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Missy the Werecat

Page 26

by P. G. Allison

  “Martial arts? Sparring?” The doctor was looking at her like she had two heads. He went on to say, “Let’s see about the leg. We’ll continue this discussion later.” Then, with help from his team, they went ahead and set her fibula. She insisted on having no medication whatsoever. They kept checking to see if she was reacting, but she merely grinned at them. She did, however, break out in a sweat which was very obvious and the intensity of her facial expression made it very clear. She was not oblivious to what was happening. She was indeed experiencing something. Possibly, as she had stated, she really was able to just ignore it.

  Missy’s ability to compartmentalize things in her mind had indeed allowed her to ignore it. Just as she had that “quiet place” in her mind where she’d go when she Shifted, she had learned how to go to various other places in her mind. She could ignore pain until her rapid healing made the pain go away. Or, until she Shifted. That burst of energy from within which her body used each time she Changed would always heal things well enough that she always felt pretty good afterwards. Drained and starved, yes, but she’d no longer be in any pain.

  Once the leg was set, they wrapped it in an Ace bandage. Then, they wanted to discuss the need for a cast. Missy realized they really weren’t getting it. “Guys, guys!” Missy figured she may as well just tell them. They weren’t going to ever understand anyway. “I’m going to be back at work on Monday. I’m a lifeguard at Revere Beach, okay? And, my leg will be completely healed up. If it will make you happy, I’ll stop in here first thing that morning for an x-ray, just so you can check up on me. Will that satisfy you? I’m really starved now and this has definitely been a long day. So, I just want to go home now and get something to eat. Okay?”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Aug 2017

  Missy and Mike were driving up to Senator Maxwell’s vacation home on Ossipee Lake in New Hampshire. They were in Mike’s Acura and this was the first time they’d ever gone away together for an overnight. They’d be there for two nights actually, along with the Stratton family. And, since Senator Maxwell was now engaged, his fiancé would be there as well. He’d invited Missy so she could reunite with the Strattons and had assured her it was okay to bring a friend.

  Missy had already explained to Mike about the Strattons and Senator Maxwell. When she’d accepted the invitation a month ago, she’d told him about meeting them when she’d first come down from the mountains. In Virginia. And, yeah. She’d helped a little, rescuing them from their car. She’d known he’d go research what he could learn about her being down there, just as he’d done concerning everything else pertaining to her. She’d continue letting him just figure things out on his own. So far, that had worked okay. He’d been pretty good about not asking her to explain things. He’d learned just about everything about her which was available from the many newspaper articles and the internet. And, he’d accepted that she just wasn’t ready to provide him details about all sorts of things. The fact that he was willing to accept her on those terms meant the world to Missy.

  On the way up, he started telling her what he’d managed to piece together once she’d shared this latest info. “So, now I know you came down from the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. That’s a long way from Keene, New Hampshire, where you went missing.” He looked at her but she only nodded her head and smiled. “Okay, then. Two years in the mountains. That’s what you told me. I guess it didn’t occur to me that your escapades up in those mountains would take you quite that far down the East Coast …” Again, he looked at her and again she only smiled.

  Missy knew it was killing him, not knowing, but she really couldn’t share anything with Mike about those two years. Maybe someday. She was still waiting to explain to her little brother about being a werecat. She’d been really tempted, too. That weekend after she broke her leg, rescuing the boy from the fire? She’d locked herself in her room and Shifted that first night. Then, when she could, she’d Changed back. The next day, she was actually able to walk on her leg but didn’t do that in front of Patrick. She’d eaten double rations for herself the whole weekend and had Shifted back and forth again on Saturday. That had been enough and Sunday she was back to normal. Her leg was completely healed. And, her brother was completely baffled.

  Of course, baffled didn’t begin to describe the way others reacted. Showing up that Monday morning at the hospital? Before returning to work? The expressions on those faces? Doctor Lisiewski had his whole team there, waiting for her. She waltzed in there, again barefoot and only wearing her bathing suit, and twirled around in front of them. She’d announced she was ready for her x-ray and it felt like she’d won a prize. She’d almost asked them for a lollipop.

  That intern had done some research. He had included all sorts of stories he’d managed to find. Not only about the mixed martial arts and karate trophies. She’d played on four different teams during her junior year and, for each one of them, her name had managed getting into the papers for one reason or another. And, he’d blown up some of those World Expo photos -- guys really seemed to like that one with the fierce expression on her face. That one kept showing up. She insisted they take a new photo of her, right there in the hospital.

  By now, a crowd had gathering around. There’d been a big write-up in the news and the story had even been mentioned on TV. LIFEGUARD SAVES BOY FROM FIRE! When she’d mentioned posing for them, the cameras and smart phones all appeared like magic. She’d laughed and then said, “Wait, wait! I have to untie my braids!” She was wearing two braids, one on each side, with these then tied together on top of her head. It was how she liked putting up all her long hair, both at the beach and also for sparring or working out.

  Pulling her braids out straight on each side, she’d said “This is my Pippi Longstocking look!” Several onlookers had all gotten the joke right away, comparing herself to the super-strong redheaded girl in Sweden whose various adventures had been a children’s classic for more than fifty years. Her dark red hair and the two braids sticking out were just right. A lot of photos were taken that morning and she’d enjoyed being the celebrity. Of course, the fact that she’d looked especially great parading around in front of them like some model for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition had certainly added to everyone’s interest.

  Mike glanced at her once again and finally asked, “Okay, tell me what’s so funny! I see you sitting over there, barely able to contain your giggles.” As always, he was picking up on her mood. Today, she was really happy.

  Missy laughed and told him, “Pippi Longstocking! I was remembering how much fun it was watching those old movies. My Dad rented them one year and we watched them together. I was maybe eight?” She saw he was not getting this at all. “Didn’t you ever watch those? I’m sure Michelle did. They were great!”

  Mike laughed. “Oh, I’m sure she probably did. The way the two of you always manage liking the same things, I’d bet on that. But, no. Not me! Sorry!” Glancing her way he added, “Of course, if you’d like, I’d be happy to rent them for you. Anytime. Just as long as I get to snuggle up next to you while we’re watching them.”

  “Ha, ha! You’d agree to let me watch just about anything, under those conditions, wouldn’t you?” She felt a warm glow inside, the way she always did when bantering with Mike. Then she sighed. Time to put her shields up. Or, was it down? Whatever. Time for those controls she needed. Besides, they were almost there. She was really excited about seeing the Strattons again. Especially Emily, all grown up at seven years old. Hey, she wondered to herself. Maybe Emily would enjoy watching Pippi Longstocking.


  They were welcomed with great enthusiasm and Mike was really impressed with how highly regarded his girlfriend Missy was. By the senator. How cool was that? And, he’d read up on Bill Stratton, who was an impressive businessman. Real estate and luxury hotels. A millionaire several times over. Even Jennifer Chesworth, the senator’s finance. She was a well known lawyer and lobbyist, especially for women’s rights issues. She liv
ed in Washington D.C., like the Strattons, but lately was spending more and more time in Massachusetts because of the senator.

  Senator Maxwell’s first wife had divorced him after only three years and he’d been dating various women for the past five years. He’d only started dating Jennifer a few months ago, but had proposed soon after. Something had obviously clicked for them. She’d been married before also but had lost her husband to cancer two years earlier. She was very attractive, with dark hair and intelligent brown eyes. She was only five-two and rather slim but she exuded such a positive energy about things that she somehow seemed much bigger. When she walked into a room, people noticed.

  Emily and Missy were immediately drawn together and it was obvious they somehow had a real connection. They were like secret conspirators, already off plotting and planning things. Mike tried to not feel overwhelmed, but it was difficult. He and Missy were among some very important company who were all doing big things out in the world. He had only just graduated from high school.

  He was glad they had arrived just before dinner. Somehow, he felt sure he’d be able to relax a bit and get to know these people better during the meal. Lobsters, steamed clams and corn on the cob. Food you used your fingers to eat with and you’d wear a bib and have plenty of napkins. No way could anyone be formal during a meal like that. He was already looking forward to watching Missy eat. She enjoyed it so much! She’d already pointed at two of the lobsters, both good size, and claimed those for herself.

  Now she was insisting he join her out back. There was a private dock and she wanted to walk out to the end of it and experience the lake and the surrounding mountains off in the distance. Mike suddenly could feel her emotions. He realized immediately that those mountains were affecting her. He really had no idea what she’d gone through but she’d spent two years living up in them, somewhere. He went out and joined her right away. “How long has it been, Missy? Do you miss those mountains?”

  Missy replied, “Yes, I miss them and it’s been two years. Things have just been so crazy and so busy! But, I really am going to keep coming back. I have to. Just seeing them again is really such a rush, you know?” She sighed and then took some deep breaths. “Ummmm, I can smell them!” Her eyes closed and the expression on her face was pure bliss.

  “I know you won’t say much about those two years.” Mike looked at her. “But, did you spend time up in the White Mountains? Or, were you only over in the Keene area until you went south?”

  Missy kept her eyes closed and continued inhaling the air. She had her mouth open and seemed to be drawing air through her mouth as well as her nose. “Oh, yes! I was all over up there. Mount Washington … looking out over everything from those peaks up there. That first winter … so, so beautiful! But cold! Oh, it was cold!” She actually shivered and began to laugh. Then she opened her eyes and looked at him.

  He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her. He knew she really wanted that, badly, and he was about to move forward when he heard the senator calling everyone to dinner. Right away, Missy’s face changed. Her whole mood changed and it made him laugh. No, he was not about to get in Missy’s way once she knew food was ready. Romance would just have to wait. And, worse yet? She really loved lobsters and clams. He grabbed her hand and raced back, trying to keep up with her.


  An hour later, they were still sitting around the table. All the food had been cleared away along with the clam shells and lobster shells plus the tools and utensils needed for cracking open those lobsters. Watching Missy show Emily how to get all the lobster meat out had been fun. She’d put on a real show and made everyone laugh. Very messy, which she’d explained was the best part. Now, everyone seemed content to just stay right there. The view out the window was gorgeous, with the sun setting over the lake.

  Jennifer said, “Missy, it’s a real pleasure to have you here. Back when I first started dating Ed, he right away brought me over to meet Bill and Mary. And Emily, of course. And, I’ve heard them all make such nice comments about you. I know you’ve stayed in touch and Emily even has a scrapbook she showed me.” She looked around and everyone seemed relaxed, so she continued. “Ed told me how you saved his friends. He even explained how it was decided to keep your secret. Not giving the media your name back then. Well, I won’t go on and on about all the things Ed told me. I just wanted to let you know that I was really impressed and now that I’ve met you, I’m even more impressed. So, again, thank you for coming up this weekend.”

  Right away, the senator and Bill both jumped up and said, in unison, “Hear, hear!” Mike looked over at Missy and it was obvious she was quite overwhelmed by this. She even had tears in her eyes.

  Mike wanted to help, so once they sat down he said, “Mrs. Chesworth, that’s such a nice thing to say about Missy. Look, you’ve got her sitting there speechless, which is something I never get to see.” Everyone laughed, which is what he’d hoped would happen. “Yep, she has tears in her eyes. But, I know how much she’s been looking forward to coming up here. This trip is very special, getting reunited with you folks again. I can only say, as her chauffeur, how honored I am to be included in all this. And, did I mention how delicious those lobsters were? Speaking for Missy -- still speechless, I see -- since I know how much she loves lobsters and clams, we both can’t thank you enough!”

  Everyone laughed at that. And, in unison once again, the senator and Bill stood up and said, “Hear, hear!” More laughter.

  But, Missy now was able to find her voice. “My heart is bursting here, everyone,” she said, waving for them to sit down again as she stood up. “You’re all way too sweet. And, as for my chauffeur …” She paused to look around, after emphasizing chauffeur, and of course everyone was chuckling. She continued, “I just may have a promotion for him.” She turned and looked at Mike. “Now, don’t go changing your Facebook relationship status or anything. But, maybe Boyfriend-in-Training might be an appropriate step up for you. Of course, you still have to drive me around to wherever I want to go.” More laughter, all around. Missy felt a really warm glow inside and sat back down.


  The weekend was going by much too quickly and Missy was amazed at how well all their activities had gone. She didn’t play golf but Mike did. The guys had all gone golfing that morning and were now bragging about how well Mike had done off the tee. His drives were consistently several yards longer than anyone else’s and usually straight down the fairway. She and Emily had gone swimming while Mary and Jennifer had run some errands. The weather had been perfect.

  In the afternoon, they’d all gone fishing in three separate boats which the senator had rented. She and Mike had Emily in their boat and when Emily caught an eighteen inch bass, which turned out to be the biggest fish anyone caught that day, everyone was thrilled. Mike scooped it up in the net after several minutes of pretty exciting action during which Emily would scream each time the fish jumped out of the water. It weighed well over two pounds and the photo they took with her holding it up was special. She was so proud of herself.

  Missy and Mike didn’t catch any fish, but both Bill and the senator each caught a bass and Bill caught a large lake trout. They grilled all four fish that night, along with some shrimp, and agreed that life didn’t get any better than that.

  Mary and Jennifer were really funny together and Missy could see they were becoming close friends. She felt honored they were treating her like such a grown up, including her in their conversations and sharing all sorts of interesting gossip about the goings on down in Washington. Some of the behind the scenes escapades were indeed unbelievable. But, the hilarious comments the two women kept making, filling her in on things, were what made her feel accepted and a true member of their inner circle. Each comment was more outrageous than the one before it. She finally had to excuse herself and go find Mike.

  She and Mike did get some private time together also, which was special. They went and sat on the edge of the dock and just talked for over an hou
r, watching the sun go down and staying there long after as the moon slowly climbed higher and higher. Mike was going to live on campus at his university in Medford and she wouldn’t be able to see him as often, even though it was less than a half hour away. College would be very busy for him and she had so many activities planned for her senior year at high school, they’d be lucky to manage dating all that often. When she asked him about his maybe wanting to date other girls, since after all, she was still only in high school, he laughed.

  “Missy, I’m so crazy about you, I can’t think straight. There won’t be any other girls. Not as long as you’re willing to put up with me. That’s my only worry, you know. That you’ll move on and leave me behind.” He already had one arm around her and when she turned to look up at him, he bent down and kissed her. Her response left no doubt that, at least for now, she wasn’t moving on. He wanted more, lots more, but she pushed him back after only a minute.

  Missy was breathless and pushing Mike away was difficult. Kissing him was so great but she knew she needed to restrain herself. She was thrilled that he seemed so completely into her but she also wanted to be honest. It was time she made him aware of her plans. “Mike, I’m not exactly going to be leaving you behind. It means everything to me that you feel this way. But, I am looking ahead to when I go to college.”

  He knew she’d scored well over 600 on both Math and English for her SAT scores, and these would probably go even higher when she took them again next spring. With her lettering in four sports each year, not to mention all those trophies in karate … well, she could probably go to any college she wanted. She just hadn’t actually mentioned anything about college plans. Until now. “I’m almost afraid to ask. Okay, Missy. Where are you hoping to go to college?” After asking her that, he sat back and studied her.


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