Missy the Werecat

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Missy the Werecat Page 19

by P. G. Allison

  Missy allowed her cat nature to be dominant, barely restraining the instinct to kill her prey. But, she was also thinking things through with a different part of her mind. Tony was going to tell her who this Frank person was. And, she wanted to find those two guys who’d grabbed her. She pondered all these things while she patiently waited. Then, after almost two hours had passed, Tony decided to take a chance. He suddenly rolled sideways, falling off the chair onto the floor and quickly trying to get up and run. Her scream was the worst thing he’d ever experienced followed immediately by her pouncing on him with her jaws grabbing his neck. She was on his back and just held him in her teeth. Her sharp teeth actually pierced his skin in a few places causing some slow bleeding and a lot of pain. Her mouth was so strong he could do nothing. Reaching one hand up, he touched her jaw. And stopped. Completely helpless. That then became the worst thing he’d ever experienced.

  Once she saw he wasn’t going to make any further moves, she released his neck and stepped off him. He was so frightened, he could barely breathe. She licked at his blood, so it didn’t leave any visible stains, and after a few minutes his bleeding stopped. She sat on her haunches and let him lay there. Missy wanted him to think she was licking his neck as though it was her food. The strong ammonia scent from his urine was now permeating the air around him. She got up and made a chuffing noise. Tony didn’t move. She took a few steps back and sat down on her haunches again. She waited and Tony just lay flat on his belly, motionless. Ten minutes later, she could see he was sobbing. He’d been completely unnerved by the way her tongue had kept licking at his neck and now he wanted to avoid giving her any excuse to come near him.

  She got up and prowled around the room. She found where he’d put her clothes in a plastic bag over in the corner. Obviously, his plan was to eventually kill her and then get rid of her body so she’d never be found. Her clothes and her purse were already bagged, ready for disposal. How long he might have played with her first was anyone’s guess. Had she merely been human, the torture he’d have caused her to endure would surely have been unimaginable.

  And, he was planning to do this again and again? Eventually even getting Alice? Her mind was made up. Tony was never going to get the chance to hurt anyone ever again. A half hour later, she was able to Change. Tony was still so afraid, he didn’t even look up. She walked over and put her clothes on.

  Her hair, which had been tied up for karate practice, was now hanging down at full length just as though she’d combed it all out, nice and straight without any tangles. This was how it always came out each time she Changed back. But, her pierced earrings were gone. While loose clothing would remain after Shifting, any jewelry actually attached to her body would always disappear during that burst of energy. She never wore belly button rings or any other pierced jewelry. And, she was annoyed with herself this time for not removing the earrings before karate, the way she had her rings and necklace. She’d rather liked that pair of earrings. Oh, well! Another lesson learned!

  Time for some detailed discussion with Tony about his buddy Frank, his restaurant businesses and all his personal affairs along with various other items she was curious about. And, she had very definite plans for the two guys. Walking over to where Tony was lying on the floor, she said, “Get up. But, if you make any funny moves? I won’t even bother Changing back. I’ll just rip out your throat with my bare hands. Are we clear, Tony?”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Mar 2017

  Missy called home right after she Changed, using her own cell phone. The guys had removed her phone’s battery, disabling the GPS, but had left it in her purse along with her phone. She explained to her Mom she’d be staying out all night. She’d done that several times before and her Mom just figured she needed to be a cat again that night. Since this call wasn’t until after eleven, though, her Mom had actually been worried. She said, “You should have been home before six, you didn’t call and your phone went right to voicemail the three times I tried calling you.”

  Missy apologized saying she’d forgotten to turn her phone back on after karate and indeed had then Changed; she’d just now Changed back so she could call. She knew her Mom realized this would have taken several hours, once she Changed. She also knew her mother didn’t worry about her quite as much, ever since she’d revealed herself as a werecat. The rules sometimes needed to be a little different for a werecat daughter!

  Then she spent over an hour with Tony, getting him to talk. There’d been a lot more details she’d wanted to get and she’d learned them. When she found out he had a safety deposit box which contained not only all of his important documents but also plenty of evidence about Frank and the East Boston criminal organization, she forced him to give her the key. She also had him write down all the passwords and codes he used for various personal and business accounts. Tony was completely broken. Whatever she asked for, he now was more than willing to give.

  When she’d started, he wouldn’t say much at first. So she’d threatened to Change back and eat him alive. Slowly. Limb by limb. And, he’d believed her. The way her jaws had gripped his neck had been totally convincing. He didn’t understand whether her Changing back and forth was magic or witchcraft or something else again, but he believed she could and would cause him some excruciating pain and suffering and that he had no possible escape. So he talked. Freely. Nothing mattered to him now but placating Missy.

  She grilled him all about Frank. Then she had him explain this arrangement for the two guys who had grabbed her. As it turned out, his buddy Frank didn’t know anything about Missy being the target; he only knew Tony wanted someone taken care of, once again. And, this was also true for the New York boss who’d sent these two guys up there. Tony had arranged for a folder to be delivered at the motel where these guys were staying. It was an inexpensive motel on Route One in Peabody, not far from a couple of well known strip joints. So, these guys were the only ones who knew about Missy. But, they didn’t know Tony and the folder couldn’t be traced back to him. And, they didn’t know Frank. Interesting!

  The instructions in that folder had explained who Missy was, where to leave the kidnap car so Tony could pick her up and what phone number to use for calling Tony. They’d be getting their payment of twenty grand once they’d returned to New York and could show proof the kidnap car they’d used had been disposed of. Nothing could trace back to Tony unless these guys gave up their New York boss who then would have to name Frank. And, no way would these guys ever give up their boss, right? So, Tony had no worries about the kidnapping and only needed to be just as careful when disposing of her body afterwards.

  Tony had included in his folder many of the news articles about her, including the ones about her being a black belt in karate and her winning that trophy for mixed martial arts. Just so these guys would be prepared. He’d even told them which knockout drug to use in the syringe. They had no idea why Missy was the target and really didn’t care. Twenty grand and they didn’t even need to kill her or dispose of her body? There was also a guarantee she’d totally disappear, so they had no worries about ever being caught. They probably wished all their jobs could be this good.

  Tony had been very successful arranging the hits on his first wife and then his daughter, using similar arrangements. Frank had known the targets for those hits but wasn’t concerned about not knowing this time. Of course, he’d assumed Tony’s target would again be killed, not kidnapped. Tony had never gotten his hands dirty before. So, Frank didn’t think there was anything to worry about. These simple hits using out of town “loaners” posed zero risk for either Frank or the organization. Right?

  Missy packed up Tony’s handcuffs and chains so they wouldn’t be found at his place. She collected those along with several other interesting items he’d planned to use on her, all sitting in one of the dresser drawers. Then, she wrapped duct tape around Tony’s hands and feet and taped up his mouth, exactly as he’d had those guys do for her. She even used the same blanket, which she
wrapped around him and then she carried him out to his car. She had very little difficulty getting his two hundred pounds down the stairs and into the trunk. Werecat strength came in handy for times like this. She went back in, took a last look around to be sure nothing was out of place or could be traced back to her, went out, locked the door and got behind the wheel of Tony’s car. It was now well after midnight. Time to pay a visit to those two guys from New York.


  The motel in Peabody was one where all the rooms were on one level facing a courtyard, each with a parking space in front of the door. Missy arrived just after one thirty in the morning and found the place very dark and quiet, with mostly vacancies. There were no cars with New York license plates so she strolled slowly in front of each room, using her nose and also parsing the scents over her tongue and across the roof of her mouth. She easily found their two rooms, located at the far end, with no occupied rooms anywhere near them. The tattooed guy’s room was on the right. She positioned herself where she couldn’t be seen and settled down to wait.

  Less than half an hour later, they drove up in their Mustang and parked in front of the room on the left. Missy was able to approach their car without being seen and when the engine was shut off, she could hear them talking inside the car about the girls in the strip joint they’d just left. There seemed to be some debate as to whether all the boobs they’d seen that night were implants. She waited near the driver’s door and when it eventually was pushed open, she quickly pulled it wide and slugged the guy at the wheel behind his ear, hitting his carotid artery. Soundlessly, he slumped back in his seat. She bent forward, placing one knee on his lap, and quickly pulled herself inside using the steering wheel. The tattooed guy was halfway out of the car when she yanked him back inside. Then, moments later, he also slumped back in his seat after receiving a knockout blow similar to the one she’d given the driver.

  Missy found their room keys and went inside, searched both rooms quickly and came back out. Then, she carried them into the room on the left, one at a time. Using the handcuffs and chains she’d brought from Tony’s house, she handcuffed them together on the queen sized bed and chained them so they couldn’t get up. She also placed duct tape over each of their mouths. She went out to where she’d left Tony’s Honda and drove that up, parking next to the Mustang. Then, she thoroughly searched the Mustang where she not only found Tony’s folder with all the instructions for how he wanted her to be kidnapped but his folder for the earlier hit on Roseanne as well. What a coincidence. How convenient.

  She then brought in several items from Tony’s car and finally went back into the room to deal with Billy Martin and Donny Delgato, whose names and addresses she now knew after going through their wallets. Closing the door, she turned on the lights. She removed her jacket along with her gi uniform top exposing herself in just her sports bra and her gi uniform bottoms. Having Changed twice that night without eating anything since yesterday’s lunch, she was starved. Her body was once again showing some excellent definition with no body fat. She pulled her hair back and tied it in a pony tail. Showtime.

  There was a fairly new flat screen TV. She was able to connect this up to Tony’’s video recorder with an HDMI cable she’d found mixed in amongst all of Tony’s recording equipment. Yep, Tony had planned for everything all right, including taping what he did to Missy. She’d already destroyed the tape he’d made showing her being stripped naked and displayed on his bed, along with everything which happened afterward until the two hour tape had run out. She actually got to watch herself Change, which she’d never seen on tape before. Fascinating!

  She was thinking how her little brother Patrick would be pleased to see how well she’d managed with all this video equipment. She owed him something special for all those lessons since her return home. Finding the button to toggle the TV’s video input over to the recorder’s HDMI cable rather than the TV cable, she played the tape in the recorder. The TV only showed a blank tape playing. Then, she stopped and rewound it just a little, so when she hit play this time the TV showed the last part of what she’d recorded at Tony’s place. Good. When it reached the end, she stopped the recorder and disconnected the cable. Now it was ready to record from that point forward.

  She aimed the recorder at the two guys on the bed and hit the record button. As she taped them, she provided a brief narration identifying them as her kidnappers, to follow up with all the details she’d already recorded at Tony’s. She then set the recorder down and moved in front, so she was also being recorded. This tape was for show and tell and she was making a special appearance, just as she had with Tony earlier. She even recorded the two folders, which clearly documented the accusations she’d made in her narration.

  She stopped the tape, rewound it back to the beginning, and connected the recorder up to the TV again, ready for showing Billy and Donny just how incriminating all this evidence really was. They’d see Tony spilling all the details about his buddy Frank, about the arrangements for her kidnapping, the hits on Roseanne and her mother, even about the folders. With Missy making an appearance to clearly point the finger at the two of them, this tape was conclusive. Kidnapping and murder. If the cops or FBI ever got this tape, these two were going down for both crimes.

  She sat down to wait. This tape was for her Plan B. She wanted even more on it, however, since the security of her entire family was at stake. She needed these guys to not only incriminate themselves, admitting to everything they’d done, but to also name and incriminate their boss. While they might actually risk having the tape go to the authorities, if they only incriminated themselves -- just so they could strike out at her in retaliation or revenge -- she knew they’d never risk that if they incriminated their boss. If it was known they’d named their boss? There was no place on the planet they could hide, no witness protection which would be safe. And, their deaths would be extremely painful. So, she wanted more on this tape. She needed them to name their boss.

  After a few minutes, she noticed the ice bucket sitting on the counter. She got up to check the mini-fridge. It had a tray of ice cubes in its freezer which she dumped into the ice bucket. After refilling the tray with water, she placed it back in the freezer. Now she was even better prepared. And, right on cue, Billy was regaining consciousness and starting to stir over there on the bed. It shouldn’t be much longer before Donny woke up and she could explain the situation to the two of them.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Mar 2017

  The explanation of her Plans A, B and C went well, up to a point. First Billy roused himself and then Donny did likewise; they each looked around to find her staring at them. When they found themselves restrained and unable to talk, they each went through several stages of outrage and frustration. Disbelief. Then, gradually, their plight became more and more obvious. After struggling against their bindings to no avail, they settled back on the bed and just glared at her. She waited several minutes. She wanted them to sober up. She also knew, since they’d been drinking all night, they probably really needed to relieve themselves very badly about now. She figured the pain and discomfort from their full bladders could only help with hastening their cooperation.

  Finally, she spoke to them. “Billy Martin and Donny Delgato, I want you to listen carefully to what I have to say and watch what I have to show you. You’ll need to make a decision. About the situation we have here. There are three options: Plan A, Plan B and Plan C.” She studied their faces and knew they were mostly focused on how badly they wanted to get her. Hurt her. They weren’t at all intimidated by her. Yet.

  “Plan A is for the police to come, right now, and pick you up. Actually, since kidnapping is a federal crime, I’ll call my good friend at the FBI. Maybe you didn’t do enough research … let me check this folder about me.” She pulled out the folder and glanced through the articles. “Here it is. You guys saw this, right? Missing teen Missy McCrea returns home. Missing for two years. Robert Ulrey, lead investigator for the FBI, would not d
isclose any information about kidnappers or possible suspects … yadda-yadda-yadda. Right?”

  Looking at them, she could see they were paying attention. “Yep, I can have the two of you locked up. Tonight. Plan A is pretty simple.” As she talked, she walked back and forth at the end of the bed. Their eyes followed her every move and she could see both interest and lust in the way they were staring at her. “Let me help clarify for you just what all the evidence against you guys looks like. I’ve prepared a little video, just for that purpose. Oh, and as you’ll see on this video, a guy named Tony was going to pay you the twenty thousand dollars. Tony has a lot to say about all that. And, about the hits on his first wife years ago and on his daughter Roseanne last November. I don’t know about his wife, but since the folder on Roseanne is right here?” She ended this last statement as though it were a question. Looking at the expressions on their faces, however, it was pretty obvious. They’d done that hit and now they knew the evidence she was talking about was tying them to murder as well as kidnapping.

  She went over and turned on the TV. “Let me show you what I’ve prepared so far. And. I’ll let Tony tell you in his own words.” Hitting the play button, she walked away and sat down. On the screen, she appeared wearing her full gi uniform with her hair cascading down over her shoulders. She looked very sweet and innocent. In the background was a view of the bed with the handcuffs and chains. After a brief introduction where she explained who she and Tony were, followed by a short description of what Tony had planned, she moved off camera and shifted over to where Tony was seated. For several minutes, she interviewed Tony who answered all her questions without hesitation, but not always in a clear voice. He looked as though he’d experienced something pretty terrible and every once in a while, his answer would become somewhat garbled. Missy would quietly insist he repeat his answer and, from the look of abject fear in his eyes as he hastened to do whatever she asked, it was very clear. She was in total control and he wasn’t holding back on anything. Tony was terrified.


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