Missy the Werecat

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Missy the Werecat Page 18

by P. G. Allison

  And, these “loaner guys” never knew anything. They got their instructions and got their payment, all without knowing who they were being “loaned” out to. Sure, they had to suspect their boss in New York owed a favor to “someone” here in Boston, but things were on a need to know only basis. And, they didn’t need to know.

  Tony had successfully arranged for his first wife’s “car accident” years ago. That hit and run had happened while he was being seen by dozens of witnesses in his restaurant. No problem. Then, he’d recently had his ex-drug addict daughter taken care of. No problem. The cops didn’t really care whether she’d OD’d by accident or by suicide. There was never any hint of suspicion tracing back to him for either of those sad, tragic deaths.

  And, there wouldn’t be any connection now to Missy’s disappearance. He’d waited all these months to make sure of that. Alice and her mother wouldn’t suspect a thing. And, when enough time had passed, he’d deal with them as well.

  It was finally time. He’s gone the extra mile for this. Not only would he be getting rid of Missy. That was easy. No, he’d made sure he would have a few “special” days with her first. Days when he could really enjoy himself. Yes, he liked young girls. Roseanne and Alice had been very satisfying, while they’d been young and available. As had the many young girls his buddy Frank had arranged for him to enjoy over the years. But, Missy? She was going to be really special.

  He’d been lusting for her since she’d first walked into his home to visit Alice more than a year ago. And, after the way she’d forced him to sign all those papers taking care of Alice and her Mom? He’d been watching her very closely ever since. He’d read all the articles in the local news. First, the stories in the archives about her disappearance. Then, the missing teen returns home stories. For the past year, it was all what a great athlete she was on her high school teams. Plus, earning her black belt in karate. Then, that elaborate spectacle she’d made of herself winning the big trophy in martial arts? Some great photos and videos on line after that. Oh, yeah! What a treasure she was! And, she was going to be his to fully enjoy like he’d never experienced any other young girl’s “treasures” before.

  He’d purchased his little vacation home years ago; a cottage on Plum Island, just under an hour’s drive from Salem. Busy in the summer but pretty much deserted in March. And, the entire upstairs was now quite soundproof after the various remodeling improvements he’d had done this past year. Oh, he was going to really enjoy himself while he gave Missy the lessons she so deserved for all the grief she’d caused him. This would be a new chapter for him. Maybe he’d want a few more chapters after he got rid of Missy. Why worry whether some little bitch might somehow find the courage to complain? Why have to deal with the little bitch’s mother? This was much less of a risk and he could indulge himself so much more! Such a win-win!


  Missy now had her driver’s license and really loved going back and forth to school in her Toyota. Getting around afterwards to karate or martial arts or softball or any of her other activities was now so easy. She didn’t need anyone else but could get there on her own. Her trips to the State Forest could now be made without having to rely on someone else in her family to drop her off and later pick her up. It made such a difference. Things were just so much simpler now.

  When she walked towards her car after karate practice, still wearing her gi uniform under a light jacket, she noticed two guys working on a car next to hers in the parking lot. It was just after five on a Friday afternoon and cars were scattered all over, since many had already left for the weekend. Their car was a Chevy and looked a few years old. The hood was up and one guy had his head underneath, looking at the carburetor with a flashlight. The air cleaner was on the ground. The second guy was asking whether it was flooded or was it something else and the first guy was telling him he should have known better. Missy really wasn’t concerned or interested in any of this as she headed for her car. She didn’t have any reason to be worried as she approached these guys. She was about to learn a lesson, however, and would never blindly trust any situation like this again.

  She did notice the unique scent for each guy which she categorized and filed away in her memory, just as she’d been doing with all the other scents she’d experienced ever since her first Change. She didn’t consciously think about this; she just did it. And, she never forgot a scent. Her scent memories were even stronger than her visual memories. Her abilities were unique and special, and she didn’t think about them all that much anymore. She’d just accepted them as part of what she was.

  The first guy with his head bent over the carburetor looked up at her and asked, “Hey, do you have any jumper cables? My buddy here ran the battery down trying to start this damn car, even though it was flooded and I told him to stop.” He was dressed in expensive casual attire but the tattoo visible on his neck suggested he was not a member of high society. He looked like a thug and was completely bald.

  The other guy said, “Oh, like it’s all my fault …” He turned towards her just as the first guy began backing away from the car, also moving towards her. He too was dressed in expensive clothes but was rather good looking, in a tough guy sort of way. He had long black hair, slicked back, and he wore a diamond earring on his left ear. Suddenly, they both grabbed her and before she could react, the second guy had punctured her neck with a syringe. She immediately exploded into action but was too late. The guy had already pushed down the plunger forcing a knockout drug into her body. She actually sent the two of them flying but then, as the drug coursed through her system, she slowly collapsed. A few moments later, Missy was out cold.

  The two guys cursed her as they got back on their feet. They looked around and, luckily for them, no one had noticed any of this. They grabbed Missy, wrapped duct tape around her hands and feet, added a piece of tape across her mouth, wrapped her in a blanket and put her into the trunk of their car. This was all done quickly and efficiently. These guys had done this before and wasted no time. In less than a minute, they were in the car and driving out of the parking lot.

  The man with the earring exclaimed, “What a little bitch! She sure was fast! I barely managed to get her with the goddamn syringe when she had me on my ass! What the hell were you doing, Donny?” He was the one driving and he looked over at the guy with the tattoo.

  Donny replied, “Glad the damn drug worked. I never expected her to be that strong or that fast. She’s only sixteen, right? I know the file on her says something about karate and kung fu crap, but still ... She’s a little tiger, isn’t she?” He then yelled, “Watch where you’re going, Billy! We don’t wanna have any accidents now!”

  “Oh, relax, I’ve got this.” Billy quickly adjusted the steering wheel while braking and then accelerating as they moved smoothly around a slower car and into the passing lane. “I sure wish we didn’t have to leave this little tiger so quickly for that asshole who hired us. Whoever he is. I’d love to play with her a little now that she’s out from the drug.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you would. But, I’d rather have her when she was awake and able to enjoy it. Doing a girl when she’s passed out is no fun. Let’s just finish this so we can get paid. Ten grand each isn’t a bad day’s pay, right? I plan to have myself two lively bimbos at the same time when we get back home. I know this place where the girls will …”

  Billy interrupted him to say, “There’s the parking garage. Check no one’s following us when we drive in there, okay? I’ll drive right back out if anyone comes in behind us.” He slowed to turn in at the entrance. “As for not doing a girl unless she’s awake? When it’s someone ugly as you, they only enjoy the money you’re paying ‘em. And, I don’t even wanna know where you’re spending all your money at, Donny.”

  “Billy, Billy, we can’t all get ‘em free like you do. Roofies and stuff are too risky. Anyway, you probably spend lots more than me, just taking care of everything which happens afterwards.” Donny looked around while Billy drove up to the
next level, heading for the roof. “No one’s behind us. And, I don’t see anyone else in here. Almost too easy, huh? We don’t even have to dispose of her body. Just come back for this car tomorrow and deliver it to that junkyard in Hartford. She’ll be like in that TV show, remember? Without a Trace, right?”

  They both laughed at that. When they emerged onto the top level, Billy drove down and parked at the far end. They got out, left the car unlocked so the trunk release was readily available, and walked over to their other car, a late model Ford Mustang. Two minutes later they were back on the street, heading for their motel.


  Twenty minutes later, after receiving their call on his throwaway cell phone, Tony drove up in his Honda Civic. He looked around, popped his trunk open, got out and looked around again. Once certain no one was watching, he went over to the Chevy and opened the driver’s door so he could reach in and pop open the trunk. He wore gloves so he wasn’t leaving any evidence behind. The car would be scrap metal in another day, but why take chances. And, since Missy was wrapped in a blanket, per his instructions, there’d be no DNA trace of her in either car. He’d thought of everything.

  An hour later he was parking his car at the back door of his place on Plum Island. No one else was around and only a couple lights showed in any houses; none near his. After carrying Missy on one shoulder up the stairs to his soundproof second floor, he deposited her on the huge bed. He’d already closed the trunk lid after hoisting Missy out but he went downstairs to turn out all the lights and activate his security system. Then, on his way back upstairs, he closed and locked the door behind him. This would be such fun! He’d been dreaming of all the ways he’d be enjoying himself and now it was all coming true. Missy was his!

  Missy woke up an hour later. It was an hour or two earlier than for any normal person, drugged as she’d been, but of course she wasn’t normal. She was, however, feeling disoriented and groggy as she struggled to clear her mind and all her senses. Right away, she scented Tony. As her memory of being grabbed and drugged came rushing back, she realized he had to have hired those guys. Obviously, Tony planned on killing her and had waited until he felt confident he’d get away with that. She wondered why she wasn’t already dead.

  Then, she felt the handcuffs tightly binding her wrists and ankles. She was lying on her back, spread-eagled on a bed, and these handcuffs were attached to the four corners with chains. She couldn’t move. And, she was completely naked. Now she knew why she was still alive. Tony, being the perverted pedophile that he was, wanted to play first. Then he’d kill her. She shivered as a chill ran through her. That caused her nipples to grow hard. Missy realized things weren’t exactly going well for her at the moment. She looked around and, sure enough, there was Tony. Watching her. She could see he was getting pretty excited.

  “You’re awake so soon? That’s great, Missy! I’ve been really enjoying all this, just watching you. But, now my pleasure will really begin. You have no idea what fun things I’ve planned for you, you miserable slut. Payback’s a bitch, bitch!” With that, Tony started laughing. He was sitting in a chair just a few feet away, on the left side of the bed. “All these months. I’ve been waiting and waiting. Remember when you asked if I really wanted to mess with you? Well, I sure did! You thought you were such hot stuff with your friends in high places, huh?” More laughter.

  “I see you have friends, Tony. Getting those two guys to grab me for you? I suppose I really shouldn’t be surprised. You’re such a bully and a coward.” Missy twisted her head to look at him. “But, aren’t you worried they’ll talk someday? That you’ll be found out? Everyone will know. Not only what a sick bastard you are but what a murdering sick bastard? How are you going to avoid that, Tony?” Missy wanted to get him talking so she could learn as much as possible. He’d hired some help and she wanted to know all about that.

  “Watch what you call me, bitch!” He was annoyed she wasn’t freaking out more. “And, don’t you worry, my good buddy Frank and his organization won’t tell anyone. They like the way I take care of washing all their money for them with my restaurants and all my other businesses. We have a real nice arrangement. And, those guys from New York that Frank arranges for? Their boss is only doing him favors, sending them up here each time. They don’t know Frank and sure as hell don’t know anything about me. Just like when that guy hit my first wife years ago, you know? Hit and run. He had no idea why she needed taking care of. Just a nice clean hit and the police never found anything. Frank always gets these “loaners” to come up here to take care of things. He doesn’t even tell me who he deals with down there.” He enjoyed bragging to her. She was never going to tell anyone and he wanted her to know just how bad her situation was.

  Missy suddenly was seeing Tony in a far more sinister light. If he’d killed his first wife, then ..? “What about Roseanne, Tony?” She felt sickened by his callous treachery.

  “Oh, now you’re getting smart. Seeing the big picture, right? Sure! I wasn’t taking any chances with her blabbing, even though no one was ever gonna listen to her. And, in a year or two? Alice will be taken care of. Now that I’ve got this special place here, I’ll be having girls whenever I want. You’re the reason for my going to all this trouble, but it’s just working out so well. Girls disappear all the time. It’s only a problem if they don’t stay disappeared. But, if no body is found? And no evidence ever turns up? Not a problem. And, no one will ever find anything left of you or Alice or any of the other girls I plan to enjoy up here. See what you started, Missy? I really should be thanking you!” Tony started laughing at this. He wanted to see Missy tremble in fear. He waited for her to show some real terror at what he was telling her.

  Missy could see how evil and depraved Tony had become, enabled by whoever this Frank was. “So, you take care of Frank’s dirty money? And, you trust him? Why wouldn’t he turn you in, Tony? Isn’t he taking risks doing you favors?” She wanted to know just a little bit more.

  Tony wasn’t seeing the reaction he wanted yet. He explained, “In Frank’s world, everything’s a risk but he has this whole risk-reward thing, you know? We grew up together and what we have has always been a win-win deal, with him actually being a big winner. He needs me. He’d never have gotten as high up in the organization without my showing him how to wash their money for them.” While saying all this, Tony stood and began running one hand along her thigh. “He likes having me owe him these favors and knowing all my secrets. That way, he knows I can’t risk ratting him out to anyone. He’s actually more worried about his own organization finding out stuff than he is about the cops. You just have no idea about how things work in the real world, Missy.”

  He seemed quite fascinated by the scar on her thigh which he began tracing with one finger. “You should never have interfered. That’s what’s bringing about your loss of innocence and I do mean that innocence part in all sorts of interesting ways. Then again, you’re such a nasty shameful slut, so maybe you’re not so innocent about some things, huh?” Now he had both hands touching her and moving up across her body. He reached up and squeezed her right breast with one hand while his other hand grabbed her left shoulder.

  “These are some very interesting scars, Missy!” Tony exclaimed. “They do show up in some of your photos but I wasn’t all that sure about them until I had your clothes off and was handcuffing you on the bed here. I can see where you maybe like playing it rough, huh?” At that, he laughed and began rubbing her shoulder with one hand and squeezing her nipple with his other hand. “It’s almost a shame I’m gonna have to kill you after I get done playing.”

  Missy had learned plenty for now. Tony had been touching her long enough. She Shifted. Suddenly, she was no longer a helpless girl restrained by cuffs but after the usual shimmer of light and burst of energy, she was a big cat. There were no longer any restraints, as the cuffs all fell away. She immediately rolled over, standing upright on her four legs, and turned towards Tony. She then let out a long, piercing cougar scream
. Tony was paralyzed, as much by her shrill scream as from his shock at being confronted by a large mountain lion. He stood there and actually wet his pants. Frozen by fear, he was speechless.

  Missy jumped off the bed and circled around behind him. Then she leaped back on the bed and stared into his eyes. She watched as the recognition of who she was slowly crept into his facial expression. After a while, his slack jaw twitched. His mouth still hung open but his tongue darted out and back in. Drool dribbled down his chin. She hissed at him, opening her jaws wide and showing her fangs. She reached out with one paw and pushed him back, pressing against his chest and extending her sharp claws. Although these were not ripping into him the way she easily could have done, he could feel them. He fell back onto the chair he’d been sitting in before. Hopping onto the floor, she circled him once again.

  He started gulping and gasping, with eyes bulging and in a high voice he managed to squeak, “Missy? But, this isn’t possible!” He tried to back away but was immobilized on the chair, with nowhere to go. “How? What …?” Missy quickly moved her head and bared her teeth, forcing him to sit back at any slight movement he made to come forward. Leaping once more onto the bed, she settled down to watch him. He didn’t dare make any move and slowly his breathing returned to normal. He sat there and just watched her watching him.

  She had three hours to wait and didn’t want him getting comfortable so every once in a while, she’d stand up and hiss. Twice she caught him completely off guard by letting out another scream. The second time she did this, he pissed himself all over again. He had no way of knowing what she’d do but he now fully realized this huge cat was indeed Missy. She had total control and he was afraid; he knew he probably was going to die. He could only guess she was merely playing with him, perhaps waiting until he did something. Something that would trigger her tearing into him and just ripping him apart. The eyes were definitely Missy’s eyes, only now with more yellow than green. But, how much of her nature might still be human rather than being the wild predator he saw staring at him, he just didn’t know.


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