The Heart of Arima.

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The Heart of Arima. Page 45

by Emma V. Leech

  He had slept on top of the duvet with his head at my feet and to be fair, he’d kept his promise. I wondered if I should have let him stay, but the truth was that I felt calmer when he was near. He said it was because we were connected now, because Corvus’ blood ran in his veins. It made me feel closer to the family, to Corvus. Whatever it was it made me feel stronger and for that I was grateful.

  I still wasn’t sure if I trusted Lucas, though Corvus himself had promised me I could. There had been too much hatred between us and even Corvus hadn’t known all of it. He hadn’t known Lucas had left me to die. If he had he might not have been so quick to assure me. Perhaps it was because I was Master now though, he had to serve me whether he liked it or not. He had resented Corvus’ Mastership over him though, what on earth must he think now the woman he despised had that role? Perhaps he was tricking me, lulling me into a false sense of security, but I had felt he was utterly sincere last night. No. I knew he was. He simply couldn’t lie to me. He could evade perhaps but not lie. Nonetheless, I would treat him with caution.

  I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes, dressing quickly in the bathroom before tiptoeing around the sleeping vampire. I shut the door quietly and hurried downstairs to Corvus’ office. Closing the door behind me I caught my breath. I hadn’t been in here since ... Since ...

  I swallowed and closed my eyes, breathing deeply. The room smelled faintly of him and I ran my hands over the desk, remembering how he had loved me with such desperation and need when we had last been here together, and understanding it all now. He had told me he would love me for all eternity and I had promised to do the same. I had wasted so much of our time together, wasted it being afraid, being unsure, being so pigheaded and stupid I could weep for the rest of my days and still not forgive myself.

  I wouldn’t make the same mistake again. I had known when we first met that this time was coming and I had known, even then, that I would have to fight for him and I would. I would keep the promise I had made him then and repeated just a few days ago. I would love him for eternity and I would never, ever let him go.

  There was a dirty bundle of cloth left on the table. I looked at it with distaste as I realised what it was: Sariel’s heart.

  I ignored it and instead went to the little glass-fronted cabinet and pulled out the drawer, remembering the last time I had seen it, when Corvus had finally accepted it really was me and that Jéhnina and I were one and the same. I remembered my reaction with shame. I hadn’t known of course. I was so ignorant about everything back then but he had been so hurt when I had given him the bracelet back. My heart felt like it was being crushed in my chest as I remembered. I found the battered wooden box in exactly the same place as it had been and pulled it out, opening the bag within and sliding the bracelet into the palm of my hand. I felt the sensation of the spell run over me, knowing now that was what it was. I had spelled it to keep my sister, and anyone else, from taking it from me.

  I studied it, stroking the surface and feeling the tiny ridges of the scales. Corvus had been dreaming of this symbol, the ouroboros. Surely that had to mean something? I opened the little catch and slid the bracelet on. The thought nagged at me that it was referring to what had already happened. Life out of death, Corvus had become vampire and I had been reincarnated and returned to him, maybe that was it and its story was done? I blinked away tears. No. It wasn’t the end. Jéhnina had dreamt of fire and blood – but she was burned at the stake – a voice whispered in my head. No. I wouldn’t believe that was the end of it.


  “No!” I said out loud.

  There was a shift in the atmosphere and I spun around as the surface of this world shimmered and split and Sariel stood before me.

  I looked up into those violet eyes and wanted to rage at him. Why hadn’t he helped me? Why hadn’t he done something, anything? He was an angel! Surely he was on the side of good wasn’t he? I could almost hear Corvus laughing at me, reprimanding me for seeing things so simply, in such black and white terms.

  “I am sorry for your pain, Jéhenne.”

  “Sorry enough to help me get him back?” I asked bitterly, already knowing the answer.

  He shook his head. “You know I cannot.”

  “A fat lot of good that does me then!” I pointed at the bundle of rags, suppressing the fury I felt at his refusal. “There’s what you came for. We’re even now I take it?”

  He watched me silently and I wondered if he was going to say that we weren’t, that I still owed him.

  “Perhaps more than even," he said softly.

  I felt my heart give a little jump as hope fluttered to life. “You mean you owe me?”

  He frowned. “I do not owe anyone, ever. It may be that I would feel kindly towards you, if you needed help in the future.”

  “I’m going to get him back.” I waited for him to tell me it was impossible but then he did something that I didn't expect. I saw him smile, a real smile, which was a terribly rare thing. It felt like the sun coming out. I could feel his approval shine down on me, warming my skin. It made me want to make him smile always. “Help me, Sariel. Help me bring him home," I pleaded.

  “I cannot, you know this. It is forbidden,” he said gently, almost as if he regretted the fact, but the little flutter of hope died. He tilted his head slightly as he considered me and I shuddered at the feeling. There were no secrets from Sariel. “When you have him, however ...”

  My heart leaped in my chest. “You could help him? Cure the madness?”

  “No, Jéhenne. What you have been told of Tartarus is all true. He cannot be cured. I can give him peace, however.”

  “No! No, there has to be a way. I won’t believe there is nothing to be done.” I wiped away tears, angry that he had given me hope only to snatch it away again. “If you can’t help me, please go.”

  He was standing there, watching me and I wished he would just leave but I guessed you didn’t dismiss an angel.

  “You are very powerful now, Jéhenne. You could pose a real threat.”

  “A threat to whom?”

  “You hold the key still. You are Master of this family and La Dame Blanche. Dis Pater could not take you now, but is that all or will you face him? Punish him for what he has done?”

  There was something in his tone that puzzled me and I frowned at him. Since when did he care what I did? I studied his eyes as the light finally dawned. “You want me to face him, to punish him. You ... You hate him too?”

  I thought I saw the corner of his mouth twitch but it was so slight I might have imagined it. He turned and carefully undid the collection of dirty rags that wrapped his heart. For a moment a light blazed in the room, so bright that I had to turn away. I looked back as the light faded to see him holding it in his hands. It shimmered, opalescent, as bright as a diamond, and as cold as frost. He looked at me, those violet eyes bright with triumph and he held the heart up before throwing his arms wide and it disappeared. There was a burst of power that made my ears ring and when I looked back the light bloomed from within him. He was whole again. Complete.

  "Well, I'm glad one of us has our heart back," I said with a bitter smile.

  “Thanks to you, Jéhenne. I will not forget that." He stepped closer to me, the violet eyes on mine. "You may call me, when you have him.”

  My heart stopped beating for a moment as hope bloomed anew. “You will help?” I gasped and fell to my knees in front of him. “Please, Sariel, please! I will do anything. Anything you want. Another bargain ...”

  “Hush, child!” he said severely. “Use your head this time.”

  “Please, please ...” I begged him. Anything to give me hope.

  He nodded and smiled at me and once more the sun warmed my face, bringing light into the darkness of my existence. “We will speak again ...soon.”

  He stepped backwards as the air around him pulsed and shimmered and vanished.

  I sat there, watching the space where he had been, hardly daring to hope.

sp; “Jéhenne?”

  I turned to see Rodney in the doorway and the sight of his friendly face was all I needed for my emotions to overwhelm me. He took one look at me and I was pulled to my feet and bundled up into a hug.

  “I’m so sorry, luv, so very sorry.”

  I wept against him and heard him sobbing too. We stood together, neither of us speaking until my skin prickled with an intensity that made me draw in a sharp breath and a wave of nausea swept over me that had me clutching at my stomach.

  “What ...?” I gasped, looking at Rodney who was looking equally freaked.

  “It’s Cain working on the wards. Dis Pater’s been tryin’ to get to you. The wards Inés and the others made won’t last much longer. Cain he’s ... Well he’s freaking scary, luv. I dunno what kind of magic he’s doin’ in there an’ I don’t wanna know but it aint nothin’ good.”

  I let Rodney go and raced from the room. The closer I got to the fireplace, the gateway to the underworld, the stronger the sensation got. I clung to the door frame, gasping before summoning the will to open the door.

  The curtains were closed and the room was in darkness save for the ring of candles that surrounded my brother. He was kneeling, eyes closed. His head was tipped back, a knife in his right hand. The firelight shone on his hair, making the red blaze like copper and flickering against his skin. Stripped to the waist the runes and spells tattooed over his body seemed to shift and move as he chanted, words that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and my senses scream for me to run. His left hand was raised and I could see blood drip from his elbow to the polished wood floor. He had created a circle of his own blood around him and now as he chanted he transferred the knife to his left hand and cut his other wrist.

  “No!” I shouted but Rodney held me back and Inés stepped out of the darkness and clutched at my arms.

  “You cannot stop him now, Nina. It is too late.”

  “He’ll kill himself!” I was suddenly aware that I didn’t want him to die. I wasn’t sure I would ever forgive him for what he had done but I didn’t want to lose him too.

  “He won’t die,” she said softly.

  “Oh my God.”

  I realised with horror why he wouldn’t face Sariel, why his eyes were always so empty and the aura around him so very dark. He had been trading himself. His soul had been sold- piece by piece - for power.

  He’d sold his soul for the power to stay alive and be here ...for me.

  I watched as he raised his arms, blood pouring from the wounds. He glistened with sweat, his breathing heavy as he fought to stay conscious and finish casting a spell that Dis Pater would never cross. I felt a wave of emotion towards the god who had ruined so many lives. My hatred and anger was so intense the eyes of every single vampire snapped open as they felt my fury and shared it with me.

  I sent them all a promise, each and every one.

  I would get Corvus back.

  Dis Pater would pay for what he had done to him, for what he had done to me and to them, to my family.

  We would make him pay.

  To be continued...

  Check out my website for information about my other work. There are FREE stories in the member's area including an exclusive interview with Corin and updates for Book Three,The Fires of Tartarus.

  For those of you who would like to get to know Corin a bit better, do come and check out The Dark series.

  The Dark Prince

  The Dark Heart (Book 2)




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