

  The FBI assigned Robert Ulrey to the case. He was their top investigator from the Boston office and he kept in constant touch with the family and local authorities. He also utilized all the resources available to the FBI to the fullest. But, all to no avail. With no leads to follow, there really was not much he could do.

  With eighteen years in the Bureau, his background in investigations was broad and extensive and in recent years, he had worked several high profile kidnapping cases. He looked like a cop, probably because of his military background. He had served as a Military Police officer in the Army for eight years, after graduating from college where he had received an ROTC scholarship. He still kept his hair neatly cropped close to his head and now that it was somewhat grey, that only added to his official look. He was six feet tall and kept in shape, working out at the gym and running on weekends.

  He had been married for fifteen years but was now divorced for the past seven years. They had not had any children and he often wondered if that would have made a difference. His wife had never been happy with what he had become and how the job had changed him over the years.

  The kidnapping cases he’d worked had usually involved either high ransom demands or else, as he suspected had happened to Missy, the kidnapper had abducted the person for sex. Whether the victim was then murdered, released or continued being held would depend on all sorts of things and these cases were always difficult. He knew it had affected him, ruined his marriage, working these kidnappings; but he also knew it was important for someone with his background and experience to be the one taking the lead in order to give these victims their best chance for rescue.

  For Missy’s investigation, it soon became apparent that ransom was not being asked for. And, she had not run away. With all he’d learned about her that scenario simply did not seem possible. She was not at all depressed or unhappy or acting strange or showing any signals to suggest that; just the opposite. And, after going through everything on her smart phone and iPad, there was no evidence she had been lured away or been in contact with anyone who might be a suspect. They cleared all possible people whom she might have had any relationship with, including the various relatives of those people. There was no evidence of anyone having targeted her. Whoever might have grabbed her had left no clues, no trace, nothing they could find to go on.

  Since her pajamas were found in the nearby woods and nothing was missing from her belongings, it really looked as though she’d been grabbed by someone. The FBI’s lab went over her clothes thoroughly and had samples of her DNA which her family had provided. The discarded pajamas did not have human DNA from anyone else other than Missy. There was no blood. There were some animal hairs but since the pajamas had been in the woods for several days, finding those didn’t seem very significant. There simply was nothing to go on. Everything had been checked and checked again but that had all led nowhere and the case was truly cold.

  Even so, Robert kept the file open and it was always on his desk. After all the hours he’d invested, all the time he’d spent learning about Missy, interviewing family, friends, doctors, teachers and coaches, he felt as though he knew her. He really wanted this one to end well. Often, he would review his notes, trying to find some new direction for this case. He had summarized all the key information he’d obtained, with highlights and references entered on the first page in her file:

  Missy McCrea was born in Salem, Massachusetts exactly at midnight on the summer solstice in the year 2000. Since “the stroke of midnight” was considered to be the next day, her birthday was recorded as June 22.

  Her father Philip McCrea was forty-one and her mother Julia was thirty-nine. Philip was partner in the industrial law firm of McCrea-Winslow, Inc. He had both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in engineering and also a law degree. Julia McCrea was a human resources manager. Missy was the third of four children: she had a sister, Heather, seventeen; a brother John, fifteen; a brother Patrick, ten. They lived at 29 Walnut Street, Salem, Massachusetts. (See family history and photos in separate file.)

  At thirteen, Missy was five feet six inches and her weight was about 100 pounds. She was tall and thin but very strong and physically fit. (Her athletic accomplishments, even at this early age, were very impressive. See separate file with copy of mother’s scrapbook.)

  Her doctor and dentist expressed amazement concerning her perfect health and teeth. She never got sick, quickly healed after any injury and hadn’t needed any dental work. No scars or birthmarks. (See medical records and doctor interviews in separate file.)

  She was very bright and had done well at school. She was a natural leader, setting the example while drawing others to strive towards her goals. They got included in her accomplishments and achievements, “basking in the glow” of shared victories. She managed to somehow avoid the jealous envy of her peers, instead drawing their admiration and respect. From all accounts, she was very protective, always standing up to any bully for those unable to do so. The trust and loyalty which that brought, along with her being so athletic plus her way of “making things fun”, all combined to make her a very popular girl with everyone wanting to be her friend. (See teacher and coach interviews in separate file.)

  Soccer camp. No incidents, no visitors, no indication Missy was upset, unhappy, or might go off alone. She was getting along great with all the other kids there. Nothing was missing from her belongings. Pajamas were found in the nearby woods. Camp staff members were all cleared. (See separate file on soccer camp.)

  From all the photos, she was a really pretty girl, with dark red hair and deep green eyes, a very nice proportional nose plus a beautiful smile with vertical crease lines in her cheeks like dimples. She had a fair complexion which her Mother explained would tan rather than burn out in the sunlight. Her facial features and bone structure were classic and what everyone found very attractive. She did have a somewhat “feline” look which only added to his impression that, when she grew up, she would indeed be stunning. If she grew up. Her innocent, attractive appearance was what perhaps had made her a target. He dreaded the day he might learn her body had been found, when his case would then become a murder investigation.

  Of course, the thought of her being held by a kidnapper did not reduce his anxiety and concern by much. The various ways that might play out did not offer much hope for a happy resolution.

  Chapter Three

  Aug 2015

  After migrating south to the Blue Ridge Mountains, Missy continued living day to day, relying on her instincts and managing to survive well enough as a mountain lion. Her favorite prey were deer but she used various animals in the wild as a food source, such as elk, moose, sheep, coyotes, hogs, mice, squirrels, rabbits and even porcupines. She did not hunt any domestic cattle, sheep, horses or other animals not out in the wild since she knew it was necessary to avoid humans and didn’t want to attract any attention. On many occasions she had eaten fish, birds and reptiles. She had managed to avoid having any further conflicts with bears, although she often still was the one to chase them away. If that strategy did not work, she would then be the one to leave as she didn’t want to risk fighting like that again. Once was enough!

  She also managed to avoid the occasional male mountain lion which would appear and get very interested whenever she came into heat. That had not been a problem during the first year when she was in the White Mountains, but after she fully matured, filling out and gaining weight to her full size, her cat went into heat regularly. She learned this would last for seven or eight days out of every
twenty three to twenty four days. After six of these cycles she would stop but two months later, these cycles would be repeated. Since she was still able to think as a human, and definitely did not want to allow her cat’s basic nature to have its way during these cycles, this was one instinct she did not give in to. She had learned how to balance between her human side and her cat form.

  She also avoided hunters. She avoided any situation which might attract human attention. This isolation lifestyle was very difficult for Missy and she still missed terribly being with her family and friends, competing in sports and learning in school. But, she had adapted, survived and done what she’d needed to do while still dreaming about those days. Her memories sustained her and she continued to have hopes and dreams, while prowling throughout the territory she had established for herself up in the mountains.

  And, it was there, just over two years from her first Shift into cat form when, finally, she managed to Shift again. She discovered she could actually Shift back to her human form. She had often stretched out and dreamed of doing this, without success. At first, it had been too early for her werecat nature which had forced itself upon her. Later, she simply had not quite managed to trigger a Shift correctly. But eventually, she did find the right combination, going back into that quiet place in her mind and making a really determined exercise of her will. And so, on this particular day, when she did both of these things just right, once again there was a shimmer of light and burst of energy from within and, in the next moment, she was lying there naked, in human form. Wow!

  She had grown, being two years older. She discovered her body had now fully developed. She was bigger and taller; she would later learn just how much she had grown. She was five feet eight inches tall, 130 pounds, solid and very well toned. She also was very curvy with lovely breasts and wide hips. She was no longer that skinny, flat chested little girl. Her hair had grown out more than a foot longer than before and was now well past her shoulders. Those shoulders were also wide and her back was straight and strong, but her waist was small. More important than noticing any of these physical attributes, she was ecstatic to be in human form again! Her hands and feet were no longer paws and she reached up and touched her face, feeling the smooth skin.

  Since the day was warm and sunny, she was able to go out and enjoy being able to walk around on two feet. She marveled at now experiencing everything as a human, with a zillion thoughts and feelings all at once. Life was good! She was flooded with emotions as various thoughts crowded in, competing with one another. It was overwhelming but in a way which was really nice, making her so happy!

  After enjoying several hours of this euphoric bliss, she gradually realized she was alone in the wilderness, hungry and that evening was coming, bringing with it much cooler temperatures. In human form, this would be somewhat of a problem. But, she just knew with a deep inner certainty that she could now Change back and forth. With a sense of great excitement, she focused with all her might on what it was like to be in cat form, let her mind go where she knew it needed to go, drew upon her tremendous will and was easily able to experience the Change. Just as she knew she would!

  Back in cat form, she returned to where she had hidden the remains of the last deer she had killed and she satisfied her raging appetite. She realized those energy bursts associated with her Changing forms did require that she eat lots of food in order to make up for all the calories which were burned. Feeling a great sense of satisfaction and peace, she settled down and went into a deep sleep for the rest of the night.

  The next day, she once again Shifted back to human form and ran out into a meadow where she could really just enjoy being alive, once again able to run and jump and sense things the way she had before, before she had Changed that first time. She was thrilled. While still not understanding how or why she was the way she was, she now could at least find some way to return to a life which was not so alone, so isolated. She was convinced she could once again live back with humans.

  But, Missy knew she first needed to make sure she really could always be in control. She never wanted to have the Change forced on her the way it had happened that first time. The safety of her family, friends and everyone around her would depend on that. So, for several days she allowed herself to experience being human, up in the mountains where she was safe. She would only Change back into her cat form when she was either too hungry or too cold. Now that she had finally learned how, she found she could easily do this, and she practiced her control. She learned she could trigger the Change either way, but that once she Changed it was necessary to wait at least three hours before she could Change back. And, she would always be very hungry from doing this.

  She also was able to figure out a few other things about herself. Apparently, when she had lived as a cat for those many months, her body had continued to grow and develop. She had known she was getting bigger and stronger while still in cat form, but now that she could Change back to human form, she was able to see and appreciate all the changes. And, since her hair had grown out by the same amount as if she had remained human for all those months, she guessed all her physical changes were probably like that. These changes were merely what would have normally happened to her human form over that same time period. But in addition, her life as a cat had required staying in top form, continuously exercising and that was reflected in how strong and well developed her human form had become. There was some carryover from how she was in one form to how she was in the other.

  She did see that she now had some scars. Although faded, there were scars on her back and left shoulder area, from where that black bear had mauled her so badly, and also high on her right thigh from being grazed by that bullet. So, again, obviously some things carried over. But, what really showed her how things worked, best of all, was the way she got a sunburn during those first few days. When she’d first Changed back, her skin was very white. Being exposed to the sun as a cat had not carried over to her human skin getting a tan. But then, after several days out in the sun in human form, she was now getting brown all over and this stayed with her as she continued to Change back and forth. She suspected if she were to cut her hair, the new shorter length would likewise stay with her, only growing back at the normal rate.

  She spent three weeks getting comfortable in her own skin, learning all about herself, her dual nature and what being back in human form was like. During this time, she also began to plan what steps she could take to finally return home, back to her family and to the life she hoped she could now make for herself. Yes, now that she was able to control which form she could take and stay in full control while in either form, she hoped she could make all her dreams come true. But first, she needed to leave the mountains. And, to do that, she needed to find some clothes.

  Chapter Four

  Late evening Aug 25 & early morning Aug 26

  Missy knew various locations where campers were scattered throughout the region and it was not at all difficult to sneak down to the lower elevations and into one such camp site during the night. She avoided camps where there were any dogs since even just her scent had always made them start barking furiously. That used to bother her before she’d learned about her cat form but now she could understand it.

  She found a pair of blue jean shorts and a purple colored sweater which had been left outside on a clothesline. She Changed into human form and tried on these items. They were a few sizes too big but that was not really a problem. The sweater, which was two years old, had faded lettering for the Baltimore Ravens, Superbowl XLVII Champions. For the shorts, she was able to tie together some of the belt loops, drawing them tight enough using a short piece of plastic rope which was lying nearby.

  Silently, she slipped back out and headed on down the road.


  The next day, there were others also destined to be on the same road as Missy. That morning a man named Bill Stratton called out to his wife Mary, “We’re all checked out of our room so make a last look around and let’s go.�
�� He had just finished strapping their five year old daughter Emily into her car seat and had turned on the little DVD player hanging from the back of the rental car’s front passenger seat. It was now playing one of her favorite Disney movies and that would keep her happy and content for a little while.

  Several minutes later, Mary returned from the hotel room they’d been staying at and replied, “We’re good. I just had to make sure none of Emily’s toys were anywhere back there. You know how cranky she gets when she loses any of her favorite toys. I know once we’re on the road to our cabin, you won’t want to come back here looking for anything, right?”

  “Right. Thanks!” Bill closed the car door and walked behind the car. Mary handed him Emily’s little suitcase along with one of her own and he slid them into the trunk, on top of all their other bags. Mary got into the car and turned around to check on Emily while he closed the trunk lid and walked around to get behind the wheel on the driver’s side. Once he had the car started, he backed out of the parking space and headed through the hotel’s parking lot. “We’re on our way! Vacation at last, honey!”

  They’d been staying at a hotel in Roanoke, Virginia after flying in two days earlier. Bill had met with some of his investors and business associates to discuss the new luxury hotel they were planning for this region but now he was done with work and they were starting their week’s vacation. After many visits to this area, they’d finally bought a cabin two years earlier located on a beautiful lake up in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Their close friend Senator Ed Maxwell was going to join them; he’d be driving over from Washington D.C. the next day. Bill and the senator had been fraternity brothers while attending college and had continued their friendship in the years ever since then. Conveniently, the Stratton home was very near to the senator’s Washington D.C. residence.


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